PP Systems TARGAS-1 Operation Manuals

Portable Photosynthesis S ystem
Operation Manual
Version 1.02
110 Haverhill Road, Suite 301
Amesbury, MA 01913 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 978-834-0505 Fax : +1 978-834-0545
Email: support@ppsystems.com URL: www.ppsystems.com
February 2018
PP Systems
Welcome ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
User Registration ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Service & Warranty .................................................................................................................................. 10
Contact Information ................................................................................................................................. 10
Unpacking and Storage of Your Equipment ............................................................................................ 11
Storage – Transport Case ................................................................................................................ 11
Powering up the TARGAS-1 for the First Time ....................................................................................... 11
Data Storage ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Technical Specification ............................................................................................................................... 12
TARGAS-1 CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (Main Console) ............................................................................... 12
PLC5 Leaf Cuvette .................................................................................................................................. 13
Light Unit (Optional) ................................................................................................................................. 14
Summary of System Design ........................................................................................................................ 14
Overview and Theory .............................................................................................................................. 14
System Components for Measurement of Leaf Gas Exchange.................................................................. 16
TARGAS-1 CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer ........................................................................................................ 16
PLC5 Leaf Cuvette .................................................................................................................................. 17
Light Unit (Optional) .......................................................................................................................... 17
External Sensors/Chambers for Use with TARGAS-1 ............................................................................ 17
Quantum Sensor ............................................................................................................................... 17
TRP-3 Temperature/PAR Probe ....................................................................................................... 18
SRC-2 Soil Respiration Ch amber ..................................................................................................... 18
CPY-5 Canopy Assimilation Chamber .............................................................................................. 19
STP-2 Soil Temperature Probe ........................................................................................................ 19
Getting Familiar with the TARGAS-1 Portable Photosynthesis System ..................................................... 20
TARGAS-1 Portable CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (Main Console) ................................................................ 20
Back of TARGAS-1 .................................................................................................................................. 22
PLC5 Leaf Cuvette .................................................................................................................................. 23
Light Unit (Optional) .......................................................................................................................... 23
Quick Start................................................................................................................................................... 24
Leaf Gas Exchange Measurements – Recom m ended Set-up ................................................................... 26
When should I record a measurement? .................................................................................................. 26
Schematic of TARGAS-1 Portable Photosynthesis System Air Supply System ..................................... 27
Routine System Checks Before Starting ..................................................................................................... 28
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 2 support@ppsystems.com
System Power ............................................................................................................................................. 29
Battery Specification ................................................................................................................................ 29
Power Su pp l y/AC Ad apter R ati ng: .......................................................................................................... 29
TARGAS-1 Main Console Components ...................................................................................................... 30
Touch Display .......................................................................................................................................... 30
Navigation using the Touch Display ................................................................................................. 30
Power S w it ch ........................................................................................................................................... 30
Ext Power Jack ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Ext Power LED ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Probe Ports .............................................................................................................................................. 31
PLC Gas Ports ......................................................................................................................................... 31
Gas Ports ................................................................................................................................................. 32
Flow Rate .......................................................................................................................................... 32
USB Flash Drive Port .............................................................................................................................. 32
USB PC Port ............................................................................................................................................ 32
Absorber Columns ................................................................................................................................... 33
Auto-Zero Column ............................................................................................................................ 33
Molecular Sieve ................................................................................................................................ 33
Molecular Sieve Repackaging .......................................................................................................... 34
CO2 & H2O Control Columns ............................................................................................................ 34
Soda Lime ......................................................................................................................................... 34
Drierite .............................................................................................................................................. 35
Foam Filters ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Absorber Filters ................................................................................................................................ 36
“O” Rings .......................................................................................................................................... 36
TARGAS-1 Menu Overview (Flow Chart) ................................................................................................... 37
Splash Screen ............................................................................................................................................. 37
General Screen Info .................................................................................................................................... 39
Measure Screen Info ............................................................................................................................... 39
Parameters in Parenthesis ...................................................................................................................... 39
Heartbeat and Display Update Rate: ....................................................................................................... 40
Data Entry Screen ................................................................................................................................... 40
Measurement Mode .................................................................................................................................... 41
Measure Screen 1 ................................................................................................................................... 41
Measure Screen 2 ................................................................................................................................... 43
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 3 support@ppsystems.com
Graphic Display Screen ........................................................................................................................... 43
Alternative Measurement Screens .............................................................................................................. 45
Diff Mode ................................................................................................................................................. 45
Measure Screen 1 ............................................................................................................................ 45
Measure Screen 2 ............................................................................................................................ 45
Graphic Display Screen .................................................................................................................... 46
Closed or Absolute Mode ........................................................................................................................ 47
Measure Screen 1 ............................................................................................................................ 47
Measure Screen 2 ............................................................................................................................ 47
Graphic Display Screen .................................................................................................................... 48
Direct Link Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 49
CO2r Setting ............................................................................................................................................ 49
H2Or Setting ............................................................................................................................................ 49
PARi Setting ............................................................................................................................................ 50
Flow Setting ............................................................................................................................................. 50
TLeaf Setting ........................................................................................................................................... 51
Area Setting ............................................................................................................................................. 51
Main Menu................................................................................................................................................... 52
Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 52
Settings 1 Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 52
Device Mode Settings ....................................................................................................................... 53
RB Setting ......................................................................................................................................... 54
RS Factor Setting ............................................................................................................................. 55
Zero Settings .................................................................................................................................... 55
Graph Setting .................................................................................................................................... 57
Reset Zero Absorber ........................................................................................................................ 57
Settings 2 Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 58
Alarm Sound Setting ......................................................................................................................... 58
Averaging Setting ............................................................................................................................. 59
Interval Settings ................................................................................................................................ 59
TARGAS ID Setting .......................................................................................................................... 60
Settings 3 Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 60
Probe Port Settings ........................................................................................................................... 61
Ref On Time Setting ......................................................................................................................... 62
An On Time Setting .......................................................................................................................... 62
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 4 support@ppsystems.com
Alarm Settings .................................................................................................................................. 63
Sample Flow Setting ......................................................................................................................... 63
Settings 4 Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 64
Host Port Setting ............................................................................................................................... 64
Reset WiFi Settings .......................................................................................................................... 65
WiFi Power Setting ........................................................................................................................... 65
Set Clock Settings ............................................................................................................................ 66
Default Settings ................................................................................................................................ 66
Ship Mode Settings ........................................................................................................................... 67
Processes.................................................................................................................................................... 69
SRC (Soil Respiration Chamber) Process .............................................................................................. 69
Connecting the SRC-2 Soil Respiration Chamber to the TARGAS-1 .............................................. 69
SRC – Start Process (Step 1) ........................................................................................................... 70
SRC – Volume and Area Settings (Step 2) ...................................................................................... 70
SRC – Termination Settings (Step 3) ............................................................................................... 71
SRC – Other Settings (Step 4) ......................................................................................................... 71
SRC Flushing (Step 5) ...................................................................................................................... 72
