Pitco TURBOFRY 2000 Installation Manual

Rev 2
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Literature # L20-150 Rev 1 Printed 23 October 1996
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Patent Pending
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Manufactured in
The United States of America
FOR YOUR SAFETY: Do not store gasoline or other flammable vapors or liquids in the vicinity of this or any other ap-
WARNING Ensure that the machine can get enough air to keep the flame burning COn'ectly. If the flame is starved of air it can give off a dangerous carbon monoxide gas. Carbon Monoxide is a clear odorless gas that can cause suffo-
WARNING Carbon Monoxide gas can build up if you obstruct the flue. Blocking the flue will also cause the unit to over­heat. 00 NOT obsttuct the flow of combustion/venti­lation or air opening around the machine. Ensure that you meet the minimum clearances specified in the in­stallation insttuctions. Adequate clearance around the unit is necessary for servicing and proper burner op­eration.
WARNING If the machine should shut down unexpectedly wait 5
-- -
minutes before attempting to restart it. This will allow for any excess gas in the unit to dissipate.
The power supply must be disconnected before servic­ing or cleaning the unit.
WARNING This appliance is equipped with a three prong (ground­ing) plug. This is for your protection against shock haz­ard in the event of equipment malfunction. Always plug
the unit into a properly grounded three-prong recep­tacle. 00 NOT cut or remove the grounding (third)
00 NOT use an open flame to check for gas leaks!
Keep all open flames away from the machine at all
Machines equipped with casters and a flexible power cord. must be connected to a gas supply with a Quick­Disconnect device. This quick disconnect must com­ply with ANSI Z24.41. To limit the move~nt of the unit without depending on the connector or quick dis­connect. a restraining cable must also be installed.
WARNING There is an open flame inside the machine. The unit may get hot enough to set nearby ma1erials on fire. Keep the area around the unit free from combustibles.
WARNING DO NOT supply the fryer with a gas that is not identi­fied on the data plate, located on the inside of one of the doors of the machine. If you need to convert the machine to another type of fuel, contact your dealer or Authorized Blodgett Service Agency.
WARNING To prevent tipping of the machine and splashing of HOT oil your Pitco Frialator fryer is equipped with a Gas Hose Quick Disconnect and restraining device. This at­taches the rear of the machine to the wall. When the fryer is in its operating location, lock the casters and reattach the restraining device to the rear of the ma­chine.
WARNING Shortening, when it is at cooking temperatures, is very
HOT and DANGEROUS! Use extreme caution when handling! Use the proper protective gear such as insu­lated gloves, aprons, face shield and sleeves when han­dling hot shortening. DO NOT attempt to move any machine that has hot oil in it. Allow the oil to cool to room temperature OT drain the oil into a suitable con­tainer before moving the fryer.
WARNING Use only a B/C or AlBIC extinguisher that contains the dry chemical Sodium BicartxJna1e or Potasium Bicar­bonate should be used to extinguish any fires.
UKlGINAL EQUll'~.l. LlMllr:.U nA1Uf..Af"C. I-. UADVI'ft.I ..,.,.,
Pitco FriaI.-or. Inc. wmants to the 00IiD81 user of its 'n.rbGIry 2000 cookina appliauce tbI1l8id appliauce aIKi relaled equipment will ~ ~ fY.OJn
defa:ts in maIeriaIlJxi ~~ h1p uDder IDmaI UK fcr a penoo of (X1C (I) year from the dI&e of inltaD8Iicm. with ~ ckx:umcDt8tioo. subject
to the followin, alklitiODl, excepciom. exclusioos IJxi limiwjons.
This WlrTlnty is1imi1ed to the rer-ircrrepl-=ement at the Company's option. withoutcllmJe,ofany IJ8rt fwOO to be defective within the WlmDty
~oo aIxI reasonable expeDleS incurrcd fcr freiaht IJxi material fcr Ihc installatioo of such ~ iD 8kIitD. the ~y's obliption shall be 1imi1ed to reimOOrsement for nomaIlaln" on such parts.
Pitco Priala1or. Inc. IIreeI to pay the G.S. Blodgett Corporation Aulltorizcd Scrvicc and PIrtS Disbibutor. for any lalxJr and matcrial ~uired to
rer-ircrreplKe, at the Company's option, my IJ8rt which may fail duc todcfccu In mI1crial crwcx:k:mansbipdurina Ihc a\xJve ICDrZal warranty ~oo.
