or transmitted, in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior writte n permission of Polhem us Incorporated. No pate nt liability is
assumed with respect to the use of the inform ation contained herein. While e very precaution
has been taken in the preparation of this book, Polhemus Incorporated assumes no
responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting
from the use of the information contained herein.
STAR★TRAK® is a registered trademark of Polhemus Incorporated.
1.2 R
Throughout this m anual, the f ollowing c onvent ions are us ed. W ords s urrounded b y “<” and “>”
represent keys on your StarT rak s ystem keyboard. F or exam ple, the c ontrol ke y is pri nted lik e
When groups of keys should be pressed and held they are printed like this:
<Ctrl> + <Alt> + <Del >
When prompts and m essages appear on the sc reen or commands that are to be typed, they
appear in a different typeface. For example:
All Sensors Active
Throughout this manual, the wor d “ rec ei ver” is us e d synonymously with the word “ sens or .” The
terms are used interchangeably to refer to the miniature antennae that are placed on the object
to be tracked.
First Things First1-1
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
1.3 W
Before operating your StarTrak system, make cer tain that the StarServe, StarDrive U nit and
the monitor are properly grounded by connection to three-terminal grounded power
The voltages deve lop ed in the optional Su perNo va transmitter(s) can be h igh eno ugh to create
a shock hazard. Do not t ouch, handle or place conduc tive material near these units while in
DO NOT connect or disconnect the Long Ranger or SuperNova transmitter(s) to/from the
StarDrive Unit when powered, as this will cause severe damage to both StarTrak components.
1.4 C
Warning, Shock Hazard !!!
If problems are encoun tered with the StarT rak equipment, help is just a telephon e call away.
Call Polhemus and ask for Customer Service. For the most part, our Customer Service
engineers can handle your prob lems over the telephone and get you bac k into the fast lane
right away. If the prob lem requires repair of your instrument, the Customer Serv ice engineer
will issue a Return Merchandise Author ization (RMA) number. It is a good idea to keep the
original shipping co ntainer for your StarTrak instrument in the event t hat the instrument m ay
require repair. Please do not retur n any instrument without an RMA number as it will not be
accepted. If your instrument is still under warranty, Polhemus will repair it free of charge
according to the provisions of the warrant y as stated in Sec tion 9 of th is doc um ent. The pr oper
return address is:
Polhemus Incorporated
1 Hercules Dri ve
Colchester, Vermont 05446
Attention: RMA # ______
Telephone (Voice):(802) 655-3159
Telephone (Voice):(800) 357-4777
Telephone (FAX): (802) 655-14 39
First Things First1-2
2 System Specifications
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
2.1 S
Operating volum e no larger t han a 12f t. (3.6 m ) radius. T he enviro nment m ust be calibrat ed in
order to provide spec ified per form ance. Spec ified per form ance will be pr ovided i n this volum e,
with somewhat degraded performance outside that central volume. Minimum separation
(transmitter center to receiver distance) is 1.5 ft. (0.5 m). Use of the optional Super Nova
transmitter extends the maxim um specified perform ance range to 18 ft. (5.5 m ) and minimum
separation to 5 ft. (1.5 m).
Up to 16 Receivers on each of 2 actors, for a total of 32 Receivers.
One per actor, for a total of 2. Conta ins the elec tronics assem blies to acq uire rec eiver signa ls,
digitize and format data, and transmit to StarServe. Belts are powered by rechargeable
batteries, which also are housed in the be lt. Provisions are m ade for operation with either one
or two batteries.
Operating Modes
Wireless Mode: No cables will connect actor s with servers . Actor s' m otions wi ll be c aptured for
a period of time limited by the TrakBelt’s battery capacity.
Tethered Mode: A thi n, 1/ 4 i n. cab le connecting each ac tor with the St arTrak Motion Capture
Server will allow capture of actors' m otions for long periods of time: 1 hour, 1 batter y; 2 hour s ,
2 batteries; 16 receivers.
