POPCORN HOUR C-200 User Manual

Quick T V Mode Settings
Fo r q ui ck se tu p o f t he ou tp ut vi deo mo de , p le as e u se th e “ TV M ode ” k ey,
followed by one of t he numer ic keys, as b elow:
TV Mod e + 0 = Auto TV mode
TV Mod e + 1 = Component /Compos ite NTSC 480 i
TV Mod e + 2 = Component /Compos ite PAL 576i
TV Mod e + 3 = reserved
TV Mod e + 5 = Component 10 80i60
TV Mod e + 6 = Component 10 80p60
TV Mod e + 7 = HDMI 720p 60
TV Mod e + 8 = HDMI 1080i 60
TV Mod e + 9 = HDMI 1080p 60
TV Mod e + CAPS/NU M = Toggles betwee n 50Hz and 60 Hz
When the NMT fir st star ts, the f ollowin g navigat ion options are ava ilable:
* Med ia Source
This page i s used to selec t which sourc e you want to stre am content fro m.
* Web Se rvices
This page g ives you acce ss to Internet b ased servi ces like the Me dia Servic e Portal (M SP),
BitTorrent c lient status di splay and cust omizable UR L’s for your mos t frequently v isited sites .
* Setup Pa ge
This page a llows you to con figure var ious settin gs for your devic e:
Home - Takes you back to th e Media Sourc e page, or to the la st server you l ogged into.
Pref ere nces - Gen era l set tin gs f or t he de vice lik e la ngua ges, subt itl e la ngua ges, pho to
transit ion effec ts, locking t he Setup pages , etc.
Note: To unlock t he Setup page s, press Setup, f ollow by the Play key.
Audi o / V ideo - Dig ita l/An alog ue V ideo ou tpu t set tin gs a s we ll a s as pec t rat io c ontr ol a nd
digital /analogue au dio output set tings.
Netw ork - D isp lay s cu rre nt I P in for mati on a nd a llow s co nfig urat ion of ne twor k an d
timezon e settings.
Netw ork Shar e - Con fig ure you r rem ote SMB and NFS s hare d fo lder s he re. You c an ch oos e
to brow se th e av ail able SM B sha res on a Samb a net wor k. N FS s hare s wil l
have to be ente red manually.
URL for mat for the net work share pa ths:
SMB - smb://<ip address>/dir
NFS - nfs://<ip address>:/dir (note the extr a colon afte r IP address)
- nfs-tcp://<ip address>:/dir (NFS using TCP p rotocol ins tead of UDP)
NMT A ppl icat ions * - Con fig ure the N MT m edia ser vers run st ate, SMB wor kgro up, d evic e nam e
an d al so t he un ifi ed p assw ord whic h app lies to b oth SMB and FT P acc ess .
Torrent sett ings allows t he configu ration of the B itTorrent client .
DVD / Audio C D** - Confi gure DVD and Audi oCD playbac k settings.
Maintena nce - Displays t he current d evice firmw are version a nd options for f irmware
update and N MT morphin g***
* Only available wit h HDD and NMT a pps installe d
** Only if a DVD -ROM is at tached (by US B or SATA)
*** Refer to Page 3 f or more detai ls
Media Servers
Th is se ct io n o f t he g ui de pr ov id es mo re de ta il on th e va ri ou s m ed ia se rv er s
* UPnP AV Ser ver
Th e NM T wi ll a utom atic ally det ect all avai lab le UP nP AV com plia nt co nten t se rver s on boot up
and l ist the m on the M edi a So urce pag e. No add itio nal s etup is n eces sar y on the NMT its elf .
Some se rve rs m ay re quir e add itio nal auth oriz atio n co nfig urat ion on t he s erv er s ide, suc h as
the WMP- NSS descr ibed next.
* Window s Media Playe r Networ k Sharing S ervice ( WMP-NSS)
To enab le WM P-N SS s hari ng to the NM T, the NMT mu st f irs t be aut hori zed. Fro m th e WM P-N SS
applic ation, selec t the follow ing menu optio ns:
Tools -> Op tions -> Li brary - > Configu re Sharin g
Cl ick th e che ckb ox n ext to t he “ Shar e my med ia to ” me nu i tem. You s houl d now have a li st o f
dete cte d dev ices to c hoo se f rom on th e me nu be low. Se lec ting a li sted dev ice and Rig ht Cl ick ing
on it wil l sho w you a li st o f op tion s. S elec t Pr ope rti es t o vi ew de tail s ab out each dev ice . Fin d th e
device th at matches the M AC address of yo ur NMT and sel ect the “Allow ” menu item.