In addition, the Company warrants to the original Uter of any fry tan~ II) I.: frtt from defects fcr a perioo of ten (10) years from the date of
man~. LatKx and freight shall be the reIponIibility of Ihc Uscf. Thl.. ~hall (1f\1~ ohll~Dtc Ihc Company to repair or replace. at its option. any fry tank
which it deIamiDCS to be def~tive. Claims uDder Ibis item shall bc su~.,cd ~ a ..toIICrocnt dctailm, the defect, aIMi the ~ may IaIuR the rcturn
of the fry lank claimed to be defective.
In addition. the ConIP8Dy warrants to the original user of any CookIng Computcr (11" DIgital ContlOl1« to be free from defects fcr a perioo of two (2) yeIrIJrom the dateofmanuf~. Durina the two (2) yearpcriod all Chargcs involvcd In thc repl.:aDell8 0( a PitcoCompua cr DiIiIalCoallOUa' will be the responsibility of Pitco Frialator Inc.
What Is covered
.'ry T~
COIDputer or Di~ltal CCMaklaa ControDer
Bow to Keep Your Warranty In FoRe
. Make surc my shiwing damlgCl are reponed immediately. Damages of this nature are the responsibility of the carria.
. Install the unit popcriy. This is the reIpoDSlbility of the installcr and thc J"'tJCcdures are outliJIed in the manual. ~ rxx iDItaI1 it in a June
or residence.
. Maintain the unit ~Iy. This is the responsibility of the user.1hc pnxedurcs arc oudincd in the manual.
. AdjUlUlx:Dtl. stx:b &I caliInIXm,levelina. tightening of futenen cr plumbing cr el«-trical connections ncxma1ly USCJcialcd with initial
installation are not cov~ uDder this wlrTlnty. These proccdurcs are oodined in the instal1a1ion manual.
. Damaged due to nO<xi, fire cr otha acts of Nature arc not covered under this WUT8nty.
. If the unit is uIcd fcr a pIrpaIe otIu than fcr which it was inlelml or dcsi&Dcd, resultiDs damagcs are rxx cov~ uDder the warranty.
What . NOT covel8i uader this Wamaty
. Failurcs due to erratic vol. cr gas supplies are not covaai uDder the warranty.
. Material alterations cr modifications from the condition in which the unit left the factcry are not cov~ uDder the WunDty.
. Units with ~ oblila"lfal cr I'CIMVcd serial number rating plates are not covercd by the warranty.
. Any p8rtS oda' thanGenui~OEM p8rtI frm1 Pib>FriaJaIa".Inc. crits Authlx'izai PIns IIKi Service Disbi~tcrI are rxxCOYcn=d by the
WarTanty .
. Any other failure which is not attributable to a def~t in materials or workmanship is not cov~ tM the Warranty.
This WlrTlDty specifically excludes J*U which wear cr would be replaced under D(Xma\ UIIIe. includiD&. but not 1imi1ed to. electric lamps, fuses.
iDtCIU cr exterior finiIIIeIlJxi laskets,
Outside the Uniled States of America and Canada, this WlrraDty is limiled to the replacement of parts and Pitco Prialator.lnc. will not bear any other
expense be it labor. miicqe. freight cr U'avel.
0IaJIeI fcr miJeaIC ova ~ buIMtIaI (100) miles, travel ~ ova two (2) lOIn. overti~ and holiday ch8rIeI ~ rxx COYcn=d UIMIcc this ~.
These charges are the IalXJDsibility of the ilMfiyiduaJ or finD rQIueIbnl theIe savi~.
If any oral IWCIDents have been made reaanlina the 1PPIi&Jl(:C, these ItatcDlCftts do not constitute wlrTlnties and are not IJ8rt of the contrlct of sale.
This limitrAi warranty C(XIItituteI the compIdc. rmalllKi exclusive ~ with Iq81I to WiI.iDtD.
In the event of a wunnty cr otIuclaim, the sole oblilation ofPitco Frialator.lnc. wiD be therer-ircrrq»laccmaIt. at the ~y's option, of the
appliance or the component P8I'l This rer-ir or replacement will be at the expense of Pitco Frialator. Inc. except as limiled by this WunDty s~ Any
repair cr replacemcnt wxIer this WlrTlnty does not constitute m extension in time to the original WlrTlnty. PIrtI cov~ wwJer this warranty will be repaired cr repiKCd, at the Company's optjon. with - cr fWM:tiooalIy operative J*U. The liDIity 0( Pitco FriaIaUX'. Inc. 00 any claim of any kiIId.
