Polaris Xr-5DC Instruction Manual

Model: Xr-5DC
The prime meridian runs from the north to south pole through Greenwich, England.
Magnetic North
Represent the direction of the north magnetic pole from the observer's position. The direction a compass points.
Navigation The act of determining the course or heading of movement which will lead to the user's destination.
Position Fix
The GPS receiver's computed position coordinates.
Prime Meridian
The zero meridian, used as a reference line from which longitude east and west is measured. It passes through Greenwich, England.
Time To First Fix (TTFF)
If user has not used this GPS unit for several months, the almanac data for the satellites may be out of date. The unit is capable of recollecting this information on its own, but the process can take several minutes. Time to First Fix (TTFF) is the time it takes a GPS receiver to find satellites after the user first turns it on (when the GPS receiver has lost memory or has been moved over 300 miles from its last location).
Vertical Line
The short line which is silk-screened vertically on the LCD panel symbolizing user's heading.
Warm Start
Power-on sequence when a receiver already has valid almanac data, but must download ephemeris data for each of the satellites used to establish a position fix.
Waypoints are locations saved in user's GPS unit. These are locations user may later want to return to or review.
Instruction Manual
* Since the device is designed only as part of aid or reference for general outdoor activity, not for the condition requiring extremely high liability, such as life conservation. It is user's responsibility to judge the navigational capability of the system if the product is used for such purpose. * Although the unit is meant to be waterproof, user should not try to immerse it into water or use it in rainy environment. * Do not try to make any modification to either the mechanics or the circuitry without any permission from our distributor. * User is recommended to read this manual before any use of this unit. Remember to keep this manual in a proper place for future reference. * Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Superb Sound Products Ltd reserve the right to change or improve or modify its products and make changes to the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes.
Because of long period of shipping, the three accompanying AAA batteries, which are barely charged for testing before shipping out, and may discharge to empty when arrived, are not guaranteed to power on the unit successfully after being installed. If this case does happen, you are recommended to use the accompanying adaptor to charge the batteries before any use. In rare case you are suggested to press the RESET button if such act of charging fails to turn on the unit.
Differential GPS (DGPS)
An extension of the GPS system that uses land-based radio beacons to transmit position corrections to GPS receivers. DGPS reduces the effect of selective availability, propagation delay, etc. and can improve position accuracy to better than 10 meters.
Dilution Of Precision (DOP)
A measure of the GPS receiver/satellite geometry. A low DOP value indicates better relative geometry and higher corresponding accuracy. The DOP indicators are GDOP (geometric DOP), PDOP (position DOP), HDOP (horizontal DOP), VDOP (vertical DOP), and TDOP (time clock offset).
The length between two waypoints or from your current position to a destination waypoint. This length is measured in great-circle (over the earth) terms.
The distance above or below mean sea level.
Ephemeris Data
Current satellite position and timing information transmitted as part of the satellite data message. A set of ephemeris data is valid for several hours.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
The mean solar time for Greenwich, England, which is located on the Prime Meridian (zero longitude). Based on the rotation of the earth, GMT is used as the basis for calculating standard time throughout most of the world.
The direction in which user is facing or traveling.
Home 0
The starting location which user marks as the first waypoint when undertakes a navigating travel.
Home Point
Previous location which user marks as a certain waypoint when navigating.
Hot Start
The power-on sequence when a GSP receiver has valid almanac and ephemeris data.
A position's distance north or south of the equator, measured by degrees from zero to 90. One minute of latitude equals one nautical mile.
The distance east or west of the prime meridian (measured in degrees).
