ViewStation User Guide
ViewStation User Guide
November 2001 Edition

Important Information

© 2001 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any me ans, el ectronic or
As between the parties, Polycom, Inc. retains title to, and ownership of, all proprietary rights with respect to the software contained within its products. The software is protected by United States copyright law s and international treaty provision. Therefore, you must treat the software like any other copyrighted material (e.g, a book or sound recording).
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Other Restrictions
You shall not allow any third party to 1) decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse- engineer or attempt to reconstruct or discover any source code or underlying ideas or algorithms of the software by any means whatsoever or 2) remove any product.
Trademark Information
Polycom®, ShowStation®, and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks, and ViewStation™ is a trademark of Polycom, Inc. in the United States and various other countries. ADTRAN® is a registered trademark and Expert ISDN™ is a trademark of ADTRAN, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Ever y effo rt has been ma de to ensure that the inf ormati on in this man ual is accurate. Polycom, Inc. is not responsible for printing or clerical errors. Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Patent Information
The accompanying product is protected by one or more U.S. and foreign patents and patents pending held by Polycom, Inc.
Polycom, Inc. warrants its products to be free of defects in materials and factory workmanship for a period of thirty-six (36) months from date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to damage to products resulting from accident, misuse, service, or modification by anyone other than a Polycom, Inc. authorized service facility/dealer. T he warranty is limited to the original p urchas er and is not trans ferab le. Any liability of Polycom, Inc. or its suppliers with respect to the product or the performance thereof under any warranty, negligence, strict liability, or othe r theory w il l be limited exclusively to product repair or replacement as provided above. Except for the foregoing, the product is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk of the quality and performance of the software programs contained in the system is with you.
Limitation of Remedies and Damages
Polycom, Inc., its agents, employees, suppliers, dealers, and other authorized representatives shall not be responsible or liable with respect to the product or any other subject matter related thereto under any contract, negligence, strict liability, or other theory for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of in f o rm ation, business, or pr o f its .
The law of certain states or nations does not permit limitation or exclusion of implied warranties and consequential damages, so the above limitations, disclaimers, or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you special legal rights. You may also have other rights that vary by state and nation.
Important Safeguards
Read and understand the following instructions before using the system:
Close supervision is necessary when the system is used by or near children. Do not leave unattended while in use.
Only use electrical e x tension cords with a curre nt rating at least equa l to that of the system.
Always disconnect the system from power before cleaning and servicing and when not in use.
Do not spray liquids directly onto the system when cleaning. Always apply the liquid first to a
static-free cloth.
Do not immerse the system in any liquid or place any liquids on it.
Do not disassemble this system (except as instructed in the manufacturer's instructions). To reduce the
risk of shock and to maintain the warranty on the system, a qualified technician must perform service or repair work.
Connect this appliance to a grounded outlet.
In case of lightning storms, disconnect the telephone line cord from the system, and only connect the
system to surge-protected power outlets.
Keep ventilation ope nin g s f r ee of any obstruction s.
Plug Acts as Disconnect Device
The socket outlet to which this apparatus is connected must be installed near the equipment and must always be readily accessible.
Regulatory Notices
FCC Notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harm ful interference when the equipment is operated in a comme r cial environm ent. This equipm ent generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference , in which case the user will be required t o correct the interference at his own expense.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Polycom could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
