Pio nee r’s Ne w K URO Fl at Scr een TV
“PDP-L X6090”f or Europe is aw arded
2008-2009 Best Product in European
Pl asm a- TV cate gor y fr om Eu ro pea n
Imaging and Sound Association.
KURO Flat Panel Display
KURO Flat Screen TV
*KRP-500A with stand KRP-TS02 and side speaker KRP-S03
*Images inside television screen are simulated.
Experience the True Black of KURO
Deeper Blacks for a More Vivid Picture
KURO, Japanese for "black," takes flat panel TVs to a new level
of perfo rmance wit h the rich est, deepe st blacks yet achiev ed.
This was made possible by the latest innovations in our plas ma
techn olo gy , t oge th er wit h the de velo pme nt of a new v ide o
pr ocess or. Wh y did we work s o har d to r ea ch thes e bl ac k
lev els ? Bec aus e we kno w t hat on ly the de epest bl ack s c an
cre ate th e hi ghe st pic tur e qu ali ty. Ou r n ew p las ma dis pla y
panels are "built for emotion" — offering you a new dimension of
dramatic, realistic visual entertainment.
Advanced Plasma TV Technologies
Pi on ee r de vel ope d Cryst al Em iss ive L ayer tec hn olo gy to
achi eve deep blac k re prod uctio n, a nd f or ou r la test plas ma
panels, we’ve made it even better. We also refined the structure
of the light emitting cells and employed a new electron source
mat eria l t o sp eed up the dis cha rge rat e in or der to prev ent
spar k di scha rge duri ng bl ack repr oduc tion . As a re sult , we
succee ded in reducing the minimum bright ness to one-fi fth of
pr ev io us m od els. Thi s en ab les th e hi ghest co nt ra st ev er
achieve d in the industry, so you ca n enjoy t ruly a vibrant and
natural picture, even during dark scenes.
New Direct Colour Filter
The co lou r f ilt er is als o a ke y e lem ent de ter min ing pi ctu re
quality. Pioneer’s proprietary high performance filter, the New
Direct Colour Filter, effectively reduces reflections, ensuring
so li d bl ac ks , opt im um c on tr as t a nd b ri ll ia nt co lo ur s
regar dless of th e ligh t cond itions—from brigh t sunlight to
dar k h ome th eat re roo ms. It al so cut s a nno yin g g lar e. All
Pioneer PDP models use New Direct Colour Filters that provide
enhanced chromatic purity for superior colour reproduction.
Conventional Plasma Image
Conventional Plasma Panel
Glass Filter
Image loss from
light reflection
External light
Glass Substrate
KURO Image
KURO Panel
New colour Filter
Direct image
display with
no glass or
air layer
Glass Substrate
External light
New Optimum Mode
Room Environment Analysis
The room light and room colour (temperature)
changes throughout the day
Day TimeEveningFluorescent Lamp
Incandescent Lamp
No Lighting
Contents Analysis
Optimum Mode automatically detects the contents from picture
Analysis image
New PanelPrevious Panel
5x Deeper
Idling Luminance
Deeper and Smoother BlackImage with Idling Luminance
KURO Improves Colour Performance
Deeper Blacks Mean More Vivid Colours
Whe n b lac ks a re dee p a nd soli d, col our re prod uct ion al so
improv es, with colours standin g out sh arply an d brilli antly.
Even at lo w bri ghtne ss le vels, the t hree prima ry co lours of
red, green, and b lue are d eeply and vividly produced, meaning
that in nigh t-time or sha dowy s cenes, colour s will stand out
beautifully without being assimilated into the darkness.
Optimum Picture and Sound Quality, Automatically
New Optimum Mode
Pioneer’s exclusive New Optimum Mode automatically analyses the
type of images being di splayed and uses a Room Light Se nsor to
monitor the ambient brightness. T he KRP-500A also accepts the
optional KRP-SE01 colour sensor for monitoring the colour of
the lighting. Based on the information received, parameter settings
are optimised so you enjoy the best possible
picture no matter when you're watching or
whether you’re watching movies, concerts,
sports or other types of content. Even if
the room brightness changes, you still get
optimum picture quality.
Adjusts for Best Sound Also
The New Optimum Mode not only optimises picture quality, it also
adj ust s f or best so und qu ali ty to m atc h t he gen re you are
viewing. Based on the results of analysing the source content, it
performs detailed sound adjustments using SRS, SRS FOCUS,
SRS Tr uBa ss and S RS Def ini tio n. The re sult is sou nd tha t
accentuates the excitement of the visual images. When watching a
movie, you hear sound like you would hear in a movie theatre, and
when watching a concert, you hear dynamic and energetic sound.
Optional colour sensor KRP-SE01
Picture Analysis colour Analysisetc.
