Plantronics offers a two -year limited warranty on this pr oduct. In some countries you m ust register your product
to receive warranty ser vices. Please be aware that yo u may have other rights depending o n the laws of the state or
country where the product w as purchased. We strongly advise y ou to keep your receipt of purchase in orde r to prove
the date of purchase of this product . To register your product and for warrant y terms and conditions, visit our w eb
site at plantronics.com/support.
This warranty covers defec ts in materials and workmanship of p roducts manufactured, s old or certified by
Plantronics which were purchase d and used in Australia or New Zealand.
The warranty lasts for t wo (2) years from the date of purchase of the p roducts. This warrant y extends to you if you
are the end-user purchaser wit h the original purchase receipt.
The benefits provided under this Limited Warranty are in addition to other rights and remedies provided under
Australian and New Zealand law.
Our products come with guarant ees that cannot be excluded under th e Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled
to a replacement or refund for a major failur e and for compensation for any other r easonably foreseeable loss o r
damage. You are also entitled to have the pro ducts repaired or replaced if th e products fail to be of acceptable
quality and the failure does not amo unt to a major failure.
During the Limited Warranty pe riod Plantronics will repair or rep lace, at its option, product s that manifest defects in
materials or workmanship, if you pro vide notice to Plantronics and ret urn the product to Plantronics in t he manner
described below.
To request warranty servic e within Australia and New Zealand, lo g in to the Plantronics website using th e following
You will be responsible for shipping charges , insurance, and other transpor tation-related expens es incurred in
returning products to Plantr onics. To obtain warranty ser vice for products purchased in Au stralia , you will need to
return the product, freight pre-paid, to Plantronics at the following address:
Agility Logistics, 28-32 Sky Road, Melbourne Airport, Victoria 3045
Phone 1-800-793-150
If you return out-of-warranty pr oducts or products under w arranty that are determined n ot to conform to this
warranty, you will be responsibl e for all return-shipping and other tr ansportation-relate d expenses.
Please visit
plantronics.com/warranty or contact your dealer or our serv ice center for the full details of our Limited
Warranty, including items not covere d by this Limited Warranty.
You may contact Plantronics at the following postal address or via the toll free numbers provided here:
Plantronics Pty. Ltd., 712 Mt. Alexander Rd. Moonee Ponds, VIC 3039, Australia
Within Australia call (toll free) 1-800-793-150
Within New Zealand call (toll free) 00-800-5444-6600
Plantronics предлаг а двугодишна огр аничена гаранция з а този продукт. В някои ст рани е необходимо да
регистрирате п родукта си, за да по лучите гаранц ионни услуги. От бележете, че е възм ожно да разполага те
с други права, в зависим ост от законите на щ ата и държавата, к ъдето сте зак упили продукт а. Настоятелно
препоръчваме да за пазите вашата кас ова бележка от пок упката, за да докаже те датата на пок упка на този
продукт. За регист рация на продукт а и лицензионните прав ила и условия посе тете нашия уеб сайт на
Společnost Plantronics nab ízí na tento produkt omezenou dvouleto u záruku. V některých zemích je pro zís kání
záručních služeb nutné produkt re gistrovat. Dle toho, ve které zemi byl p rodukt zakoupen, můžete mít jiná práv a,
která vyplývají ze zákon ů dané země. Velmi doporučujeme ponecha t si doklad o koupi, který slouží jako důk az data
nákupu produktu. Chcete-li r egistrovat produkt nebo nahl édnout do záruční smlouv y a podmínek, navšvte náš web
na adrese plantronics.com/support.
Plantronics gewährt eine au f 2 Jahre beschränkte Garanti e für dieses Produkt. In eini gen Ländern müssen Sie
Ihr Produkt registrieren, um Garantieleistungen zu erhalten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie möglicherweise andere
Rechte haben, abhängig von den Bes timmungen der Staaten und Länder, in denen das Pr odukt erworben wurd e.
Heben Sie unbedingt die Kaufbes cheinigung auf, damit Sie das Kaufdatum des Pr odukts nachweisen könne n. Um
Ihr Produkt zu registrieren oder Garantieinformationen und -bedingungen anzuzeigen, gehen Sie auf plantronics.
