Pinnacle Systems Editing Applications - 6.0 Installation Manual

Installation Guide for
Editing Applications
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Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications • 9320-65079-00 Rev A • November 2011


Chapter 1 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chapter 2 Guide d'installation des applications de montage Avid . . . . . . . . . . 39
Chapter 3 Installationshandbuch für Avid-Editing-Anwendungen . . . . . . . . . . 75
Chapter 4 Manuale di installazione per le applicazioni di montaggio Avid . . 111
Chapter 5 Guía de instalación para aplicaciones de edición Avid . . . . . . . . . 147
Chapter 6 Avid 編集アプリケーションのインストール・ガイド . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Chapter 7 Avid
Chapter 8 Avid
Chapter 9 Avid
편집 어플리케이션 설치 가이드 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
編輯應用程式安裝手冊. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
编辑应用程序安装指南。 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
1 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications
The most current information about your Avid editing application is available in the online version of the ReadMe. You should always check online for the most up-to-date release notes or ReadMe because the online version is updated whenever new information becomes available. To view these online versions, select ReadMe from the Help menu of your Avid editing application, or visit the Knowledge Base at
Installing the Avid editing application directly from the Avid Installation DVD requires your system to support a dual-layer DVD. If your system does not have a DVD drive that supports a dual-layer DVD, you can download the Avid editing application from the Avid Download Center at
Once you install your Avid editing application, you will activate the software with the Avid License Control tool. The Avid License Control tool also activates editing options. For information about the editing options, see “Activating
Options and Features” on page 34.
n If you have an active Avid Support Contract, you might have the option to
upgrade your software. See the instructions provided on the Avid Download Center for your upgrade or that came with your upgrade kit for more information.
c If you change your system configuration — for example, by replacing your
hard drive, replacing a network adapter, or by upgrading your operating system — you must first deactivate your Avid software. For information on deactivation, see “Deactivating the Avid Editing Application and Options” on
page 35.
Before Installing the Avid Editing Application
Read through the following procedures prior to installing the editing application. Procedures are provided for upgrade customers or new users. Choose the applicable procedure for your installation:
New Users
If you are a new user and have never installed the editing application on your system, follow the instructions from page 6 to page 19. Start with “Installing the
Avid Editing Application” on page 6.
Existing Users
If you are upgrading from a previous version of the editing application, you must uninstall the previous version before installing and activating the new software.
n Before you uninstall your Avid editing application, write down your System ID.
You will need your old System ID to activate your new software.
Follow the instructions from page 20 to page 29. Start with “Upgrading the Avid
Editing Application” on page 20.
Installing the Avid Editing Application
For all Avid editing applications, log in as a user with administrative privileges, install the application, and initially start the application as a user with administrative privileges. If you are working in a shared storage environment, mount your workspaces. You may then subsequently run the Avid editing application as a regular User.
n Installing the editing application software might take some time. For the
individual editing application, it might take 5 to 15 minutes to install. Installing the entire editing application suite might take up to 35 minutes to install.
6 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications
(Windows) To install the Avid editing application software:
1. Quit all active applications.
2. Insert the editing application DVD.
3. Click to Install the Avid Editor Suite or Individual Product and follow the on screen instructions.
n If the FilesInUse dialog box appears, you can safely select Ignore and continue. n If you receive user access warnings during the installation, select Continue
Anyway to continue your installation.
4. When prompted, select “Yes, restart my computer.”
5. Continue with “Starting the Avid Editing Application” on page 8.
(Macintosh) To install the Avid Editing application software:
1. Quit all applications.
2. Insert the editing application DVD.
3. Double-click EditingApplicationName.pkg.
4. Click to Install the Avid Editor Suite or Individual Product and follow the on screen instructions.
5. When prompted, select “Yes, restart my computer.”
6. Continue with “Starting the Avid Editing Application” on page 8.
Installing the Avid Editing Application 7
Starting the Avid Editing Application
The installation process adds a desktop or Dock icon and a pointer to your Avid editing application in the Start menu.
If you install your Avid editing application on a laptop computer, a dialog box might open with a message about incompatible power management schemes. Avid recommends you use the “High Performance” power option for Windows 7 when you work with the Avid editing applications. Other power schemes might affect performance of editing functions (for example, capture and digital cuts).
