Pogo DATAQUAKE User Manual

Quick Reference Guide
Getting Started
The DataQuake™ module provides removable storage space, vibrating alert (like a pager) and a bright flashing LED alert for Handspring
handheld computers. To install, remove the slot protector and insert the module in the expansion slot until the connectors are secure.
The DataQuake includes File Mover software, alert configuration and alert test software already pre-loaded on the module. The File Mover software lets you copy, move or delete applications and data on the handheld and the module. The configuration software allows you to shut off audible alerts (including those from the To Do List or the Date Book) and redirect them to either the internal vibrator or flashing LED lamp. The test software allows you to test and alter alerts. When the module is inserted, it will display the configuration screen and will also install a new icon for each of these applications in the Application Launcher.
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