Plantronics tilbyder to års begrænset garanti på dette produkt. I nogle lande skal du registrere dit produkt for at
modtage garantien. Bemær k, at du muligvis har andre rett igheder afhængigt af lovgivnin gen i staten eller landet,
hvor produktet blev køb t. Vi opfordrer dig kraftig t til at beholde din købskvi ttering for at bevise køb sdatoen for
dette produkt. For at reg istrere dit produkt og for at se v ilkår og betingelser for garan tien, skal du besøge vores
websted på plantronics.com/support.
Plantronics pakub sellele tootele 2-aastast piiratud garantiid. Mõnedes riikides tuleb garantiiteenuste saamiseks
toode registreerida. Pidag e meeles, et sõltuvalt s elle riigi ja regiooni seadusand lusest, kust Te toote ostsite, võ ivad
Teile kehtida teistsugused õiguse d. Soovitame Teil tungivalt selle to ote ostukuupäeva tõest amiseks ostutšekk a lles
hoida. Toote registreerimiseks ja garantiitingimustega tutvumiseks külastage meie veebisaiti plantronics.com/
Plantronics ofrece una garantía limi tada de dos años para este produc to. En algunos países deberá regis trar su
producto para recibir los ser vicios de garantía. Tenga en cuenta que p uede disfrutar de otros derech os en función
de las leyes del estado y país donde adqu irió el producto. Es altamente re comendable que conserve el re cibo de
compra para comprobar la fecha de compra d e este producto. Para regist rar su producto y conocer los términ os y
condiciones de la garantía, visite n uestro sitio web plantronics.com/support.
Plantronics tarjoaa kahden vuoden rajoitetun takuun tälle tuottee lle. Joissakin maissa takuu- ja huoltopalveluiden
saaminen vaatii tuotteen re kisteröimisen. Huomaa, et tä osa oikeuksistasi rii ppuu sen maan kansallisesta
lainsäädännöstä, josta tuot e on ostettu. Suosittele mme, että säilytät kui tin ostoksestasi todis taaksesi tuotteen
ostopäivän. Tuotteen rekis teröinnistä ja takuun käyt töehdoista saa lisätietoja o soitteesta plantronics.com/support.
Plantronics offre une garantie limitée de deux ans sur ce produit. Dans certains pays, vous devez enregistrer votre
produit pour bénéficier des services de garantie. Toutefois, vous pouvez également jouir d’autres droits, lesquels
peuvent varier en fonction d es lois en vigueur dans l’Etat et le p ays dans lequel vous avez effec tué votre achat.
Nous vous conseillons de conserver votre reçu afin de prouver la date d’achat de ce produit. Pour enregistrer votre
produit et consulter les conditions générales de garantie de Plantronics, rendez-vous notre site Web
plantronics.com/support ou appelez le
Η Plantronics καλύπτε ι το προϊόν αυτό με περι ορισμένη εγ γύηση διάρκειας δύο ε τών. Σε ορισμένες χώρες , πρέπει
να δηλώσετε το προϊ όν σας προκειμέν ου να λάβετε υπηρεσ ίες εγγύησης. Λάβε τε υπόψη ότι μπορεί να έ χετε άλλα
δικαιώματα, ανά λογα με τους νόμους τ ης πολιτείας και της χώρας όπ ου αγοράστηκ ε το προϊόν. Σας συνιστο ύμε
ιδιαίτερα να φυλάξε τε την απόδειξη αγ οράς, προκειμ ένου να μπορέσε τε να αποδείξετ ε την ημερομηνία αγο ράς
αυτού του προϊόντ ος. Για να δηλώσετε το προϊ όν σας και για να δείτε τους όρο υς και τις προϋποθέσει ς της
εγγύησης, επισκ εφτείτε την τοποθεσί α μας στη διεύθυνση plantronics.com/support.
