1. Preface ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Features ..................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Circuit description ..................................................................................................................... 4
4. Pin configuration .................................................................................................................... 5
5. Mechanical dimension............................................................................................................ 7
6. PCB integration & soldering ................................................................................................. 8
7. FCC compliance statement .................................................................................................. 11
8. Safety compliance statement .............................................................................................. 12
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1. Preface
The KT4586, DECT application module is used to transfer messaging, data, and voice signals
by use of the radio frequency spectrum according to the DECT standard.
KT4586 is a fully approved module that complies with the following standards and certifications:
EN 301 406 V2.1.1:2009-07 (DECT radio)
EN 300 175-1 to 8 (DECT CI)
EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1:2008-04, EN 301 489-6 V1.3.1:2008-08 (EMC)
IEC 60950-1:2005 (ed. 2.0) +am1:2009, EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010 (Safety)
R&TTE certificate
FCC PART 15, Subpart D
FCC part 15B
This means that by integration on a main board no radio test is required.
2. Features
RF range: 1880 – 1930 MHz
DECT channels: 60(EU) 30(US) logical duplex channels.
Receiver sensitivity: Typ.< -93 dBm [BER,1000 ppm].
Transmit power (NTP): Typ. 23 dBm. , 20.2 dBm (US)
Power supply range: 2.0 – 3.45V
Current consumption: TBD
Temp. Range: -20ºC to +60ºC.
Size: 25.0 X 30.0 X 3.0mm.
Other features: See data sheet for SC14441

29 general purpose I/O ports
Integrated CMOS
transceiver and
baseband processor
16-bit linear audio CODEC
Analog microphone interface.
Analog loudspeaker interface.
3. Circuit description
The module consists mainly of the fully integrated CMOS transceiver and baseband processor
SC14441 from SiTel semiconductor intended for DECT 6.0 handsets and base stations. RF switches
and other components are added to the design in order to perform the desired functionality
required for DECT/GAP. Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the module.
The DECT transceiver/baseband SC14441
SC14441 is a 1.8V single chip for DECT applications containing a fully integrated radio transceiver
and baseband processor. It is designed to perform the complete transmit and receiver function.
The device is designed to operate the frequency synthesizer in a close loop configuration both
during transmit and receive mode. Logic output ports are used to control the T/R switch and
antenna switch for FAD (Fast Antenna Diversity).
The CompactRISC CR 16Cplus microprocessor with a single wire debug port running from ROM
controls the protocol stack and the I/O peripherals, keyboard, UART, ACCESS bus, SPI, LED
drivers and RF switches.
The audio path comprises a 16 bit CODEC with an analog frontend including a high efficiency 4
ohm audio amplifier (class D) and a programmable Gen2DSP supporting various
telecommunication algorithms. Detailed information about the chip is available from SiTel