icon .
You can scroll through the list of recorded names. To dial, select a
name and press .
In idle screen, move the Pilot Key down once to reach the Names
Memory jogger card
To enter a name:
To access the caro usel:
a function, move the Pilot Key upwards or downwards. Then
confirm by pressing it. This gives access to the sub menu of the
selected function. Continue in the same way (s elect by movin g the
Pilot Key, confirm by pressing it) until you reach the function you
To return to the previous menu:
Pilot Key. You can also return to the previous display by pressing
the key.
To return to the idle screen:
from the Names list.
simply press the Pilot K e y. To select
press and hold the
press and hold
Voice ke ys
Call se tt ing s
Menu type
Time and Date
* Depending on the subscriber’s card.
Operator Services*
Quic k s e t ting s
Nam es
MessagesSend SMS
Call list
Read SMS
SMS settings
Broadcast SMS
Ma ilb ox n o
Day view
Week view
Month view
Overview of menus
Send SMS
Read SM S
SMS settings
SMS centr e
Validity period
Reply path
Delivery report
Auto save SMS
Broadcast SMS
Mailbox No
Call list
Zoom on/off
Keypad lock
Public names
Call barring
Change codes
PIN protection
Time and date
Clock display
Set dat e
Set time
Day vie w
Week view
Month view
Call counters
Last call information
Info at call end
Accumulated call timers
Accumulated cost
-> Euros
<- Euros
Voic e memo
Alarm clock
Brick Game
Ringer volume
Key tones
Minute beep
Organiser alerts
Battery low alert
New SMS tone
Menu type
Simple menu
Advanced menu
Car melodies
Car kit command
Auto switch off
Auto answer
Voice keys
Hotke ys
Register again
Preferred list
Call settings
Call forward
Any key answer
Call waiting
Caller ID
Quick settings
Heads e t
Table of contents
Table of contents 1
Before first use 3
Your very first call 3
Using the carousel 5
Example 5
To adju st th e contrast 5
Activate/deactivate 6
Using the Nam es a nd oth e r lis ts 6
Glossary 7
Your phone 8
Description of the phone 8
Screen 10
Initial start up
procedure 11
The m icr o -SIM card 11
Inserting your subscr ib er card (micro
SIM card) 11
Your PIN code and PUK code 11
Your PIN2 code and PUK2 code 11
The battery 12
Clipping on the battery 12
Removing the batter y 12
Charging the battery 13
Making an emergency call 14
Using your phone 15
Switching on 15
Idle screen 15
How to enter a text or a number 15
Events in idle screen 16
Making a call 16
Answering and ending a call 16
Redial and reply 17
Voice dial 18
Flash dial 18
During a call… 18
Adjusting the earpiece volume 19
Mute th e mi c r ophone 19
Unmute the microphone 19
Writing in the notepad 19
Consulti ng the Names list 20
Locking the keypad 20
Unlocking the keypad 20
Activate/deactivate the silent mode 21
Activate/deactivate the vibrator 21
Reading your GSM phone number 21
Using the menus 22
Overview of menus 22
Names 24
<New> 24
Select a name 24
Emergency 25
Own number 25
Sounds 34
Display 36
Security 37
Time and date 39
Language 39
Menu type 39
Accessories 40
Voice keys 40
Hotkeys 41
Network 42
Call se ttings 42
Quick settings 45
Use of network
services 46
Additional GSM network services
(GSM strings) 46
Query a voice server, a voice mailbox ,
a messaging service, etc.
(DTMF tones) 46
Making a second call 47
Answering a second call 48
Answering a third call 48
Explicit Call Tran s fe r 48
Conference Call 49
In-call symbols 49
Use while driving 52
Maintenance 53
Looking after your phone 53
Efficient use of your phone 53
Troubleshooting 54
Philips Authentic
Accessories 56
Index 60
Precautions 50
Radio wave safety 50
Your phone and its envi ronment 50
Efficient use of your phone 50
Battery safety 51
Safety and security 51
Responsibility 51
Respect of local laws and regulations 51
Table of contents
Before first use
Your very fir s t call
Turn the phone face down
1 Insert the micro-SIM card.
Remov e the micro-S IM card fro m the Sim card.