Various examples of classified contents
Optimum Mode automatically adjusts picture
and sound for various content categories
Optimum sound tuning for the program
Automatically adjusts for the most suitable and pleasing picture
Dynamic sound for sports
and sound under any environment
Live Concert
Matching sound for the drama scene
Enhanced Operating and Monitoring (KRP-600M/500M)
Network and E-mail Functions
By conne ctin g th e mo nito r
to a PC via a LAN connection
y o u c an f in e - tu n e t h e
pi ct ure qu al it y on a we b
browser, an d also transmit
R S -2 32C c om ma nds .
E -m ai l f un c ti on le ts y ou
s en d a v ar ie ty of s ta tus
infor mat ion to an add res s
you ha ve s et. Yo u ca n s end
pa nel usag e t ime, in te rna l
temper ature, input signals ,
and pro blem no tifi cati ons.
It 's a so ph ist icat ed wa y to
mo ni to r an d co nt ro l th e
p i c t u r e qu a l i t y o f y o ur
Detailed Image Control (
120-Increment Image Tuning
Th es e m odels offe r a numb er of prec ise tuni ng fun ctio ns
ge ner ally f oun d on prof es sio nal mo nit ors: 5 -st ep ga mma
adjust ment, an d extra-fine 12 0-increm ent video adjus tments
in cl ud in g b rig ht nes s a nd co lou r. Yo u c an per fo rm the se
adjustme nts by swi tching the image at the push o f a button to
chec k th e ef fect s before and afte r tu ning. You ’ll enjo y th e
ability to delicat ely control colour nu ances, ima ge textures ,
and so on.
Fine-detail tuning of colour and contrast.
Pro Adjust Men u
A n
IP Control Screen
5-step gamma adjustment
120-step brightness/colour/tint
120-step adjustment of 6
parameters for RGB high and low
New, More Efficient OSD
Th e n ew P io nee r OS D let s
you display more information
w it h fe w e r o p e ra t i on s .
D es ig ne d t o mi n im is e t he
nu mbe r of lev els and m ake
th em mo re u nifo rm, it l ets
you easily perf orm de taile d
adju stme nts, whi le q uickl y
d i s p l a y i n g m e n u s a n d
functions. You have a choice
of 15 display languages.
Input Setup Menu of KRP-600M/500M
Sound that Complements the Beauty of the Images (KRP-500A)
Ultra-clear Sound, Including Dialogue
P io ne er ’s t r ad it io n of
hig h so und qua lity , f rom
de epl y pow erf ul b ass t o
cle ar a nd s harp hig hs, is
used to fu ll ad vanta ge in
t h e s e T V s . M o v i e
d i a l o g ue , e v e n w h e n
whis pere d, a s wel l as the
w i d e r a n g e o f o t h e r
d el i ca t e s ou n ds , ar e
a lw ay s he ar d cl e a rl y.
T h e p o w e r , t e n s i o n ,
pr ese nce , and rh yth mi c
f e e l o f m o v i e s a n d
Low impedance
co nc ert s ar e fa ithf ully
r e p r o d u c e d t o a d d
great er exc itement to th e
high resolut ion im ages.
Optimise the Sound
to Match the Content
You can set and memorise
pa ram et er s fo r o pt im um
s o u n d q u a l i t y w i t h
va ri ous pi ct ur e mo d es ,
su ch as Mov ie mod e a nd
Director m ode. Each sou nd effect can be varied th rough four
steps. You also get AVC (Auto Volume Control) that maintains
the volume at a constant l evel even when t he so urce volume
varies (so you are not bothered by loud commercials).
High sound quality speaker units
(Left: woofer, right: tweeter)
Low distortion
thin custom coil
Blends into Your Interior
Elegantly Thin at Only 64mm
KURO TVs enhan ce yo ur in terio r not only with
thei r be auti ful imag es, but w ith thei r ref ined ,
ele gant fo rm. Wit h a thi ckne ss of o nly 64m m,
the y a re nat urally lig htw eig ht as well . W hen
hung on a wall, they can be mounted so they seem
to b e in te gra te d wi th t he w al l su rf ac e, a t a
distance from t he wall of only 89mm*. Y ou will
appreciate how they beautifully blend into your
living space.
* KRP-600M when installed using KRP-WM01 wall mount unit.
Less Element Design
T h e s e K UR O m o del s e m bo d y
Pio neer’ s Les s E lem ent De si gn
con cep t: abs olu tel y m inimisi ng
elements not needed for viewi ng.
T h e y h a v e a l o g o w h i c h
dis appe ars if t he s urro undi ngs
become dark and w hich crea tes a
calm atmosphere in the viewing space, a frame made of luxurious
material, and other unique KURO finishing s. And by making the
back panel simpler and flatter, the overall form is refined.
By connecting t he KURO TV with a new LX A/V rec eiver an d the
LX Blu-ray Disc play er, KURO LINK lets you ope rate the whole
system ’s basi c funct ions, such as p ower on /off an d playback
through KURO’s remote control.
HDMI On-Screen Control
A/V Receiver
Power on/off
Blu-ray Disc Player
Power on/off
Remote Control
+ 19 hidden pages
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