Plantronics Marque M155 Quick Manual

Voice-guided pairing
Just say “Answer”
Stream tunes, podcasts and more
Talk while you text, type and swipe
Sleek and lightweight, the Plantronics Marque M155 Bluetooth® headset is ideal for smartphone
users. Marque is enhanced with apps, enabled with voice-answer and enriched with music.
Marque M155
Call it a headset. Use it for so much more. Sleek and lightweight, the Plantronics Marque M155 Bluetooth
headset is ideal for smartphone users, freeing you to tap, type and swipe. Turn it on and it steps you through a voice-guided pairing for iPhone® and Android™ smartphones. When a call comes in, just say “Answer” – no buttons to press. You can even listen to music, podcasts or GPS directions, and with our Vocalyst™ service you can use your voice to manage emails, texts and update Facebook® or Twitter®. The free MyHeadset™ app gives you tips and tools to get more from Marque. Plantronics Marque, the smart way to connect with your smartphone.
• Take calls without pressing a button – just say
• MyHeadset app gives you tips and tools for iPhone
and Android
• Vocalyst service lets you use your voice to manage
emails, texts and update Facebook for service details)
• Stream music, podcasts, internet radio, GPS directions
and more
• Headset talks you through pairing process for iPhone
and Android
• Excellent sound quality in an amazingly lightweight
or Twit te r® (visit
Backed by Plantronics industry-leading global service and support. For assistance, call 866-363-2583 or visit
For more information about the Marque M155 or other Plantronics products, please visit our website at
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Talk Time Up to 5 hours¹
Standby Time Up to 9 days¹
Weight 7 grams
Multipoint Technology Use one headset to answer calls from either of two
paired Bluetooth-enabled phones.
Bluetooth Version Bluetooth v3.0
Bluetooth Profiles Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP),
Hands-Free (HFP) Profile 1.6 and Headset (HSP) Profile 1.2
Charge Connector Micro USB charging
Battery Type Rechargeable non-replaceable lithium ion polymer
Charge Time (Maximum) 2 hours for full charge
Operating + Storage Temperature
Service & Support 1-year limited warranty
Performance is de penden t upon bat tery and may var y by device
© 2011 Plantr onics , Inc. All Rights Re ser ved. Pla ntroni cs, th e Sound Wo rld grap hic, M155, M arque, M yHeads et and Voca lyst are trad emark s or registered t radema rks of P lantro nics, I nc.; Bl uetoo th is a regis tered t radema rk of Blue tooth SI G, Inc . and any use by Pl antron ics is und er licens e. iPhone is a trad emark of A pple, In c., re gister ed in the U. S and othe r countr ies. Al l other tr ademar ks ar e the prop ert y of the re spect ive own ers. P atent s US 5,712,453 ; D628188; P atent s Pendin g. 10 /11
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