Note: T he N MT’s MA C ad dres s
ca n be fou nd fr om t he N MT’s
Se tup -> N etw ork pag e.
It wil l be list ed u nder the
“ Eth ern et C onf igur atio n”
heading .
* Syabas C E-HTML Se rver
Sy abas prov ide s a prop riet ary ser ver f or us e wi th t he N MT. S impl y ins tall the se rve r ava ilab le f or
downloa d at the followi ng link:
Once inst all ed, th e se rve r sh ould be a utom atic ally det ect ed by the NMT and a dded to t he M edia
Source p age list.
* Third Pa rty HTML- based Se rvers
D ue t o th e NMT ’s su ppo rt for H TML base d me dia str eam exte nsio ns, t her e ar e ma ny o pen- sou rce
third par ty serve rs that are co mpatible wit h the Syabas- based NMT.
Some pop ular examples a re:
- SwissC enter (http://www.swisscenter.co.uk)
- Llink (http://lundman.net /wiki/index.php/Llink)
- WizD for N MT (http://jhue.users.sonic.net/ )
Figure 1.0 : Medi a Source scre en
Figure 4.0 : Med ia Sharing scre en
Share music, pi ctures, and video o n your network.
Learn more abou t sharing.
Sharing settings
Unknown Unkno wn
Device Device
Allow Deny
Deny for all us ers
Remove from l ist
How does shari ng change rewall set tings?
Share my media to:
OK Cancel App ly
Audio / Video
Network Share
NMT Application
DVD / Audio CD
Firmware Version
Kernel Version
NMT Version
Cardea License
Figure 3.0 : Set up Maintenance s creen
check for rmware update
NMT setup wizard
reset to factory settings
Not Available
* Third Pa rty devel oped Appl ication s
O ur e xte nsiv e use r co mmun ity has d evel oped vari ous appl icat ions tha t wil l en hanc e the fun ctio nali ty
of the NMT. Plea se visit:
* Setti ng up the ful l NMT applic ation sui te
The N MT a llow s for the inst alla tio n of an o ptio nal har d dis k dr ive ( HDD) th at o pens up a ran ge o f
extra fu nctionall y.
If yo ur N MT do es n ot al read y co me wi th a pr e- ins tal led HDD , you can inst all your own H DD a nd
enable fu ll NMT funct ionality by f ollowing th e steps below:
1) Turn OFF the NMT.
2) Attach a H DD directl y to the NMT SATA connec tor and conne ct the molex po wer supply
3) Power on the N MT and goto the S etup -> Mainte nance page an d select the
“NMT se tup wizard” o ption.
4) Ste p thr ough the NM T wiz ard to pa rti tion , for mat and i nst all NMT appl icat ions on t he H DD.
You can downlo ad the applic ation binar y
(http://www.popcornhour.com/download/firmware_update.html) onto a US B thu mbdr ive and u se
th at as the ins tal lat ion s ourc e. I f you do n ot ha ve t he f ile s to ins tal l the NMT app lica tion s
av ail able , yo u ca n opt to i nsta ll t he a pps dire ctly fro m th e in tern et. P leas e ma ke s ure y ou
have a intern et connect ion available a nd that the NM T is connecte d to it.
Note: Thi s step will DELE TE ALL the dat a on your HDD !
5 ) Af ter r eboo t, m ost o f th e NMT app lica tion s wi ll st art up a uto mati call y. To m anua lly
adjust th e settings fo r the NMT appli cations, g o to the Setup pag e.
Note: T he N MT’s IP addr ess can be f ound fro m th e
NMT’s Setu p -> Networ k page.
* myiHom eMS UPnP AV Ser ver
A sta ndar d UP nP AV ser ver f or st rea min g med ia d ire ctly fro m the NMT ’s HD D. T he
server n ame will be dis played as ‘<hostn ame>: UPnP AV Ser ver’.
Usage Ins truction s:
- Und er S etup -> M edia Ser ver, y ou c an se e th e cur ren t st atus of t he m edi a ser ver.
A running s erver will b e detectabl e and access ible by all UPnP AV co mpliant DM P.
