ii SDT335A MMI Service Manual & Parts List
• Contents
4.12- Removing Envelope Feeder (DI425/ SI3500 Only) ............................. 4-11
4.13- Removing Envelope Feed Rollers & Separator Pad (DI425/SI3500
Only) .................................................................................................... 4-11
4.14- Removal of Flapper Assembly and Blade ............................................ 4-12
4.15- Removal of the Transport Pivot Plate & Insertion Roller ...................... 4-13
4.16- Removal of Sealer Rollers ................................................................... 4-13
4.17- Removing the Inverter Motor Assembly ............................................... 4-14
4.18- Removal of the Conveyor Transport Belts and Rollers ........................ 4-14/4-15
4.19- Removing Lower Flapper Rollers ......................................................... 4-15/4-16
4.20- Removal of the Lower Envelope Drive Roller ....................................... 4-16
4.21- Removal of the Power Supply Unit and AC Motor ................................ 4-17
5.1 - Envelope Feed Tray Guides (DI380/SI330 Only) .............................. 5-1
5.2 - Envelope Feeder Offset Adjustment (DI425/SI3500 Only) ................ 5-1
5.3 - Envelope Separator Pad Side to Side Adjustment ............................ 5-2
5.4 - Envelope Separator Pad Height (DI380/SI3300 Only) ...................... 5-2
5.5 - Envelope Separator Pad Height (DI425/SI3500 Only) ...................... 5-3
5.6 - Insertion Flipper Actuation Height/ Hold Down Solenoid Adjustment 5-4
5.7- Insertion Hold Down Finger Rest Position ......................................... 5-5
5.8- Transport Pivot Plate End Float ......................................................... 5-5
5.9- Transport Pivot Plate Setting ............................................................. 5-6
5.10- Fold Plates 1 and 2 Offset ................................................................. 5-7
5.11- Nesting Constant ............................................................................... 5-8
5.12- Q Station Adjustments ....................................................................... 5-8/5-10
5.12.1 Alignment 5-8
5.12.2 Q Station Calibration 5-9
5.12.3 Q Station Height 5-10
5.13- Insert Feeder Adjustments ................................................................. 5-11/5-13
5.13.1 Separator Roller Alignment 5-11
5.13.2 Separator Roller Height 5-11/5-12
5.13.3 Separator Pre-Feed Height (DI380/ SI330 Only) 5-13
5.14- Skew Adjustment ............................................................................... 5-14
5.15- Flapper Adjustment ............................................................................ 5-15
6.1 - A Brief Overview of OMR on this system ......................................... 6-1
6.2- OMR Specications .......................................................................... 6-2/6-6
'Standard' OMR Positions Diagram 6-3
'Offset' OMR Positions 6-4
'Swis Offset' OMR Positions 6-5
6.3- OMR Mark Grouping ........................................................................ 6-7
6.3.1 'C' Fold and Double Fold Jobs 6-7
6.3.2 'Z' Fold and Single Fold Jobs 6-7
6.4- Basic OMR ....................................................................................... 6-8
6.5- Benchmark ....................................................................................... 6-8
6.6- Safety ............................................................................................... 6-8