System Specifications2-3
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Battery Time - Wireless
At least 90 minutes, two batteries and 16 receivers.
Update Rate
120 Hz. per Receiver, independent of the number of receivers.
Client Interface
Ethernet, UDP Protocol
An arrangement of transmitting antennas sufficient to provide the performance specified
herein. The Long Ranger is supplied standard. The Super Nova is optional and can extend the
operating range, usually by 30% - 40%.
Absolute Accuracy
The absolute dim ensional accuracy of the position and or ientation reported by each Rec eiver
in the Calibrated Volume.
Position: 1 in. (2.5 cm) mean value over 100 samples. Standard deviat ion of 0.4 in. (1
Orientation: 1° (2.5 cm) peak
Within system accuracy,
Position: 0.5 in. (1.3 cm)
Orientation: 2°
With Long Ranger Transmitter: 1.5 ft. (0.5 m) to 12 ft. (3.6 m) radius
With Super Nova Transmitter: 5 ft. (1.6 m) to 18 ft. (5.5 m) radius
NOTE: Operation in a distortion-free environment with the Super Nova requires calibration.
This may not be necessary with the Long Ranger.
System Specifications2-4
Measurement Limits
Six degree-of-freedom sensing. No line-of-sight limits.
Operating Temperature
10°C-40°C at 10%-90% RH, non-condensing
Physical Ch a racteristics
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Motion Capture Server --
Configuration: Tower
Size: 16.5” (41.9 cm) L x 7.25” (18.4 cm) W x 17.5” (44.4 cm) H
Weight: 61 lbs.
Size: Approximately 1.19” (30 mm) x .75” (19 mm) x .75 (19 mm)
Weight: 1.0 oz. (30 g)
Transmitter Driver –
Configuration: Mini-tower
Size: 14.25” (36.2 cm) L x 7.5” (19 cm) W x 14.5” (36.8 cm) H
Weight: 17 lbs.
Configuration: Cloth belt with pocket for 1 StarPak electronics module and two batteries
Available Sizes: Small (33.25” x 8”); Medium (40” x 8”); Large (49” x 8”)
Size: 6” (15.2 cm) x 6” (15.2 cm) x 2.5” (6.4 cm)
Weight: 4.5 lbs.with 16 receiver ports and wireless link.
Size: 11” (27.9 cm) L (incl. antennas) x 5.5” (14 cm) W x 1.5” (3.8 cm) H
Weight: 1.5 lbs. (with dual units)
System Specifications2-5
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
3 StarTrak System Description and Components
3.1 I
The overall StarTrak system interconnect encompasses the following main components:
StarServe – The central control unit for the StarTrak system. Part number 4A0436-01.
StarLink RF Interface – A Spread Spectrum radio transmitter and interface unit used to
communicate with the StarPack Assemblies. Two different configur ations are available: Part
number 4A0438-01 for a 1-actor RF wireless unit or 4A0438–02 for a 2-actor wireless unit.
Calibration Fixture – The StarTrak environment calibration pole system. Part number
Long Ranger Transmitter – An apparatus that creates a lo w-level magnetic fiel d throughout
the motion capture volume. Part number 4A0345-02.
StarDrive Unit – An electronics unit that receives low power signals and amplifies them to
drive the transmitter. Part number 4A0426-01.
Receiver – A miniature antenna, placed on the object to be tracked that receives the
transmitted magnetic fields. StarTrak can simultaneously operate up to 32 receivers per
system. Three different cable length configurations are available: Part number 4A0434-01,
4A0434-02, and 4A0434-03.
StarPak – Synchronizes the sensing of the magnetic fields, collects sensed data, converts
data to digital form and transm its data via t eth er or wir eles s to the StarLink. Two confi gurat ions
are available: An 8-input unit is part number 4A0435-01 and a 16-input unit is 4A0435-02.
StarLink – Provides the wireless link to/from the StarPak (s) and interfaces the StarServe via
its internally housed special MAC board. Part number 3A0602.
Host Computer – The system utilizing the StarTr ak motion capture data. The da ta is r eceived
via the Ethernet connection.
