Congratulations on purchasing the P o lar o id Phot oM AX PDC 1320 Complete
Digital Ca mera Kit. This k it co ntains everything y o u n eed to ent er the wo rl d o f
digi tal im agin g. Af ter takin g ph oto s, yo u will find it e asy to tra nsfe r th em to y our
computer, edit, and c orrect your images— even display them on your television!
Once the photos are on your computer, you can use the ArcSoft PhotoMAX
Image Maker Software to change them in creative ways, include them in email,
and print them.
Your digital camera and software are easy to use and are designed to work
together to produce high quality results. Use your imagination and have fun!
What is in this manual
The first part of this user’s manual, “Quick Start: Taking Your First Photo,”
walks you through ten easy steps that will have y ou taking successful photos
in no time.
The second section, “Advanced Features and Settings,” explain s the mor e
sophist icat e d functions of the came r a and how to make them work for yo u.
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 1320 Digital Camera User’s Manual1
Quick Start: Taking Your First Photo
Unpack your camera kit
Step 1
aCamera case
bPolaroid PDC 1320 camera
cWrist strap (attached to c amera)
dUser’s manu al
eArcSoft PhotoMAX Image Maker
Software CD-ROM
fFour AA batteries
gAC power adapter
hCamera-to-computer USB cable
iCamera-to-TV video cable
aFla sh setting pointer
bSelf-timer indicator (when in use)
cBattery power indicator
dPhotos r ema ining indicator
ePC connection indicator (when in use)
fPhoto resolution indicator
gPhoto quality indicator
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 1320 Digital Camera User’s Manual5
Rear view
aCamera power/status
bCompactFlash memory card
cOptical v iewfi n der
dLCD scroll up button/self-
timer button
eLCD scroll down button
fOK button
gColor LCD on/off and
photo viewing button
hColor LCD (menu/viewfinder)
6 Questions?
aUSB connection
bVideo connection
cAC power adapter connection
Step 3
aOpen the battery compartment cover on
the bottom of the camera by sliding the
cover out to the side as far as it will go and
lifting it.
Install the camera’s batteries
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 1320 Digital Camera User’s Manual7
bInsert four AA batteries with the + and -
ter m i nals placed as shown.
cClose the cover of the battery
comp ar tment securely.
If you feel r esi stance, do not force the
cover. Slide it out to the side as far as it will
go, press it down flat against the camera
base, and slide it back into the base to lock
it closed.
Note: To learn more about batteries, such as
which ones to us e and how to tell if
your batteries are running low, see page 16
Step 4
Turn the camera on
aPress the yellow camer a on / off button (a)
on the top of the camera.
bWait for the green power/status in dicator
ligh t (b) on the back of the camera to stop
blinking before you take a photo.
Note: To conserve battery life, the color LCD
turns off after 90 seconds and goes into
“sleep mode.” While the camera is in
sleep mode, the gree n power/status
indicator light (b) stays on. (Be sure to turn off the color LCD when it is
not needed.) Pressing any button o r r ot at i ng the mode dial immed iat ely
returns t he cam era t o a powered-u p state. The cam era sh u t s off
completely after three minutes of inactivity, unless you are using an AC
adapter (page15).
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 1320 Digital Camera User’s Manual9
Step 5
Tur n the mode dia l to R ecord
The Record mode (a) is on the mode dial on the top of the
To learn more about the camer a’s modes, see pag e24.
Step 6:
Turn the f ocu s ing r ing o n the front of the
came ra t o se t th e co rrec t dis tan c e betw ee n y ou
and your subject:
Turn the focusing ring
2 feet (.6 m) to infinity
Use this setting for most subjects.
1 to 2 feet (.3 to .6 m)
Use this macro setting for close-up photos.
Step 7:
The camera is pre-se t to A uto flash, which means the flash fires when the lighting
si tu ation cal ls f or it . If you w ant to use a different s etting, see pag e 27.
Stand 3 to 8 feet (1 to 2.5 m) fr om you r su bject for best results with flash.
Use the flash (if desired)
If the flash fires, you cannot take another photo until
the power/status indicator (a) on the back of the
camera stops blinking.
