Philips VR800-07 User Manual

Congratulations on the purchase of one of the most sophisticated and
simple-to-usevideorecorders(VCR)onthemarket.WiththisVCR you can record and play VHS-standard cassettes.
Please take the time to read this operating manual before using your video recorder.
Safety instructions and other notes
ADanger:High voltage!
Do not remove the top cover as there is a risk of anelectrical shock!
AThe video recorder does not contain any components that can
be repaired by the customer. When the appliance is connected to the power supply there are some components that are constantlyoperational. To switch off thevideo recorder completelyyou must disconnect itfrom the power supply.
BNote that this power pack is designed for a power supply of
BEnsure that air can circulate freely through the ventilation slots
on the video recorder.
BEnsure that no objects or liquids enter the video recorder. If
liquidis spilt into it,disconnect the video recorder immediately fromthe power supply and call the After-sales Service for advice.
BThe video recorder should not be used immediately after
transportation from a coldto ahot areaor vice versa, or in
conditionsof extremehumidity. Afterunpackingthe video recorder,it should be allowed to acclimatize for at least three hours before installation.
C These operating instructionshave beenprinted on nonpolluting
C Depositold batteriesat the relevant collection points. C Pleasemakeuse of the facilities available in your country for
disposingof thepackaging of thevideo recorder in a waythat helpsto protect the environment.
C Thiselectronicequipment contains manymaterials that can be
recycled.Please inquire about thepossibilities for recycling yourold set.
DVIDEO Plus+ and PlusCode are registered trademarks of
GemstarDevelopment Corporation. The VIDEO Plus+ system is manufacturedunder licence from GemstarDevelopmentCor­poration.
1. INSTALLATION 3...................................
Connecting to the TV-set 3...........................
Autoinstall 5.......................................
InitialInstallation 5..................................
SuccessiveInstallation 5............................
AutomaticTV Channel Allocation 5...................
Connecting a decoder or additional equipment 6.......
Manual TV Channel Search 6........................
Monitorfunction 7..................................
Sort/ClearTV channels manually 7....................
Settingthe clock and the date 8......................
User guide (OSD) 8..................................
Emergencyinterrupt 8...............................
Saving energy 8....................................
2. PLAYBACK 9.......................................
Playbacka cassette 9...............................
Searching for tape position 9.........................
Stillpicture/Slow motion 9...........................
Eliminatingpicture interference 10....................
3. MANUAL RECORDING 11............................
Recording with/without automatic switch-off 11........
Automaticrecording from asatellite receiver (SAT
RECORDING) 12....................................
DirectRecord 12....................................
’VPS’ (Video Programming System)/’PDC’(Pro-
gramme Delivery Control) 13.........................
Programmingwith ’VIDEO Plus+’ 13...................
Manual programming without ’VIDEOPlus+’ 14.........
How to check or alter aTIMER 15.....................
’NexTViewLink’ 15..................................
5. ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS 16.........................
Changing the TV system 16..........................
Child lock 16.......................................
Switchingthe remote controlcommand 17.............
Continuousplayback 17.............................
The automatic switch-off 17..........................
Remote control of TV sets 19.........................
Audio dubbing 20...................................
Selecting the sound track 20.........................
Synchronousediting (synchro-edit) 20................
Before you call an engineer 22.......................
Important for the United Kingdom
This apparatus is fittedwith an approvedmoulded 13 Amp plug. To changea fuse inthis type ofplug proceed asfollows:
a Remove fuse coverand fuse. b Fix new fusewhich should be a BS13623A, A.S.T.A.or
BSI approved type.
c Refit the fusecover.
If the fitted plug is not suitable for your socketoutlets, it should be cut offand an appropriateplug fitted inits place. If the mains plug contains a fuse, this should have a value of 3A. If a plug without a fuse is used,the fuse atthe distribution board should not be greater than5A.
DNote: * Thesevered plug mustbe destroyed toavoid a
possibleshock hazard shouldit be insertedinto a 13A socketelsewhere.