A Plantronics kétéves korlátozo garanciát vá llal erre a termékre. Egyes országo kban a garanciális szolgáltatá sok igénybe
vételéhez regisztrálnia kell a terméket. Ne fe ledje, hogy a vásárlás államának vag y országának hatályos jogsz abályaitól
függően egyéb jogai is lehetne k. Nyomatékosan ajánljuk, hogy a vásá rlás dátumának bizonyításához tar tsa meg a számlát. A
termék regisztrálásához és a garanc iális feltételek megtekintésé hez keresse fel webhelyünket: plantronics.com/support.
Plantronics offers a two-year limited warranty on this product. In some countries you must register your product to receive warranty
services. Please be aware that you may have other rights depending on the laws of the state or country where the product was
purchased. We strongly advise you to keep your receipt of purchase in order to prove the date of purchase of this product. To register
your product and for warranty terms and conditions, visit our web site at plantronics.com/support.
תא םושרל ךילע ,תומיוסמ תוצראב .הז רצומל םייתנש לש תלבגומ תוירחא העיצמ Plantronics
םיקוחל םאתהב תורחא תויוכז ךל שיש ןכתייש בל םיש .תוירחאה תרגסמב םיתוריש לבקל ידכ רצומה
תא חיכוהל ידכ היינקה תלבק לע רומשל דואמ םיצילממ ונא .הנקנ רצומה הבש ץראה וא הנידמה לש
רתאב רקב ,תולבגההו םיאנתה תגצהלו ךתושרבש רצומה תא םושרל ידכ .הז רצומ לש השיכרה דעומ
.www.plantronics.com/support תבותכב ונלש
Plantronics offre una garanzia limi tata di due (2) anni su questo prodot to. In alcuni paesi è necessario re gistrare il
prodotto per beneficiare dei s ervizi di garanzia. Nota: il consu matore potrebbe godere di altr i diritti specifici a seconda
della legge vigente nel paese d ’acquisto. Si consiglia di conserva re la ricevuta come prova della dat a di acquisto del
prodotto. Per registrare i l prodotto e per conoscere i Termini e le condi zioni della garanzia, visitare il nos tro sito Web
all’indirizzo plantronics.com/support.
Plantronicsによる本製品につ いての保証は、2年間の限 定的なものとします。国によっては、保証サービスを受けるため
保証の条件と条項については、弊社We bサイト(plantronics.com/support)をご覧ください。
Plantronics는 이 제품에 대해 2년 간의 제한 보증을 제공합니다. 일부 국가에서는 제품을 등록해야만 보증
서비스를 받을 수 있습니다. 사용자는 제품을 구매한 국가 또는 주의 법률에 따라 각기 다른 권한을 가질 수
있습니다. 이 제품의 구매 일자를 확인할 수 있도록 영수증을 보관해 두실 것을 강력히 권장합니다. 제품을
등록하거나 보증 조항 및 약관을 확인하려면 당사 웹 사이트 plantronics.com/support.를 방문하십시오.
„Plantronics“ šiam gaminiui suteikia dvej ų metų ribotąją garanją. K ai kuriose šalyse turite užregi struo gaminį, jei
norite gau garannes paslaugas . Turėkite omenyje, kad, atsižvelgiant į šal ies, kurioje gaminys buvo pirkt as, teisės aktus,
galite turė ir kitų teisių. Griežtai p atariame jums išsaugo pirkim o čekį, kad galėtumėte įrod y šio gaminio pirkimo
datą. Norėdami užregistruo gamin į ir susipažin su garanjos nuostato mis ir sąlygomis, apsilankykite m ūsų svetainėje
Uzņēmums Plantronics šim izstrā dājumam nodrošina divu gadu neiero bežoto garanju. Dažās valss, lai s aņemtu
garanjas pakalpojumus, savs izs trādājums ir jāreģistrē. Lūdzu, ņe miet vērā, ka atkarībā no izs trādājuma iegādes valst s
likumiem jums var būt arī citas esī bas. Ieteicams saglabāt pirkuma č eku, lai varētu pierādīt š ī izstrādājuma iegādes
datumu. Lai reģistrētu izstr ādājumu un skatu garanjas noteiku mus un nosacījumus, apmeklējie t vietni
Plantronics biedt twee (2) jaar b eperkte garantie op dit pro duct. In sommige landen moet u u w product registreren om
aanspraak te maken op garantieser vices. Mogelijk hebt u ook n og andere rechten, afhankelijk va n de wetgeving van het
land waar u het product hebt aanges chaft. We raden u ten zeerste aa n uw aankoopbon te bewaren als bewijs v an de
aankoopdatum van dit product. B ezoek onze website op plantronics.com/support om uw product te registreren en de
garantiebepalingen en -voorwaarden te lezen.