SRC – Start Measuring (Step 6) ....................................................................................................... 72
Data Plot Screen (Step 7) ................................................................................................................. 73
For more information on the theory and calculation of soil respiration/canopy assimilation, please
refer to Mass Flow ............................................................................................................................ 74
Transpiration ..................................................................................................................................... 74
Leaf Temperature ............................................................................................................................. 75
Saturation Vapor Pressure ............................................................................................................... 76
Stomatal Conductance ..................................................................................................................... 76
Net Photosynthesis ........................................................................................................................... 77
Intercellular CO2 Concentration ........................................................................................................ 77
Definition of Symbols and Physical Constants Used in Equations ................................................... 78
References ....................................................................................................................................... 79
CPY (Canopy Assimilation Chamber) Process ....................................................................................... 80
Connecting the CPY-5 Canopy Assimilation Chamber to the TARGAS-1 ....................................... 80
CPY – Start Process (Step 1) ........................................................................................................... 80
CPY – Volume and Area Settings (Step 2)....................................................................................... 81
CPY – Termination Sett ing s (Step 3) ............................................................................................... 82
CPY – Other Settings (Step 4) ......................................................................................................... 82
CPY – Prepare Chamber (Step 5) .................................................................................................... 83
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 5 support@ppsystems.com
CPY – Start Measuring (Step 6) ....................................................................................................... 83
CPY Data Plot Screen (Step 7) ........................................................................................................ 84
For more information on the theory and calculation of soil respiration/canopy assimilation, please
refer to Mass Flow ............................................................................................................................ 85
Transpiration ..................................................................................................................................... 85
Leaf Temperature ............................................................................................................................. 86
Saturation Vapor Pressure ............................................................................................................... 87
Stomatal Conductance ..................................................................................................................... 87
Net Photosynthesis ........................................................................................................................... 88
Intercellular CO2 Concentration ........................................................................................................ 88
Definition of Symbols and Physical Constants Used in Equations ................................................... 89
References ....................................................................................................................................... 90
Custom Process ...................................................................................................................................... 91
Custom – Start Process (Step 1) ...................................................................................................... 91
Custom – Volume and Area Settings (Step 2).................................................................................. 92
Custom – Termination Settings (Step 3) .......................................................................................... 92
Custom – Other Settings (Step 4) .................................................................................................... 93
Custom – Prepare Cham ber (Step 5) ............................................................................................... 94
Custom – Start Measuring (Step 6) .................................................................................................. 94
Custom Data Plot Screen (Step 7) ................................................................................................... 95
Injection Process ..................................................................................................................................... 96
Measurement Principle ..................................................................................................................... 96
Sample Injection Kit (Part No. ACS037) ........................................................................................... 97
Injection – Start Process (Step 1) ..................................................................................................... 98
Injection – Settings (Step 2) ............................................................................................................. 98
Injection – Sample Setting (Step 3) .................................................................................................. 99
Injection - Zero (Step 4) .................................................................................................................... 99
Injection – Baseline Phase ( Step 5) ............................................................................................... 100
Injection – Injection Phas e (Step 6) ................................................................................................ 101
Information Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 102
About ..................................................................................................................................................... 103
Contact .................................................................................................................................................. 103
Calibration ................................................................................................................................................. 104
CO2 Calibration ...................................................................................................................................... 104
Connecting Calibration Gas to the TARGAS-1 .............................................................................. 105
H2O Calibration ...................................................................................................................................... 107
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 6 support@ppsystems.com
Connecting Dew Point Generator to the TARGAS-1 ...................................................................... 108
Touch Calibration .................................................................................................................................. 110
PAR ....................................................................................................................................................... 110
Light Unit Calibration ............................................................................................................................. 112
Diagnostics ................................................................................................................................................ 114
CO2 IRGA Diagnostics .......................................................................................................................... 115
H2O IRGA Diagnostics .......................................................................................................................... 116
Battery Diagnostics ................................................................................................................................ 117
CO2 Zeros Diagnostics ......................................................................................................................... 117
H2O Zeros Diagnostics ......................................................................................................................... 118
Advanced Diagnostics ........................................................................................................................... 118
Data Storage ............................................................................................................................................. 119
USB Flash Drive (Memory Stick) ........................................................................................................... 119
Data Storage Format ............................................................................................................................. 120
Data Storage/Measure Format Table ....................................................................................................... 121
Measure Extension Code Format Tables .............................................................................................. 121
Digital Connection Methods ...................................................................................................................... 125
USB ....................................................................................................................................................... 125
Wireless ................................................................................................................................................. 125
Digital Communication Protocols and Software .................................................................................... 125
TARGAS-1 Command Set ........................................................................................................................ 125
TARGAS-1 Auto Strings ........................................................................................................................ 127
TARGAS-1 Command Set Table .......................................................................................................... 128
Get/Set Parameter Values Table .......................................................................................................... 132
GAS (Gas Analysis Software) ................................................................................................................... 136
Error Messages ......................................................................................................................................... 138
Maintenance .............................................................................................................................................. 140
External Air Filter ................................................................................................................................... 140
Absorber Columns and Desiccants ....................................................................................................... 141
Gray Foam Filters ........................................................................................................................... 141
Absorber Filters .............................................................................................................................. 141
End Cap “O” Rings ......................................................................................................................... 141
Soda Lime ....................................................................................................................................... 141
Drierite ............................................................................................................................................ 142
Molecular Sieve .............................................................................................................................. 142
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 7 support@ppsystems.com
Molecular Sieve Repackaging ........................................................................................................ 143
Foam Filters .................................................................................................................................... 144
Absorber Filters .............................................................................................................................. 144
“O” Rings ........................................................................................................................................ 144
Access to Internal Components ............................................................................................................ 144
Hydrophobic Filters ......................................................................................................................... 145
Battery............................................................................................................................................. 146
Pumps ............................................................................................................................................. 146
Infrared Source ............................................................................................................................... 146
PLC5 Leaf Cuvette ................................................................................................................................ 147
Replacement of leaf gaskets .......................................................................................................... 147
Checking for Leaks Associated with the PLC5 ............................................................................... 148
PLC5 Gas Connector ...................................................................................................................... 149
PAR Sensor .................................................................................................................................... 149
Light Unit ......................................................................................................................................... 149
Appendix 1. Photosynthesis Equations Used in TARGAS-1 .................................................................... 150
Mass Flow ....................................................................................................................................... 150
Transpiration ................................................................................................................................... 150
Leaf Temperature ........................................................................................................................... 151
Saturation Vapor Pressure ............................................................................................................. 152
Stomatal Conductance ................................................................................................................... 152
Net Photosynthesis ......................................................................................................................... 152
Intercellular CO2 Concentration ...................................................................................................... 153
Definition of Symbols and Physical Constants Used in Equations ................................................. 154
References ..................................................................................................................................... 155
Appendix 2. Soil CO2 Efflux and Net Canopy CO2 Flux ........................................................................... 156
Theory .................................................................................................................................................... 156
Correction for water vapor increase on CO2 efflux ......................................................................... 158
FCO2 Units for measurement of Soil CO2 Efflux ............................................................................ 158
References ..................................................................................................................................... 159
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 8 support@ppsystems.com


