Std. Heat Average Approx.
Product ANSI Pkg. Resistant Bulb Beam Candle- Initial Life Color
Number Description Code Watts Qty. Volts Description Type Base Angle1Power
Lumens (Hrs.)3Temp.
35619-6 500PAR56Q/NSP 500 8 120 Narrow Spot PAR-56 Mog. End 17 x 34 88,000 3500 4000 3000
35621-2 500PAR56Q/MFL 500 8 120 Med. Flood PAR-56 Mog. End 20 x 48 47,000 3800 4000 3000
35620-4 500PAR56Q/WFL 500 8 120 Wide Flood PAR-56 Mog. End 28 x 70 22,500 5000 4000 3000
27555-2 1000PAR64Q/NSP 1000 8 120 Narrow Spot PAR-64 Ext. Mog End 16 x 28 200,000 9800 4000 3000
27556-0 1000PAR64Q/MFL 1000 8 120 Med. Flood PAR-64 Ext. Mog End 24 x 44 80,000 12,000 4000 3000
27558-6 1000PAR64Q/WFL 1000 8 120 Wide Flood PAR-64 Ext. Mog End 42 x 76 31,000 14,800 4000 3000
34350-9 1000PAR64QVNSP FFN 1000 8 120 Very Narrow Spot PAR-64 Ext. Mog End 12 x 6 400,000 11,000 800 3200
34351-7 1000PAR64QNSP FFP 1000 8 120 Narrow Spot PAR-64 Ext. Mog End 14 x 7 330,000 12,000 800 3200
34352-5 1000PAR64QMFL FFR 1000 8 120 Med. Flood PAR-64 Ext. Mog End 28 x 12 120,000 14,000 800 3200
34353-3 100PAR64QWFL FFS 1000 8 120 Wide Flood PAR-64 Ext. Mog. End 55 x 22 40,000 19,000 800 3200
Tungsten Halogen PAR Lamps
Electrical,Technical and Ordering Data (Subject to change without notice)
Philips Lighting Company
200 Franklin Square Drive
P.O. Box 6800
Somerset, NJ 08875-6800
A Division of Philips Electronics North America Corporation
Printed in USA 07/05 P-1223-D
Philips Lighting
281 Hillmount Road
Markham, Ontario
Canada L6C 2S3
A Division of Philips Electronics Ltd.
1) Beam Spread to 50% peak candlepower.
2) Candlepower Average in central 5˚ cone for spot to 10˚ cone for flood.
3) Rated Average Life is the length of operation (in hours) at which point an average of 50% of the lamps will still be operational and 50% will not.
Note: Lamps can be operated in ANY position.
Operation & Handling
Studio and theater lamps require care to gain
optimum performance with every use. Handling
the glass of a quartz lamp should be avoided. It is
advisable to use gloves when touching a lamp.
Should the lamp be touched, careful cleaning can
be done with a solvent such as alcohol. Shielding
of halogen lamps is generally considered an
advisable precaution.
Average Performance Characteristics
Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 — Data becomes more
inaccurate beyond 80–120%. Overvolting Stage
and Studio lamps can result in immediate failure;
undervolting increases live expectancy while
reducing color temperature.
Fig. 1 Variation of life characteristics
with applied voltage