including cllims hued 00 WarTanty. expess cr implied conIJ8ct, negligence. strict liability cr any oda' lelal dIec.'ieI will be exclusively the rer-ir cr
replacement of Ihc appliance. This liability will not include. and the purchaser specifically renounces any rilht to recover special. incidental. consequen-
tial or otIu damages of any kiIId. includiD&. but not 1imi1ed to. injuries to penonl, damage to~. 1011 of p'Ofits cr anticipatcd 100s of the UK of this
If any provisioo of this wunnty is unenforceable wxIer the law of any jurisdiction. tbI1 provision only will be inapplicable there. and the rmlainder
of the warranty will remain unaffected. The maximwn exclusion or limitation allowed by law win be substituted for Ihc unenforceable provision.
First ~ ytKIr claim to the G.S. BkJdgcu ~ Autbori7al Service and Parts Distn~ clOKSt to you Jiving ~Icte m(Xjd. seriallJxi
code numbers. voltage, las type. and description of the problem. Proof of the datc of installation and/or the sales slip may aIIO be ~ If this lXOCeIiuIe flils to be IatisfM:Iory, write the National Servicc Manager. Pitco Prialator.Inc.. P. O. Box SOl. COII(XXd. NH. 03302-0.501. USA
u.itatiD.- ~ I..I8.-aJ
a- to 0b88iII Wamaty Senice
This warr8IIIy Jives you CCI1aiD IJ)ecifjc legal rights; you may have other ri&b&I
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: DELIVERY and
Checking your new fryer Check Your Order 2
Installation Clearances 2 Gas Connection 2 Fuel Types 3 Gas Line Connection 3 Quick Disconnect Gas Connection 3 Fuel Supply Line Leak and Pressure Testing 3 Electrical Connection and Requirements 3 Ventilation and Fire Safety Systems 4
Visual Checks 4
Cornponent Recognition - Fry Tank 5 Component Recognition - Controls 6
Morning Fryer Start Up 7 Fryer Shut Down 8 Operating the Digital Controller 9 Programming the Digital Controller 9 Operating the Cornputer Control 10 Programming the Cook Tirne, Shake Tirne and Hold Tirnes 10 Programming Cooking Ternperature 10 Level 2 Programming 10 Main Filter Bag Changing Procedures 12 Flush Hose Operation 13
Daily Cleaning 13 Weekly Cleaning 13 Vacuurn Gauge Inspection 14 Boil Out Procedure 14 Air Filter Inspection 16 Inspect O-Rings 16 Service Technician Inspection 17 Storing the Turbofry 2000 17
Returning the Turbofry 2000 to service after storage 17 Chapter 5: PARTS 18 Chapter 6: TROUBLESHOOTING 19
1 1
The development of the TURBOFRY 2000 fills the needs of the food industry that have been, until now, unattain­able. They are:
Continuous filtration of the food oil.
Crispier than ever fried food coatings
tion currents.
due to convec-
3. High production from a high efficiency heat transfer stem.
Continuous filtration of the cooking oil provides clean, clear oil, even through busy periods. This means breaded particles do not settle on heating surfaces and burn, which in turn means longer oil life and lower oil costs. The clean oil produces foods with coatings free of burnt food particles that look and taste more appetizing. Turbofry
2(xx) has an advanced filter system that makes clean up quick and easy. The main filters trap the larger crumbs and can be lifted out for easy cleaning and replacement.
The Turbofry 2000 uses a heating process, within the cooking area, known as "Convection", foods cook with crisper coatings because hot oil is forced between the individual pieces of food, the breading or outer coating gets seared quickly before the food can absorb as much oil as with a standard fryer. This will produce a finished product that is much lower in absorbed oils.
Checkine Jour new (ner:
Your new fryer and it's filter have been carefully packed. Every effort has been made to ensure that your fryer will
be delivered to you in perfect condition. As you unpack your new fryer, inspect each of the pieces for damage. If
something is damaged, 00 NOT sign the bill of lading. Contact the shipper immediately, the shipper is only re­sponsible for 15 days after delivery. Check the packing list enclosed with your fryer to ensure that you have re­ceived all of the parts to the fryer. If you are missing any parts, contact the dealer from whom the fryer was pur­chased. As you unpack the fryer and it's accessories be careful to keep the weight of the fryer evenly distributed.
The Turbofry 2(xx) has a high efficiency gas combustion
system that transfers heat more efficiently than regular fryers. The high input rate in conjunction with a large
heat transfer surface area give this fryer the ability to cook high capacity loads effortlessly.