Thank you very much for purchasing our TARGAS-1 Portable Photosynthesis System. Although the majority of customers will be using this system for measurement of leaf gas exchange using our PLC5 Leaf Cuvette, it can also be used with a number of additional chambers and accessories for measurement of soil respiration, net canopy flux, PAR, soil temperature, soil moisture and soil temperature and temperature/PAR. The TARGAS-1 can also be used as a stand-alone CO analyzer in both absolute and differential mode. We greatly appreciate your business and we look forward to working with you and your research team for many years to come.
This manual and the information contained within are copyrighted to PP Systems. No part of the manual may be copied, stored, transmitted or reproduced in any way or by any means including, but not limited to, photocopying, pho to gra p hy, magnetic or other mechanical or electronic means, without the prior written consent of PP Systems, Inc.
O gas
For applications where failure of this equipment to function correctly would lead to consequential damage, the equipment must be checked for correct operation and calibration at intervals appropriate to the
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 9 support@ppsystems.com
circumstances. The PP Systems' equipment warranty is limited to replacement of defective components, and does not cover injury to persons or property or other consequential damage.
This manual is provided to help you install and operate the equipment. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information it contains is accurate and complete. PP Systems does not accept any liability for losses or damages resulting from the use of this information.
It is the operator’s responsibility to review this information prior to installation and operation of the equipment. Otherwise, damage may be caused which is not covered under our normal warranty policy.
PP Systems is a registered trademark of PP Systems, Inc. All brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

User Registration

It is very important that ALL new customers register themselves with us to ensure that our user’s list is kept up-to-date. If you are a PP Systems’ user, please go to www.ppsystems.com Registration in the upper left hand corner.
Only REGISTERED users will be allowed access to the protected “Users” section of our web site. This section will contain important product information including hardware/software updates, application notes, newsletters, etc.
and click on Customer
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Service & Warranty

PP Systems' equipment warranty is limited to replacement of defective components, and does not cover injury to persons or property or other consequential damage.
The equipment is covered under warranty for one complete year, parts and labor included. This, of course, is provided that the equipment is properly installed, operated and maintained in accordance with written instructions (i.e. Operator's Guide).
The warranty excludes all defects in equipment caused by incorrect installation, operation or maintenance, misuse, alteration, and/or accident.
If for some reason, a fault is covered under warranty, it is the responsibility of the customer to return the goods to PP Systems or an authorized agent for repair or replacement of the defective part(s).
Prior to returning equipment to PP Systems for service, you must first get in contact with our Service Manager (service@ppsystems.com
) to request a case number for reference and tracking purposes.

Contact Information

PP Systems, Inc.
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 10 support@ppsystems.com
110 Haverhill Rd, Suite 301 Amesbury, MA 01913 USA Tel: 978-834-0505 Fax: 978-834-0545 Sales: sales@ppsystems.com Support: support@ppsystems.com Service: service@ppsystems.com URL: www.ppsystems.com

Unpacking and Storage of Your Equipment

It is extremely important that you check the contents of your equipment immediately upon receipt to ensure that your order is complete and that it has arrived safely. Please refer to the packing list to show all items that are included with your order. DO NOT DISCARD ANY OF THE PACKAGING MATERIAL
list are not included or damaged, you must contact PP Systems or your authorized distributor immediately.