After you install the software for your Avid editing application and start the application for the first time, you must activate your copy of the application.
(Windows) To start your Avid editing application, do one of the following:
t Click Start > All Programs > Avid > Avid editing application. t Double-click the Avid editing application desktop icon.
The Welcome window opens.
(Macintosh) To start your Avid editing application, do one of the following:
1. Click the alias icon for your Avid editing application on the Dock.
2. Or, select Go > Applications, and then double-click the Avid editing application folder. Then double-click the Avid editing application file.
8 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications
The Welcome window opens.
Starting the Avid Editing Application 9
3. Select one of the options to activate your software. t To activate using Electronic Activation, select “I want to activate my
software using the Internet, another computer, or a volume license server,” click Continue. The Avid License Control tool opens. Follow the steps in “Activating
the Avid Editing Application using Electronic Activation” on page 12.
t To activate with a Hardware Key or dongle, select “I want to use a
dongle to activate my software,” attach your entitled dongle and then click Continue. The system confirms your information. When the activation is complete, a message informs you that your software has been successfully activated.
t To run in Trial Mode, select “I want to run a fully-featured trial version
of the Avid editing application for 30 days,” click Continue. Your software has been successfully activated. For additional information about Trial Mode, see “Running the 30-Day
Trial” on page 30.
10 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications
What Will I Need to Activate My Avid Editing Application?
Identification (ID) Numbers: Where you can find them:
Activation ID The inside cover of this guide.
If you purchased from the Avid web store, you receive your Activation ID through an Avid e-mail.
If you purchased from the Avid web store, log in to your Store account at
System ID For a new user, the inside cover of this guide.
For an existing user, you will need your old System ID.
If you purchased online, you received your System ID from Avid by e-mail.
The Avid editing application splash screen (Help > About Avid editing application).
The Console of the Avid editing application (Tools > Console, then scroll to System ID).
If you purchased from the Avid web store, you can view your System ID number by logging in to your Store account at
What Will I Need to Activate My Avid Editing Application? 11
Identification (ID) Numbers: Where you can find them:
System ID (continued) Once activated, the License Profile tab of the Avid License
Control tool displays information about your system. Click Copy to copy the information to your Clipboard. You can then cut and paste from the clipboard to an e-mail or create a text file. This is helpful if you need to save this information for your records or need to send system information to Avid Customer Support.
Device ID Only needed if you are activating your software on a system
that is not connected to the Internet. This will be provided to you through the Avid License Control tool during activation.
Activating the Avid Editing Application using Electronic Activation
With Internet access - See “Activating using Electronic Activation with an
Internet Connection” on page 13.
Without Internet access - See “Activating using Electronic Activation
without an Internet Connection” on page 17.
Through a Volume License Server - See “Activating the Avid Editing
Application using a Volume License Server” on page 19.
12 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications
Activating using Electronic Activation with an Internet Connection
1. With the Avid License Control tool open, click Activate next to the Avid editing application.
Activating using Electronic Activation with an Internet Connection 13
The following opens.
2. Select “I am connected to the Internet and will use this computer,” then click Continue.
14 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications
A window opens which allows you to enter system information and register your product.
3. Enter your system identification number in the System ID text box. To find your System ID, see “What Will I Need to Activate My Avid Editing
Application?” on page 11.
4. Enter your activation identification number in the Activation ID text box. To find your Activation ID, see “What Will I Need to Activate My Avid Editing
Application?” on page 11.
5. If you want to review Avid’s privacy policy, click Read Privacy Policy.
Activating using Electronic Activation with an Internet Connection 15
6. Do one of the following: t Select “Register your software,” and then click Continue.
A registration dialog box opens. Avid’s online registration lets you receive important updates and maintenance information.
t Select “Don’t register your software,” and then click Activate.
The Avid License Control tool confirms your system information. When the activation is complete, a message informs you that your software has been successfully activated.
n If you do not want to register your software now, you can register at any time by
selecting Special > Register in your Avid editing application.