Locate the data plate on the inside panel of the door, record the model and serial number, date received and date in­stalled in the space provided below.
Model Number: (Example: TF2<XX»
Serial Number: -~,~~-
(Example: G96AB 12345)
Date Recieved: ~.- ~-"'! -~..
Date Installed:
The crate containing the fryer unit foltowing:
1 1 1 1 16 1 1 1
Fry baskets Pro72184
Fry Basket Hanger , A1105002
Pitco Cleaner Sample P6071400
Drain Clean Out Roo A3333401
Flush Hose B~l Cleaning Brush (Fryer) PP10056
Filter Crumb Scoop B7404801
Filter Bags A7011101 Filter Bag Removal Tool A4018002
Drain Fitting Screen B3319601
Skimmer PP10725
The fryer needs clearance around it for proper o~ra1ion. Adequate clearances allow for servicing and pro~r burner operation. The clearances shown below are for cooker
installation in combustible and noncombustible construc-
Non-Combustible Construction 3" (8 cm) 0" (0 cm)
Back Sides
Combustible Consuuction
3" (8 cm) 3" (8 cm)
In addition to the clearances required for proper fryer
operation, there must be at least 33" (84 cm) of aisle space
in front of the fryer to remove/install the filter pan/mod­ule.
Your fryer must be plumbed with a 3" drip leg. The size
of the gas hose, gas line and quick disconnect must be
sufficiently large cough to provide at least 250,(XX) BTUI HR gas flow. The gas line must be installed to ~t the local building codes or National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA
54-1984) and ANSI Z223.1-1988 Latest Edition. In Canada, install the fryer in accordance with CAN/CGA­B149.1 or .2 and local c<*s. Gas line sizing require­ments can be detennined by your local gas company by referring to National Fuel Gas Code, Appendix C, Table C-4 (nawral gas) and Table C-16 (propane). The gas line needs to be large enough to supply the necessary amount of fuel to all appliances without losing pressure to any appliance. Other factors that are used to detennine the
piping requirements are BTU requirements of the appli­ances being connected and the length of pipe between the meter (main shut off) and the appliances.
NEVER supply the fryer with a gas that is not indi­cated on the data plate. Using the incouect gas type will cause improper operation. If you need to convert the fryer to another type of fuel, contact your dealer.
Fuel I;):BJ:
Each fryer is equipped to work with one type of fuel. Each Turbofry 2<XX> is set at the factory and should need
no further adjustments. Refer to the data plate, located
on the inside of the door, for the gas specifications of the machine you have. Attach a water manometer to the pres­sure port on the manual gas valve shown.
The Turbofry 2000 is supplied with casters and must be installed with a gas connector that comply with the Stan­dard for Connectors for Movable Gas Appliances, ANSI Z21.69-1987, and Addenda Z21.69A-1989. This connec­tion should include a quick disconnect device that com­plies with the Standard for Quick Disconnect Devices for Use With Gas Fuel, ANSI Z21.41-1989.
Valve Top
Check that the INPUT SUPPLY PRESSURE is 5 - 13" WC for Natural Gas and 10 - 13" WC for LP gas.
00 NOT use an open flame to check for gas leaks!
Gas Line Connection:
Connect the fryer to the gas supply line with a connector that complies with the Standard for Connectors for Mov­able Gas Appliances (ANSI Z2l.69-1987). Connect the gas line to the fryer using a pipe joint sealant that is resis­tant to Liquefied Petroleum. If the fryer was disconnected during the fuel line testing, use a solution of soap and water to leak test the new connection. It is advised that the gas supply to the fryer be connected to the ventilation system in such a way as to prevent the fryer from being operated without the ventilator on.
CAUTION NEVER use an adaptor to make a smaller gas supply line fit the cooker connection. This will not allow suffi­cient gas flow for optimum burner operation, resulting in poor cooker performance.
The fuel supply system must be tested before the fryer is
used. If the fuel line is going to be tested at a pressure greater than (»1/2 PSI (3.45 kPa), make sure that the fryer is disconnected from the fuel line. If the fuel line is to be tested at a pressure equal to or less than (s) l/2 PSI (3.45 kPa), the fryer can be connected but the unit's gas valve must be shut. Test all gas line connections for leaks with a solution of soap and water when pressure is ap-
The electrical service used by the fryer must comply with local codes. If there are no local codes that apply, refer to the National Electrical Code (NEC) to install the service. In Canada refer to CSA Standard C22.1 and local codes.
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