Storage – Transport Case

We highly recommend storing your equipment in a safe, dry location. Every system is supplied with a custom designed transport case which is ideal for both transporting and storage of your system. The transport case allows for storage of:
TARGAS-1 Console
PLC5 Leaf Cuvette and Light Unit
Air Supply Intake Unit
Extra compartment for spares

Powering up the TARGAS-1 for the First Time

When you first receive your new TARGAS-1 from PP Systems you will need to first connect it up to the external power supply/charger prior to powering up the instrument. To avoid accidental power up during shipment we put the instrument into “Ship Mode” (see Ship Mode Settings on page 67 for more information).
Therefore, when you are ready to begin:
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 11 support@ppsystems.com
1. Locate the power supply/charger and power cord inside the packing box.
Analysis Method
Two non-dispersive infrared, configured as an absolute absorptiometer
gas broadening.
CO2 Measurement Ranges
0 10000 μmol mol
Precision: 1 μmol mol
H2O Range
075 mb Precision: 0.1 mb
Pressure Compensation Range
80-115 kPa
Absolute Accuracy
< 1% of span concentration over the calibrated range but limited by the accuracy of the calibration mixture.
Differential Accuracy
± 1 μmol mol
for CO2 differential up to 50 μmol mol
2. Connect the AC power cord to the mains and the barrel connector into the EXT Power socket on the back of the TARGAS-1.
3. Press the ON/OFF switch to power up the instrument. The power switch should now have an illuminating blue ring indicating power is on.
4. Allow 10 -15 minutes to achieve warm-up.
You are ready to go!

Data Storage

For convenience and ease it is very important to note that all TARGAS-1 system data is recorded and saved directly to a USB flash drive (i.e. memory stick or thumb drive). A USB flash drive is included in the spares kit (Part No. 43034-1) with every new system. Most commercially available flash drives are compatible with the TARGAS-1.

Technical Specifica ti o n

TARGAS-1 CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (Main Console)

with microprocessor control of linearization for both CO2 and H2O. All readings are automatically corrected for temperature, pressure and foreign
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 12 support@ppsystems.com
< 1% throughout the range
Auto-zero at regular intervals corrects for sample cell contamination, source and detector ageing and changes in electronics.
User programmable calibration (if required)
Warm-up Time
Approximately 15 minutes
Sampling Rate
10 Hz. Sample data is averaged and output every 1.0 seconds.
Sample Flow Rate
50-200 cc/min. An internal, electronic flow sensor monitors flow rate.
Air Supply Unit
Integral pump for supply of reference air to the leaf cuvette Range: 200-500 cc/min
CO2 and H2O Control
User adjustable from 0-100% of ambient.
Sampling Pump
Integral pump for sample (analysis) air
Range: 50-200 cc/min
An internal electronic flow sensor monitors flow rate.
Sampling Rate
10 Hz. Sample data is averaged and output ever y 1.0 second.
Digital Output
Gas Flow Rate
200-500 cc/min (280-340 cc/min is optimal). An electronic flow sensor monitors flow rate.
Terminal Block
10 pin terminal block for system inputs and outputs
Analog Output
0-2.5V (CO2 range selectable)
Digital Output
One mini USB for connection to external PC
Environmental Sensor Inputs
2 inputs available for use with external chambers and environmental sensors
Visual and audible alarm/warnings
Data Storage (USB)
USB flash drive port for data storage
Mini USB
For connection to external PC
Touch Display
2.7” electronic paper touch display with 264 x 176 pixel resolution
Internal, rechargeable 7.2 V, 8.7Ah Li-Ion battery providing up to 10 hours continuous operation.
Power Consumption
Warm up: 15W (12V @ 1.2A) Normal operation: 7.2W (12V @ 0.6A)
Rugged, ergonomic, lightweight aluminum with polyurethane base.
Gas Connections
Four quick disconnect style fittings for use with 1/8” (.125”) ID tubing
Operating Temperature
0-50 oC, non-condensing. External filtration may be required in dirty environments.
20 cm (L) x 23 cm (H) 10 cm (W) (Enclosure only)
2.1 kg
PP Systems is a registered trademark of PP Systems, Inc.
All brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Cuvette Materials
The materials of construction are carefully selected to ensure maximum accuracy and repeatability of gas exchange measurements.
PP Systems is continuously updating its products and reserves the right to amend product specifications without notice.

PLC5 Leaf Cuvette

TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 13 support@ppsystems.com
Stirring Fan
High speed fan provides efficient mixing of the air inside the leaf chamber for rapid measurement and minimal boundary layer resistance.
Cuvette Window
18 mm x 25 mm (4.5 cm2)
Air Temperature
Precision Thermistor
Accuracy: ± 0.3 oC at 25 oC
PAR Sensor
Cosine corrected
Accuracy: 10 μmol m
30 cm (L) x 3 cm (Handle Diameter)
0.7 kg
PP Systems is a registered trademark of PP Systems, Inc.
All brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Low power LED light unit (White LEDs) easily mounts to the PLC5 Broad Leaf Cuvette.
Control Range
02500 μmol m
6 cm (L) x 6 cm (H) x 5 cm (W)
0.1 kg
PP Systems is a registered trademark of PP Systems, Inc.
All brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Range: 0‐50 oC
Response: 400‐700 nm
Range: 0
3000 μmol m
PP Systems is continuously updating its products and reserves the right to amend product specifications without notice.

Light Unit (Optional)

PP Systems is continuously updating its products and reserves the right to amend product specifications without notice.

