Philips SCD560/10 User manual

User manual


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Overview (Fig. 1)
1 Signal strength indicator 2 Mute symbol 3 Battery status indicator 4 Navigation arrow 5 Microphone sensitivity indicator 6 Lullaby symbol 7 Nightlight symbol 8 Timer symbol 9 Temperature symbol
Preparing for use
IMPORTANT: Read the safety instructions carefully before you use the baby monitor and keep them for future reference.
Baby unit
We advise you to use the baby unit on electrical power. To guarantee automatic power backup in case of a power failure, you can insert four 1.5V AA alkaline batteries (not included). Do not use rechargeable batteries. The baby unit does not have a charging function and rechargeable batteries discharge slowly when they are not in use.
Parent unit
The parent unit runs on two rechargeable batteries that are supplied with the baby monitor.
Charge the parent unit before you use it for the rst time and when the batteries are low.
Please note that you have to charge the parent unit for the full 10 hours to have a cordless operating time of 18 hours.
Note: When you start using the baby monitor, it takes four charge and discharge cycles before the rechargeable batteries reach their full capacity.
Using the baby monitor
Positioning the baby monitor
Keep the baby unit out of the reach of the baby. Never place the baby unit inside or mount it on the baby’s bed or playpen.
- Because the cord of the baby unit presents a potential strangulation hazard, make sure that the baby unit and its cord are at least 1 meter/3.5 feet away from your baby.
- To prevent a high-pitched sound from one or both units, make sure the parent unit is at least 1 meter/3.5 feet away from the baby unit.
Linking parent unit and baby unit
1 Press and hold the 3 button on the baby unit for 2 seconds until the power light goes on. 2 Press and hold the 3 button on the parent unit for 2 seconds until the display lights up.
, The ‘link’ light on the parent unit starts ashing red and the message ‘LINKING’ appears on
the display.
, When the parent unit and baby unit are linked, the ‘link’ light turns solid green. The signal
strength indicator and the message ‘LINKED’ appear on the display.
, If no connection is established, the message ‘NOT LINKED’ is displayed and the parent unit
starts to beep.
What to do if no link is established
- If the parent unit is out of range, place it closer to the baby unit.
- If the baby or parent unit is too close to another DECT appliance (e.g. a cordless phone), switch off this appliance or move the unit away from this appliance.
- If the baby unit is switched off, switch it on.
Operating range
- The operating range is 330 meters/1000 feet outdoors and up to 50 meters/150 feet indoors.
- The operating range of the baby monitor varies depending on the surroundings and factors that cause interference. Wet and moist materials cause so much interference that the range loss is up to 100%. For interference from dry materials, see table below
Dry materials Material thickness Loss of range
Wood, plaster, cardboard, glass (without metal, wires or lead)
Brick, plywood < 30cm (12in) 5-35% Reinforced concrete < 30cm (12in) 30-100% Metal grilles or bars < 1cm (0.4in) 90-100% Metal or aluminum sheets < 1cm (0.4in) 100%
Functions and feedback on the baby unit
The nightlight produces a soft glow that comforts your baby.
1 Press the Q button on the baby unit to switch on the nightlight. 2 Press the Q button again to switch off the nightlight.
Lullaby function
1 Press the K button on the baby unit to play the last selected lullaby. (Fig. 2)
, The selected lullaby repeats for 15 minutes.
2 Press the 3 To adjust the sound level of the lullaby, press the volume + or the volume – button on the
baby unit (Fig. 4).
Note: You can only set the loudspeaker volume on the baby unit when a lullaby is playing. If you set the volume for the lullaby higher, the sound will also be louder when you use the talk function on the parent unit.
4 To stop lullaby playing, press the K button on the baby unit.
Paging the parent unit
If you have lost the parent unit, you can use the FIND button on the baby unit to locate the parent unit. This function only works when the parent unit is switched on.
1 Press FIND on the baby unit and the parent unit produces a paging alert tone (Fig. 5). 2 To stop the paging alert tone, press FIND on the baby unit again or press any button on the
parent unit. The paging alert tone stops automatically after 2 minutes.
button to select another lullaby from the list. (Fig. 3)
< 30cm (12in) 0-10%
Battery status light
1 The battery status light is solid green when the baby unit runs on battery power and the
batteries contain enough energy.
2 The battery status light ashes red quickly when the batteries run low while the baby unit is
running on battery power.