This equipment com p lies w ith Part 68 of the FCC R u les . On the bottom of th is equipment is a labe l that contains, among other information, the FCC registration number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this equipment. If requested, provide this information to your telephone company.
Before connecting your unit, you must inform your telephone company of the following information:
Loop Start (POTS Port) 0.5 RJ11C
FCC compliant telephone cords and modular plugs are provided with this equipment. This equipment
is designed to be connected to the telephone network or premises wiring using a compatible modular jack, which is Par t 6 8 compliant. See installation instructions f o r d etails.
The REN is useful to determine the quantity of devices that may be connected to the telephone line. Excessive REs on the telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most, but not all areas, the sum of REs of all devices that may be connected to a line, as determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company.
If your ViewStation causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. However, if advance notice is not practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.
Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that could affect the operation of your equipment. If they do, you will be given advance notice so as to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted service.
If you experience trouble with this equipment, ViewStation, please contact your equipment provider for repair/warranty information. If your equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.
There are no user-serviceable parts inside the videoconferencing unit, remote control, microphone pod, or power supply.
This equipment may not be used on a public coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection to party lines is subject to state tariffs. Contact your state public utility commission or corporation commission for information.
Underwriters Laboratories Statement
The system is intended to be powered only by the accompanying power supply unit.
CE Mark R&TEE Directive:
This ViewStation and ViewStation product line has been marked with the CE mark. This mark indicates compliance with EEC Directives 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC 1999/5/EC. A full copy of the Declaration of Conformity can be obtained from Polycom Ltd. 270 Ba th Road, Slough UK, SL1 4DX.
Declaration of Conformity:
Hereby, Polycom, Ltd. declares that this ViewStation and ViewStation product line is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Hermed erklærer Polycom, Ltd . , at indestående ViewStation and View Station product line er i overensstemmelse med de grundlæggende krav og de relevante punkter i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Hiermit erklärt Polycom. Ltd., dass der ViewStation and V iewStat ion product line die grundlegenden Anforderungen und sonstige maßgebliche Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG erfüll t.
Polycom, Ltd. vakuuttaa täten, että V ie wSta tion and ViewStation product line on direktiivin 1999/5/EC keskeisten vaatimusten ja sen muiden tätä koskevien säännösten mukainen.
Déclaration de conformité :
Par la présente, Polycom, Ltd. déclare que ce ViewStation and ViewStation product line est conforme aux conditions essentielles et à toute autre modalité pertinente de la Directive 1999/5/CE.
Dichiarazione di conformità:
Con la presente Polycom, Ltd. dichiara che il ViewStation and ViewStation product line soddisfa i requisiti essenziali e le altre dis posiz ioni pertinenti della direttiva 1999/5/CE.
Verklaring van overeenstemming:
Hierbij verklaart Polycom, Ltd. dat diens ViewStation and ViewStation product line voldoet aan de basisvereisten en andere relevante voorwaarden van EG-richtlijn 1999/5/EG.
Declaração de Conformidade:
Através da presente, a Polycom, Ltd. declara que este ViewStation and ViewStation product line se encontra em conformidade com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições relevantes da Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Declaración de conformidad:
Por la presente declaración, Polycom, Ltd. decla ra que este ViewStation and ViewStation product line cumple los requisitos esenciales y otras cláusulas importantes de la directiva 1999/5/CE.
Polycom, Ltd. förklarar härmed att denna ViewStation and ViewStation product line överensstämmer med de väsentliga kraven och övriga relevanta stadganden i direktiv 1999/5/EG.
Omnitel Statement