Introduction 3 Main Features 3 Overview 4 LCD Display Description 5 Button Function 7 Operating Polaris 8 Battery Installation 8 The First Use of Polaris 11 In-Depth Use of Polaris 11 Familiar With Polaris 11 Three-Point and Operation 11 GPS Navigation Pointer and Digital Compass 12 Distance 17 Speed 18 Local Time and GMT 18 Battery Status 19 Temperature Display 19 Application 20 Specification 21 Accessories 21 Glossary 22
Table of content
Thank you for choosing this unique and exquisite handheld GPS receiver. The Polaris is designed as an aid for outdoor activities like hunting, camping, hiking or other undertakings which involve positioning. Equipped with it on travel, you are informed with your current geographic position, direction leading to your destination, compass, distance passed, speed, temperature, local and GMT time. Before clutching it in hand when you can't resist the temptation of ousting, please go through the user manual, and you can go through the world without getting lost. The user manual will introduce you to the functions and features of the Polaris, and acquaint you with the procedures of how to use it.
Polaris Main Features
- The Polaris has 12 channels and a built-in GPS patch antenna, making it possible to track
12 satellites simultaneously and offer reliable positioning information.
- Integrated into this compact device is also a magneto-impedance censor, replacing traditional mechanical compass while allowing the system to combine GPS data with bearing of the digital compass to guide user in proper direction, either toward his destination or back to his starting point.
- A large vivid graphic LCD, divided into different data fields, conveys detailed environmental and geographic information to user on a single glimpse. Five user-buttons are located on both side respectively, enabling owner to operate with ease.
- A temperature sensor is applied to provide extra and immediate source of information. In addition, a microcontroller-based charging technique is also employed here to secure a fast and safe battery recharge process.
- The Polaris is a very mechanically compact design, which makes it waterproof and, thanks to inner suspensory structure, shockproof too. Another considerate feature is its multi-portability, user can hold in hand, hang from neck or hook to clothes.
Glossary Acquisition Time
The time it take a GPS receiver to acquire satellite signal and calculate the initial position.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system made up of a network of 24 satellites. GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day in a very precise orbit and transmit signal information to the earth. GPS receivers take this information and compares the time a signal was transmitted by a satellite with the time it was received. The time difference indicate how far away the satellite is. With distance measurements from a few more satellites, the receiver can determine the user's position. GPS receiver must be locked on to the signal of at least three satellites to calculate a 2D position (latitude and longitude) and track movement. With four or more satellites in view, the receiver can determine the user's 3D position (latitude, longitude and altitude). Once the user's position has been determined, the GPS unit can calculate other information, such as speed, bearing, track, trip distance, distance to destination.
Almanac Date
Information transmitted by each satellite on the orbits and state (health) of every satellite in the GPS constellation. Almanac data allows the GPS receiver to rapidly acquire satellites shortly after it is turned on.
The elevation of a certain geographic location.
See compass bearing.
C/A Code (Coarse/Acquisition Code)
The standard positioning signal the GPS satellite transmits to the civilian user. It contains the information the GPS receiver uses to fix its position
And time, and is accurate to 100 meters or better
Circular Error Probability,
Cold Start
The power-on sequence where the GPS receiver downloads almanac data before establishing a position fix.
Compass Bearing
The direction to the magnetic north of digital compass.
A set of numbers that describes your location on or above the earth. Coordinates are typically based on latitude/longitude lines of reference or a global/regional grid projection.
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Replaced Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) as the world standard for time in 1986. UTC uses atomic clock measurements to add or omit leap seconds each year to compensate for changes in the rotation of the earth
Current Point User's current location which will be marked as a waypoint
Deviation Angle
A signed value which depict the degrees user's traveling off desired course when navigating. If user departs from the desired course to its right side, a negative angle will appear; if user departs from the desired course to its left side, a positive angle will appear.
Figure 1: Outer Case Description of Polaris
Figure 2: Inner Body Description of Polaris
GPS Receiver:
Acquisition Time:
L1 band (1575.42MHz), C/A code, 12-channel Hot start: <10sec Warm start: < 40sec Cold start: <120sec
Update Rate: 1 Hz, continuous
Antenna: Physical Size:
Power: Battery Duration: Temperature Range:
Position : 10m CEP S/A off Velocity : 0.1/sec S/A off Time : 1ms Built-in patch
131.4mm (H), 61.8mm (W) 28mm (D), Three 1.5V AAA Batteries 16 hours
-15 C to + 70 C
+ 8 hidden pages