Poulan Pro 2025 LE Series, 2075 LE Series, 2150 LE Series, 2050 LE Series, 2175 LE Series Instruction Manual

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Instruction Manual
Manuel d'lnstructions
1950 / 2025 / 2050 / 2075
2150 / 2175 / 2350 / 2375
For Occasional Use Only
Read and follow all Safety Rulesand Operating Instructionsbefore usingthis product. Failure to do so can resultin serious injury.
LE Series i
Lea el manual de instruccionesy sigatodas las advertencias e en-
struccionesde seguridad. El nohacerlopuede resultaren lesiones
Life le manuel d'instructions et bien respecter tous les avertisse- ments et toutes les instructionsde s_curit&. Toutd6faut de le faire pourraitentraTnerdes blessuresgraves.
250 BobbyJonesExpressway
Augusta, GA30907
[] Ftom the _ Group. The wo,dd's No.l choice.
t.n_,,tr_N,CL_A_IRG,_D otrmooR_ppLout'C_L_4_VB_
Copyright ©2002 Electrolux Home Products, Inc,
4/9/02 !
- B
WARNING! This chain Read and understand the
saw can be dangerou!! Care- instruction manual before lessor improper usecancause usingthe chain saw.
seriousoreven fatal injury.
-_ Always wear appropriate ear protection, eye protectionand headprotection.
Always use two hands when operating the chain saw.
WARNING! Contacting the guide bar tipwith any object
should be avoided; tip contact may cause the guide barto movesuddenly upwardandbackward, whichmay cause se- riousinjury.
Measured maximum kickbackvalue without chain brakefur the bar
and chain combination on the label.
_k WARNING: Always disconnect
spark plug wireand place wirewhere it can-
notcontact spark plugto prevent accidental
starting when setting up, transporting, ad- justing or making repairs except carburetor
ad ustments.
Because a chan saw s a high-speed wood-
cu_ing tool, special safety precautions must
be observed to reduce the riskof accidents. Careless or improper use of this tool can
cause serious injury. PLAN AHEAD
Read this manual carefully until you com-
pletelyunderstandand can followall safety rules, precautions, and operating instruc-
tionsbefore attemptlingto use the unit.
Restrictthe use of your sawto adult users who understand and can follow safety
rules, precautions, and operating instruc-
tions found in this manual
Wear protective gear. Always use steel- toed safety footwear with non-sSp soles;
snug-fitting clothing; heavy*duty, non-slip gloves; eye protection such as non-fog-
ging, vented goggles or face screen; an approved safety hard hat;andsound barri-
ers (ear plugsor mufflers) to protect your hearing. Regular usersshouldhave hear-
ing checked regulady as chain saw noise can damage hearing. Secure hair abeve
shoulder length.
Hearing Saf_y Hat
Protection _ Eye
"_i IMp_AI" Protection
Heavy Duty
Clothing Gloves
Safety Safety Chaps Shoes
Keep allparts of yourbody away from the chain when the engine is running.
Keep children, bystanders, and animals a minimum of30 feet (10 meters) awayfrom
the work area. Do not allow other people
oranimals to benear the chain saw when startingor operating the chain saw.
Do not handleor operate a chainsawwhen youare fatigued, ill, or upset, or if youhave
taken alcohol, drugs, or medication. You
must be ingoodphysicalconditionandmen-
tally alert. Chain saw work isstrenuous. If
youhave any conditionthat migl_ be aggra- vated by strenuouswork, check with your doctorbefore operatinga chain saw.
Carefully plan your sawing operation inad*
vance. Do notstartcutting unffiyou have a clear work area, secure footing, and, ifyou
are felling trees, a planned retreat path.
Donot operate a chain saw with one hand. Serious injurytothe operator, helpers, by-
standers orany combination of these per-
sons may result from one-handed opera- tion. A chain saw is intended for
two-handed use.
Operate the chain saw only in awerl-venti*
lated outdoor area.
Do not operate saw from a ladder or in a tree.
Make sure the chain will not make contact with any object while starting the engine.
Never tryto start the saw when the guide bar is in a cut.
Do not put pressureon the saw at the end
of the cut. Applying pressure can cause you to lose control when the cut is com-
Stop the engine before setting the saw
Do not operate a chain saw that is dam-
aged, irnpropedy ad usted, or not com- pletely and securely assembled. Always
replace bar, chain, hand guard, or chain
brake immediately ff itbecomes damaged, broken or is otherwise removed.