Plantronics tilbyr en to års begre nset garanti på dette produk tet. I noen land må du registrer e produktet ditt for å mot ta
garantitjenester. Legg merke til a t du kan ha andre rettigheter avh engig av lovene der produkte t ble kjøpt. Vi anbefaler
sterkt at du tar vare på kjøp skvitteringen for å kun ne bevise kjøpsdatoen for d ette produktet. Hvis du v il registrere
produktet og lese vilkår ene og betingelsene for garant ien, kan du gå til nettsted et vårt på plantronics.com/support.
Firma Plantronics udziela dwuletniej o graniczonej gwarancji na ten pr odukt. W niektórych kr ajach dostępność usług
gwarancyjnych uwarunkowa na jest rejestracją produk tu. W zależności od prawa obowiązuj ącego w kraju i regionie, w
którym zakupiono produk t, prawa użytkownika mog ą się różnić. Zalecamy zachowan ie dowodu zakupu jako potwierdzenia
daty zakupu tego produktu. Aby zare jestrować produkt oraz zap oznać się z warunkami umowy gwar ancyjnej, prosimy
odwiedzić stronę: plantronics.com/support.
A Plantronics oferece uma garantia lim itada de dois anos para este produt o. Em alguns países, deve regist ar o seu
produto para receber serviços de garantia. Note que poderá ter outros direitos dependendo da legislação em vigor no
estado ou país onde o produto foi adquir ido. Aconselha-mo-lo a guar dar o talão de compra, comprovativ o da data de
aquisição deste produto. Para r egistar o seu produto e consultar os te rmos e condições da garantia, visi te o nosso site
em plantronics.com/support.
Plantronics oferă o garanţie limit ată de doi ani pentru acest produs . În unele ţări trebuie să vă înregis traţi produsul pentru
a primi servicii sub garanţie. Reţ ineţi că puteţi avea alte drepturi în fun cţie de legile din statul sau ţa ra din care a fost
achiziţionat produsul. Vă sfătuim s ă păstraţi chitanţa de achizi ţie pentru a dovedi data achiziţiei ac estui produs. Pentru a vă
înregistra produsul şi pentru term enii şi condiţiile de garanţie, vizit aţi site-ul nostru web la plantronics.com/support.
На данный продукт Plantro nics дает огранич енную гарантию ср оком на два (2) года. В некоторы х странах для
получения гаран тийного обслу живания необходи мо зарегистр ировать покупк у. Имейте в виду, что в зависимо сти
от положений законод ательства ре гиона и страны, где тов ар был приобретен, в аши права могут о тличаться. Мы
настоятельно р екомендуем сохран ять чек, получе нный при покупке, чтоб ы иметь возможнос ть подтверди ть дату
покупки товара. Что бы зарегистр ировать свою пок упку и узнать усл овия гарантии, по сетите наш сайт по а дресу
Plantronics erbjuder en begrä nsad garanti på två (2) år för denna pr odukt. I vissa länder måste d u registrera din produkt
för att få tillgång till garantitjä nsterna. Var medveten om att du k an ha andra lagstadgade rättig heter beroende på
den stat och det land där produkt en inköptes. Vi rekommendera r att du behåller inköpskvit tot för att kunna bevisa
inköpsdatumet för produkte n. För registrering av din produk t och information om garantivi llkor, besök vår webbplats på
Družba Plantronics nudi dvoletn o omejeno garancijo za ta izdelek. V nek aterih državah morate regist rira izdelek, da si
zagotovite garancijske storit ve. Poleg tega vam glede na zakonodajo dr žave, v kateri ste izdelek kupili, lahko pripa dajo tudi
druge pravice. Priporočamo, da ob držite potrdilo o nakupu, s katerim b oste lahko dokazali datum nakupa izdelka. Če že lite
registrira izdelek ter si ogleda ga rancijske pogoje in določila, ob iščite našo spletno stran na naslo vu plantronics.com/
Spoločnosť Plantronics po skytuje na tento výrobok ob medzenú záruku dva roky. V niektorýc h krajinách je potrebné výrob ok
zaregistrovať, aby ste mali nárok na využí vanie záručných služieb. Upozorňuje me, že v závislos od zákonov platných v
štáte alebo krajine, v ktorej ste výr obok zakúpili, môžete mať iné práva. Dôraz ne vám odporúčame odložiť si dokl ad o kúpe,
ktorý slúži na potvrdenie dátu mu zakúpenia tohto výrobku. Svoj výr obok môžete zaregistrovať na našej webov ej stránke
plantronics.com/support, na ktorej nájdete aj platné záručné podmienky.
