Phoenix technologies APM 2.0 User Manual

APM 2.0 for NT
User's Guide
Version 1.5
Copyright 1997 Phoenix Technologies Ltd. and Softex Incorporated. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of:
Phoenix Technologies Ltd. 411 E. Plumeria Drive San Jose, CA 95134
Softex Incorporated 8731 Shoal Creek Blvd. Austin, TX 78757
Phoenix Technologies Ltd. and Softex Incorporated make no representations or warranties with respect to the documentation herein described and especially disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Phoenix Technologies Ltd. and Softex Incorporated reserve the right to revise this documentation and to make changes from time to time in the content without obligation of Phoenix Technologies Ltd. or Softex Incorporated to notify any person of such revisions or changes.
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this document, and Phoenix Technologies Ltd. and Softex Incorporated were aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. References may be made in this document to PowerPanel, BatteryScope, Card Executive for NT, and NoteBIOS, which are trademarks of Phoenix Technologies. References may be made to Softex, which is a trademark of Softex, Incorporated. All other trademarks observed.
Document Inquiries
When referring to this document, please refer to the title, APM 2.0 for Windows NT, Version 1.5 and publication date, August, 1997. For additional information about Phoenix products, visit our World Wide Web site at
APM 2.0 for NT User's Guide ii
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
Summary of Features................................................................................................................................1
Audience.................................................................................................................................................. 1
Contents of this Manual............................................................................................................................2
Conventions and Typefaces Used in This Manual..................................................................................... 2
Related Documentation.............................................................................................................................3
Additional Information ............................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 1 Installing APM 2.0 for NT............................................................................. 5
System Requirements ...............................................................................................................................5
Installing APM 2.0 for NT .......................................................................................................................5
Un-installing APM 2.0 for NT.................................................................................................................. 5
Upgrading Windows NT........................................................................................................................... 6
Verifying Information About APM 2.0 for NT.......................................................................................... 6
Configuring a Shortcut APM 2.0 for NT Desktop Icon ............................................................................. 7
Using the Shortcut APM 2.0 for NT Desktop Icon.................................................................................... 8
Additional Phoenix Products for Windows NT .........................................................................................8
Chapter 2 Using APM 2.0 for NT ..................................................................................9
Using the Power Management Taskbar Icon............................................................................................. 9
Battery Icon Display ...................................................................................................................9
Power Management Taskbar Icon Tooltip ...................................................................10
Viewing the Power Management Information ......................................................................................... 10
Viewing Power Status Information............................................................................................ 11
System Status Information........................................................................................... 11
Battery Status Information........................................................................................... 12
Changing System Power Modes................................................................................................ 13
Changing System Power Settings.............................................................................................. 13
Selecting Power Management Levels........................................................................... 14
Activating the Low Battery Warning Message ............................................................. 14
Confirming System Suspend Mode.............................................................................. 15
Chapter 3 Power Management Modes.......................................................................17
System Power Management.................................................................................................................... 17
On Mode................................................................................................................................... 17
Idle Mode ................................................................................................................................. 17
Standby Mode........................................................................................................................... 18
Suspend Mode .......................................................................................................................... 18
Save to Disk Mode.................................................................................................................... 18
Off Mode.................................................................................................................................. 18
Component Power Management............................................................................................................. 19
Disk Subsystem......................................................................................................................... 19
Video Subsystem....................................................................................................................... 19
Serial Ports............................................................................................................................... 19
Diskette Drive........................................................................................................................... 19
Parallel Port .............................................................................................................................. 19
Other Devices........................................................................................................................... 20
APM 2.0 for NT User’s Guide
Appendix A Keyboard Shortcuts................................................................................21
Appendix B Power Management Drivers and Messages..........................................23
APM 2.0 for NT Components..................................................................................................................23
Driver Installation Messages...................................................................................................................24
APM 2.0 for NT User’s Guide
Figure 1. APM 2.0 for NT About Page ...................................................................................................7
Figure 2. APM 2.0 for NT Desktop Icon................................................................................................. 8
Figure 3. Power Management Icon...........................................................................................................9
Figure 4. APM 2.0 for NT Power Management Dialog Box................................................................... 11
Figure 5. System Battery Status.............................................................................................................12
Figure 6. Power Control Dialog Box ..................................................................................................... 13
Figure 7. Power Management Settings Dialog Box................................................................................ 14
Figure 8. Low Battery Warning Message ..............................................................................................15
Figure 9. System Suspend Confirmation Message.................................................................................. 15
Figure 10. APM 2.0 for NT Components ..............................................................................................23
APM 2.0 for NT User’s Guide
Table 1. Battery Icon Display..................................................................................................................9
Table 2. Keyboard Shortcuts................................................................................................................. 21
Table 3. APM 2.0 for NT Drivers .........................................................................................................23
Table 4. Driver Installation Messages....................................................................................................24
APM 2.0 for NT User’s Guide
APM 2.0 for NT provides power management functionality for Windows NT 4.0 (also referred to as Windows NT in this document). A BIOS-independent power management solution, APM 2.0 helps to extend a portable computer’s battery life and, thus, increase productivity. Fundamentally, APM 2.0 for NT provides BIOS independent power management under Windows NT 4.0. In addition, power manageable applications under Windows 95 are now power manageable under Windows NT.