How to connect a plug:
The wires in the mains lead are coloured inaccordance with the following code: BLUE - ’NEUTRAL’ (’N’) BROWN- ’LIVE’ (’L’)
Connecting with scart cable and ’Easy link/NexTView’
Withthe function ’EasyLink/NexTView’, your video recorder can exchange informationwith the television. Heed the operating instruction of yourtelevision. With’Easy Link/NexTView’ the TV channels fromthe TV will automaticallybe loaded.
d The BLUE wire must be connected to theterminal which
is marked with the letter ’N’ orcoloured BLACK.
e The BROWN wire must be connected to the terminal
which is marked withthe letter ’L’or coloured RED.
f Do not connect either wires to the earth terminal in the
plug which is marked with the letter ’E’ or by the safety earth symbol \or colouredgreen or green-and-yellow.
Before replacing the plug cover, make certain that the cord grip is clamped over the sheath of the lead- not simplyover the two wires.
Connecting to the TV-set
When you install yourVideo recorder forthe first time,please read:
E theparagraph ’Connectingwith scart cableand Easy
Link/NexTView’,when your TV-setis equipped with’Easy Link/NexTView’.
E theparagraph ’Connectingwith scart cablewithout Easy
Link/NexTView’,when your TV-setis not equipped with ’EasyLink/NexTView’.
a Remove the aerialcable plug from your TV set and insert
it into the 2 socket at the back of the video recorder.
b Plug one end of theaerial cable providedinto the TV
socketon the video recorder and the other endinto the aerial input socket on your TV set.
c Plug one end of thespecial scart cableprovided into the
AV1EXT1 scartsocket atthe back of the video recorder
and the otherend into thescart socket onyour TV set.
d Switch on the TV set. e Insertone end of the mainscable into themains socket
4 at the back of the video recorder and the other end
into the wall socket.
f The video recorder will automatically loadall TV chan-
nels stored on your TV, in the same sequence. This may take severalminutes. When all data (TV channels, language, country) has been copied, the following textappears on the TV screen: ’EASY LINK LOADING COMPLETE’.
g Check if clock and date are correct. Read the paragraph
’SettingTime/Date’ in thischapter.
E theparagraph ’Connectingwithout a scartcable’, when
you do notuse a scartcable.
Connecting with scart cable without ’Easy Link/NexTView’
If your television does not have a scart (EURO-AV) socket, please do not read further here, but turn tothe next paragraph ’Connecting without scart cable’.
Connecting without scart cable
a Remove the aerialcable plug from your TV set and insert
it into the 2 socket at the back of the video recorder.
b Plug one end of theaerial cable providedinto the TV
socketon the video recorder and the other endinto the aerial input socket on your TV set.
c Insert one end of the mains cable intothe mains socket
4 at the back of the video recorder and plug the other
end into the wall socket.
a Remove the aerialcable plug from your TV set and insert
it into the 2 socket at the back of the video recorder.
b Plug one end of theaerial cable providedinto the TV
socketon the video recorder and the other endinto the aerial input socket on your TV set.
c Plug one end of thescart cable intothe scart socket
AV1EXT1 onthe back of thevideo recorder andthe other
end into the scart socket on your TV set.
d Switch on the TV set.
e Insertone end of the mainscable into themains socket
4 at the back of the video recorder and plug the other
end into the wall socket.
f When your TV set automatically switchesto programme
number e.g.: ’EXT’, ’0’,or ’AV’, a welcoming text appears on the TVscreen. When your TV set does not switch automatically, select the required programme numbermanually (see instruc­tion manual TV set).
d Switch on your TV set and select the programme number
that you have chosen for video playback (see operating manual for your TV set).
e The video recorder will now send a welcoming texton
UHF-channelCH35 or583MHz.
f Tune in the TV setin the UHFwave band untilthis picture
g Subsequently, read theparagraph ’Initial Installation’in
the section ’Autoinstall’.
g Subsequently, read theparagraph ’Initial Installation’in
the section ’Autoinstall’.