With the engine stopped, hand carry the
chain saw with the muffler away from your
body, and the guide bar and chain to the rear, prMerably covered with a scabbard.
Have all chain sawservice performed bya
qualified service dealer with the exception of the items listed inthe maintenance sec-
tionof thismanual. For example, if improp- ertools are usedto remove orhold the fly-
wheel when servicingthe clutch,structural damage to the flywrheel can occur and
cause the flywheel to burst.
Make certain the saw chain stops moving
when the throttle trigger is released. For correction, refer to CARBURETOR AD-
Never modify your saw in any way.
Keep the handles dry, clean, and free of oil or fuel mixture.
Keep fuel and oil caps, screws, and fas- teners securely tightened.
Use only Poulan® accessories and re-
placement paris as recommended.
Do not smoke while handling fuel or while operating the saw.
Eliminate all sources ef sparks orflame in the areas where fuel is mixed or poured.
There shouldbe no smoking,openflames, orworkthat could cause sparks. Allowen- gine to cool before refueling.
Mix and pour fuel in an outdoor area on
bare ground; store fuel in a cool, dry,well
ventilated place; and use an approved,
marked container for all fuel purposes.
Wipe up all fuel spills before starting saw.
Move at least 10 feet (3meters) from fuel-
ing site before starting engine.
Turn the engine off and let saw cool in a non-combustible area, not on dry leaves,
straw, paper, etc. Slowly remove fuel cap and refuel unit.
Store the unitand fuel inan area where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or open
flames fromwater heaters, electric motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
WARNING: Avoidkickbackwhich
can result inserious injury. Kickback isthe
backward, upward orsudden forward motion of the guide bar occurring when the saw
chain near the uppertip oftheguide barcon*
tacta any object such as a log or branch, or
when the wood closes in and pinches the
saw chain inthe cut. Contacting a foreign ob-
ject in the wood can also result in loss of
chain saw control.
Rotational Kickback can occur when the
moving chain contacts an ob ect at the up- per tip of the gu de bar. Th s contact can
cause the chain to di_ into the object, which stops the chain for an instant. The
result is a lightnin9 fast, reverse reaction which kicks the guide bar up and back to* ward the operator,
Pinch-Kickback can occur when the the wood closes in and pinches the moving
saw chain in the cut along the top of the guide bar and the saw chain is suddenly
stopped. This sudden stopping of the chain results in a reversal of the chain
force used to cut wood and causes the
sawtomove in the opposite direction of the
chain rotation. The saw is driven straight
back toward the operator.
Pult-tn can occur when the moving chain contactsa foreignobject in the wcod inthe
cutalongthebottomof theguidebarandthe sawchainis suddenlysto)pped.This sudden stopping pulls the saw forward and away
fromthe operatorand couldeasilycause the
operatorto losecontrol of the saw.
Avoid Pinch-Kickback:
Be extremely aware of situations or oh*
strucfionsthat can cause material topinch
the top of or otherwise stop the chain.
Do notcut more than one log at a time.
Do not twist the saw as the bar is with-
drawnfrom an undercutwhen bucking.
Avoid Pug-In:
Always begincuttingwiththe engine atfull
speed andthe saw housing against wood.
Use wedges made of plastic or wood.
Never use metal to hold the cutopen.
Kickback Path
Avoid Obstructions
Clear The Working Area
Recognize that kickback can happen. With a basic understanding of kickback,
you can reduce the element of surprise which contributesto accidents.
Never let the movingchaincontact any ob- Ject at the tip ofthe guide bar.
Keep the workingarea free from obstruc-
tions suchasothertrees, branches, rocks, fences, stumps, etc. Eliminate or avoid
any obstruction that your saw chain could
hit while you are cutting. When cutting a branch, do not let the guide bar contact branch or other objects around it.
Keep your saw chain sharp and properly tensioned. A loose or dull chain can in-
crease the chance of kickback oocurhng. Follow manufacturer's chain sharpening
and maintenance instructions. Check ten- sion at regular intervals with the engine
stopped, never with the engine running. Make sure the chain brake nuts are se-
cutely tightened after tensioning the chain.
Begin and continue cuttingat full speed. If
the chain is moving at a slower speed there s greater chance of kickback occur-
Cut one log at a time.
Use extreme caution when re-entering a
revious cut.
Do not attempt cuts starting withthe tip of
the bar (plunge cuts).