Summary of System Desi g n

Overview and Theory

The CO2/H2O gas analyzer is a major part of any portable photosynthesis system. The TARGAS-1 Portable Photosynthesis System features a very accurate, precise and robust CO can be used as part of a powerful leaf gas exchange system (with leaf cuvette) or as a self-contained instrument for continuous measurement of CO continuous, unattended air sampling, as the pump introduces fresh sample gas to the essential component, the IRGA (infrared gas analyzer). It can also be used as an absolute gas analyzer in “closed” mode for measurement of soil CO PP Systems as well as for use with commercially available sensors for environmental monitoring applications (PAR, soil temperature, etc.).
The IRGAs form the core of the TARGAS-1 Portable Photosynthesis System for measurement of both CO
and H2O. Non-dispersive infra-red (NDIR) refers to the transmission of a broad-band infra-red
wavelength from the IRGA source lamps. A single IRGA consists of four basic components:
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 14 support@ppsystems.com
and H2O in air. Its open-path design allows for
efflux and net canopy CO2 flux using chambers supplied by
O Gas Analyzer that
Infra-red source
The TARGAS-1 detectors are optimized for these
Sample cell of known path length and volume
Optical interference filter
Infra-red detector
The theory itself is quite simple – light from mid-infra-red wavelengths is produced by the source and pulsed through a gold plated cell. The interference filter narrows the bandwidth of the IR source received by the detector to the signature wavelength absorbed by the target gas molecule, e.g. CO H
O cells each employ a unique optical filter. As the sample gas fills the cell, it absorbs IR, and the
reduction in IR source strength is measured instantaneously by the detector. The higher the target gas concentration, the lower the infra-red signal received at the detector, as defined by the Lambert-Beer Law of Attenuation.
. The CO2 and
Both H
O and CO2 molecules have diverse absorption spectra, so we use two prominent absorption
peaks, seen below at 2.60 and 4.26 µm, respectively. The TARGAS-1 electronics could be considered the fifth component, which processes raw analog-to-digital (A/D) information from the IRGAs detectors, accurately translating this information into gas concentrations.
wavebands for H2O (2.60 µm) and CO2 (4.26 µm)
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 15 support@ppsystems.com
The gas sample is of course a mixture of gas molecules, and this can present problems in terms of accurate detection of concentrations of a specific gas, such carbon dioxide. This effect, foreign gas broadening (FGB), must be corrected to ensure accurate measurement of gas concentrations. With FGB, the CO This effect is about 0.1 µmol mol in infra-red absorption, which is detected as an apparent increase in [CO but opposite to the dilution effect, and TARGAS-1 automatically corrects these FGB effects.
The TARGAS-1 IRGAs are quite stable owing to their construction, calibration and thermal environment, but various circumstances can cause apparent changes over time. Some changes may require recalibration, although one of the strengths of TARGAS-1 is that recalibration is not a routine (annual) maintenance task. The factory calibration ranges of 0-2000 µmol mol ideally suited for most typical applications.
The TARGAS-1 features an Auto-Zero function that corrects for nearly all changes that result in calibration drifts. Auto-Zero minimizes effects on span (gas sensitivity), of sample cell contamination, lamp ageing, changes in detector sensitivity, amplifier gains and reference voltages. Measurements are ratioed to the Zero reading before IR absorbance is determined. From the relationship bet ween absorbance and concentration determined in the factory for each instrument, and the current calibration factor, the sample concentration is determined.
gas in the IRGA cell is somewhat diluted by the increased air volume induced by water vapor.
CO2 mb-1 H2O. The presence of water vapor also causes an increase
]. This is of a similar magnitude,
CO2 and 0-75 mb water vapor are

System Components for Measu rement of Leaf Gas Exchange

There are 3 main components that make up the TARGAS-1 Portable Photosynthesis System as follows:

TARGAS-1 CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer

The TARGAS-1 console (2.1 kg) features two, non-dispersive infrared gas analyzers for CO aluminum with polyurethane, shock absorbing base making it extremely robust and reliable for use in harsh environmental conditions. An internal air supply unit provides accurately controlled reference air to the leaf cuvette and another pump draws the sample air (analysis) air to the analyzer. Both pumps are user controlled and accuracy is ensured by two internal electronic flow sensors. It is
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 16 support@ppsystems.com
and H2O. It is constructed out of rugged
powered by a powerful, internal rechargeable Li-Ion battery providing up to 10 hour continuous operation in the field.
The gas analyzers should not require frequent calibration, although we do recommend frequent checks to confirm system integrity.

PLC5 Leaf Cuvette

The PLC5 Leaf Cuvette is extremely versatile and light weight (0.7 kg) making it ideal for measurement on a wide variety of vegetation including broad leaves, narrow leaves, grasses and small needle conifers. It includes sensors for measurement of air temperature and PAR. All cuvette materials are carefully selected to minimize influences such as infrared radiation, water sorption, CO leaks. The leaf gaskets provide an air-tight seal without causing damage to vegetation.

Light Unit (Optional)

The light unit is a low power LED based source for light control (light response curves) or for use on cloudy days. The light unit clips onto the PLC5 Leaf Cuvette head and can easily be removed for measurement under ambient conditions.
effects and
Type: LED (white)
Measurement Range: 0-2500 µmol m
-2 s-1

External Sensors/Chambers for Use with TARGAS-1

The following sensors/chambers are external to the TARGAS-1 and electrical connection is made to the Probe Ports (Probe 1 and/or Probe 2) located on the back of the TARGAS-1. See Probe Port Settings on page 61 for more information for proper connection. Gas connections are made to the “Gas In” and “Gas Out” ports on the back of the TARGAS-1 as described for each chamber and sensor below.