7. If you choose to register your software, do the following: a. In the Register dialog box, type your name, address, and contact
information in the appropriate text boxes. Asterisks (*) indicate required fields.
b. Click Next
A registration dialog box opens. c. Enter the appropriate product and customer information. d. Click Activate and Register.
8. If the Avid editing application is open, you should restart it for the changes to take affect.
16 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications
Activating using Electronic Activation without an Internet Connection
1. With the Avid License Control tool open, click Activate next to the Avid editing application.
The Activation window opens.
2. Select “I am not connected to the Internet and will be using another computer that is connected to the Internet,” then click Continue.
3. Enter your system identification number in the System ID text box. To find your System ID, see “What Will I Need to Activate My Avid Editing
Application?” on page 11.
n Your Device ID displays at the bottom of the Activation page, write this number
down to use later.
4. Enter your activation identification number in the Activation ID text box. To find your Activation ID, see “What Will I Need to Activate My Avid Editing
Application?” on page 11.
5. Click Next.
Activating using Electronic Activation without an Internet Connection 17
6. Follow the instructions in the Avid License Control tool, then click Next.
7. On a computer with an Internet connection, open a Web browser and navigate to
8. Follow the onscreen instructions on the web page. The website creates a license.bin file. This file contains license information
needed to activate your Avid editing application.
18 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications
9. Once you retrieve the license.bin file, return to the computer you want to activate.
10. In the Avid License Control tool, click Browse and navigate to the license.bin file on your system, then click Open.
The Activation tool confirms your system information. When the activation is complete, a message informs you that your software has been successfully activated and the button changes to Deactivate.
n Repeat the previous steps for each editing application or option you need to
11. If the Avid editing application is open, you should restart for any changes to take effect.
Activating the Avid Editing Application using a Volume License Server
You can activate and manage multiple editing clients using a volume license server. For more information, see the FlexNet Device Manager for Avid guide on the Knowledge Base.
Activating the Avid Editing Application using a Volume License Server 19
Upgrading the Avid Editing Application
You can upgrade your Avid editing application from either an existing software license or a dongle license. If you upgrade from a dongle license or are changing product models, then your upgrade kit includes a dongle updater card, upgrade code, and software activation code. Please see the instructions in your upgrade kit to update your software.
If you previously purchased PhraseFind, PhraseFind Language Packs or ScriptSync, your license activation should automatically update. If you purchase new options, you will be provided with a new Activation ID.
n Upgrading your dongle license to a software license disables your dongle. Once
you have activated your software license, you do not need and are not able to use the dongle to run your Avid editing application.
If you upgrade your existing license and you have an active Avid Support Contract, please read the instructions provided on the Avid Download Center or that came with your upgrade kit before updating your system. All Avid Support Contract customers must use the Versioner.avd. file to upgrade their software as described in the last procedure in this topic. For more information, view the “Software Licensing Upgrade Process for Support Customers” topic on the Avid Knowledge Base (
Below are high level steps you should follow if you are upgrading your Avid editing system, PhraseFind or ScriptSync options.
20 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications
Upgrade Workflow
1. Uninstall your existing Avid editing application. See “Uninstalling the Avid Editing Application” on page 36. PhraseFind and ScriptSync uninstall with your Avid editing application.
n Before you uninstall your Avid editing application, write down your System ID.
You will need your old System ID to activate your new software.
2. Install your new Avid editing application. See “Installing the Avid Editing Application” on page 6. PhraseFind and ScriptSync install with your Avid editing application. If you
previously purchased PhraseFind, PhraseFind Language Packs or ScriptSync, your license activation should automatically update. If you purchase new options, you will be provided with a new Activation ID.
3. Activate your Avid editing application. Depending on your setup, see the following upgrade steps.
For more information about the Avid License Control tool, see “Activating
the Avid Editing Application using Electronic Activation” on page 12.
4. Activate PhraseFind, PhraseFind Language Pack, or ScriptSync. See “Activating the Avid Editing Application using Electronic Activation”
on page 12.
Upgrading the Avid Editing Application 21
To upgrade your Avid editing application with an Internet connection from an existing software license:
1. Go to the following location: (Windows) Start/All Programs/Avid/Utilities/License Control (Macintosh) Applications/Utilities/Avid Utilities/License Control
The Avid License Control tool opens.
