Polycom PICTURETEL PRISM User Manual

Polycom PICTURETEL PRISM User Manual



Upgrade Guide

Copyright © 1996: PictureTel Corporation—Printed in U.S.A.

PictureTel Corporation, 100 Minuteman Road, Andover, MA 01810

Telephone number: 508-292-5000

PictureTel is a registered trademark of PictureTel Corporation. The PictureTel logo, PictureTel Prism, Montage, PT724, and SG4 are trademarks of PictureTel Corporation.

Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. PictureTel assumes no responsibility for technical or editorial errors or omissions that may appear in this document or for the use of this material. Nor does PictureTel make any commitment to update the information contained in this document. This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied or reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of PictureTel Corporation.

Edition: 800-0770-01/A

Customer order number: DOC-PRSM-UPGD

Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with PictureTel Corporation guides and manuals, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

Shielded cables must be used with this unit to ensure compliance with the Class A FCC limits.

Bescheinigung Des Herstellers/Importeurs

Hiermit wird bescheinigt, daß das Prism in Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der Vfg 1046/1984 funkenstört ist.

Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde das Inverkehrbringen dieses Geräts angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeräumt. Dieses Gerät wurde sowohl einzeln als auch in einer Anlage, die dem normalen Anwendungsfall entspricht, auf die Einhaltung der Funkentstörbestimmungen geprüft. Es ist jedoch möglich, daß die Funkentstörbestimmungen unter ungünstigen Umständen bei anderen Gerätekombinationen nicht eingehalten werden. Für die Einhaltung der Funkentstörbestimmungen der gesamten Anlage, in der dieses Gerät betrieben wird, ist der Betreiber verantwortlich.

Notice to Users of Public DATAPHONE® Digital Service

The following instructions are provided to ensure that you comply with FCC Rules, Part 68.

1.All direct connections to DDS lines must be made through standard plugs and jacks furnished by the telephone company. No connections can be made to party lines or coin lines. Before connecting your unit, you must do the following:

a.Tell your local telephone company that you have an FCC registered device and that you wish to connect to the company’s line. Provide them with the 14-digit FCC registration number listed on the device’s label. They will also need to know the facility interface code and service code to connect the necessary service. For your unit, the facility interface code is 04DU5-56 for 56 kbps service. The service code is 6.0Y.

b.Inform the local telephone company of the jack arrangement you want to use, which is RJ-48S.

c.Connect the channel service unit (CSU) with the appropriate cable after the telephone company has installed the requested jack.

2.If the unit appears to be malfunctioning, it should be disconnected from the telephone line until you learn if your equipment or the telephone line is the source of the trouble. If your equipment needs repair, it should not be reconnected until it is repaired.

3.The CSU is designed to prevent harm to the DDS network. If the telephone company finds that the equipment exceeds tolerance parameters, the telephone company can temporarily disconnect service, although they will attempt to give you advance notice if possible.

4.Under FCC Rules, no customer is authorized to repair this equipment. This restriction applies regardless of whether the equipment is in or out of warranty.

5.If the telephone company alters their equipment or operations in a manner that will affect use of this device, they must give you advance warning so as to give you the opportunity for uninterrupted service. You will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC.

6.In the event of equipment malfunction, all repairs should be performed by PictureTel Corporation or an authorized agent. It is the responsibility of the users requiring service to report the need for service to our company or to one of our authorized agents.

Note: It is illegal to export a Prism system that contains the encryption option from the United States without approval from the United States Department of State. See your PictureTel sales representative for details.

Notice to Canadian Users

This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications (DOC).

Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la class A prescrites dans le Réglement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministère des Communications du Canada.

The Canadian Department of Communications label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective, operational, and safety requirements. The Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction. Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method

of connection. In some cases, the company’s inside wiring associated with a single line individual service may be extended by means of a certified connector assembly (telephone extension cord). The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations. Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian maintenance facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment. Users should ensure, for their own protection, that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines, and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.

DOC Load Number (LN) = 6

Caution: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.

FCC Part 68 Notice (U.S.)