Quantum Sensor

An optional quantum sensor (Apogee Instruments) is available for use with the TARGAS-1 for accurate measurement of PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) and it is specifically calibrated for use in sunlight conditions. The sensor housing features a fully potted, dome-shaped head, making the sensor fully weatherproof for self-cleaning. Never use an abrasive material or cleaner on the diffuser.
Range: 0-3000 µmol m
Calibration Uncertainty: ± 5%
-2 s-1
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 17 support@ppsystems.com
Measurement Repeatability < 1%
Long Term Drift: < 2% per year
Cable Length: 5 meters
An optional leveling unit (ACS039) is also available for use with the quantum sensor. We highly recommend that you mount the sensor on a horizontal surface and that it is level for best results. To minimize azimuth error, the sensor should be mounted with the cable pointing toward true north in the northern hemisphere or true south in the southern hemisphere. Azimuth error is typically less than 1%, but is easy to minimize by proper cable orientation. This sensor connects to Probe Port 1 only.
We recommend recalibration of the quantum sensor every 2 years.

TRP-3 Temperature/PAR Probe

An optional probe can be used with the TARGAS-1 for measurement of temperature and PAR. It consists of a rugged, aluminum housing with black foam cover. It also includes a standard tripod thread mount for use with commercially available tripods. The single gas connection for this probe is made to the “Gas In” port on the TARGAS-1. This sensor can be used on Probe Port 1 or 2.
Temperature Sensor (Precision Thermistor)
Range: 0-50
Accuracy: ± 0.3
C at 25 oC
PAR Sensor
Fully cosine corrected
-2 s-1
-2 s-1
Range: 0-3000 µmol m
Accuracy: ± 10 µmol m
Cable Length: 1.5 meters We recommend recalibration of the PAR sensor every 2 years. The temperature sensor should
not require recalibration.

SRC-2 Soil Respiration Chamber

Our SRC-2 Soil Respiration Chamber is available for use with the TARGAS-1 for measurement of closed system, soil CO two gas connections required, one to the GAS IN port, and the other to the GAS OUT port on the TARGAS-1. It is constructed out of rugged PVC with a convenient handle for placement on the soil surface. An aluminum ring provides a good seal on the soil surface or on collars.
Dimensions: 150 mm (Height) x 100 mm (Diameter)
Volume: 1171 ml
Area: 78 cm
Cable Length: 1.5 meters
efflux. There are
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 18 support@ppsystems.com
It includes a temperature sensor for measurement of air temperature near the soil surface. This chamber can be used on Probe Port 1 or 2
Temperature Sensor (Precision Thermistor)
Range: 0-50
Accuracy: ± 0.3
C at 25 oC

CPY-5 Canopy Assimilation Chamber

Our CPY-5 Canopy Assimilation Chamber is available for use with the TARGAS-1 for measurement of closed system, net canopy CO aluminum ring, which provides a good seal on the soil surface or on collars. It also includes sensors for measurement of air temperature and PAR within the chamber. There are two gas connections required, one to the GAS IN port and the other to the GAS OUT port on the TARGAS-1. This sensor can be used on Probe Port 1 or 2.
Dimensions: 145 mm (Height) x 146 mm (Diameter)
Area: 167 cm
Cable Length: 1.5 meters
Temperature Sensor (Precision Thermistor)
Range: 0-50
Accuracy: ± 0.3
PAR Sensor
Fully cosine corrected
Range: 0-3000 µmol m
Accuracy: ± 10 µmol m
flux. It is transparent and constructed out of rugged polycarbonate with an
C at 25 oC
We recommend recalibration of the PAR sensor every 2 years. The temperature sensor should not require recalibration.

STP-2 Soil Temperature Probe

An optional soil temperature sensor can be used with the TARGAS-1 for measurement of soil temperature. It is commonly used with the SRC-2 Soil Respiration Chamber and CPY-5 Canopy Assimilation Chamber. This sensor connects to Probe Port 1 only.
It is a rugged sensor with electronics housed in an anodized aluminum enclosure with stainless steel tip.
Dimensions: Handle: 200 mm (Length) x 18.7 mm (Diameter)
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 19 support@ppsystems.com
Tip: 125mm Length
Cable Length: 1.5 meters
Temperature Sensor (Precision Thermistor)
Range: 0-50
Accuracy: ± 0.3
The soil temperature sensor should no t re qu ire recalibration.
C at 25 oC

Getting Familiar with the TARGAS-1 Portable Photosynthesis System

TARGAS-1 Portable CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer (Main Console)

TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 20 support@ppsystems.com
CO2 / H2O
Adjustable Carry
Flashing Heart (Power Status) and battery capacity
scrubber status and manual Zero button
Touch display
Shoulder strap fixture (one on each side of console)
Polyurethane shock-absorbing base and battery compartment
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 21 support@ppsystems.com
Power Switch
USB Flash Drive USB Mini-B
Link Tube
A. Auto-Zero (Molecular Sieve)
Probe port 1
External Power
LED Indicator
PLC Electrical (Probe port 2)
PLC Gas Port

Back of TARGAS-1

Gas Out
Gas In
External Air Filter
An air filter is included with each system and we recommend fitting it to the AIR IN port to keep dirt and dust from entering the analyzer. See External Air Filter on page 140 for more information.
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 22 support@ppsystems.com
Must be in place for
use with leaf cuvette
B. CO2 Scrubber (Sofnolime) C. H
O Scrubber( Drierite)

PLC5 Leaf Cuvette

PAR Sensor
Cuvette Head
Head Latch
Light Unit
The PLC5 Leaf Cuvette is designed to work with the TARGAS-1 Portable CO2/H2O Analyzer for measurement of leaf gas exchange on a wide vari ety of plants including broad leaves, narro w leaves, grasses and small needle conifers.
Release Screw
When the PLC5 Leaf Cuvette is not in use or being stored away make sure that the Open/Close Head Latch is secure in place to keep the cuvette head open to avoid problems associated with compressed leaf gaskets which is a common source for leaks.

