Plus C-20S, C-20W Brochure & Specs

Ccei yo next idea he!
C-20S C-20W
Capte e projected age d yo hd-wrt n!
Product Designs
Architectural Plans
Business Charts
Education Lessons
and more...
and more...
New Features
Introducing the new line of PLUS C-20 CaptureBoards, with industry leading features for saving and sharing the notes from your meeting. Now print the captured image directly from an on-board printer.
Save as a digital file.
Keep an exact record of the presentation.
Share with meeting attendees.
Distribute in an email.
Network Capable
Print in color.
and more...
Smart Phone
Ideal for meetings in which a projected image is discussed.
A better meeting experience.
The PLUS CaptureBoard allows your meetings to be more dynamic, creative and productive. Meeting attendees can contribute ideas and provide input by adding their comments to the “writable” screen of the board. Combine and save all of the notes and comments along with the original projected image to your computer. Exact copies of the meeting notes can be easily stored or distributed as printed copies or via email.
Project & Write
The CaptureBoard's unique screen surface possesses the properties of both a projection screen and a dry-erase board.
Project an image of up to 60 inches. Use the supplied color markers to write directly on both the projected image and in the blank spaces on the board.
The matte surface allows for sharp projected images with minimal reflection or glare.
USB Cable
Quick and Easy Set Up
1.Connect the board to the computer with a USB cable.
2.Connect the projector to the computer using an RGB cable.
RGB Cable
Capture & Save
The easy-to-use CaptureBoard software allows you to combine and save the projected image with the hand-written notes into a single digital file on your computer.
The simple four-button menu is intuitive and learning the software requires little training.
The combined image can be saved as a JPG, PNG or PDF file which can be easily printed in color, attached to an email or incorporated into office documents.
Software Menu
• Scan Board
• Select Corner Mark Color
• Scroll Sheet
• Board Settings
Software Overlay Method
Projected Image Image with written comments Combined image saved
Save as JPEG, PNG, or PDF
as a single file
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