Push the metal retaining clip to the right
and lift the cardholder. Slide in the SIM
card between the re taining clip and the
plasti c to n g ue w ith the cut corner of
the card as shown on the drawing.
Close the cardholder and push the
retaining clip to the le ft .
2 Insert the battery
For optimum performance follow the instructions on page 12. Place the battery on the
back of the phone (battery connectors downward, the top near the arrow inside the
case). Then push the battery into place in the direction of the antenna.
A new battery is not completely charged.
Before first use
Turn the phone face up
3 To switch on the phone.
Open the flip.
Press and hold thekey .
5 Wait for the 2 beeps.
The connection is established. The green
LED flashes and the screen looks like this:
4 Enter your PIN code if asked
(see page 11).
Then confirm by pressing the
Pilot Key (key ).
6 Enter the phone number.
If you make a mistake press .
To set the time and date, see page 39.
7 Press .
Once connected, your phone emits two
beeps. Fo r best rece ption pull the ante nna
1.You can hold a conversation even with the flip closed.
2.If the flip is in the closed position during a call, you can open it without affecting the call in progress.
Before fi rs t u s e
8 After the call press.
Using the carousel
The carousel is a circular loop of icons displayed on the screen. These icons provide access to
the diffe rent men us and sub menus used to operate your phone.
MessagesSend SMS
Call list
Voice ke ys
Call se tt ing s
M e nu typ e
Time and Date
* Depending on the subscriber’s card.
Nam es
Operator Ser vi c es*
Quic k s e t ting s
You can use the Pilot Key in 3 ways:
- by moving it upwards
- by moving it do wnwards
- by pre ssing it in
When you switch on your phone , the idle sc reen appears.
To access the main men u, press the Pilot Key .
When you move the Pilot Key the carousel moves
across the screen:
- upwards the icons scroll clock wise.
- downwardsthe icons scroll anti clo ck wise.
The Pilot Key provides access to all the menus used to operate your phone. To select a
function, place the icon above the cursor and press the Pilot Ke y
With the Pil ot Key y ou can sel ec t or a djus t a ll t he f un cti ons of y our phon e ( see Menu Me mory
Jogger cards and see the manual for details of menus).
Read SMS
SMS settings
Broadcast SMS
Ma ilb ox n o
Day view
Week view
Month view
To adjust the contrast
After switchi ng th e phon e on, pres s th e Pilot Key to access th e main Me nu :
Before first use
Move the Pilot Key or and position the icon above the cursor .
Settin gs
Then confirm by pressing the Pilot Key
This gives you access to the
Move the Pilot Key ( or ) and positio n theicon above the cur so r. Then confirm
by pressi ng the Pilot Key .
You enter the
Move the Pi lot Key ( or ) and position theicon abo ve the cu rso r. Then confirm
by pressi ng the Pilot Key .
You enter the
sub menu:
The active paramet er appears un derlined on the scr een. In the abo ve example it is
Using the Pilot Key, adjust the contrast or and confirm.
• To return to the previous menu, press or press and hold the
Pilot Key.
• To return to the idle screen, press and hold
Level 3
Using the Pilo t Key, you can activate or d e -act iva t e some functions.
Move the Pilot Ke y or to select
, then confirm .
Using the Names and other lists
You can also use y our Names list using the Pilot K ey .
In idle mode move the Pilot Key downwards to access the Name list. By moving the Pilot
Key down, you move down int o th e N am e s li st. Turning it u p wa rds m o ves up th e N am e s lis t.
Confirm your se lection by pressing on the Pilot Key.
Before fi rs t u s e
GSM network
Home network
Local network
PIN code
PIN2 code
Public Names
PUK code
PUK2 code
SIM card
Dual Tone Multi Frequency.
The tones are transmitted by the phone to the network. They are used to
interrogate answering machines, transmit codes, ...
Enhanced Full Rate. Standard for high quality sound GSM900. Y our phone will switch
EFR on automatic ally if it is supported by the GSM network you currently use.
Fixed Diallin g Numbers. See al so Pu bl ic Names.
Global System for Mo bile communications. The type of phone ne twork used by
your phone.
The network on which your SIM card is registered.
The network where you are making a call. This may be your home network or
another GSM network.
Two cal ls are in progr ess, one active and one on hold.
Personal Identificat ion Number. The secret code of the SIM card.