Light Unit (Optional)

The optional light unit can be used with the PLC5 Leaf Cuvette for use on cloudy days or for light response curves. It easily clips onto the PLC5 Leaf Cuvette head and provides control of light intens ity up to 2500 µmol m on the side of cuvette handle as shown above.
Type: LED (white)
Measurement Range: 0-2500 µmol m
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 23 support@ppsystems.com
-2 s-1.
The electrical connection is
-2 s-1

Quick Start

Electrical Connection
For measurement of leaf gas exchange using the PLC5 Leaf Cuvette.
We highly recommend that you take a few moments to run this simple test to familiarize yourself with the basic TARGAS-1 set-up and to ensure that the system is performing perfectly before starting a measurement campaign.
1. Connect the PLC5 Leaf Cuvette gas and signal connectors to the TARGAS-1 console as shown below and close the cuvette head.
Gas Connection
2. Connect the TARGAS-1 to the power supply provided by PP Systems (to conserve power) and power up the TARGAS-1 console and allow it to warm-up. Prior to performing actual photosynthesis measurements, it is recommended to wait an additional 15 minutes. This will allow the system to achieve stabilization of the IRGAs and perform system ZEROs. During warm-up, the main measurement screen will show 0 readings for most measured parameters similar to this:
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 24 support@ppsystems.com
3. Connect the sampling tubing to the AIR IN port on the back of the TARGAS-1 console. Remember to make sure the external air filter is fitted to the AIR IN port (see External Air Filter on page 140). This will be your reference air. We strongly recommend that your reference air is as far away from any local CO
disturbances such as people breathing, ventilation, automobiles,
parking lots, etc. This can be as easy as running a long piece of tubing outside the window in your lab or away from where you are taking measurements in the field. If in the field you could also use the “fresh air intake unit” supplied with the system which will help to provide steady reference air. It is very important that you establish a very steady reference air supply to ensure that your system is working properly and to make measurements easier and quicker.
4. Make sure you set the rb value (boundary layer resistance) and RS factor for your cuvette correctly. Settings associated with rb and RS Factor are located in the Settings 1 menu (press Main, Settings, RB or RS Fact). The rb value is measured at the factory and is programmed into your TARGAS-1 console when supplied as a new instrument. This value is also written on the “Tested” label on your leaf cuvette for additional reference purposes (See RB Setting on page 54 for more information). The RS Factor is set to 0.50 as default on the assumption that you have 50% stomata on the upper and lower side of your leaf. You should enter the value associated with your leaf (See RS Factor Setting on page 55 for more information).
5. Make sure the cuvette flow rate (Flow) located in the bottom right hand corner of the main measure display is set to our recommended rate of 250 cc/min. If not, press the (Flow) button and set it to 250. Also make sure that the sample flow rate is set to 150 cc/min (see Sample Flow Setting on page 63). Settings associated with sample flow are located in the Settings 3 menu (press Main, Settings, right arrow, right arrow, Flow). With the leaf cuvette head closed, all readings should be stable and you should see something similar to this displayed:
Stable CO2r and CO2a at ambient levels (~ 400 ppm)
Stable H2Or and H2Oa at ambient levels
CO2d should be stable and near 0 (± 1 ppm) and H2Od should also be stable and near 0 (± 0.5
PARe and PARi should be at ambient light levels (Typically less than 50 µmol m
s-1 indoors)
Flow rate should be approximately 250 cc/min
If everything looks similar to the above you should be good to go. Good luck!
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 25 support@ppsystems.com

Leaf Gas Exchange Mea su rements – Recommended Set-up

When performing leaf gas exchange measurements in the lab or field, calculations are based on the changes in CO The reference air source is normally outside air (ambient) which contains both CO that is supplied to the leaf cuvette. The analysis air is the air containing the sample CO coming from the leaf cuvette.
and H2O gas concentrations between the reference and analysis (sample) air streams.
and H2O and is the air
and H2O gas
For healthy plants you would expect that the analysis CO reference CO
concentration (CO2r) as the plant will be taking up CO2. Initially the CO2 analysis
concentration (CO2a) will be less than the
concentration (CO2a) may increase when the cuvette head is open to enclose the leaf (normally due to local breathing by the user) but it will fairly rapidl y begi n to decreas e and s lowly drop after closing the head on the leaf. On the H reference H
O concentration (H2Or) as the leaf will be adding moisture to the air and commonly referred
O side, the analysis H2O concentration (H2Oa) should be higher than the
to as “transpiration”. For best results you want to make sure that your reference air is as stable as possible especially when working on plants that have low rates of assimilation. Therefore we strongly recommend that your source of reference air is drawn from a stable source away from any CO
or disturbances such as people breathing, ventilation systems, parking lots or highways, automobiles, etc. This can be achieved by using a homemade buffer volume (i.e. 20 liter bucket, large water container, etc.) or using the air supply intake unit provided by PP Systems. The air supply intake unit draws ambient air from about 2.3 meters above the ground and should help to smooth the reference air allowing for rapid and accurate measurement of leaf gas exchange. On windy days additional smoothing may be required but for most conditions the air supply intake unit should work well.

When should I record a measurement?