Watch forshifting logsorother forces that
could close a cut and pinch or fall into chain.
Use the Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar
and Low-Kickback Chain specified for yoursaw.
Stand to the
left of the saw
Thumb on underside of
Never reverse
hand positions
Elbow locked
Thumb on underside of
Keep agood, firm grip on the saw with both hands when the engine is running and
don't let go. A firmgrip will help you reduce kickback and maintain controlof the saw.
Keep the fingers of your left hand encir- cling and your left thumb under the front handlebar. Keep your right hand com-
pletely around the rear handle whether your are right handed or left handed. Keep
your left arm straight with the elbow locked.
Position your left hand onthe front handle- bar soit is in a straight line with your right
hand on the rear handle when makin
bucking cuts. Never reverse right and le_ hand positions for any type of cutting.
Stand with yourweight evenly balanced on bath feet.
Stand slightly to the left side of the saw to keep your body from being in a direct line with the cut_ngchain.
Do not overreach. You could be drawn or thrown off balance and lose control of the
Donotcutaboveshoulder beight. Itisdiffi-
cult to maintain control of saw above shoulder height.
are included on your saw to help reduce the hazard of kickback; however, suchfeatures
will not totally eliminate this danger. As a chain saw user, do notrelyonly onsafety de-
vices. You must follow all safety precau- tions, instructions, and maintenance in this
manual to help avoid kickback and other forces which can result in serious in u_y.
Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar, des gned
with a small radius tip which reduces the
size of the kickback danger zone on the bar tip. A Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar
has been demonstrated to significantly re- duce the numberandseriousness of kick-
backs when tested in accordance with safety requirementsfor gasoline powered
chain saws as set by ANSI B175.1.
Reduced KickbaCk Symmetrical Guide Bar
aJI Radius T_p
Symmetrical GL_de Bar I,_1_
Large Radius 13p
Low-Kickback Chain, designed with a
contoured depth gauge and guard link
which deflect kickback force and allow wood to gradually ride intothe cutter.Low-
Kickback Chain has met kickback per-
formance requirements when tested on a
representative sample of chain saws be- low3.8 cubic inch displacement specified
inANSI B175.1.
Contoured Depth Gauge
__ Elong=ed Guard Unk
ic_baCk fc_ce
Low-K3c_back _ and allowS woc_l
Chain to gradually ride
into cu_er
i_Can Obst rue1Material
Not a Low- _0ckback Chain
Front Hand Guard, designed to reduce the chance of your left hand contacting the
chain if your hand slipsoff the front handle-
Position of front and rear handlebars, de- signed with distance between handles and
"in-line" with each other. The spread and "in-line" position of the hands provided by
this design work together to give balance
and resistance in controlling the pivot of
the saw back toward the operator if kick-
back occurs.
Chain Brake, designed to stop the chainin
the event of kickback.
KICKBACK. Kickback is a lightningfast ac-
tion which throws the bar and rotatingchain
back and up toward the operator. Kickback
Computed kickback angle (CKA) Table
1950/2050 952044368 14" 952051209
2025/2075/2150 952044370 16" 952051211
2175/2350/2375 952044418 18" 952051338
can becaused byallowing contactof the bar tip in the danger zone with any hard object.
Kickbackcanalso be caused by pinchingthe
saw chainalong thetopofthe guide bar. This action may pushthe g=uidebar rapidly back toward the operator. Either of these events
may cause you to lose control of the saw
which could result in serious in'ulurv(oreven death. DO NOT RELY UPON ANY'OF THE
SHOULD USE THE SAW PROPERLY AND CAREFULLY TO AVOID KICKBACK. Re- duced-kickback guide bars and low-kick-
back saw chains reduce the chance and magnitude of kickback and are recom-
mended. Your saw has a lowkickback chain and bar as original equipment. Repairs on a chain brake should be made by an autho-
rized servicing dealer. Take yourunit to the
place of purchase if purchased from a ser- vicing dealer, or to the nearest authorized
master service dealer.
33pcontactinsomecasesmaycause a light-
ningfast reverse REACTION, kickingguide
bar upand backtoward operator.
Pinchingthe saw chain alon9 thetop ofthe
guide bar may push the guide bar rapidly back towardthe operator.
Either of these reactionsmaycause youto
lose control of thesaw which couldresultin sedous injury.Do notrely exclusivelyupon
devicesbuilt intoyoursaw.