Plantronics bu ürün için iki yıllık sın ırlı bir garan sunar. Belirli ülkelerde garan hizmetlerinden yararlanmak iç in ürününüzü
kaydermeniz gerekir. Lüen ürünün san alınd ığı eyalet veya ülkenin kanunların a bağlı olarak başka haklarınızı n
bulunabileceğini unutmayın. Ürün ü san aldığınız tarihi kanıtla yabilmeniz için san alma belgesini mu tlaka saklamanızı
öneririz. Ürününüzü kaydermek ve gar an şartları ve koşullarını gör mek için plantronics.com/support adresini ziyaret
Plantronics 为此款产品提供两年有限保修。在某些国家/地区,您必须注册您的产品以享受保修服务。请注意,根据您
购买产品的州和国家/地区的法律,您可能享有其他权利。我们强烈建议您收好 购买发票,以便出示购买此产品的日
Plantronics 提供本產品兩年有限保固。在某 些國家/地區,您必須註冊產品才能獲得保固服務。請注意,根據購買產
期。如 需註 冊產 品和 瞭解 保固 條款 與條 件,請造 訪 我們 的網 站:plantronics.com/support.。
Arbitration agreement
Most disputes and claims related to this pr oduct, including your use of this pro duct, are subject to the Plantr onics, Inc.
Arbitration Agreement ( “Arbitration Terms”). Disputes o r claims arising or brought in any country of E urope or Africa are
not subject to this Arbitration Agreement. The Arbitration Terms along with FAQs related to the arbitration process can
be found at
www.plantronics.com/us/terms/arbitration-forms/, or can be requested in writing submitted either to: (i) general.
counsel@plantronics.com or (ii) Plantronics, Inc., 3 45 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, C A 95060, United States of America,
Attention: General Counsel.
.Plantronics, Inc )"
. :
general.counsel@plantronics.com (ii) :Plantronics, Inc. 345
95060 : .
„Arbitration Agreement“ (Vereinbarung zum Schiedsverfahren)
Ein Großteil der Streitfälle und Reklamationen bezüglich dieses Produkts, einschließlich Ihrer Verwendung dieses
Produkts, unterliegt dem „Arbitration Agreement“ (Vereinbarung zum Schiedsverfahren) von Plantronics, Inc.
(„Arbitration Terms“ (Bedingungen zu Schiedsverfahren)). Streitfälle oder Reklamationen, die in Europa oder Afrika
vorkommen, unterliegen nicht diesem Arbitration Agreement. Die Arbitration Terms (Bedingungen zu Schiedsverfahren)
mit den FAQs zum Prozess des Schiedsver fahrens finden Sie unter plantronics.com/us/terms/arbitration-forms/. Diese
können Sie auch in Schriftform an fragen, entweder an: (i) gener al.counsel@plantronics.com oder an (ii) Plantronics, Inc.,
345 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, C A 95060, United States of America, Att ention: General Counsel.