Preface — How To Use This Guide

ViewStation Basics........................................................................................... xiv
Usability Conventions... ...... ....... ............................................. ............. xv

Getting Started

What You Need to Get Started ........................................................................ 1
Power Source...................................................................................... 2
NT-1 Device........................................................................................ 2
What’s in the Box ............................................................................................. 2
Using the Remote Control................................................................................ 3
Setting Up the ViewStation .............................................................................. 3
Connecting the ViewStation to the ISDN or DCP Network ................. 4
ViewStation H.323 with Quad BRI ......................................... 5
ViewStation H.323 with Avaya DCP....................................... 5
ViewStation 128 ..................................................................... 6
Connecting the ViewStation H.323 with V.35 to a Network ................ 7
Connecting the V.35 Network Interface Module to
the ViewStation ...................................................................... 7
Connecting the V.35 Network Interface Module to
the V.35 DCE ......................................................................... 7
Connecting the ViewStation to an Ethernet LAN ................................ 8
Initial System Configuration ............................................................................. 9
Setup Common to all ViewStations. ....... ...... ....... ................................ 9
Network Status Indicators ................................................................................ 26
Using the ViewStation Help.............................................................................. 28
Using ViewStation Help....................................................................... 28
Technical Support ............................................................................... 29

Optional Configurations

User Setup....................................................................................................... 31
Admin Setup..................................................................................................... 34
General Setup..................................................................................... 35
Video Network..................................................................................... 39
ViewStation H.323 with Quad BRI ......................................... 39
ViewStation H.323 with Avaya DCP....................................... 47
ViewStation 128 ..................................................................... 54
ViewStation H.323 with V.35.................................................. 57
LAN/H.323........................................................................................... 64
LAN/Internet........................................................................... 64
© Polycom, Inc. vii ViewStation User Guide
H.323 Setup ...........................................................................66
Gateway ................................................................................. 69
Gatekeeper............................................................................. 70
Dialing Speeds ....................................................................... 71
Quality of Service (QoS) and Firewalls .................................. 72
SNMP..................................................................................... 73
Global Address....................................................................... 75
Global Management............................................................................84
GMS Setup............................................................................. 85
Global Management Information............................................ 87
Data Conference ................................................................................. 87
Telephone & Audio.............................................................................. 88
Video/Camera ..................................................................................... 90
Security ............................................................................................... 93
Software/Hardware.............................................................................. 95
Software Information ............. ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... .... 95
Hardware Information............................................................. 96
System Options...................................................................... 96

Using the ViewStation

Placing and Answering Calls............................................................................97
Main Calling Screen ............................................................................ 97
ViewStation Network Line Indicators...................................... 98
Placing a Video Call .............. ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... .... 99
Placing a Video Call Manually................................................ 100
Placing a Video Call Using Speed Dial .................................. 102
Placing a Video Call From the Web lnterface......................... 104
Using the Address Book...................................................................... 104
Adding New Entries to the Address Book .............................. 104
Editing an Existing Entry in the Address Book ....................... 107
Deleting an Entry from the Address Book ..............................108
Transferring an Address Book................................................ 109
Using the Global Address Book .......................................................... 110
Using Multi-Point Address Book Entries................................. 110
Placing a Video Call Using the Address Book........................111
Placing a Video Call from the Web Interface.......................... 112
Placing Telephone Calls with the ViewStation ................................................. 113
Placing a Telephone Call .................................................................... 113
Answering a Video Call ....................................................................... 114
Manual.................................................................................... 114
Auto-Answer........................................................................... 114
Placing Multi-Point Calls (ViewStation MP Only) ................................ 114
Adding a Telephone Call to a Video Call............................................. 116
ViewStation User Guide viii www.polycom.com
Multi-Point Viewing Modes............................................................................... 118
Using Chair Control in a Multi-Point Call............................................. 119
Using a ViewStation with a StreamStation....................................................... 121
Starting a Webcast.............................................................................. 122
Ending a Webcast............................................................................... 123
Displaying ChatBack Messages.......................................................... 124
Adjusting Cameras and Sound ........................... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ............. 125
Selecting ViewStation Camera s...... ....... ...... ....... ................................ 125
Pan, Tilt, and Zoom for the ViewStation Camera................................ 127
Setting Camera Presets...................................................................... 127
Automatic Voice Tracking ................................................................... 128
Automatic Tracking of Camera Presets .............................................. 128
Adjusting Sound.................................................................................. 129
Positioning Microphone Pods.............................................................. 129
Sending Snapshots.......................................................... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... 129
Snapshot Timeout............................................................................... 130
Using Optional Equipment ............................................................................... 130

Using the ViewStation with a PC

Connecting The PC to a LAN Through the ViewStation .................................. 134
PC Network Properties. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... 135
Connecting The ViewStation to a Stand-Alone PC.......................................... 136
Using the ViewStation Web Interface............................................................... 139
Select and View a Presentation.......................................................... 139
Sending Snapshots to the ViewStation............................................... 145
Viewing Snapshots from the ViewStation ........................................... 145
Closed Caption.................................................................................... 146
Accessing and Using Closed Caption............................. ....... 14 6
Usage Information and Restrictions About Closed Caption... 147
Using Microsoft NetMeeting™ ............................................................ 147
NetMeeting Application Sharing............................................. 149
H.323 Video Calls with NetMeeting........................................ 149
System Information and Remote Managem ent............................ ....... 14 9
Placing a Call from the ViewStation Web Interface................ 150
ViewStation Web Interface Icons........................................................ 153
ViewStation Software....................................................................................... 165
Downgrading Software.............. ...... ....... ...... ....... ................................ 165
Upgrading Software ............................................................................ 165
Upgrading Software over ISDN.............................................. 165
Upgrading Software over the LAN ......................................... 166
Using Visual Concert PC.................................................................................. 168
© Polycom, Inc. ix ViewStation User Guide