This is a very good question. Generally speaking it really depends on the biological state of the plant and local environmental conditions. For many healthy plants under sunny conditions you could expect the plant to reach equilibrium in approximately 60 seconds. For plants that are not as healthy and experiencing stress conditions (i.e. drought, heat, salinity, etc.) it may take longer up to several minutes. After placement of the leaf inside the chamber we recommend monitoring either the CO2d value (Measure Screen 1) or A value (Measure Screen 2) and when it stabilizes then it is time to record the measurement. Measurements can be recorded by pressing the RECORD button on the console display or by pressing the record switch located on the PLC handle.
Important Note. It is not unusual to see fluctuating or unrealistic “calculated” parameters (i.e. A, gs, Ci, etc.) with an empty chamber and the head closed. Do not be concerned by this. What is important is that your measured data is stable and CO2d and H2Od values close to 0 as described on the previous page. The calculated parameters become relevant only after enclosing a leaf in the chamber and during actual leaf gas exchange measurements.
For more information related to photosynthesis measurements and equations see Appendix 1. Photosynthesis Equations Used in TARGAS-1 on page 150.
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 26 support@ppsystems.com
Schematic of TARGAS-1 Portable Photosynthesis System Air
Air Supply
Air in
no C nc
Zero CO2 H2O
AN / Zero Valve
REF Valve
Gas Measuring System
Flow Sensor
Air Control System
nc C no
PLC Air Out
nc C no
Flow Sensor
PLC5 Leaf
Link to connect
Supply System
Intake Unit
PLC AirOut and PLC An In are both located within the white, dual PLC port connector.
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 27 support@ppsystems.com

Routine System Checks Befo re S tarting

The TARGAS-1 is designed to operate with minimal maintenance. The basic routine system checks are as follows:
Absorber Columns - Check the absorber columns on the back and make sure that they are properly seated in the correct location (See Back of TARGAS-1 on page 22). You should periodically lubricate all O-rings associated with the columns (black end caps) with silicone grease to ensure good seal and to avoid problems associated with cracks and leaks. Also ensure that the gray foam filters are in good shape and replace when worn.
Desiccants - Check the condition of each desiccant to ensure that they are fresh. Pay special attention to the soda lime and molecular sieve which visually do not change color like the Drierite. If you are unsure then you should replace all desiccants to ensure stability and calibration.
Zero -. If the Zero reading in the upper right hand corner of display is 20% or lower you should change it. Pay special attention to the Molecular Sieve desiccant as this is non-indicating and if unsure change it out with fresh Molecular Sieve. Reset the absorber column life after replacing the Molecular Sieve. See Reset Zero Absorber on page 57.
rb (boundary layer resistance) and RS Factor – Make sure both are set properly for your leaf cuvette and vegetation type.
Cuvette Flow rate and Sample rate For most plant types and when the chamber head is filled with vegetation we recommend a cuvette flow rate of 250 cc/min and sample flow rate of 150 cc/min. Cuvette flow rate and sample flow rate can be adjusted by the user as required and usually based on leaf area and biological state of the plant.
System Power - Make sure that the heart symbol is flashing in the upper left hand corner after the instrument is powered on. Also check the battery capacity next to the heart to ensure that you have plenty of power to get you through your measurements. We recommend that you keep the charger connected to the TARGAS-1 during warm-up to save on battery life.
USB Flash Drive – You must make sure that you have a USB flash drive (also commonly referred to as a memory stick or thumb drive) plugged into the USB Memory port on the TARGAS-1 console for data storage. If you do not have this you will be unable to save data and it will have to be recorded manually.
Status – Inspect periodically for error messages/warnings AND DO NOT IGNORE THEM. They are appearing for a reason.
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 28 support@ppsystems.com

System Power

Re-Order Information
Part Number
Mains Charger/Power Supply
The TARGAS-1 has an internal, rechargeable lithium ion battery pack capable of providing continuous power to the instrument for up to 10 hours. The TARGAS-1 is supplied with an external AC power adapter to charge and/or power the TARGAS-1.

Battery Specification

Type: Rechargeable Smar t Lithium Ion Battery Pack
Power: 7.2V, 8.7Ahr, 63Whr
Note, if the TARGAS-1 is used with external sensors/chambers it will reduce the battery life depending on the probe connected.
A discharged battery (0% capacity) can be fully recharged in appr ox imately 4-5 hours using the power supply/charger supplied b y PP S ystems.
To check the battery status, simply power up the instrument and observe the battery capacity next to the flashing heartbeat in the upper left hand corner of the display (see below).

Power Supply/AC Adapter Rating:

Input: 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 1.0A
Output: 12 VDC, 3.3A
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 29 support@ppsystems.com

TARGAS-1 Main Console Compone nts

Touch Display

The TARGAS-1 features a 2.7” a-Si, active matrix TFT, Electronic Paper Display (EPD) touch panel. The panel has such high resolution (117 dpi) that it is able to easily display fine patterns with excellent readability under sunlight conditions. Due to its bi-stable nature, the EPD panel requires very little power to update and needs no power to maintain an image.
a-Si TFT active matrix Electronic Paper Display(EPD)
Resolution: 264 x 176 pixel
Ultra-low power consumption
Super Wide Viewing Angle - near 180°
Slim & lightweight enclosure
SPI interfac e
RoHS compliant

Navigation using the Touch Display

Navigating through the system is simple and easy by pressing black buttons where applicable. Whenever you see white text inside a black box we refer to this as a button (i.e. Main). Pressing on these buttons will allow you to set up, navigate and operate the TARGAS-1. Whenever a numeric value is required, a keypad will appear allowing you to enter the desired values.

Power Switch

The power switch is located in the upper left hand corner of the back panel. To power on the TARGAS-1 simply push in the switch. When power is on the illumination ring around the switch will turn blue. To turn off, simply press the switch again bringing it back to the flush position. When powered off, the Splash Screen will be displayed as follows:
When the TARGAS-1 is turned off you must wait at instrument. If you do not wait long enough the system will not power up properly.
Please note that a warning message is displayed when the battery capacity is less than 10%. When the battery capacity of the TARGAS-1 reaches 0% it will turn off. If this happens we recommend connecting up to the charger to recharge the internal battery
least 5 seconds before powering on the
TARGAS-1 Operation Manual V. 1.02 30 support@ppsystems.com
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