2. Click Activate next to the Avid editing application. The Activation window opens.
3. Select “I am connected to the Internet and will use this computer,” then click Continue.
A window opens which allows you to enter system information and register your product.
4. If your Systems ID does not display, enter your system identification number in the System ID text box. For existing customers, use your old System ID. To find your System ID if it does not display, see “What Will I Need to
Activate My Avid Editing Application?” on page 11.
n If your previous editor included purchased options, for example PhraseFind or
ScriptSync, these options will activate automatically with your upgrade.
5. Enter your activation identification number in the Activation ID text box. Use the Activation ID number for your new version of the software.
22 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications
6. Do one of the following: t If you have never registered your product, select “Register your product
with Avid Technology, Inc. now.” If you want to review Avid’s privacy policy, click Read Privacy Policy. Then click Next.
A registration dialog box opens. Avid’s online registration lets you receive important updates and maintenance information.
t Select “Don’t register at this time,” and then click Activate.
The Activation tool confirms your system information. When the activation is complete, a message informs you that your software has been successfully activated.
n If you do not want to register your software now, you can register at any time by
selecting Special > Register in your Avid editing application.
7. If you chose to register your software in step 6, do the following: a. In the Register dialog box, type your name, address, and contact
information in the appropriate text boxes. Asterisks (*) indicate required fields.
b. Click Next
A registration dialog box opens. c. Enter the appropriate product and customer information. d. Click Activate and Register.
The Activation tool confirms your system information. When the
activation is complete, a message informs you that your software has
been successfully activated and the button changes to Deactivate.
8. Click OK.
Upgrading the Avid Editing Application 23
To upgrade your Avid editing application with an Internet connection from a dongle license to a software license:
1. Attach your dongle to your Avid editing system.
2. Go to the following location: (Windows) Start/All Programs/Avid/Utilities/License Control (Macintosh) Applications/Utilities/Avid Utilities/License Control
The Avid License Control tool opens.
3. Click Activate next to the Avid editing application. The Activation dialog box opens.
4. Select “I am connected to the Internet and will use this computer,” then click Continue.
A window opens which allows you to enter system information and register your product.
5. If your Systems ID does not display, enter your system identification number in the System ID text box. For existing customers, use your old System ID. To find your System ID if it does not display, see “What Will I Need to
Activate My Avid Editing Application?” on page 11.
n If your previous editor included purchased options, for example PhraseFind or
ScriptSync, these options will activate automatically with your upgrade.
6. Enter your activation identification number in the Activation ID text box. To find your Activation ID, see “What Will I Need to Activate My Avid Editing
Application?” on page 11.
24 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications
7. Do one of the following: t If you have never registered your product, select “Register your product
with Avid Technology, Inc. now.” If you want to review Avid’s privacy policy, click Read Privacy Policy. Then click Next.
A registration dialog box opens. Avid’s online registration lets you receive important updates and maintenance information.
t Select “Don’t register at this time,” and then click Activate.
The Activation tool confirms your system information. When the activation is complete, a message informs you that your software has been successfully activated.
n If you do not want to register your software now, you can register at any time by
selecting Special > Register in your Avid editing application.
8. If you chose to register your software in step 7, do the following: a. In the Register dialog box, type your name, address, and contact
information in the appropriate text boxes. Asterisks (*) indicate required fields.
b. Click Next
A registration dialog box opens. c. Enter the appropriate product and customer information. d. Click Activate.
Upgrading the Avid Editing Application 25
9. The system asks if you are sure you want to deactivate your dongle. Click OK.
The Activation tool confirms your system information. When the activation is complete, a message informs you that your software has been successfully activated.
10. Click OK.
To upgrade your Avid editing application without an Internet connection to a software license:
1. Go to the following location: (Windows) Start/All Programs/Avid/Utilities/License Control (Macintosh) Applications/Utilities/Avid Utilities/License Control
The Avid License Control tool opens.
2. Click Activate next to the Avid editing application. The Activation window opens.
3. Select “I am not connected to the Internet and will be using another computer that is connected to the Internet,” then click Continue.