Secret code that allows you to access certain SIM card dependent features.
Function that allows you to restrict dialling to selected numbers.
Secret code used to unblock your SIM card if y ou, or someone else, enters the
wrong PIN code three times.
Secret code used to unblock your SIM card if y ou, or someone else, enters the
wrong PIN2 code three times.
Using your phone in a network other than your home network.
Subscriber Identification Module. The card which allows you to make phone calls
with your GSM phone.
Short Message Service. This service provided by the operator allows you to send
and receive sho rt written messages.
Before first use
Your phone
Description of the phone
Pull out completely when making a call.
Green flashing slowly -
is registered with a network.
Green flashing quickly -
been received but not yet answered.
Red flashing -
means the phone
means a call has
mean s t he battery is low.
4Pilot Key
It allows fast and easy access to the
different menus and confirms your
- During a call, it controls the volume.
- In the Names list, menus or lists it
scrolls up or down.
- When entering a name or number, it is
used to move the cursor left or right.
- To return to t h e previ ou s menu by
pressing and holding it. To validate by
pressing and holding it in an editor
5Graphic display
6Green “Pick up” key
Press to accept a call or dial a number.
7Red “Hang up” and “On /
Off” key symbol
Press to switch your phone on, press and
hold to turn your phone off.
Press to end a call.
8Cancel key
Navigation mode:
- Press this key to return to the previous
- Press and hold it to return to the idle
Edition mode :
- Press this key to delete a character.
- Press an d hol d it to dele te a ll the
9Alphanume ric keypad
Stand ard phon e keypad . It can al so be
used for entering alphabetic characters
and acti v a ting hotkeys.
10 Microphone
It allows you to talk even with the flip
close d.
11 Battery and micro SIM card
From the rear of the phone.
- Slide the SIM card in place.
- Fit the battery.
Your phone
The flip:
The flip protects the keypa d of your phone. It can be used with all the acc e ssories
(Traveler’s Charger, Hands Free Kits, etc.).
To detach easily, push the flip downwards.
To reinstall the flip, first fit one side in the hinge on the phone, then the other.
Your phone
A loop of icons on your display which provides access to the
menu of yo ur choice.
Date and time
Displa yed in id le s cree n. To set the d ate an d time , se e
page 34.
Alarm clock
Indicates that the alarm is activated.
Indica tes that the rin ger is tu rn ed o ff. Th e p hon e
will not ring. It can still receive calls.
Keypad Lock
Protects the keys from being pressed accidentally.
Call forward unconditionnal
Indica tes that the
unconditionnal to a number is set.
Call forward
Battery charge
If the first block is dark, the battery
holds a 25% charge. Each bar
represents a ppro ximativ el y 25% of the
maximum charge.
SMS message
Symbol only
new message.
Flashing symbol
memory is full and cannot hold more
messages. Delete one or more
message to l iberate memory.
Voice mail
Indicates that you have received at
least one new voice mail (Network
-You have received a
- The message
Your phone
This indicates that you are using a
network other than your subscribed
The phone is connected to a network.
If the ico n flashes the phone is trying to
Reception qualit y
4 reception bars indicate optimum
Initial start up procedure
The micro-SIM card
To use your phone, you must insert a valid SIM card that is supplied by your GSM service
Your phone requires a micro- SIM card.
The SIM card contains your subscription number and your GSM phone number. It also
contains a me mory in which you can store phone numbers and messag es. If y ou use y our SIM
card on another phone, your phone number and your Names list remain the same.
Your phone accepts plug-in micro SIM card only.
Inserting your subscriber card (micro SIM card)
(See page 3).
Your PIN code and PUK code
When you switch on the phone, it asks you for the PIN code. The PIN code is the 4 to 8-digit
secret code of th e SIM card.
If you enter a wrong PIN code, you can try ag ain. If you enter a wrong PIN code 3 time s, your
SIM card is blocked.
You must then enter your PUK code to unblock the phone. This code will be given to you by
your ser vice provider. If you enter a n incorrect PUK cod e ten times in a row the card will
completely be blocked and be unusable. If this happens contact your service provider.
Your PIN2 code and PUK2 code
Depending on your SIM card, you may have some featu re s o n your ph o ne th at require you to
enter a PIN2 code. This is a secret 4 to 8-digit code given to you by your service provider.
