For your safetyandease, assemblybytwoadults is recommended.
Please readallinstruction
nning assembly. The illustrationsprovided allowforeasier assembly
when used in conjunction with theassemblyinstructions.
Remove allpartsandhardware from boxandlayoutonacarpete
work surface.Donotdispose of any contentsuntil assemblyiscompleted to avoid
accidentallydiscarding smallparts or hardware.
Use the parts and hardware lists to identify and separate each of the pieces included prior to starting
bolts until all parts are in place. Failure to follow these instructions may cause
the bolts to misalign during assembly.
The use of power tools for assembly is not recommended
wer tools can damage hardware or
Long Wood Screw3.5 x 15mm
the Bottom Panel(D)to the Left Side Panel
de a Spring Washer(K),Flat Washer (L) onto
a Bolt (J). Insertthe Bolt from wood cleat located onbottom of the Bottom Panel intothepre
locatedon theLeftSide Panel (B).
Align and connectthe wooden dowel
located on theRearTop Rail (E) to the pre
the Left SidePanel(B). Place a
Half-Moon Washer(T)ontothe c
ut-out onthe Rear Top Rail(E)and
Repeat the abovesteps to secure the Right Side Panel (C)to the Bottom Panel and the Rear Top Rail.
, (2) SpringWasher,(2) Flat Washer
and securedtotheRear Top Rail by