12. Installed equipment
For the use of equipment installed on-board, please refer to their manual.
In case of problem with one of them, please contact the reseller of the brand concerned.
Setting and initialization of the equipment:
Some equipment such as automatic pilot or log speedo requires initialization before use. Therefore,
It is important to refer to the manual for these devices to configure optimally.
Valves and plumbing:
All the valves must be closed after use. Installed seacocks:
Loch/speedo: situated in front of the keel structure.
Kitchen: under the kitchen furniture, you will find the sink exhaust seacock. You can access
the valve by the aft side of the furniture.
Toilets: it requires two valves. The inlet is situated in front of the gas tank. The outlet is in
front if the toilets
Exhaust: The exhaust of the engine is made over the waterline, in front of the aft
compartment. The valve is accessible by the starboard locker.
It is important that adapted rescue fittings are always available to block the seacocks in case of
waterway. Regularly check the plumbing systems.
Electrical circuit:
It is recommended to cut the circuit breakers after navigation.
The Pogo 30 is equipped with a burner and gas tank Campingaz type. It may also be equipped with a
double burner gaz. In that case, the gas bottle is located in an aft locker, only accessible from the
Before each use, the tap must be open and then closed. If the must does not have surveillance for
several days, unplug the gas bottle.
While using the gas burner, it is recommended to open the hatch above it.