_1' WARNING: Computed kickback _nK_e(t_bCKA)listed on yoursaw and listedinthe
le below representsangleof kickback
your bar and chain combinations will have when tested in accordancewith CSA(qCana- dian Standards Association and ANS_ stan-
dards.When purchasng repacement bar and chain, considerations should be givento the
lower CKA values. Lower CKA values repre- sent safer anglesto the user,higlhervalues in-
dicate more angle and higberkick energies. Domputod angles represented indic_e total energyand angleassociatedwithoutactivation
of the chain brake duringkickback.Activated
an_le representschainstopeingtime relativeto astwatlen angle of chain break and resulting
kickangle ofsaw. ]n allcases lowerCKA val- ues representa safer operating environment
for the user. The following g=uidebar andchain combina-
tions meet kickback requirements of CSA Standards Z62.1, Z62.3, & ANSI B175.1 when used on saws listed in this manual.
Use of bar and chain combinations other than those listed is not recommended and
may not meet the CKA requirements per standard.
CKA without chain brak_
19° 14°
NOTE: If this saw is to be used for corn* mercial logging, a chain brake is required
and shall not be removed or otherwise dis- abled to complywith Federal OSHA Regula-
tions for Commercial Logging. SAFETY NOTICE: Exposureto vibrations throughprelonged use of gasoline powered
handtools couldcause bloodvessel ornerve
damage in the fingers, hands, and ointsof
peope prone to crcuaton dsorders or abnormal swellings. Prolonged use in cold
v_ather has been linked to blood vessel damage in othenNise healthy people. If
symptoms occur such as numbness, pain, lossofstrength,changeinskin colorortexture,
orlossoffeeling inthefingers,hands,orjoints, discontinue the use of this tool and seek
medical attention. An anti-vibration system does not guarantee the avoidance of these
problems.Users who operate power tools on a Continualand regular basis must monitor
closely their physical condition and the conditionofthistool.
SPEClAL NOTICE: Yoursaw isequipped witha temperature limitingmufflerand spark
arresting screen which meets the requirements of California Codes 4442 and
4443. All U.S. forest land and the states of California, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New
Jersey, Oregon, and Washington requireby law that many internal combustion engines
to be equipped witha sparkarresting screen.
Ifyouoperate a chain saw ina state orlocale
where suchregulationsexist, you are legally responsible for maintaining the operating
condition of these parts. Failure to do so is a violationofthe law. R_fer tothe SERVICE
section for maintenance of the spark arresting screen.
FailuretofollowallSafety Rules andPrecau-
tionscan resultin serious injury. If situations occur whlch are notcovered in this manual,
use care and goodjudgement. If you need assistance, contactyour authodzed service
dealer or call t-800-554-6723. STANDARDS: This saw islistedbyUnder-
writer'sLaboratories,Inc., in accordancewith: ANSI B175.1-2000 American National
Standards for Gasoline-Powered Chain Saws - Safety Requirements
CSA Z62.1-1995 Chain Saws - Occupa-
tional Health and Safety
CSA Z62.3-1996 Chain Saw Kickback Oc-
cupational Health and Safety
The chain issharpand cancut youevenwhen
it is notmoving!
Loosen and remove the chain brake nuts and the chain brake from the saw.
Remove the plastic shipping spacer (if
Location of shipping spacer
a_ Chain Brak_e
Ch Nuts
Bar Tool
An edju_ng pinand screw is usedto adjust the tensionof the chain. Itisvery important
whenassemblingthepar,thatthepin located on the adjustingscrew aligns into a hole in
the bar.Turningthe screwwill move the ed-
ustmeot pinup and downthe screw.Locate
ths adjustment before you begin mounting the baronto the saw. See illustrationbelow.
Inside view of
/'4 C_aln Brake
Adjustment located on Chain Brake
Turn the adustingscrew by hand counter-
clockwise until the adusting pin just touches the stop. Th sshould allow thepin
to be near the correct position.
Slide guide bar behind clutch drum until guide bar stops against clutch drum
Carefullyremovethe chain from the pack- age. Hold chain with the dnve links as
Protective gloves (not provided) should be
wom duringassembly. An'ACHING THE BAR & CHAIN (If not
already attached)
_I_WARNING: If received assembled,
repeatallsteps to ensure your saw iswopelty assembledand all fasteners are secure. Al-
ways wear gloves when handlingthe chain.
_p of
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