The video recorder will search for all TV channels. It stores TV channels found in the following sequence: BBC 1, BBC 2, ITV, CH 4, CH 5, SKY, others.
Initial Installation
a If the aerial (antenna) has been connected to the video
recorder,press the OK button.Please continue with the next paragraph at step e .
Automatic TV Channel Allocation (FOLLOW TV)
Withthis function thevideo recorder maintainsthe same channel sequence as on the TVset, in caseyou connected your videorecorder to a TV set without scart cable. Thisonly functionsif the videorecorder (socket AV1EXT1 )and the TV set are connected with a scart cable. Additional equipment connected to socket AV2 EXT2 mustbe switched off.
DWith ’Connecting withscart cable and’Easy Link/NexT-
View’,this function willstart the datatransfer.
Successive Installation
a Switch on the TV set.If required, select the programme
number for the video recorder.
b Press the MENU button. The mainmenu appears.
c Select the line ’INSTALLATION’ with themenu buttons
P = or P ; and confirmwith the P button.
d Select the line ’AUTOINSTALL’ with themenu buttons
P = or P ; and confirmwith the P button.
e ’AUTOINSTALL’starts. This can take several minutes.
a Switch on the TV set.If required, select the programme
number for the video recorder.
b Press the MENU button. The mainmenu appears.
c Select the line ’INSTALLATION’ with themenu buttons
P = or P ; and confirmwith the P button.
d Select the line ’FOLLOW TV’ withthe menu buttons
P = or P ; and confirmwith the P button.Take no-
tice of the message on theTV screen.
e Pressthe OK button.
If the video recorder recognizes that theTV set has been connected with a scart cable, ’TV’ 01’ appears in the display.
E When’NOTV’ (nosignal from TVset) appears inthe
display,the TV channels can not be allocated automati­cally.In this case,read paragraph: ’ManualTV Channel Number Allocation’.
f Select programme number’1’ on the TV set.
COMPLETE’will appear on the TV screen.
g To end, press the MENU button.
g Confirm with the OK buttonon the videorecorder-re-
mote control. The video recorder compares the TV channels on the TV set andthe video recorder. If the video recorder found the same TV channelas the TV set, then it stores it at ’P01’.
h Wait until e.g.:’TV’ 02’ appears.
i Select the next programmenumber, e.g.: ’2’on the TV set.
j Confirm with the OK buttonon the videorecorder-re-
mote control.
DIf you allocatedthe wrong TVchanneL, you can go back
one step with the menu button Q .
k Repeat steps h to j until all TV channels have been
g Select function ’ON’with the menu buttons Q or P .
When you select ’OFF’,the function willbe switched off.
l To finish, pressthe MENU button.
Connecting a decoder or additional equipment
You can alsoconnect additional equipmentto the AV2EXT2 socket.For instance: decoder,satellite receiver or camera recorder. You can connecta HIFI-stereo set to the sockets
AUXOUT L R (audio outputleft/right)and AUX INL R (audioin-
put left/right).
Allocating a decoder
Withthis function, theconnected decoder willautomatically be activated for the TV programme required.
DWith ’Connecting withscart cable and’Easy Link/NexT-
View’ the decoder must be activated for the TV set.
h Confirm with the OK button.
DWhen the functionis switched on,’DEC’ appears inthe
i To end, pressthe MENU button.
Manual TV Channel Search
In certain cases the ’Automatic TV Channel Search’ may not be able tofind all ofthe TV channels(e.g. coded TV channels). In that case, use this manual method to set the channels.