Acuerdo de arbitraje
La mayor parte de las disputas y reclama ciones relacionadas con el produc to, incluido el uso que usted haga del
mismo, se someterán al Acuerdo d e arbitraje de Plantronics, In c. (en adelante, “condiciones de arb itraje”). Las disputas y
reclamaciones que se produzcan en cua lquier país de Europa o África no están suj etas a este Acuerdo de arbitraje . Las
condiciones de arbitraje, junto con las preguntas más frecuentes relativas al proceso de arbitraje, pueden encontrarse en
plantronics.com/us/terms/arbitration-forms/ o solicitarse por escrito escr ibiendo a (i)
general.counsel@plantronics.com o (ii) Plantronics, Inc. , 345 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, C A 95060, United States of
America, Attention: General Counsel.
Clause compromissoire
La plupart des réclamations et d es litiges associés à ce produit , notamment votre utilisati on de ce produit, sont soumis
à la convention d’arbitrage de Pla ntronics, Inc. (« Conditions d ’arbitrage »). Les litiges et réclama tions subis ou engagés
en Europe ou en Afrique ne sont pas soum is à cette clause compromissoire . Vous pouvez consulter les Conditions
d’arbitrage et les questions fréquemment posées sur le processus d’arbitrage à l’adresse
plantronics.com/us/terms/arbitration-forms/ ou demander une copie papier (i) par e-m ail :
general.counsel@plantronics.com ou (ii) par courrier : Plantronic s, Inc., 345 Encinal Street, S anta Cruz, CA 95060, Etats-
Unis, à l’attention du Conseil g énéral.
Accordo di arbitrato
La maggior parte delle controversie e dei reclami relativi a questo prodotto, compreso l’utilizzo del prodotto, sono
soggetti al Plantronics, Inc. Arbitration Agreement (“Termini dell’arbitrato”). Controversie e reclami avanzati o mossi
nei Paesi di Europa o Africa non sono s oggetti al presente Accord o di arbitrato. I Termini dell’arbitrat o, unitamente alle
domande frequenti relative alla procedura arbitrale, sono disponibili sul sito Web plantronics.com/us/terms/arbitration-
forms/, oppure possono essere richiest i in forma scritta ai seguenti i ndirizzi: (i) general.counsel@plantronics.com o a (ii)
Plantronics, Inc., 345 Encin al Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, Stati U niti, all’attenzione di: Gene ral Counsel.
本製品の使用を含む、本製品に関連するほとんどの争議および要求は、Plantronics, Inc. Arbitration Agreement(仲裁
契 約 )( 「 Arbitration Terms(仲裁条件)」)の対象となります。 ヨーロッパまたはアフリカ諸国で発 生した争議また
は要求については、本仲裁 契約の対象外となります。 Arbitration Terms(仲裁条件)および仲裁プロセスに関するよ
くある質 問 は、plantronics.com/us/terms/arbitration-forms/でご確認いただけます。または、(i)電子メール(gener al.
counsel@plantronics.com) 、( i i ) 書 面 ( 宛 先 : Plan tronics, Inc., 345 Encinal Stre et, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, United Sta tes of
America, Attention: General Counsel)の い ず れ か で ご 請 求い た だけ ま す 。
De meeste geschillen en vord eringen die op dit product betre kking hebben, inclusief he t gebruik van dit product door u,
zijn onderhevig aan de Arbitrageovereenkomst van Plantronics, Inc. (“Arbitragevoorwaarden”). Geschillen en vorderingen
die voortvloeien uit landen in Europa of Afrika vallen niet onder deze arbitrageovereenkomst. De Arbitragevoorwaarden
en de veelgestelde vragen m et betrekking tot het arbi trageproces zijn te vinden op
plantronics.com/us/terms/arbitration-forms/, of kunnen schriftelijk worden opgevraa gd bij: (i) general.counsel@
plantronics.com of (ii) Plantronics, Inc., 3 45 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, C A 95060, United States of America, Atten tion:
General Counsel.