The remainder of th is chapter will describe all of the StarTrak components in detail. P lease
check to ensure that you have received all of the StarTrak components listed in this manual.
StarTrak System Description and Components3-6
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
3.2 D
Battery Pack
Figure 3-1 Battery Pack
The StarTrak Battery Pack consists of a long-life Lithium Ion battery capable of powering a
single StarPak for approxim ately 1 hour between charges. One b attery pack will operate up to
16 receivers.
StarTrak System Description and Components3-7
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Battery Charger
Figure 3-2 Battery Charging Unit
The battery charger un it is pr ovid ed t o charg e the L ithium Ion batter y pack . T he charge tim e is
approximately 1.5 hours.
StarTrak System Description and Components3-8
Calibration System
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Figure 3-3 Calibration fixture
The StarTrak ca libration fixture c onsists of a m odular pole where the calibration receivers are
mounted in a known position an d orienta tion. This fixture is used to m odel th e environm ent for
the motion capture space.
StarTrak System Description and Components3-9
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Ethernet Cables
Figure 3-4 10Base2 (left) and 10BaseT (right) Ethernet Cables
The Ethernet cables pro vide a high-speed data pipe to external data proc essing equipment.
Both Real Time and recorded motion capture data may be transmitted over this link.
StarTrak System Description and Components3-10
Keyboard, Monitor, and Mouse
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Figure 3-5 StarServe, Keyboard, Monitor and Mouse
The keyboard, monitor and mouse provide a means for interfacing with the StarTrak system.
StarTrak System Description and Components3-11
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Figure 3-6 StarServe
The StarServe is the central cont rol unit of the St arTrak system. It is built upo n a W indows NT
platform and performs numerous functions in addition to providing real-time motion capture
data. A few key functions are described here:
Position & Orientation Solution – The Server performs the sophisticated position and
orientation calculations.
MAC Board – Installed in the StarServe is a special circuit board that performs two functions:
StarTrak System Description and Components3-12
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
1. StarDrive Excitation – The Server provides the unique wa vef or m that is amplified by
the Star Drive unit and then applied to the Long Ranger Transmitter.
2. StarPak Control and Data Acquisition – Used to com municate with the per form ers’
StarPak via tether cable and via Radio Link with the StarLink RF interface.
Network Connection – The server provides an Ethernet interface to your host computer.
Standard Receiver and Cable Assembly
Figure 3-7 Standard Receiver and Cable Assembly
A StarTrak rec eiver is a miniature antenna, placed on the object to be tr acked, that recei ves
the transmitted m agnetic fields. The StarTrak can simultaneously operate up to 32 receivers
per system. The r eceiver’s small size provides both comfort and good fit. Up to 16 receivers
can be connected to a single StarPak. See figure 3-7 above.
Receivers may also be referred to as “sensors” in this document.
StarTrak System Description and Components3-13
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Figure 3-8 StarPak Front View
StarTrak System Description and Components3-14
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Figure 3-9 StarPak Back View
The StarPak is the interface between the 16 Receivers and the StarLink RF Interface. The
StarPak performs primary signal processing of the data provided by the Receivers,
conditioning it and getting it into digital format ready for transmission to the server.
StarTrak System Description and Components3-15
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
StarLink RF Interface
Figure 3-10 StarLink Front View
StarTrak System Description and Components3-16
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Figure 3-11 StarLink Rear View
The StarLink RF unit interfaces the Spread Spectrum RF transceivers to the StarSer ve. The
transceivers provide the wireless data link between the StarServe and the StarPak. The
StarLink RF Interface can support communication for one or two StarPaks.
StarTrak System Description and Components3-17
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Long Ranger Transmitter
Figure 3-22 Long Ranger Transmitter System with Tuning Module
The Long Ranger T ransmitter is the “ Antenna” or m agnetic radiator of the Star Trak s ystem. It
must be placed on a stable platform and oriented in a specific direction.
Warning: Do not attach/remove the Long Ranger Transmitter to/from the Star Drive Unit when
it is powered on or it will cause severe damage to both units.