Networked Media Tank (NMT) Functions
Media Service Portal
Figure 2.0 : Web Se rvices scr een
Web Services
Press Menu to add/edit
.. ..
* myiHom eLite CE- HTML Ser ver
Sya bas’ s pro pri eta ry H TML-b ased med ia se rve r for str eami ng co nten t di rec tly f rom
the NMT ’s HDD. The serv er name will be di splayed as ‘<host name> myiHo me’.
Usage Ins truction s:
- Und er S etup -> M edia Ser ver, y ou c an se e th e cur ren t st atus of t he m edi a ser ver.
A running s erver will b e detectabl e and access ible by all DMP r unning Syaba s middleware.
- You can als o ac ces s th is s erve r fr om a PC by goi ng t o th e fol lowi ng l ink from a we b br owse r:
http:// <NMT IP Add ress>:8088 /
* FTP Ser ver
Allows e asy remote acc ess and manag ement of the NM T’s HDD. The ser ver is always ru nning
by default af ter install ing the NMT ap plication s.
Usage Ins truction s:
- The FTP ser ver r uns on t he d efau lt p ort (21). So j ust p oint you r F TP c lie nt t o
<NMT IP Ad dress>
Userna me: nmt
Passwor d: 1234 (defau lt)
Note: F TP u sern ame is no t co nfig urab le, but t he p assw ord ca n be conf igur ed
and is shar ed with the SM B server.
* NAS (SMB Se rver)
Th is s erv er al lows a re mote PC to ac ces s the loc ally ins tal led H DD o n th e NM T as a SM B
Usage Ins truction s:
1) Click on Sta rt -> Run.
2) Type “\\<NMT H ostname>” or “ \\<NMT IP AD DRESS>” into t he text box.
3) To a llow for easi er ac ces ses t o yo ur NM T NA S in futu re, y ou c an ch oos e to map
the SMB sh are as a drive und er your “My Co mputer” fo lder of your PC. To do thi s:
a) Type “\\ <NMT Hos tnam e>” o r “\ \<NM T IP ADD RES S>” i nto t he t ext box . Al tern ativ ely
yo u ca n go to “ My Ne two rk Pl aces ”, cl ick on “ View wo rkg roup comp uter s”, b rows e
and selec t your NMT devi ce.
b) Right clic k on the shared f older and sel ect “Map Ne twork Dri ve”.
c) Select th e drive you want you r NMT shared f olders to be re presented.
d) The mappe d drive shoul d appear in “M y Computer ”.
- SMB defa ults :
Userna me: nmt
Passwor d : 1234
* NAS (NFS Se rver)
This se rve r al low s a r emo te PC to a cces s th e lo cal ly in sta lle d HD D on the NM T as a
NFS share.
Usage Ins truction s:
The path to t he NFS server o n NMT is <NMT I P ADDRESS >:/share
Note: NFS ser ver acces s is not protect ed by password.
Audio / Video
Network Share
NMT Applications
DVD / Audio CD
De v i c e N a m e
Samba Workgroup
change password save
UPnP AV Server
myiHome Server
FTP Server
Samba Server
NFS Server
Usenet Client
: running
: running
: running
: running
: running
: running
: running
Figure 5.0 : NM T Applications S etup screen
Figure 7.0 : Map Netwo rk Drive dialog sc reen
Map Netwo rk Drive
\\AHLOK \share Browse..
Windows can help you connect to a shared network folder
and assign a drive letter to the connection so that you can access the folder using My C omputer.
Specify the drive letter for the connecti on and the folder that you want to connect to:
Drive: Z:
Example:\\server\share Reconnect a lo gon Connect using a
different use r name .
Sign up for onlin e storage or conne ct to a network server.
Finish Cancel
< Back
Figure 6.0 : Map N etwork Drive sc reen
share on Ahlo k (ahlok)
Back Se arch Folder s
File and Folder Tasks
Rename this le
Move this le
Copy this le
Publish this le t o the Web
E-mail this l e
Delete this le
\\share on Ahlo k (ahlok)
Scan with AVG Free
Map Networ k Drive...
Send To
* BitTorren t downloa der
A BitTorrent c lient for dire ct download to t he internal H DD.
Usage Ins truction s:
- Torrents ca n be managed by eit her clicki ng the Web Ser vices -> Torrent l inks from the N MT,
or using a we b browser on you r PC and going to th e following U RL :
http:// <NMT IP AD DRESS>:888 3/torr ent/bt .cgi or follow Torr ent links from
http:// <NMT IP AD DRESS>:80 88
- Altern atively, for Wind ow XP, you can goto Star t -> My Netw ork Places - > Network Tasks.