The Load Number (LN) assigned to each terminal device denotes the percentage of the total load to be connected to a telephone loop which is used by the device, to prevent overloading. The termination on a loop may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the total of the Load Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 100.

Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) = .6B

International Approvals

Montage complies with EEC Directives 98/336EEC and 93/68/EEC and European Standards EN 55022B, EN50082-1 and EN60950. Consequently, Montage is eligible to display the following marking:

CC168 X

Connection To United Kingdom Telecommunications Network

Connecting Power: In the United Kingdom, by law, the telephone line cable must be connected after the power cable.

Disconnecting Power: In the United Kingdom, by law, the power cable must be disconnected after the telephone line cable.

The PictureTel Prism is approved to connect to the following United Kingdom (UK) Public Telecommunications Operator (PTO) network services:

Indirect connection to PTO-provided digital switched and point-to-point services through suitable approved branch systems.

This includes the following types of connections:

Indirect connection to basic rate ISDN services (for example, British Telecom’s ISDN2 service) through approved terminal adaptors, multiplexers, or PABXs.

Indirect connection to digital leased lines (for example, British Telecom’s Kilostream and Megastream services) through approved equipment, such as multiplexers or PABXs.

The Approval Number is: NS/3832/1/M/602676

Warning: The Prism must not be connected directly to any UK PTO provided services.

The Prism as approved above is comprised of the following elements:

Electronics module


Line-in microphones


X.21 (V.11) connecting cables

All other equipment shipped as part of a Prism (for example, cameras or monitors) is approved to connect indirectly to the UK PTO networks when connected through the Prism electronics module under the terms of General Approval Number NS/G/1234/J/100003.


About This Guide ..................................................................................................................


PictureTel Prism Release 1.1 Upgrades


Prism 1.1 Upgrade Kits ..................................................................................................................


Time Requirements.........................................................................................................................


Before You Begin.............................................................................................................................


Upgrade Kit Components..............................................................................................................


Second BPU and Quad BRI Upgrade Kit (UPG-V004-P8)...............................................


Second BPU and Dual-Port ISDN Upgrade Kit (UPG-V000-P8)....................................


Quad BRI Upgrade Kit (UPG-S080-16) ..............................................................................


Continuous Presence (CPM) Upgrade Kit (UPG-CP)......................................................


Upgrading the MCS Software


Backing Up the Current Software ................................................................................................


Removing Non-Essential Files.............................................................................................


Backing Up All Software to Tape........................................................................................


Installing the MCS Application Software....................................................................................


Installing the Second BPU’s Option Software...................................................................


Installing the Workstation Software ............................................................................................


Testing the New Software .............................................................................................................


Backing Up the Current System ...................................................................................................



Upgrading Prism Hardware

Installing a New Module................................................................................................................


Configuring Modules......................................................................................................................


Testing the New Installation..........................................................................................................


Backing Up the New Database ......................................................................................................



About This Guide

This guide explains how to upgrade a PictureTel Prism™ Multipoint Conference Server (MCS) to Release 1.1. This guide covers upgrading the software to Version 5.0C, as well as installing any of these hardware modules: a second BPU, a dual-port ISDN module, two Quad BRI modules, or a Continuous Presence module.

For information on Prism installation prerequisites, initial hardware setup and cabling, installation of Prism control software on a personal computer, and initial configuration procedures, refer to the

PictureTel Prism Installation Guide.

This guide does not cover the operation of the Prism or the software that controls it, nor does it cover configuration procedures except those required to make the Prism operational. For more information on these topics, refer to the PictureTel Prism User’s Guide.

To use this guide, you should be familiar with personal computer operation, including running applications programs under a Microsoft® Windows® 3.1 user interface. You should understand basic telecommunications terms, concepts, and equipment. Also, to successfully troubleshoot some problems you may encounter, you may need some specialized equipment, such as line testers.

For support, service, or training, please contact your PictureTel service provider or call Technical Support at 508-292-5999. If you are located in the United States, you may call 800-874-2835 during your local business hours.


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