Step 8:
Stand th e correct
distance from your subject
•Outdoors (no flash): 2 feet (.6 m) or more
from your subject
•Indoors (with flash): 3 to 8 fe et (1 to 2.5 m) from your subject
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 1320 Digital Camera User’s Manual11
Step 9:
Frame the photo
You can frame your ph oto in on e of two
•Use the framing lines in the
optical viewfinder (a).
•Use the color LCD (b).
To see an image in the color
LCD, press the yellow LCD
on/off bu tton (c) on the back of
the camera.
Note: The color LCD uses
additional b attery power.
Step 10:
Press the shutter button
Press down th e shutter button (a) to take the photo.
Do not move the camera until you hear a click.
The Next Step
Now that you have taken your f irst photo, spen d some tim e wi th the next
section, “A dvanced Features and Settings.” It tells you how to:
You will also learn about using other exciting features of your Polaroid PDC
1320 camera, such as:
Take a look at the next section and see how you can make yo ur camera work for
Transfer yo ur photos to your computer so you can edit or email them
(page 58).
See your photos on a television (page 41).
CompactFlash memory card support (page 18)
Self-timer (page29)
Digital zoom (p a g e34)
Photo Quickview (page 36)
DPOF printing (page 43)
Menu options (page 48)
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 1320 Digital Camera User’s Manual13
Advanc ed Featu res and Settin gs
This is wh at yo u will find in this sectio n:
Using an AC Adapter or Batteries (page 15)
Stor i ng Pho tos in Memory (page18)
Fo r m atting Memory (page 22)
Using the Mode Dial and Menus (page 24)
Setti ng the Focusi ng Distance (page26)
Using the Flash (page 27)
U s ing the Self-Timer (page29)
Reading the Photos Remaining Ind ica to r (pag e30)
Setting the P h oto Quality and Photo Resolution (page 31)
Us ing Digital Zoom (page 34)
Reviewing and Deleting Photo s in Quickview (page 36)
Viewing Phot os (page 36)
Viewing Your Photos on Television (page 41)
Printing Photos ( page43)
Deleting Photos (page 45)
14 Questions?
Us ing Menu Options (page48)
Installing PhotoMAX Software (page 56)
Transferring Ph ot os to Your Computer (page58)
Accessing Photos in PhotoMAX Software (page 61)
Getti ng Help with PhotoMAX Software (pa ge 64)
Using an AC Adapter or Batteries
You c a n use the camera’s AC adapter or four AA batteries.
AC adapter
Caution: Always turn your camera off before inserting or removing the AC
adapt er.
To maximize the life of your camera’s batteries, use the AC adapter whenever
possible. For example, always u se the AC adapter when you:
Note: When you use an AC adapter, the camera will remain on for 30 minutes
Review stored photos on the color LCD
Display photos on your television using the video cable
Transfer photos to your computer using the USB cable
of inactivity before it shuts its elf off.
The AC adapter may become warm to the touch after extended periods
of use. This is no caus e for alarm.
Using the AC adapter will not recharge rechargeable batteries.
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 1320 Digital Camera User’s Manual15
Press the on/off button to tur n th e camera
Con nect one en d of the AC ada pter to the AC
connect ion on the camera.
Connect the other end of the AC adapter to a
grounded electrical outlet.
Press the camera on/off button to turn the
camera o n.
Use only AA high-capacity super alkalin e or lithium disposable batteries or
NiCad or NiMH rechargeable batt eries. Never mix old batteries with new
batteries, different types of batteries, or batteries from different manufacturers.
Battery Status
The battery icon in the status LCD shows how much energy remains in the
Battery IconBattery Status
16 Questions?
Fully charged
Moderately charged
Low charge—You can still take ph oto s, b ut if the
power drops very low, the flash and color LCD will
not function. As battery power drops still low er, the
camera eventually shuts down, and you will need to
replace all four batter ies.
Empty— Replace the batteries immediately.
Keep a set of extra batteries handy, especially on a trip, when it may be hard to
find replacement batteries.
When not using the camera, shut it off. And when not using the camera for more
than a few days, remove the batteries.
Note: Your photos are never lost when you change batteries. They always
remain in memory.
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 1320 Digital Camera User’s Manual17
St or in g Phot os in Mem o r y
You can store your photos in the camera’s internal memory or an optional
CompactFlash memory card.