4. If your Systems ID does not display, enter your system identification number in the System ID text box. For existing customers, use your old System ID. To find your System ID if it does not display, see “What Will I Need to
Activate My Avid Editing Application?” on page 11.
n If your previous editor included purchased options, for example PhraseFind or
ScriptSync, these options will activate automatically with your upgrade.
n Your Device ID displays at the bottom of the Activation page, write this number
down to use later.
26 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications
5. Enter your activation identification number in the Activation ID text box. To find your Activation ID, see “What Will I Need to Activate My Avid Editing
Application?” on page 11.
n Leave the Avid License Control tool open on the system you need to activate. You
will need to enter additional information.
6. Click Next.
7. Follow the instructions in the Avid License Control tool, then click Next.
8. On a computer with an Internet connection, open a Web browser and navigate to
9. Follow the onscreen instructions on the web page. The website creates a license.bin file. This file contains license information
needed to activate your Avid editing application.
10. Once you retrieve the license.bin file, return to the computer you want to activate.
11. In the Avid License Control tool, click Browse and navigate to the license.bin file on your system, then click Open.
The Activation tool confirms your system information. When the activation is complete, a message informs you that your software has been successfully activated and the button changes to Deactivate.
n Repeat the previous steps for each editing application or option you need to
12. If the Avid editing application is open, you should restart for any changes to take effect.
Upgrading the Avid Editing Application 27
To upgrade your Avid editing application with a dongle:
1. Make sure you have attached your dongle to your Avid editing system.
2. Navigate to the directory where DongleManager.exe is installed:
t (Windows) C:\Program Files\Avid\Utilities\DongleManager t (Macintosh) Macintosh HD\Applications\Utilities\Avid
3. Double-click the DongleManager.exe The Dongle Manager window opens.
4. Click the Update tab.
5. Click Open, and navigate to the location of your dongle updater (.avd) file.
6. Select the updater file and click Open.
7. Click Update. The DongleManager.exe application updates your dongle and displays a
“Verification Complete” message.
8. Start your Avid editing application. The Welcome window opens.
9. Select “I want to use a dongle to activate my software.”
10. Click Continue. The system confirms your information. When the activation is complete, a
message informs you that your software has been successfully activated.
28 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications
To upgrade your Avid editing application using the Versioner.avd file (Avid Support Contract customers only):
1. Download the Versioner.avd file for your editing application.
2. Place the Versioner.avd file in the editing application folder: (Windows) [drive]:/Program Files/Avid/[Avid editing application] (Macintosh) Macintosh HD/Applications/[Avid editing application]
3. Start your Avid editing application. The Avid License Control tool opens.
4. Click Activate next to the Avid editing application.
5. Do one of the following:
t Select “I am connected to the Internet and will use this computer.” t Select “I am not connected to the Internet and will be using another
computer that is connected to the Internet.”
6. Click Continue. The Avid Activation dialog box opens. The system auto-populates your
System ID and the Activation ID.
n If you use a dongle, the System ID and Activation ID will only populate if you
have your dongle attached.
7. Continue with the upgrade license activation procedure described in this section for the license option you selected in step 5.
Upgrading the Avid Editing Application 29
Running the 30-Day Trial
Before you purchase the Avid editing application, PhraseFind or ScriptSync, you can try it out for a 30-day period. If you run the 30-day trial of the Avid editing application, you also get a 30-day trial of PhraseFind and ScriptSync. Your 30-day trial of PhraseFind also includes access to all available languages during the trial. You do not need to activate any additional language packs at this time. However, you need to select your language from the Select a Language menu in the PhraseFind window.
If you already own an Avid editing application, you can run a 30-day trial of PhraseFind or ScriptSync.
After the 30 days, if you do not purchase the Avid editing application, PhraseFind or ScriptSync, you will no longer have access to the product and feature. The system keeps you informed of how many days you have left before the trial period ends.
n Any bins or projects created during the 30-day trial will only be usable when you
activate a full editing license.
To use your Avid editing application for a 30-day trial period:
1. Start your Avid editing application. The Welcome window opens.
2. Select “I want to run a fully-featured, trial version of the Avid editing application for 30 days.”
30 Installation Guide for Avid Editing Applications
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