- Replace the batteries when they run low.
Functions and feedback on the parent unit
The volume can be set if the menu is not active. There are seven volume levels and a ‘volume off’ setting.
Setting the volume level
1 Press the + button or the - button once.
, The current volume level appears on the display.
2 Press the + button to increase the volume or press the - button to decrease the volume.
, If no button is pressed for more than 2 seconds, the volume level indication disappears and
the volume setting is saved.
Volume off
Below the lowest volume setting, there is a ‘volume off’ setting.
1 Press the + button or the - button once.
, The current volume level appears on the display.
2 Press and hold the - button for more than 2 seconds to set the volume to off.
, The message ‘MUTE’ and the mute symbol appear on the display (Fig. 6).
Note: If the volume is off, only the sound level lights show that the baby produces sounds.
Talk function
1 If you want to comfort your baby, press TALK on the parent unit and talk clearly into the
microphone on the front from a distance of 15-30cm (0.5-1ft) (Fig. 7).
Note: If you have set the volume for the lullaby higher on the baby unit, the sound will also be louder when you use the talk function on the parent unit.
, The ‘link’ light starts ashing green and the message ‘TALK’ appears on the display.
2 Release TALK when you have nished talking.
Battery status indications
The battery charge status is indicated on the display by the battery status indicator and by text messages.
Battery low
When the rechargeable batteries are low, ‘BATTERY LOW’ appears on the display, the battery status indicator is empty and ashes, and the parent unit beeps. The remaining operating time is at least 30 minutes.
Battery empty
1 If the rechargeable batteries are almost empty, the battery status light ashes red
quickly (Fig. 8).
2 If you do not connect the parent unit to an electrical outlet, it switches off.
Menu of the parent unit
Navigating the menu
Note: Some menu functions only work when the baby unit and the parent unit are linked.
1 Press the MENU button to open the menu. and to make the rst menu option appear (Fig. 9). 2 Use the + button to go to the next option or the - button to go to the previous option. The
arrow on the display indicates the direction you can navigate (Fig. 10).
3 Press the OK button to conrm your selection (Fig. 11).
Note: Press the MENU button if you want to leave the menu without making any changes. If there is no input in the menu for more than 20 seconds, the menu closes automatically.
This option in the parent unit menu allows you to set the microphone sensitivity of the baby unit. The microphone sensitivity determines what noise level the baby unit picks up e.g. you will want to hear when your baby cries, but you may be less interested in its babbling.
1 Select ‘Sensitivity’ in the menu with the + and - buttons and press OK to conrm. 2 Use the + and - buttons to increase or decrease the microphone sensitivity. The number of
lled segments shows the sensitivity level selected. Press OK to conrm the setting.
Sensitivity levels and indications
Icon Sensitivity Description
highest Hear everything from your baby. The speaker of the
high Hear all sounds from soft babbling and louder. If your
medium Hear sounds from soft cries and louder. If your baby
low The speaker of the parent unit only goes on if the baby
Feed timer
You can set the feed timer to alert you that it is time to feed your baby. The timer can be set from 1 minute to 23 hours and 59 minutes.
1 To open the feed timer submenu, select ‘Feed Timer’ in the menu. Press OK to conrm. 2 Select ‘Set Timer’ in the feed timer submenu. Press OK to start setting the timer. 3 Set the hour and the minutes press OK to conrm. 4 To start the feed timer, select ‘xx:xx Start’ in the feed timer submenu. Press OK to conrm.
The timer symbol appears on the display and the timer starts counting down (Fig. 12).
5 When the timer has reached 00:00, the feed timer alert goes off, the timer symbol starts
ashing on the display and the message ‘TIMER END’ scrolls across the display (Fig. 13).
6 To stop the timer, select ‘Stop & Reset’ in the feed timer submenu and press OK to conrm.
parent unit is continuously on.
baby does not make any sound, the speaker of the parent unit is off.
makes softer sounds, the speaker of the parent unit does not go on.
makes loud sounds, for instance because it is crying.
Setting feed timer repeat
1 To make the feed timer go off after the same set time, select ‘Repeat’ in the feed timer
submenu after you have set the timer. Press OK to conrm.
2 Choose ‘Repeat ON’ or ‘Repeat OFF’ and press OK to conrm. 3 If ‘Repeat ON’ is set, the feed timer starts counting down again after you stop the alert.
