Polaroid 402b User Manual

1 English
5 Français
9 Español
13 Português
Limited warranty: Polaroid will, at our option, repair or replace any camera found defective in manufacture within the warranty period (12 months). The warranty period is determined by the date of the camera purchase. Keep the receipt as proof of pur­chase. Otherwise the warranty is determined by the date of manufacture. This warranty does not apply to damage caused by
accident, misuse or tampering and excludes all consequential damages except in jurisdictions not allowing such exclusions or limitations. Contact a Polaroid Service Center for Repair Information.
Garantie limitée :
Si cet appareil s'avère défectueux, Polaroid s'engage à réparer ou remplacer, à sa convenance, tout produit présentant un défaut de fabrication et ce pendant toute la durée légale de la garantie (12 mois). La durée de la garantie est déterminée par la date d'achat de l'appareil. Le reçu est votre preuve d'achat, con-servez-le. Sinon, la durée de la garantie est déterminée en fonction de la date de fabrication.La durée de la garantie est déterminée par la date d'achat de l'appareil.Cette
garantie ne s'applique pas aux dommages résultant d'un accident, d'une mauvaise utilisation ou d'un mauvais usage, et exclut tout dommage causé à un tiers sauf dans les pays où de telles exclusions ou limitations sont interdites. Pour de plus amples informations sur les réparations, contactez le centre d’assistance à clientèle de Polaroid.
Garantía limitada: Polaroid dará la opción, dentro del período de garantía (12 meses), de reparar o reemplazar cualquier cámara
con defecto de fabricación. El período de garantía comienza en la fecha de la compra. Guarde el recibo como prueba de com-­pra. En caso de no tener recibo, el período de garantía se determina por la fecha de fabricación. Esta garantía no se aplica para
daños causados por accidente, utilización o mal uso y excluye cualquier daño derivado, excepto en jurisdicciones que no permi­tan este tipo de exclusiones o limitaciones. Contacte con un centro de servicio de Polaroid para obtener información acerca de la reparación.
Garantia limitada:
A Polaroid poderá decidir entre consertar ou substituir qualquer câmera que apresentar defeitos de fabri­cação dentro do período de garantia (12 meses). O período de garantia será determinado pela data da aquisição da câmera. Guarde a nota fiscal como prova de compra. Caso contrário, a garantia será determinada pela data de fabricação. Essa garantia
não se aplica a danos causados por acidente, uso incorreto ou má utilização do produto. Entre em contato com o Serviço de Atendimento ao Consumidor Polaroid para obter informações sobre consertos.
Copyright 2000, Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A., owner of the trademarks ”Polaroid” and “ Miniportrait”. All other product names may be the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2000 Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A., propriétaire des marques commerciales “ Polaroid ” et “ Miniportrait ”. Tous les autres noms de produits sont la propriété de leurs détenteurs respectifs. Tous droits réservés.
Copyright 2000, Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge, MA 02139, E.U.A., propietaria de las marcas registradas ”Polaroid” y “ Miniportrait”. Los demás nombres de productos pueden ser propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios. Reservados todos los derechos.
Copyright 2000, Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A., proprietária das marcas comerciais “Polaroid” e “Miniportrait”. Todos os outros nomes de produtos podem pertencer aos seus respectivos proprietários. Todos os direitos reservados.
Front View
A Electronic-flash mount
B Lens aperture control
C Shutter-cocking lever
D Tripod socket (on bottom of camera)
E X-sync flash socket
F Lenses
G Shutter release
H Socket for shutter release
Rear View
I Viewfinder
K Door latch
L Thumb wheels
M Film back
Dark slide
Loading Film
Use Polaroid 8.5 x 10.8 cm (3-1/4 x 4-1/4 in.) pack films.
1. Grip the film pack holder door latch and lift open. Check that the film rollers are clean (See Cleaning Film Rollers).
2. Open the film pack back.
3. Hold the film pack by its edges and slide it into the holder.
4. Check that the white tabs are pointed up.
5. Close and latch the door with the black tab sticking out.
6. Pull the black tab straight out of the holder. A small white tab appears.
Cleaning Film Rollers
1. Remove the film rollers.
2. Clean both rollers with a damp, lint-free cloth. Rotate both rollers as you clean them. Never touch the rollers with anything hard or abrasive.
3. Dry the rollers with a lint-free cloth and replace them.
Removing and Attaching the Film Back
To remove:
Rotate the thumbwheels (A) clockwise to remove the film back.
To attach:
1. Align the left edge of the film back under the two tabs on the camera.
2. Rotate the thumbwheels counterclockwise to secure the back.
Taking Pictures
1. Mount the camera on a tripod.
2. Attach the electronic flash to the mount on top of the camera. If using a separate flash, attach its cable to the X-sync flash socket on the front of the camera. Note: We recommend the use of Polaroid Flash MP485 (part number 616593). Contact your dealer for more information.
3. Attach a film back to the back of the camera and remove the dark slide. Note: For additional camera backs, order the Pro Accessory Back (part number 624066). Contact your dealer for more information
4. Position the camera 1.2 m (4 feet) from the subject.
5. Frame the subject in the viewfinder.
6. As a starting point, set the lens aperture control to 16. If the picture is too light or too dark, see the section Adjusting Exposure.
7. Lift the shutter-cocking lever up.
8. Press the shutter release to take the picture.
Adjusting Exposure
If the picture is . . . Set the lens aperture to. . .
too dark a lower number
too lighta higher number
With Separate Flash Unit
To . . . Move the flash . . .
lighten picture closer to subject
darken picture away from subject
Processing Film
1. Pull the white tab straight out of the film
2. Grip the film tab firmly and pull straight out.
3. Wait for the length of time recommended on
the film box.
4. Separate the print from the negative.
Vue avant
A Fixation du flash électronique
B Contrôle de l'ouverture du diaphragme
C Levier d'armement
D Filetage pour trépied (situé sous
E Prise synchro flash
F Objectifs
G Déclencheur
H Filetage du déclencheur souple
Vue arrière
I Viseur
J Languettes
K Loquet du compartiment
L Molettes
M Dos
N Volet anti-voile
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