If you enter a wrong PIN2 code, you can t r y again. If you enter a w rong PIN2 cod e 3 t imes,
your SIM card is blocked and you must enter the PIN2 unblocking code (PUK2) given to you
by your service provider. If yo u enter an incorrect PUK2 code ten times in a row the card will
be completely blocked and be unusable. If this happens contact your service provider.
Initial start up procedure
The battery
Your phone is powered by a rechargeable battery. A new battery is not fully charged. Charge
it by following the procedure on page 13.
A battery is only fully charged after having been charged and then totally discharged two or
three times.
of the maximum charge.
If the phone emits a warning signal (see page 36 ), the red LED flashes and the display shows
Battery low
The battery, attached to the phone or not, should not be exposed to tem perat ures exceeding
60°C (e.g. behi nd gla ss in direct sunlight) .
We advise you to k eep t he bat tery attached to the phone, even wh en discharged. The ba cku p
battery for the clock (inside the phone) w ill la st long er.
We do not recommend to remove the battery when the phone is switched on: you may lose
all your personal settings.
Clipping on the battery
(See page 3).
icon shows the level of charge in the battery. Each bar represents appr oximately 25%
, you should re-charge the battery.
Please ref er to th e i nfo rm ation on battery safety, page 51.
Removing the battery
• Press the locking button loca ted alon gsid e the anten n a while push in g the
batter y in the directio n of the arrow as shown on the drawing.
• Remove the batt e ry.
Initial start up procedure
Charging the battery
A charger is supplied with the phone, in the box.
• Clip the battery on the phone.
• Plug the charger into the phone connector.
• Plug the transformer unit into a mains AC power socket.
• During charging the 4 char ge indicators change. If the first bar is dark, the battery already has
• The bars darken one after another during charging.
• When all 4 bars are dark the battery is fully charged. A minimum of 2 hours charging is
• When the battery is charged, press the release button to the topside of the connector to
1.You can turn your phone on and use it while it is charging.
2.The only way to turn the battery charger off is to unplug it from the mains outlet; for this reason use a mains
3.You can connect the charger to an IT supply (Belgium only).
4.If the battery is completely flat, the battery icon will only reappear after 2 or 3 minutes of charging.
5.If you attempt to charge your phone with an invalid charger, your phone will refuse the charge. This wi ll be
symbol indicates the state of charge:
a 25% charge.
required to obtain a 90% charge with a Vibra battery (capacity: 1200 mAh) and 1.5 hours
with the slim battery (capacity: 800 mAh). For the maximum charge continue charging.
remove it. In order to save battery capacity you shouldn't wait for an empty battery capacity
to charge it again.
outlet with easy access.
signified by:
- the fl ashing of the backlight every second
- the flashing of the battery fixed icon
- a conti nuous alert beep
- a message
This measure is designed to protect your phone. For best results, always use a Philips Authentic Ac c es sory.
Acessory not compatible. Please unplug
displayed on the
Initial start up procedure
Making an emergency call
112: European emergency call
Key in the emergency number for your present location (e.g. 112 or other official emergency
number). Emergency numbers vary depending on the location.
• Switch on the phone.
The display shows the welcome screen.
Even if y ou are ask e d for your PIN code, your phone will funct ion without it.
• Enter the emergency number (112) or press Pick-up key if PIN code
• Press .
The phone dials the number.
• After the call , press .
1.Some networks may require a SIM card for emergency calls. Check with your service provider.
2.You can also enter the emergency number using the keypad, even when the keypad is locked.
Initial start up procedure
Using your phone
Switching on
• Press the key .
• Enter your PIN code if asked and press .
The PIN code requirement is a s ecurity feature t hat you can s witch on and off using the “P IN prote ction*”
menu (see page 38).
Idle screen
After switching on (and entering the PIN code), your phone
displays the idle screen which means that the phone is ready to use.
At the sa me time:
If the
You may be in a bad reception area (perha ps in a tunnel or betwe e n tall buildings). If possible,
move to a different lo ca t ion .
If you navigate into the menus or the Names list, the phone automatically returns to idle
screen if a key is not pressed for 2 minute s. During this perio d of tim e you can still receive a
icon is disp layed and the L ED t o th e le ft o f t he an tenna
flashes, this indicates that the phone is connected to the
network. The network name appears on the screen.
symbol is displayed, indicating the quality of reception
(when all 4 bars appear, the audio quality is at its best).
symbol and the network name are not displayed, the network is not currently available.
