SureSigns VM6
Compact, portable, versatile bedside monitor

Measurement capabilities t
Waves and numerics to guide t
The SureSigns VM Series vital signs monitors provide caregivers with the essential
information they require right at the patient’s side. Designed for a variety of care
environments, SureSigns VM Series monitors are easy to use and versatile. Built on
Philips strong heritage and industry leadership in patient monitoring, all SureSigns
VM Series monitors blend strong, innovative measurement and monitoring
capabilities with simplicity, convenience, and reliability.
Vital signs monitoring at the patient’s side
The SureSigns VM6 monitor is fl exible, user-friendly,
and easy to learn. It provides essential monitoring and
measurement capabilities in a compact package. With its
‘fl at menu’ navigation structure, frequently used features
are conveniently accessed in just one step.
The display screen is bright for easy viewing of patient
information. SureSigns VM6 measurements include pulse
oximetry, blood pressure, user-selectable 3- or 5-lead
ECG, respiration, basic arrhythmia, and temperature.
A name you can trust
Backed by Philips record of quality and support,
SureSigns VM series monitors allow you to focus on
your patients’ safety and comfort. Philips monitors
come with a world-class warranty and 24-hour*
telephone support from our global response centers.
* Only available in the US.
SureSigns VM62