System Information and Diagnostics

System Information ................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ................. 171
Network Stats...................................................................................... 173
Advanced Stats ................................................................................... 173
Call Status........................................................................................... 173
Color Bar ............................................................................................. 174
Audio ................................................................................................... 174
Near End Loop .................................................................................... 174
Far End Loop....................................................................................... 174
Reset System......................................................... ...... ...... ....... ...... .... 175


General Problems ............................................................................................ 177
Audio................................................................................................................ 178
Video................................................................................................................ 180
Network and Communications ......................................................................... 182
IMUX ................................................................................................................ 184
LAN/Intranet ..................................................................................................... 185
Presentations ................................................................................................... 186
System Control...................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....................... 188

Network Address Translation

Before You Start Configuring NAT................................................................... 189
Setting up NAT.................................................................................................189

Video and Audio Input and Output Levels

Video Levels.....................................................................................................191
Video Output Levels............................................................................191
Video Input Levels............................................................................... 191
Audio Levels.....................................................................................................191
Audio Output Levels............................................................................191
Audio Input Levels............................................................................... 192

V.35 Technical Information

General V.35 Information ................................................................................. 193
Serial Interface Control Signals........................................................... 193
State Machine ..................................................................................... 194
ViewStation User Guide x www.polycom.com
Dial Out State Machine ....................................................................... 194
In-bound Call State Machine............................................................... 195
Nondialed User-Initiated Call State Machine ...................................... 197
Nondialed Network-Initiated Call State Machine................................. 198
Crypto Resync..................................................................................... 199
V.35 Cabling Diagram and Schematic ............................................................ 200

ISDN Information

Sample NT-1 Settings...................................................................................... 203
ISDN Switches ................................................................................................. 205
ISDN Errors...................................................................................................... 205

Optional Equipment Configuration

StreamStation Configuration............................................................................ 211
Using a ShowStation IP .................................................................................. 213


ABC.................................................................................................................. 215
DEF.................................................................................................................. 218
GHIJK............................................................................................................... 221
LMN.................................................................................................................. 224
OPQ................................................................................................................. 225
RST.................................................................................................................. 226
UVW................................................................................................................. 227
XYZ.................................................................................................................. 228


© Polycom, Inc. xi ViewStation User Guide
ViewStation User Guide xii www.polycom.com

Preface — How To Use This Guide

Preface How To Use This Guide
Thank you for purchasing a Polycom ViewStation! Soon you will discover that video communications using the ViewStation is easy, fun, and productive. Polycom ViewStations are the most easy to use video communications systems on the market today.
This User Guide provides information about setting up and using the following Polycom ViewStation products:
ViewStation H.323 with stand-alone IP
ViewStation H.323 with a Quad BRI network interface module
ViewSt ation 128 with single ISDN
ViewStation H.323 with a V.35 network interface module
ViewStation H.323 with Avaya DCP network interface module
ViewStation MP — ViewStation with Quad BR I or Avaya DCP
with Multi-Point enabled software.
If you purchased a ViewStation SP or ViewStation SP384, see the ViewStation SP or SP384 User Guide.
If you purchased a ViewStation FX or VS4000, see the ViewStation FX and VS4000 User Guide.
Each ViewStation product has a document called a QuickStart card, which is shipped in the box with your ViewStation. The QuickStart card illustrates how to connect the required cables and optional equipment to the ViewStation.
© Polycom, Inc. xiii ViewStation User Guide