How to enter a text or a number
Characters and numbers are located on each key as follow :
Key LabelUpper case alphanumericLower case alphanumeric
1space 1
2ABCA B C 2 A Â Å Æ Ça b c 2 à ä å æ ç
8TUVT U V 8 Ü Ùt u v 8 ü ù
*+* + - / %* + - / %
@ # = < > ( ) & £
D E F 3 É E ∆
G H I 4 Γ Ig h i 4 Γ ì
P Q R S 7 β Π Θ
. 0 ’ ’ ’ ? ! , : ; ¡ ¿
lower case upper case lower case upper case
$ ¥
space 1
d e f 3 é è ∆
j k l 5
m n o 6 ñ ò ö ø
p q r s 7 β Π Θ
w x y z 9 Ω Ξ
. 0 ’ ’ ’ ? ! , : ; ¡ ¿
Using your phone
@ # = < > ( ) & £ $ ¥
For example, to enter “Love”, you have to press thrice, press thrice, press
1 missed
thrice and press twice. The word “Love” will appear on the screen.
1.A number c an contain a maximum of 40 digits, depending on your SI M card.
2.It is a good idea to enter all numbers, even local ones, with their international prefix, country code and area
code. Thus you can dial all numbers from any location.
3.The ‘+’ character c an o nly be inse rted at the beginn ing of a number.
4.To correct mistakes, press and releas e to delete one digit.
Events in idle screen
Some events may modify the idle screen (missed call, new
message , reminder from th e organiser, etc.). In this c ontext,
press the Pilot Key to access a contextual menu or press
on the key to go back to idle .
Making a call
In idle screen :
• Enter the phone num ber using th e keypad.
To correct an error , press . To move through numbers move the Pilot Key upwards
or downwards.
For an international call, you can enter the "+" k ey instead of the usual international
prefix. To do this press and hold .
• Press .
The phone dials the number.
• After the call, press to hang up.
1.You can als o make a call from the
2.If a number has bee n programmed on a direct access key, you can call this number by pressing and holding
the key (see Flash dial page 18).
3.If the called number is in the N ames list, t h e corresponding name will be displaye d instead of the number.
(see page 6).
Answering and ending a call
When receiving a call, the phone rings, the animation and
appears on the displa y, and the green LED flashes. Depending on your subscription, the call er’s
number may be displayed. If this number is in the Names list, the corresponding name shall be
displayed instead of the number.
Incoming call
Using your phone
• To an swer a call you can either:
• press .
• pr e ss the Pilot Key , a carousel with the following options app ears:
• Silent ringer
The ringer volume of this incoming call is set to silent and the phone goes back to
the incoming call screen.
• Accept call
• Reject call
• To hang up a call you can eith er :
• press .
• p ress the Pilot Key , a carousel app ears:
• select End Call and confirm.
• If you want to reject the call, press.
The phone returns to idle screen and the caller hears the busy tone.
If you have activated “Call forwar d whe n busy” (s ee page43 ), the call is diverted to the
selected number (your voice mailbox, for example)
1.The phone will not ring if the ringer is deactivated (see page 21).
2.If you have a Vibr a Ba ttery yo u may ac tiva te t he vibr at or func tion to be discr ete ly wa rned of i ncomin g call s (s ee
accessories page 56).
3.If you have selected Any Key Answer (see page 44), you can accept a call by pressing any key (except )
or by pressing the Pilot Key.
Silen t
Accept call
Reject call
Redial and reply
The phone stores the last 30 numbers (called or received). You can redial or reply to any of
these numbers and dial it directly. The most recent is displayed first.
In idle screen:
• Press to access the main Menu.
Call list
If a number is in your Names list, the corresponding name is displayed.
• Move the Pilot Key up or down to select the number you want to redial or
• Press .
The phone dials the number. Wait for your correspondent to answer.
• After the call, press to hang up.
1) You can directly access to the Call list by moving up the Pilot Key.
2) You can directly access to the last dialling number by pressing the pick up key .
. This displays a chronological list of the last calls either receiv ed or
Using your phone
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