Popcorn hour S-300 User Manual

Version v1.0.0
Digital Signage with Apps
Copyright © 2012 Syabas Technology, All Rights Reserved 2
Digital Signage with Apps
New Project...........................................................................................................................6
Layout Panel..........................................................................................................................7
Property Panel........................................................................................................................8
FTP Transfer........................................................................................................................12
USB Transfer.......................................................................................................................13
Local Transfer......................................................................................................................14
Manage Apps............................................................................................................................15
Help and about.........................................................................................................................17
Default Apps.............................................................................................................................18
Media Player........................................................................................................................18
RSS Ticker Tape..................................................................................................................20
Twitter Ticker Tape..............................................................................................................20
Text Ticker Tape..................................................................................................................21
Weather Bug........................................................................................................................21
Copyright © 2012 Syabas Technology, All Rights Reserved 3
Digital Signage with Apps: First Glance
Figure 1.1: Computer Application’s User Interface
Menu Bar
Create new project, clear and reset all fields back to default.
Open Project
Opens a existing project for editing
Close Project
Closes currently open project, clear and reset all field back to default
Clear Layouts
Clear all layouts in the current timeline
Toggle on/off horizontal and vertical rulers on stage
Toggle on/off horizontal and vertical grid on stage
Transfer project configuration file to device for playback. Transfer modes include FTP, USB and local. Refer to the Transfer section on page 10 for more details.
Manage Apps
Import new apps, delete imported apps and view app details
Show all configurable settings for the computer application
Shows the Digital Signage with Apps computer application version, check for software updates and access the user manual


New Project

1. To start, click the “Create Project” button in the menu bar.
2. A popup will appear asking for the name of the project. Type a project name in and click create. NOTE: Project names only allow alphanumeric, dash (-) and underscore (_).
Figure 2.1: Create New Project


1. There are two modes for the scheduler that can be selected.
The daily option will repeat all layouts every day.
The weekly option allows you to specify different schedules for each day of
the week.
Figure 2.2: Daily Scheduler Panel
Figure 2.3: Weekly Scheduler Panel
2. Once the project is created, the scheduler's scrollbar will be enabled.
3. Drag the arrow or key in the specific timestamp for a layout. NOTE: the timeline is denoted in a 24 hour format.
4. Click on the plus button to add a layout to the current timestamp.
Figure 2.4: Add Layout
Create a layout on the timestamp where the arrow is pointing
Will set the device into standby at the current timestamp
Deletes the currently selected layout
Duplicate To
Duplicates current layout to another point on the timeline

Layout Panel

Figure 2.5: Layout Panel
+ 14 hidden pages