DWith ’Connecting withscart cable and’Easy Link/NexT-
View’ the videorecorder automaticallyloads the TV channels from the TV set. Hence, some lines are not functional.
a Switch on the TV set.If required, select the programme
number for the video recorder.
b Press the MENU button. The mainmenu appears.
c Select the line ’INSTALLATION’ with themenu buttons
P = or P ; and confirmwith the menu button P .
d Select the line ’MANUAL SEARCH’ withthe menu buttons
P = or P ; and confirmwith the menu button P .
a Switch on the TV set.If required, select the programme
number for the video recorder.
b On the video recorder, select the TV programme you wish
to link with the decoder function, using the P; or
P = buttonor the digit buttons 0-9 .
c Press the MENU button. The mainmenu appears.
d Select the line ’INSTALLATION’ with themenu buttons
P = or P ; and confirmwith the P button.
e Select the line ’MANUALSEARCH’ with themenu buttons
P = or P ; and confirmwith the P button.
f Select the line ’DECODER’ with the menu buttons P = or
P ; .
e In the line ’CHANNEL/FREQ.’,select the displayfor:
’FREQ.’:frequency ’CH’:channel ’S-CH’:special channel
f If you know the frequency or channel of the desired TV
channel, you can enter the datain line ’ENTRY/SEARCH’ with the digit buttons 0-9 .
E Ifyou don’tknow the frequencyor channel of the TV
channel of your choice, press the menu button P to startthe channel search.
g In the line ’PROGRAMME NUMBER’ selectthe pro-
gramme number you want e.g.: ’01’, usingthe menu buttons Q or P .
h If you want to change the TV channelname, press the
P button in line ’TV CHANNEL NAME’.
E Selectthe characteryou want to change with the Q or
the P button. Change thecharacter with the P = or the P; button. Selectthe next characterin the same way.
E Keeppressing themenu button P untilthe cursordis-
i In the line ’NICAM’,select funtion ’ON’or ’OFF’ withthe
P or Q button.
j If you want to change the automatic tv channel setting,
selectthe line ’FINETUNING’. Withthe menu buttons Q or P you canvary the auto­matic tv channel setting.Important: This re-tuningis only necessaryand useful inspecial cases, e.g.:when there are stripes on the picture with cable-TVsystems.
Sort/Clear TV channels manually
DWith ’Connecting withEasy Link/NexTView’ the video
recorderautomatically loads theTV channels fromthe TV set.Hence, you can not selectthis function.
a Switch on the TV set.If required, select the programme
number for the video recorder.
b Press the MENU button. The mainmenu appears.
c Select the line ’INSTALLATION’ with themenu buttons
P = or P ; and confirmwith the P button.
d Select the line ’TV CHANNEL ALLOCATION’with the
menu buttons P= or P ; and confirmwith the P button.
... P01 BBC1 P02 BBC2 P03 ITV P04 CH4 P05 CH5 P06 SKY
________________________________ TO SORT TO EXIT PRESS PRESS MENU
k Press the OK buttonto storethe TV channel.
DIf you wantto search forfurther TV channels,start again
at step f.
l To end, press the MENU button.
Monitor function
You can switchback and forthbetween TV receptionand video recorder reception withthe MONITOR button.This only functionswhen you used a scart cable to connectthe video recorderto your TV set and if your TV set responds to this switch-over.
e Withthe menu buttons P = or P ; , selectthe TV
channel to which you want toallocate a programme number (starting with ’P01’)and press the P button.
DIf you wantto delete aTV channel, press the CLEAR(CL)
f With the menu buttons P= or P ; , shiftthe TV chan-
nel to the programme number you wish to allocateto this TV channel andpress the Q button. The TV channel will be added.
g Repeat steps etofuntil you haveallocated a
programmenumber to all TV channels.
h To store, pressthe OK button.
i To end, pressthe MENU button.
Setting the clock and the date
E Enter/Alter:With the Q or P orwith the 0-9 button. E Store:With the OK button.
If the time in the videorecorder display is not correct or if ’--:--’appears in thedisplay, please setthe clock manually.
a Switch on the TV set.If required, select the programme
number for the video recorder.
b Press the MENU button. The mainmenu appears.
c Select the line ’INSTALLATION’ with themenu buttons
P = or P ; and confirmwith the P button.
d Select the line ’TIME/DATE’ with themenu buttons
P = or P ; and confirmwith the P button.
