Pottery Barn Anywhere Adult Bean Bag Assembly Instruction

pottery barn kids
Anywhere Adult Beanbag
The Anywhere Beanbag is shipped in two boxes. The slipcover is shipped separately from the insert. These instructions assume you have received BOTH the slipcover and the insert.
Parts list:
• Polystyrene beads insert
Unzip the slipcover. Hold the slipcover in one hand. With your other hand, firmly grasp the insert at one end. Place the insert inside the slipcover and begin stuffing the insert inside the slipcover until you have fully inserted it into the slipcover.
When the insert is completely inside the cover, close the zipper and shape it with your hands until the beads are evenly distributed.
The Anywhere Beanbag is equipped with a locking zipper. You will find a key chain with a small key attached to the zipper slider. For maximum safety, please ensure the zipper is locked.
Thank you for your purchase.