Pinnacle Systems DS - 5.0 User Manual

5.0 Default Shortcuts
Tool name Shortcut
New Sequence Ctrl+N Open Sequence Ctrl+O Save Sequence Ctrl+S Maximize View F12
Close Window F3 Help F1 Quit Avid|DS Ctrl+Q Copy Ctrl+C Cut Ctrl+X Paste Ctrl+V Delete Delete Undo Ctrl+Z Redo Ctrl+Y Select All Ctrl+A Set Keyframe Ctrl+Enter Next Keyframe Shift+Right Arrow Previous Keyframe Shift+Left Arrow First Keyframe Alt+Left Arrow Last Keyframe Alt+Right Arrow Remove Animation Ctrl+Alt+Enter Remove Keyframe Ctrl+Shift+Enter Set Autokey Mode Shift+Enter Nudge <<< [ Nudge >>> ] (close bracket) Nudge 10 <<< Ctrl+[ (open bracket) Nudge 10 >>> Ctrl+] (close bracket) Swift Menus: Editing K+drag Swift Menus: Transport H+drag
Layout Shortcut
3D DVE F7 Compositing F6 Editing F4 Graphics F5 Media Input/Output F8
(open bracket)
Tool name Shortcut
Add Key A Delete Key D Delete All Keys from Curve Backspace Delete Selected Keys Delete Edit Key Tool E Frame F Grid G Pan X Pan & Zoom Tool S Zoom Z
Incremental Zoom Alt+Z Select & Move Tool T Select Region Tool Q Select Tool W
Select Multiple Keys/Curves Shift
Translate Keys Selected
Translate Keys Selected
Priority to Tangents H Break Slope B Unify Slope U
Middle mouse button Right mouse button
Media Input/Output
Tool name Shortcut
Cycle Log/Log & Capture/Link C Start Capture Ctrl+Spacebar
© 2001 Avid Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Avid and the Avid|DS Logo are registered trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. Product specifications are subject to change without notice.
Tool name Shortcut
Zoom Z or Ctrl+F2 Zoom to Mouse Alt+Z Quick Zoom Alt+Q Pan X or Ctrl+F3 Reset Zoom & Pan Z+X+click Onion Skin Alt+O Scrub with Mouse J S/W Display Ctrl+Shift+B Switch Viewer Tab Use Comp Buffer Alt+1 Grab Comp Image Alt+2 Reset Comp Crop Alt+3 Reset Comp Pan Alt+4 Viewer - Red Shift+1 Viewer - Green Shift+2 Viewer - Blue Shift+3 Viewer - Alpha Full Shift+4
Tool name Shortcut
Clear Selection Delete Copy Selection Ctrl+C Cut Selection Ctrl+X Help F1 New Script Ctrl+N Open Script Ctrl+O Paste Selection Ctrl+V Run Script F5 Save Script Crtl+S Select All Ctrl+A Undo Ctrl+Z
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5.0 Default Shortcuts
Tool name Shortcut
Select Clip Forward Ctrl+Tab Select Clip Backward Ctrl+Shift+Tab Insert Clip V Overwrite Clip B Preview Clip Enter Activate clip A Deactivate clip Ctrl+Shift+A Cut To clip C Fill Activeness Shift+A Create Audio Container Ctrl+9 Create Video Container Ctrl+7 Create Graphics Container Add Marker M Add Global Marker Ctrl+M Snap In Page Up Snap Out Page Down Backtime E Razor clip Ctrl+R Constrain Drag U Next Marker Ctrl+. (period) Previous Marker Ctrl+, (comma) Next Edit . (period) Previous Edit , (comma) Nearest Edit N Go to Start of Selection Shift+Home Go to End of Selection Shift+End Select Incoming Handle F11 Select Outgoing Handle F9 Select Edit Point F10 In/Out to Selection Ctrl+/ (forward slash) Link Edits Ctrl+L Change to Edit Points Ctrl+E Add Clip Effect (apostrophe) Add Track Effect ; (semicolon) Generate Clip Ctrl+G Dissolve D DVE (transition) Ctrl+D
Timeline (Continued)
Tool name Shortcut
Wipe Shift+D Timewarp T Freeze Frame Shift+F Extend Timewarp G Change Timewarp In/Out F Process P Go to Top Timeline Ctrl+Shift+U Go to Parent Timeline Ctrl+U Frame Clip in Overview Ctrl+F Frame Selection / Zoom All (toggle) Ctrl+Shift+Minus (pad) Zoom In Ctrl+Plus (pad) Zoom Out Ctrl+Minus (pad) Zoom to Frame Ctrl+Shift+Plus (pad) Match Bin Ctrl+\ (backslash) Match Frame \ (backslash) Ripple R Set Ripple End Shift+E Snapshot to Clip Shift+V Snapshot to File Ctrl+Shift+V Audio Scrubbing Ctrl+Shift+S Global Audio Mute Ctrl+Shift+M Resync Shift+R Ignore Sync Peers W Select Sync Peers Q Sync Lock S
(forward slash)
Transport Controls
Tool name Shortcut
Go To = (equal) Go to In Shift+I Go to Out Shift+O Go to Start Home Go to End End Locate To - (minus) Frame Backward Left Arrow Frame Forward Right Arrow 10 Frames Backward Ctrl+Left Arrow 10 Frames Forward Ctrl+Right Arrow Clear In Ctrl+Shift+I Clear In and Out Ctrl+Shift+B Clear Out Ctrl+Shift+O Set In I Set Out O Play L Stop Spacebar Play Backward Shift+L Play Every Frame Ctrl+Up Arrow Play From In to Out Shift+Up Arrow Play Every Frame
From In to Out
Play Preview (grave accent) Degraded Preview Shift+(grave accent) Varispeed Playback Up Arrow+Left/Right Arrow Varispeed Reverse Playback Stop varispeed Down Arrow Fast Shuttle Up Arrow
Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow
Up Arrow (twice)+ Left/Right Arrow
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