Select t he ‘Show Ico ns for networ ked UPnP devic es’ option. T he NMT will sho w up with it’s
hos tnam e. D oubl e cli cki ng o n th e ic on w ill brin g you to a pag e th at w ill a llow you to se lec t th e
Torrent opti on.
Note: Yo u ca n co nfig ure the Ho stna me fr om t he
Setup -> Pr eferences - > Hostname opt ion on the NM T.
- You can upload t orrent fil es and contro l the torrent d ownload set tings from t his page.
- Torrent fil es are start ed automatic ally wheneve r the NMT brows er encounte rs a .torrent f ile.
You can also loa d .torrent fi le from USB sto rage device s.
- You can also co nfigure som e client set tings from th e Setup -> Torrent pa ge on the NMT.
* Setti ng up the NZB Get on the NM T
In the root o f your hard disk yo u will find a fo lder called .nzbget. Ins ide t his fold er yo u wi ll
find tw o files: nzbget.conf and unpak.sh.
Note: Some FTP cli ents may h ide this fo lde r bec aus e it beg ins w ith a dot “.”.
On U NIX syst ems, fi les o r fo lder s th at b egin wit h a d ot ar e hi dde n fro m
nor mal dir ecto ry l isti ngs. If you c anno t se e the fol der, fin d an opti on o n
your clie nt that will sho w hidden file s or try to ty pe in the folde r name.
- You can open and e dit nzbget.conf with a text edi tor.
Note: To edit the nzbget .conf file, use a UNIX- format capa ble text edito r.
T o r r e n t
Free space: 423.1GB Used: 8% Refresh
Movie 1 (816.74M) Inactive
DL: 0.20M (1.2%)
Rx: -
Tx: -
Peer(s) : 0
: 0.00
1 - 3 / 3 items
Movie 2 (513.2M)
DL: 0.35M (6.5%)
Rx: 1.72kB/s
Tx: 0.00kB/s
Peer(s) : 2
: 0.00
Movie 3(233.8M)
DL: 0.13M (0.0%)
Rx: 1.43KB/s
Tx: 0.00KB/s
Peer(s) : 3
: 0.00
Figure 8.0 : Torre nt downloader pag e screen
- In the text e ditor, fill in the i nformatio n you got from you r Usenet provi der:
#Host -name of news se rver.
server1.host=news.yourserver.com (Put the server na me behind the ‘ =’).
# Port to c onne ct t o
(default should b e set to ‘119’ if n ot specifi ed):
# Use rnam e to use f or a uthe ntic atio n
(change ‘USERNAME’ to the name s upplied by your U senet provid er):
# Pass wor d to use fo r au then tica tio n
(change ‘PASSWORD’ to the password su pplied by your U senet provide r):
# Maxi mum num ber o f si mul tane ous c onn ect ions to t his ser ver
- O nce c omp lete d, s ave t he f ile to t he s ame p lace and re sta rt t he Us enet ser vic e
in the NMT A pplicati ons menu (Setu p > NMT Appli cations).
* Usenet : Working wi th NZBGet
Working w ith NZBGet is s imple and quic k. Connect t o the NZBGet we b GUI from
a browser v ia http://ip.of.your.nmt:8066.
Note: If the IP addr ess of your NMT i s ‘192 .168.1 .100’, type in the address bar o f your web browse r.
To log in, use the fo llowing acc ess userna me and passwo rd:
User ID : nmt
Password : 1234
* Shutt ing down, Re boot and Powe ring down t he unit
The Power key wi ll only turns o ff the displ ay for the unit.
Power + De lete - Sh utdo wn t he un it, read y to pow er o ff, you w ill be
o r able to get o ut o f th is s tate exce pt a pow er cy cle.
hold dow n Po wer K ey fo r 3s
Power + Ejec t - This will t rigger a sof tware res et of the unit.
Power + Enter
For additi onal suppor t, please vi sit the NMT For um, http://www.networkedmediatank.com
also brow se the NMT Wik i page, http://www.networkedmediatank .com/wiki
Please re gister your Pop corn Hour p roduct at http://support.popcornhour.com for direct
suppor t from Popco rn Hour supp ort team.