Project: ML15
Date: 05/12/2015
Component: folded, getting started guide
File Name: 200618-02_ML15_GSG_WW.ai
Art Master Number: 200618-02
Part Number: 200619-02
Scale: 1:1
Resolution: 300dpi
Placed Links:
Fonts: Gesta, Reg, Med, Bold, Bryant Reg
Software: AI CC 2014
Printing Method:
Inks and Finishes:
(if applicable, include Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black)
100% K
Matte Varnish
Original Designer: Petra Serafim
E-mail: petra.serafim@plantronics.com
Phone: (831) 458-7710
Changes to art after approval:
1 2
2015 Plantronics, Inc. Plantronics and Simply Smarter
Communications are trademarks of Plantronics, Inc.
registered in the US and other countries, and ML15 is a
trademark of Plantronics, Inc. The Bluetooth word mark
and logo are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth
SIG, Inc. and any use by Plantronics, Inc. is under license.
Patents: US D681,602; D699,215; CN ZL201230490196.9;
EM 002109645; and TW D157594.
200619-02 05.15

sl Simbol prečrtanega smetnjaka pomeni, da odpadne električne in elektronske opreme ter baterij
ni dovolje no odlagati kot n erazvršč ene komunalne od padke, ampak jih je t reba zbirati l očeno. Za
podrobnejše informacije obiščite spletno stran plantronics.com.
sv Den överkorsade soptunnan innebär att elektriskt och elektroniskt avfall och batterier inte får
kasser as med osor terat hushålls avfall, utan s ka samlas in se parat enligt lo kala lagar och fö rordningar.
Mer detaljerad information finns på plantronics.com.
tr Üzerine ça rpı işareti çi zilmiş bir çöp kont eyneri simge si, elektri kli ve elekt ronik ekipman at ıklarının ve
pillerin e v çöpleriyle b irlikte atılm aması ve ayrı ola rak toplan-m ası gerekti ğini belirtir. Dah a ayrıntılı bilg i
için plant ronics.com ad resini ziyare t edin.
FCC Require ments Part 15 an d IFT
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This devic e may not cause ha rmful interf erence.
2. This devi ce must accept any i nterferenc e received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Requisit os de la FCC (secció n 15) y por el IFT
Su uso está sujeto a las dos condiciones siguientes:
1. Este disp ositivo no pue de causar inte rferencias n ocivas.
2. Este dispositivo debe aceptar todas las interferencias recibidas,incluidas aquellas que puedan
causar un funcionamiento no deseado.
EEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur
Plantronics, Inc.
345 Encinal Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States
© 2017 Plantro nics, Inc. All t rademark s are the proper ty of their
respective owners.
205555-01 Rev B 12.17
Plantronics B.V.
Scorpius 171
2132 LR Hoofddorp
ML15 Regulatory Compliance Information
United States
FCC Regulatory Information
This devi ce complies wit h part 15 of the FCC Rul es. Operati on is subject to th e following t wo conditions :
(1) This devi ce may not cause h armful inter ference, and (2) thi s device must ac cept any interfe rence
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equip ment has been te sted and found to co mply with the li mits for a Class B d igital devic e,
pursuan t to Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. These limi ts are design ed to provide rea sonable prote ction agains t
harmful in terference i n a residential i nstallatio n. This equipment g enerates, us es and can radi ate radio
frequen cy energy and, if n ot installed a nd used in accorda nce with the ins truction s, may cause har mful
interference to radio communications.
However, the re is no guarante e that interfe rence will not occ ur in a particu lar installat ion.
If this equi pment does cau se harmful inte rference to r adio or televis ion reception, w hich can be
determi ned by turning t he equipment of f and on, the user is e ncouraged to t ry to correc t the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increa se the separa tion betwe en the equipmen t and receiver.
—Conne ct the equipme nt into an outlet o n a circuit diffe rent from that to w hich the rece iver is connec ted.
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Changes o r modificatio ns not express ly approved by th e party res ponsible for com pliance could vo id the
user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.