The camera’s internal memory
The Polaroid P DC 1320 camera automatically stores yo ur photos in 8 MB of
internal memory . Depending on the camera ’s photo-qua lity setting (page 31), its
internal memory normally stores from 17 to 50 phot os a t 1280 x 960 resolution
or 34 to 138 photos at 640 x 480 resolution. If there is no space left in the
camera’s internal memory and you try to take a photo, a message on the LCD
tells you that the camera’s memory is full. You need to delete photos from the
camera’s memory (page 45) or transfer photos to your computer (page 58).
An optional CompactFlash card
The Polaroid P DC 1320 camera includes a slot for an optional ATA Type I
CompactFlash memory card of up to 128 MB so you can add more me mory as
needed. For more informati on about Compac tF lash memory cards, see your
loca l retaile r.
Whenever you insert a CompactFlash memory card into the camera, photos are
stored on the card and not in the camera’s internal memory. Photos already in
the camera’s internal memory remain there, and you can access them by
removing the CompactFlash card.
If there is no more space left in the memory card and you try to take a photo, a
message on the LCD tells you that the m emory car d i s full. You need to delete
photos from the memory card (page 45) or transfer photos to your computer
(page 58).
If you delete photos when a CompactFlash memory card is in the camera, the
photos are deleted from the me mory card. If you want to delete photos from the
camera’s internal memory, make sure a memory card is not in the camera.
Caution:You must format a memory card (page 22) if it is new or has not been
used in your Polaroid PDC 1320 camera before.
Always turn the camera off before you insert or remove a memory card.
Otherwise, the memory card could be damaged or the photos stored on it
Note: For an explanation of card-related error messages that may appear on
the color LCD, see page65.
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 1320 Digital Camera User’s Manual19
Inse rting a CompactF la sh card
Turn the camera off.
Open the memory compartment
cover on the bottom of the camera.
Insert the card with the raised lip
facing up. Push it carefully but firmly
into the slot
The card only fits correctly into the
slot one way. When the card is
inserted co mpletel y, the eject
button (a) next to the card pops out.
Note: If the card does not seem to
fit correctl y, do not force it.
Turn the card over and retry.
Close the memory compartment cover.
R e m oving a Com pactF l a s h car d
Turn the camera off.
Open the memory compartment
Push the eject button (a) next to
the memory card.
Grasp the edge of the memory card
and pull it out.
Close the memory compartment
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 1320 Digital Camera User’s Manual21
Formatti ng M emor y
Always format a new CompactFlash memor y card bef ore you use it. In fac t,
format any CompactFlash memory card unless it has been used in your Polaroid
PDC 1320 camera before.
You may occasionally need to reformat the camera’s i nternal memory or a
CompactFlash memory card to delete stored photos or eliminate corrupted files.
Note: When you reform at a CompactFlash memo ry card that i s already in the
camera, all photos on the card are deleted. However, photos stored in the
camera’s internal memory are not.
To format a CompactFlash memory card, start with step 1 below. To format the
camera’s internal memory, be sure there is no CompactFlash memory card in the
camera and start with step 3.
Caution:Never turn the camera off while re formatting is in progress.
Turn the camera off.
Insert a CompactFlash memory card (page 20) unless one is already in the
Turn the camera on.
Turn the mode dial to Setup (a).
The SETUP MENU appears in the color LCD.
For an ex planation of related e rror messag es that m ay ap pear on the col or LCD,
see page 65.
Use the LCD scroll down button to highlight
Press the OK button.
Use the LCD scroll buttons to highlight YES and then
press OK. A message asks if you are sure you want to
format memory.
Highlight YES and then press OK. The camera displays the message,
Press OK and return to the SETUP MENU . (If you select NO , the
camera returns to th e SETUP MENU without form atting memory.)
To exit the SETUP MENU, turn the mode dial to another setting.
Note: If you ca nnot forma t the card, it ma y be defective. Return it to the
retailer where you purchased it.
Polaroid PhotoMAX PDC 1320 Digital Camera User’s Manual23
Using the Mode Dial and Menus
The mode dial on your Polaroid PDC 1320 camera has five modes that you use
to perform different functions:
R ec ord mode. Take photos and adjust photo settings.
Play mode. Vie w photos you have taken.
Setup mode. View an d set camera options.
Delete mode. Delete photos you have taken.
PC mode. Transfer stored photos from your camera to your
The Record, Play, Setup, and Delete modes each have their own menus. For a list
of each me nu ’s options and a description of each option, see page 48.
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