Соглашение об арбитражных разбирательствах
Большинство спо ров и претензий, отн осящихся к данно му продукту, вкл ючая использова ние потребите лем
данного продукт а, подчиняются ус ловиям Соглашения об а рбитражных разб ирательств ах Plantronics, Inc
(Arbitraon Agreement) (“ Условия арбитра жных разбиратель ств” (“Arbitraon Terms”)). Споры и пре тензии,
возникшие на территор ии любой страны Евр опы или Африки, не подчин яются данному “Согла шению об
арбитражных разби рательства х”. Чтобы ознакомить ся с Условиями арби тражных разбират ельств, а такж е часто
задаваемыми вопр осами, связанным и с арбитражным проц ессом, перейди те по ссылке plantronics.com/us/
terms/arbitraon-forms/ или отправьте письменный запрос по од ному из следующи х адресов: general.counsel@
plantronics.com или Plantronics, Inc., 345 Encinal Street, Sa nta Cruz, CA 95060, United States o f America, Aenon:
General Counsel (Внимание: Генеральн ому юрисконсульту).
Recyclable where
facilities exist
©2014 Plantronics, Inc. EncorePro and Plantronics are trademarks of
Plantronics, Inc. registered in the US and other countries. All other trademarks
are the property of their respective owners. Patents Pending.
200180-01 (05.14)
Plantronics, Inc.
345 Encinal Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States
Plantronics BV
South Point Building C
Scorpius 140
2132 LR Hoofddorp
EEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur
This product is TCO certified,
for more information visit
洲或非洲任何国家/地区内发生的争议或索赔不受本仲裁协定的约束。 可通过访问如下网址 www.plantronics.com/
us/terms/arbitration-forms/、或通过以下书面形式:(i) 发送电子邮件至 general.counsel@plantronics.com 或 (ii) 寄信
至 Plantronics, Inc., 345 Encina l Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, United St ates of America, Attention: G eneral Counsel 获
大部分與本產品有關的爭議和聲明 (包括產品使用) 需遵守 Plantronics, Inc. 仲裁合約 (以下稱「仲裁條款」)。 在
任何歐洲或非洲國家/地區所引發或產生之爭議或聲明,不在本仲裁合約的限制之內。 如需仲裁條款與有關仲裁程
序的 FAQ (常見問題集),請造訪:
plantronics.com/us/terms/arbitration-forms/,或以下列書面方式要求這些資料:(i) 寄送電子郵件到 general.
counsel@plantronics.com 或 (ii) 寄信到「Plantronics , Inc., 345 Encinal Street, San ta Cruz, CA 95060, United States of
America」,收 件 人「General Counse l」。
FCC Information
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACTA. On the bottom of this equipment is a
label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. If requested, this number must be
provided to the telephone company.
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part
68 rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this product. It is designed
to be connected to a compatible modular jack that is also compliant. See installation instructions for details.
The REN is used to determine the number of devices that may be connected to a telephone line. Excessive RENs on a telephone line may
result in the devices not rinning in response to an incoming call. In most but not all areas, the sum of RENs should not exceed five (5.0).
To be certain of the number of devices that may be connected to a line, as determined byt the total RENs, contact the local telephone
company. For products approved after July 23, 2001, the REN for this product is part of the product identifier that has the format US:
AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits represented by ## are the REN without the decimal point (e.g., 03 is an REN of 0.3). For earlier products, the
REN is separately shown on the label.
If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance
of service may be required. But if advance notice isn’t practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also,
you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures that could affect the operation of the
equipment. If this happens the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make the necessary modifications to
maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with this equipment, for repair or warranty information, please contact (800) 752-6876. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.
This equipment does not contain any user serviceable components.
Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the state public utility commissions, public service commission or corporations commission for information.
If your home has specially wired alarm equipment connected to the telephone line, ensure the installation of this equipment does not disable your alarm equipment. If you have questions about what will disable alarm equipment, consult your telephone company or a qualified
Industry Canada Information
This product meets the applicable Industry Canada technical specifications/Le présent materiel est conforme aux specifications techniques
applicables d’Industrie Canada.
This Plantronics HW540
Headset may be connected
to the Telecom Network