ViewStation Basics

The Graphic User Interface (GUI) is designed for ease of use. The following table is a definition of key icon functions:
Icon Icon Name Function
Text Tab
Preface How To Use This Guide
The purpose of the Text Tab is to enable the user to enter alphanumeric characters into the ViewStation. Numbers are entered with the remote c ontrol. T o en ter alpha ch aracters press the SELECT button on the remote control.
Select Button
Network Connectivity Error
Call Speed Indicators
Network Line Indicator
The SELECT button shown is on the remote control.
The Network Connectivity Error icon indicates severe packet loss between the ne ar end and the far end ViewStations.
The Call Speed Indicators illustrate the call speed of the near end or the far end ViewS tation. Speed s may be set from the Dialing Speeds screen. See Dialing Speeds on page 71.
The Network Line Indicators a re shown when the ViewStation is powered on.
Yellow Box: Checking line status
Red Down Arrow: Error in network link
Green Up Arrow: Line is connected
ViewStation User Guide xiv www.polycom.com
Preface How To Use This Guide

Usability Conventions

This guide uses navigational conventions to make ViewStation setup and troubleshooting easy. These conventions are marked in BOLD for each screen followed by a greater than symbol (>) to indicate navagation. Figure A is an example of this convention.
To view the User Setup options, go to System Info > User Setup.
Figure A: Conventions Flow Example
© Polycom, Inc. xv ViewStation User Guide
Preface How To Use This Guide
ViewStation User Guide xvi www.polycom.com

Getting Started

This chapter explains what you need to get started, what’s in the box, how to use the remote control, how to up the ViewStation, how to configure the ViewStation for a specific network interface, and how to use ViewStation help.

What You Need to Get Started

The following items are required:
A television monitor
A network connection
A power source
Additionally, the following items are required for each ViewStation as listed below:
ViewStation H.323 — A Local Area Network (LAN) Ethernet connection.
ViewStation H.323 with o ptional Quad BRI network interface module — Up to four ISDN lines from the ISDN service provider and an optional Ethernet LAN connection if H.323 is used.
ViewStation H.323 with optional Avaya DCP network interface module — Up to four DCP lines from a Definity PBX. The ViewStation DCP uses the wall jack ports connected to the Lucent Definity PBX and an optional Ethernet LAN connection if H.323 is used.
ViewStation 128 — An ISDN line for up to 128 Kbps video communications and an optional Ethernet LAN connection if H.323 is used.
ViewStation H.323 with V.35 network interface module — Access to a Data Communications Equipment (DCE) or Data Service Unit (DSU) and an Ethernet LAN connection if H.323 is used.
ViewStation MP (Quad BRI or Avaya DCP with Multi-Point calling, and up to four ISDN or DCP lines) — A software license
© Polycom, Inc. 1 ViewStation User Guide
Chapter 1 Getting Started
to enable multi-point calling capability on the ViewStation H.323 with BRI or DCP, and an Ethernet LAN connection if H.323 is used.
Note Multi-Point is available for the ViewStation H.323 or
ViewStation 128 with a hardware upgrade.

Television Moni tors

Any S-Video or composite television monitor with RCA input ports may be used with the ViewStation. The size of the television monitor should be proportional to the size of the room where the ViewStation is used. One television monitor may be used for video and a second monitor may be used to display graphics.

Power Source

The ViewStation has an auto-sensing 62-watt external power supply that supports line voltages between 100 and 240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz.

NT-1 Device

An ISDN Network Termination (NT-1) device may be required between the ISDN line and the ViewStation if your system is connected to a PBX or an ISDN line in North America, specifically, an ISDN U interface.

What’s in the Box

The following items are included in the box. These items pertain to all ViewStation models. If an item is missing or damaged, contact your reseller.
What’s in the Box ViewStation Models
H.323 512 128 V.35 MP DCP
ViewStation Unit Microphone Pod Remote Control Power Supply with Cord
ViewStation User Guide 2 www.polycom.com
Chapter 1 Getting Started
What’s in the Box ViewStation Models
H.323 512 128 V.35 MP DCP
QuickStart Card Read Me First Document User Documentation on CDROM Required Cables 3 3 3 3 3 3 Optional Cables 8 8 8 8 8 8 Miscellaneous Package RJ-45 Cables 4 4 V.35 Interface Adapter Quad BRI (IMUX) DCP Module Embedded 4-Port MCU RJ-45 White Connector Cable 1

Using the Remote Control

The remote control packaged with the ViewStation is an integral part of the unit. Use the remote to highlight and select icons on the television monitor, enter alphanumeric characters in text fields, configure the address book, move the camera, adjust the volume, and place video calls. Remote control functionality is described on the ViewStation QuickStart card.