A baby sleeps comfortably at a temperature between 16°C/61°F and 20°C/68°F. You can set a minimum and a maximum temperature range and a temperature alert.
1 To open the temperature submenu, select ‘Temperature’ in the menu. Press OK to conrm. 2 Select ‘Temp Range’ in the temperature submenu and press OK to conrm. 3 Use the + and - buttons to set the minimum temperature range between 10°C/50°F and
19°C/66°F and the maximum temperature range between 22°C/72°F and 37°C/99°F. Press OK to conrm.
4 Select ‘Alert’ in the temperature submenu. Press OK to conrm. 5 Select ‘Alert ON’ or ‘Alert OFF’. Press OK to conrm. 6 Select ‘Temp Scale’ in the temperature submenu. Press OK to conrm. 7 Select ‘Celsius’ or ‘Fahrenheit’ and press OK to conrm.
, The temperature in the set scale appears on the display. , If the temperature is outside the set range, the temperature alert symbol on the display
ashes and the message ‘TOO HOT’ or ‘TOO COLD’ appears on the display. If you set the
alert to on, the parent unit also beeps (Fig. 14).
The default setting for the clock is hidden. You can choose to show the clock and set the clock time in the menu of the parent unit.
1 Select ‘Clock’ in the menu with the + and - buttons. Press OK to conrm. 2 Select ‘Show Time’ and press OK to conrm. 3 Select ‘Set Time’ and press OK to conrm. 4 Set the hour and the minutes and press OK to conrm.
, The clock time alternates with other indications in the message eld of the display.
You can use this menu option to change the language setting.
1 Select ‘Language’ in the menu with the + and - buttons. Press OK to conrm. 2 Use the + and - buttons to select your language and press OK to conrm.
Guarantee and support
If you need information or support, please visit the Philips website at or read the separate worldwide guarantee leaet.


Visite para registrar su producto y leer el manual de usuario detallado.
Vista general (g. 1)
1 Indicador de intensidad de la señal 2 Símbolo de silenciamiento 3 Indicador del estado de la pila 4 Flecha de navegación 5 Indicador de sensibilidad del micrófono 6 Símbolo de nana 7 Símbolo de luz de compañía 8 Símbolo de temporizador 9 Símbolo de temperatura
Preparación para su uso
IMPORTANTE: Lea las instrucciones de seguridad con atención antes de utilizar el vigilabebés y consérvelas por si necesita consultarlas en el futuro.
Unidad del bebé
Le aconsejamos que utilice la unidad del bebé conectada a la red eléctrica. Para garantizar una alimentación de reserva automática en caso de fallo de la red eléctrica, puede insertar cuatro pilas alcalinas AA de 1,5 V (no incluidas). No utilice pilas recargables. La unidad del bebé no dispone de función de carga y las pilas recargables se agotan lentamente si no se utilizan.
Unidad de padres
La unidad de padres funciona con dos pilas recargables que se suministran con el vigilabebés. Cargue la unidad de padres antes de utilizarla por primera vez o cuando las pilas se estén agotando.
Tenga en cuenta que debe cargar la unidad de padres durante 10 horas completas para que ofrezca un tiempo de funcionamiento sin cable de 18 horas.
Nota: Cuando empiece a utilizar el vigilabebés, las pilas recargables tardan cuatro ciclos de carga y descarga en alcanzar su capacidad total.
Uso del vigilabebés
Colocación del vigilabebés
Mantenga siempre la unidad del bebé fuera del alcance del bebé. Nunca coloque ni monte la unidad del bebé en el interior de la cuna o del parque.
- El cable de la unidad del bebé presenta posibles riesgos de estrangulación, por lo que debe asegurarse de que la unidad del bebé y su cable están al menos a 1 metro (3,5 pies) del bebé.
- Para evitar que el sonido de una o ambas unidades sea muy agudo, asegúrese de que la unidad de padres está al menos a 1 metro (3,5 pies) de la unidad del bebé.
Conexión de la unidad de padres y la unidad del bebé
1 Mantenga pulsado el botón 3 de la unidad del bebé durante 2 segundos hasta que el piloto
de encendido se ilumine.
2 Mantenga pulsado el botón 3 de la unidad de padres durante 2 segundos hasta que se
ilumine la pantalla.
, El piloto “LINK” de la unidad de padres empieza a parpadear en rojo y aparece el mensaje
“LINKING” (Conectando) en la pantalla.
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