TIME 20:00 YEAR | 1998 MONTH 02 DATE 06
e Adjust’TIME’, ’YEAR’, ’MONTH’,’DATE’ if required,using
the digit buttons 0-9 . Switch between fields with the menu buttons P= or P ; .
f Confirm each entrywith the OK button.
g To end, press the MENU button.
DIf a TVchannel which transmitsTXT/PDC is storedwith
programmenumber ’P01’, time(from TXT) anddate (from PDC) will automatically betaken from theTXT/PDC information.
E Confirm:With themenu button P . E Exitmenu: Withthe MENU button.
Emergency interrupt
Both the video recorder and the remote control have an ’Emergencyinterrupt’ button. Youcan use the STANDBY m but­ton to interrupt any function. Wheneveryou have operatingproblems you can simply interruptthe function and start again. You can practiseoperating your set withoutany worries. No matterwhich buttons youpress, you cannotdamage it.
Important notes for operation
E Youcan switch on with the STOP h button, the 0-9 but-
tons or by insertinga cassette.
E Keepyour video recorder connected to the mains at all
timesto ensure thatprogrammed recordings canbe made and thatthe television functions normally.The power consumption required isless than 4W(saving energy mode).
E Whenthe video recorder is disconnectedfrom the mains,
TV channels will be strored typically 1year, and clock/timerdata will bestored typically 7 hours.
Saving energy
User guide (OSD)
WithOSD (On Screen Display) the correspondingfunctions appear on theTV screen asa menu. The most important button-functionsare displayed atthe bottom ofthe screen.
E Callup the menu: With the MENU button. E Selecta line: With the P = or P; button. E Selectwithin a line: With themenu buttons Q or
P .
You can choosebetween two methodsof switching to standby. Normal method: Switch tostandby using the STANDBY m but- ton. The clock time remains displayed. If the clock has not been set, ’--:--’ appears. To save energy: Pressthe STANDBYm button twice. The clock time disappears from thedisplay.
Playback a cassette
a Insert a cassetteinto the cassetteslot.
b Press the PLAY G playback button.
c To stop, pressthe STOPh button.
d To eject, Pressthe STOP/EJECT ? buttonon the set.
DSome hired cassettesmay have apoor picture/sound
quality.This is nota fault in your set. Pleaseread the section’Eliminating picture interference’.
Searching for tape position with picture (picture search)
a During playback, pressthe H (reverse) or I (for-
ward) button once or several times.
b To interrupt atthe position required,press the PLAY G
DDuring picture search,the picture qualityis affected and
the sound is turned off.
Still picture/Slow motion
a Press the STILL R button. A still picture appears on the
b Each time you press STILLR againthe picture will
move on one step.
c When you hold the STILL R buttonthe picture will be
played in slow motion.
DSome functions switchoff automatically after awhile
(e.g.:Pause, Still Picture,Scanning). This helpsto protect the cassette and preventunnecessary power consump­tion.
NTSC Playback
Withthis set youcan playback cassettesthat have been recorded on another video recorder in the NTSC standard. This only works forPAL-television sets which are suitable for a picture frequency of 60Hz. During NTSC playback ’60HZ’appears in thedisplay.
DDuring NTSC-playback some special features (e.g. still
picture)are not possible.
Tape position indication
a During playback pressthe COUNTER button.
b Select one of the followingoptions:
’TIME USED’ to indicate the time used on thetape ’TIME LEFT’ to indicatethe time lefton the tape ’COUNTER’ to indicate the actual position on the tape
DWith the OK button, you can superimpose the actual
tape position on the TV screen.
d When you pressthe I buttonseveral times,you have
a choice ofseveral playback speeds. During slow motion the sound is switchedoff.
Searching for tape position without picture (wind/rewind)
a Stop the tape with the STOP h button.
b Press the H (reverse)or I (forward)button.
c To interrupt atthe position required,press the STOP h
Instant View
Withthis function youcan switch topicture search during wind/rewind.
a If you hold the H (rewind)or I (wind)button dur-
ing wind or rewind, you will switch to picture search.
b If you releasethe button, the video recorder will
automaticallyswitch back torewind or wind.
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