dry electric travel shaver
with travel pouch
Close shave for confidence
This Philips electric shaver combines the close cut shaving system with independently floating heads. You can
be confident you will look your best - every day
Adjusts to every curve of your face and neck
Follow the curves of your face
Comfortably close
For a close efficient shave
Self-sharpening blades
Efficient power system
Cordless 2AA battery shaver

dry electric travel shaver with travel pouch
Highlights Specifications
CloseCut system
For a close shave made in Europe
Cordless battery shaver
Up to 60 minutes cordless shave
Independently floating heads
Align the razor-sharp blades of the Philips
shaver closer to your skin for exceptional
closeness; the i ndependently floating heads
follow the curves of your face.
Self-sharpening blades
Self-sharpening blades last for up to two years.
Maintenance: Cleaning brush, Protective cap
Travel pouch
Ease of use
Shaving ti me: 60 minutes
Shaving Performance
Shaving system: CloseCut, Self-sharpening
Philips Green Logo
Phili ps Green Products can reduce costs,
energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
How? They offer a significant environmental
improvement in one or more of the Philips
Green Focal Areas — E nergy efficiency,
Packaging, Hazardous substances, Weight,
Recycling and disposal and Lifeti me
© 20 19 Konin klijke Philips N.V.
All Right s reser ved.
Specifications are subject to change
without notice. Trademarks a re the
property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or
their respective owners.
Issue date 2019‑0 7‑24
Version: 2.0.1
EAN: 08 71010 3 5871 94
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