Setting Up the ViewStation

Setting up the ViewStation is easy. First, locate the QuickStart card in the ViewStation box.
The cable connectors are color-coordinated with the corresponding connectors on the back of the ViewStation and the optional network interface modules. To connect the ViewStation, use the QuickStart card as a guide and follow the steps below.
© Polycom, Inc. 3 ViewStation User Guide
Chapter 1 Getting Started
1. Place the ViewStation unit on top of the television monitor as shown in Figure 1-1. Ensure that the front lip of the ViewStation unit hangs over the edge of the television monitor.
Note Verify that the top surface area on the monitor is adequate
to support the ViewStation. The surface area of the television monitor should provide enough support to prevent the ViewStation from sliding off the monitor.
Figure 1-1. Placing the ViewStation
2. Connect the required cables to the back of the ViewStation as shown in the ViewStation QuickStart card.
3. Center the microphone pod on a flat surface between the meeting participants and the ViewStation.
4. Connect optional equipment, such as an additional television monitor, a Video Cassette Recorder (VCR), a laptop, or a document camera to the back of the ViewStation.
Secure all loose cables with the provided cable tie. This prevents cables from getting tangled.
1. Slide one end of the cable tie through the square plastic cable holder.
2. Attach the square connector to the back of the television monitor.

Connecting the ViewStation to the ISDN or DCP Network

This section describes how to connect the ViewStation with the following options to an ISDN or DCP network:
ViewStation User Guide 4 www.polycom.com
Chapter 1 Getting Started
ViewStation H.323 with Quad BRI
ViewStation H.323 with Avaya DCP
ViewStation 128
Before setting up the ViewStation to an ISDN network, ensure all network connectivity iss ues are tes ted and reso lved.
ViewStation H.323 with Quad BRI
The ViewStation H.323 with Quad BRI uses up to four ISDN lines for network connectivity and requires a Polycom Quad BRI inverse multiplexer. The Quad BRI provides connectivity at a maximum H.320 data rate of 512 Kbps. Complete the following steps to connect the ViewStation H.323 with Quad BRI to the network:
1. Connect four ISDN lines from RJ-45 wall jacks on the ISDN network to the connectors labeled ISDN S/T on the Quad BRI network interface module.
2. Connect the green-tipped RJ-45 cable to the green RJ-45 port on the back of the ViewStation as shown on the QuickStart card.
3. Connect the opposite end of the green-tipped RJ-45 cable into the green RJ-45 port labeled network interface module.
xon the Quad BRI
NT-1. If you are connected to an internal phone system, commonly called a PBX, you need to connect the ISDN cables from the Quad BRI network interface module to an ISDN network termination (NT-1) device, which is connected to the ISDN wall jack.
For more ISDN information, refer to the Appendix D, ISDN Information," on page 203.
Once the interface is properly connected, the ViewStation H.323 with Quad BRI is ready to be configured for Ethernet LAN connectivity.
ViewStation H.323 with Avaya DCP
The ViewStation H.323 with Avaya DCP uses up to four DCP lines for network connectivity and requires an Avaya DCP inverse multiplexer. The Avaya DCP inverse multiplexer provides connectivity to conduct videoconferences at a maximum H.320 data
© Polycom, Inc. 5 ViewStation User Guide
Chapter 1 Getting Started
rate of 512 Kbps. Complete the following steps to connect the ViewStation H.323 wit h Avaya DCP to the network:
1. Connect up to four DCP lines from RJ-45 wall jacks on the DCP network to the connectors labeled ISDN S/T on the DCP network interface module.
2. Locate the DCP cable shipped with the DCP network interface module. This cable is identified with one transparent-tipped keyed RJ-45 connector and a black-tipped non-keyed RJ-45 connector. Connect the RJ-45 cable with the black tip to the green RJ-45 port on the back of the ViewStation as shown on the QuickStart card.
3. Connect the opposite end of the keyed, white-tipped RJ-45 cable into the green RJ-45 port labeled
xon the DCP
network interface module.
Once the interface is properly connected, the ViewStation H.323 with Avaya DCP is ready to be configured for Ethernet LAN connectivity. See Connecting the ViewStation to an Ethernet LAN," on page 8.
Note The ViewStation MP uses the Polycom Quad BRI network
interface module or the Avaya DCP network interface module and up to four ISDN or DCP lines for network connectivity. Use the Quad BRI or Avaya DCP network configurations to connect your ViewStation MP to the network.
ViewStation 128
The ViewStation 128 uses a single ISDN line and requires no additional hardware (e.g., network interface module) for ISDN connectivity at a maximum H.320 data rate of 128 Kbps. Complete the following steps to connect the ViewStation 128 to an ISDN network:
1. Connect the green-tipped RJ-45 cable to the green RJ-45 port on the back of the ViewStation 128.
2. Connect the opposite end of the green-tipped cable to an ISDN wall jack.
For more ISDN information, refer to “Appendix D, ISDN Information," on page 203.
ViewStation User Guide 6 www.polycom.com
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Once the interface is properly connected, the ViewStation 128 is ready to be configured for Ethernet LAN connectivity. See “Connecting the ViewStation to an Ethernet LAN," on page 8.