APM 2.0 for NT displays a convenient graphical user interface that lets you access a variety of power management functions. By glancing at a single dialog box, you can quickly see if your computer’s battery is reaching a critically low level. If your system supports two batteries, you can switch to the second battery with the click of a tab.
Offering functionality similar to Microsoft’s built-in support for Windows 95, APM 2.0 for NT can be run alone or in conjunction with Phoenix Technologies’ products for Windows NT. For example, you can install Card Executive
2.0 for NT which supports hot swapping PC Cards under Windows NT.
Summary of Features
Because APM 2.0 for NT is able to run on any notebook computer using an APM-aware BIOS, APM 2.0 for NT offers several advantages that the native Windows NT system doesn’t provide. Specifically, APM
2.0 for NT provides the following functionality.
Handles power management events and messages
Detects when the system is idle and saves the battery life during these periods
Broadcasts power management messages to applications
Updates the system date and time when resuming from Suspend or Save to Disk mode
Complies with the Win32 power management API requirements
Provides a seamless 32-bit APM connection with the 32-bit Windows NT services
Complies with APM Specifications, versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2
Provides German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese international language support
This manual is designed for portable computer users who are familiar with Windows conventions and terminology. Specifically, this includes users who want to
Use Windows 95 power management features on their NT machines
Configure their machines to achieve maximum power management use of system devices
APM 2.0 for NT User’s Guide 1
Implement a BIOS-independent power management solution
Contents of this Manual
This APM 2.0 for NT User’s Guide contains the following chapters.
Chapter 1 Installing APM: describes how to install the product and defines system requirements.
Chapter 2 Using APM 2.0 for NT: describes the basic features of the APM Windows user interface.
Chapter 3 Power Management Modes: describes the power management modes and how component devices can be power managed.
Appendix A Keyboard Shortcuts: describes the shortcut keys you can use to activate APM 2.0 for NT power management settings and messages.
Appendix B APM 2.0 for NT Drivers and Messages: describes the power management device drivers that APM 2.0 for NT installs and messages you might encounter as you install and run APM 2.0 for NT.
Glossary: includes definitions for various terms used in this manual.
Conventions and Typefaces Used in This Manual
Choose Within this manual, the term choose means to select a menu item by
highlighting it with the cursor and pressing <Enter> or clicking on it.
SETUP <Enter> Boldfaced courier type indicates text as it appears onscreen or in a program. It
is used in text for instructions and for anything you must type literally (such as
A:\SETUP to install a program).
KEY1+KEY2 This indicates a command that requires you press KEY1 and hold it down as
you press KEY2.
Bold text Within text, bold-faced type indicates menu options and commands. Italic text Within text, italics indicate placeholders, class names, variables, and arrays. In
syntax expressions, placeholders represent information that you must provide.
SETUP.EXE Within text, capital letters represent the names of files and directories.
This icon indicates material you should take special notice of.
Related Documentation
You can obtain additional information about Phoenix Technologies’ power management applications for Windows NT by reading the following documentation.
APM 2.0 for NT User’s Guide
Card Executive 2.0 for NT User’s Guide, Phoenix Technologies Ltd., June, 1997
Card Executive for NT Supported PC Card List, August, 1997
Additional Information
For additional information about APM 2.0 for NT as well as other Phoenix products, visit our World Wide Web home page at
APM 2.0 for NT User’s Guide
APM 2.0 for NT User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Installing APM 2.0 for NT
Installing APM 2.0 for NT is a simple procedure. The installation program automatically installs the application, configures your system, and loads several drivers that APM 2.0 for NT needs to obtain power management information. Once you have installed APM 2.0 for NT, you can also install additional Phoenix Technologies’ Windows NT software.
System Requirements
The recommended minimum system for running APM 2.0 for NT includes the following components:
Windows NT 4.0
Installing APM 2.0 for NT
To install APM 2.0 for NT on your Windows NT system, follow these steps:
1. Insert the APM 2.0 for NT installation disk in the floppy disk drive.
2. Click the Start button on the Windows NT taskbar.
3. Choose Run from the Windows NT Start menu.
4. Type: A:SETUP.EXE
The APM 2.0 for NT installation program automatically installs the necessary system files. Once you have APM 2.0 for NT installed, you’re ready to use the application.
Un-installing APM 2.0 for NT
To un-install APM 2.0 for NT, if you have already installed APM 2.0 for NT on your Windows NT system, follow these steps:
1. Insert Disk 1 of the APM 2.0 for NT into the floppy disk drive. Note:If you are using a CD-ROM to install the software, insert the CD-ROM and run UNINSTL.EXE from the appropriate path.
2. Click the Start button on the Windows NT taskbar.
3. Choose Run from the Windows NT Start menu.
4. Type A:\UNINSTL.EXE where A: is the name of the floppy disk drive. Note: If you are using a CD-ROM to install the software, use the drive letter of the CD-ROM instead of A:.
APM 2.0 for NT User’s Guide 5
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