StarTrak System Description and Components3-18
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Tether Cable
The Tether Cable is a c ondu it through which all the c o llected Receiver data may be sent to the
StarTrak StarServe f or position and orientation proc essing. In non-wireless m ode the Tether
remains connected to the performer. In wireless mode, the Tether is used only to initially
synchronize the StarPak with the StarServe. There exists one Tether per StarPak unit.
Figure 3-33 TRAKBELT
The TRAKBELT is a simple har ness worn aro und the per form er’s waist t hat prov ides for easy
attachment of the StarPak and Battery Pack to the performer.
StarTrak System Description and Components3-19
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Figure 3 44 StarDrive
The StarDrive unit receives low power signals and amplifies them to drive the transmitter.
StarTrak System Description and Components3-20
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
4 Step-By-Step System Installation
4.1 C
Figure 4-1 illustrates the overall electrical interconnect of the StarTrak system.
115/230 VAC
17500 BLK/ 17850
115/230 VAC
17500 BLK/
Step-By-Step System Installat io n4-21
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
The StarTrak StarServe is a Pentium based, Microsoft NT workstation running the StarTrak
motion capture appl ication. The ser ver unit is comprised of the chassis, k eyboard, m ouse and
monitor. The chassis contains the receptacles for the other server components, the MAC
board and an Ethernet interface.
The mouse is installed at the server chassis into a PS2 mini-DIN receptacle. All required
mouse drivers are pre-installed at the factory.
The keyboard is a standard AT style input device. It is connected at the rear of the server
chassis into a PS2 mini-DIN receptacle.
The monitor is connected to the receptacle at the rear of the StarServe chassis with a standard
video cable. Refer to Figure 3-5. The monitor power cord must be attached to a standard
power receptacle. The monitor and chassis automatically operate at the proper voltage 100220V, 50-60Hz, depending on what is supplied.
StarLink RF Interface Unit
This unit interfaces the Spread Spectrum RF trans ceivers to the StarSer ve. It is connect ed to
the StarServe chassis via a 68-Position SCSI-III cable to the MAC board
The StarTrak Star Dr ive unit is connected to the Star Serve chassis via a 15 position D-type
cable assembly. Similar ly, it is attached to the T ransm itter (Long Ran ger, etc ) via a xx p osition
D-type cable assembly. The Star Drive unit also must be attached to a standard power
receptacle and will operate at proper voltage (100-220VAC, 50-50-60Hz). A lighted power
switch is provided on the unit face panel. The StarDrive can be turned ON/OFF as the
StarServe turns ON/OFF.
Step-By-Step System Installation4-22
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Long Ranger Transmitter Assembly
Figure 4-2 Long Ranger Transmitter Assembly and Cable Connection
When using the Lon g Ra nger Transmitter, attach t he t ur nbuckle the opening in the l ong r a ng er
and the bar inside the pedestal, as shown in Figure 4-2 above.
Step-By-Step System Installat io n4-23
Star★★★★Trak User Guide v001B
Figure 4-3 Super Nova Transmitter
If the optional Super Nova Transmitter is used in l ieu of the Long Ranger, attach its special
transmitter cable to th e three connectors of the Super N ova Transmitter, matching the X, Y,
and Z labeled connectors. See Figure 4-3 above.
Transmitter Mounting
There are several t echniques for mounting th e Long Ranger T ransmitter. The method shown
uses the Polhemus custom non-metallic Tripod. (Refer to the following instructions for
mounting the transmitter to the custom Tripod m ount.) Mounting pr operly and secur ely is very
important since all measurements are made relative to its location.
1. Place the tripod in a low-traffic area to prevent accidentally disturbing the
transmitter. Avoid high-distortion areas such as those close to steel beams or
metallic siding.
2. Set up the tripod with the three legs positioned in a circle of at least 4 feet in
diameter for the lo west tripo d height. Extension of the tripod legs will requ ire t hat
Step-By-Step System Installation4-24
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