Connecting the ViewStation H.323 with V.35 to a Network

The ViewStation H.323 with V.35 uses a Polycom V.35 network interface module and has two HD-25 female ports (labeled 1 and 2) that are used to connect to your Data Communications Equipment (DCE).
Note Cable diagrams and pinout schematics are located in V.35
Technical Information," on page 193.
Connecting the V.35 Network Interface Module to the ViewStation
Complete the following steps to connect the V.35 network interface module to the ViewStation:
1. Connect the green-tipped RJ-45 cable to the green RJ-45 port on the back of the ViewStation.
2. Insert the opposite end of the green-tipped RJ-45 cable to the port labeled
xon the network interface module.
Connecting the V.35 Network Interface Module to the V.35 DCE
Complete the following steps to connect the V.35 network interface module to the V.35 DCE:
1. Connect the male HD-25 cable ends to ports 1 and 2 on the network interface module. If you want to connect only one cable, connect to port 1 on the interface module.
Connector screws should be lightly snug, not tight.
2. Connect the remaining cable ends to the DCE V.35/RS-449 port and the DB-25/RS-366 dialing port, if used. If connecting one cable only, connect to the lowest ordered port on the DCE.
© Polycom, Inc. 7 ViewStation User Guide
Chapter 1 Getting Started
LED Activity on the V.35 Network Interface Module
The LEDs on the front of the V.35 network interface module indicate the connection status to the ViewStation.
When the ViewStation is powered on, the following light sequence occurs:
1. Both LEDs flash once to indicate that the LED is working properly.
2. The bottom amber LED glows solid to indicate that the ViewStation is communicating with the network interface module.
3. The top green LED glows solid to indicate that the ViewStation is communicating with the network.
The top green LED corresponds to port status, and the bottom amber LED corresponds to DCE clock status.
Once the interface is properly connected, the ViewStation H.323 with V.35 is ready to be configured for Ethernet LAN connectivity.

Connecting the ViewStation to an Ethernet LAN

All ViewStation models use the same configuration type for connecting the ViewStation to an Ethernet LAN. Complete the following steps to connect the ViewStation to an Ethernet LAN:
1. Connect the orange-tipped RJ-45 cable to the orange RJ-45 port labeled LAN on the back of the ViewStation H.323.
2. Connect the opposite end of the orange-tipped RJ-45 cable to an Ethernet LAN wall jack.
3. A green light appears on the orange RJ-45 port on the back of the ViewStation if the LAN wall jack is active.
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Chapter 1 Getting Started

Initial System Configuration

This section explains how to set up the ViewStation. Except where noted, the following section app lies to all ViewS tati on mod els .

Setup Common to all ViewStations

The following instructions is a set of general setup procedures which cover all ViewStation models. Specific information that is unique to each ViewStation model is noted.
1. Power on the television monitor and ViewStation.
2. On the Welcome screen (shown in Figure 1-2) select the language used to display screens and information on the ViewStation.
Figure 1-2. ViewStation Select Language Screen
3. There are two ViewStation Welcome screens. The first is the
ViewSt a t ion Selec t Langua ge screen (shown in Figure 1-2)
Specify the desired country and language on this screen, and press the SELECT button on the remote control to continue.
The main Welcome screen (shown in Figure 1-3) is a general greeting in the language previously selected.
© Polycom, Inc. 9 ViewStation User Guide
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Figure 1-3. ViewStation Main Welcome Screen
4. The next screen is the How to Select Menu Items screen shown in Figure 1-4. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with this screen. Press the SELECT button on the remote control to continue.
Figure 1-4. How to Select Menu Items Screen
5. The System Name screen is where you assign a unique name to the ViewStation.
Highlight the gray text field (shown in Figure 1-5) and press the SELECT button on the remote control. You may enter up to 34 alphanumeric characters.
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Chapter 1 Getting Started
Highlight the Return icon and press the SELECT button on the remote control. Select the Save icon to continue.
Figure 1-5. ViewStation System Nam e Screen
6. Select the country where the ViewStation is located. This setting automatically configures ViewStation communications settings. Use the ARROW buttons to scroll through the list. Using the remote control, press the number that corresponds with the country name. For example, country names beginning with T , U, or V , press 8. The ViewSt ation menu goes to the first instance of the countries beginning with the letter T. Highlight the desired country, and press the SELECT button on the remote control.
© Polycom, Inc. 11 ViewStation User Guide
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Figure 1-6. Select Country Screen
7. The Call Preference screen (Figures 1-7, 1-8, and 1-9) are used to specify the type of calling preference.
ViewStation H.323 with Quad BRI and ViewStation 128.
ISDN Video Calls (H.320):
Checked: Enables H.320 videoconferencing for the
Not Checked: Disables H.320 videoconferencing for the ViewStation.
LAN/Internet Calls (H.323)
Checked: Enables H.323 videoconferencing for the
Not Checked: Disables the H.323 videoconferencing for the ViewStation.
Note At least one calling preference must be selected.
Display IP Dialing Extension: The IP Dialing Extension is used
if a ViewStation uses the Global Address Book (GAB). For more information see Global Address," on page 75.
Checked: The IP or E.164 Dialing Extension is displayed when an H.323 video call is initiated.
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Chapter 1 Getting Started
Not Checked: The IP or E.164 Dialing Extension is not displayed when an H.323 video call is initiated.
Figure 1-7. Call Preference Screen For ISDN
8. For all ViewStation H.323 with Avaya DCP. DCP Video Calls (H.320):
Checked: Enables H.320 videoconferencing for the
Not Checked: Disables H.320 videoconferencing for the ViewStation.
LAN/Internet Calls (H.323):
Checked: Enables H.323 videoconferencing for the
Not Checked: Disables the H.323 videoconferencing for the ViewStation.
© Polycom, Inc. 13 ViewStation User Guide
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Figure 1-8. DCP Call Preference Screen
Note At least one calling preference must be selected.
Display IP Dialing Extension: The IP Dialing Extension is used
if a ViewStation uses the Global Address Book (GAB.) For more information see Global Address," on page 75.
Checked: The IP or E.164 Dialing Extension is displayed when an H.323 video call is initiated.
Not Checked: The IP or E.164 Dialing Extension is not displayed when an H.323 video call is initiated.
For ViewStation H.323 with V.35: V.35 Video Calls:
Checked: Enables V.35 videoconferencing for the
Not Checked: Disables V .35 videoconferencing for the ViewStation.
LAN/Internet Calls (H.323)
Checked: Enables H.323 videoconferencing for the
Not Checked: Disables the H.323 videoconferencing for the ViewStation.
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