1997 Apr 08 7
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
8-bit microcontroller P83C562; P80C562
6.2 Pin description
Table 1 PLCC68 (SOT188-2)
To avoid latch-up at Power-on, the voltage at any pin at any time must lie within the range V
+0.5VtoVSS− 0.5 V.
2 Power supply, digital part (+5 V). Power supply pins during normal operation and
power reduction modes.
STADC 3 Start ADC operation: Input starting analog-to-digital conversion (ADC operation can
also be started by software). This pin must not float.
PWM0 4 Pulse Width Modulation output 0.
PWM1 5 Pulse Width Modulation output 1.
EW 6 Enable Watchdog Timer: enable for Watchdog Timer and disable Power-down mode.
This pin must not float.
7to12 P4.0 to P4.5: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port lines;
CMSR0 to CMSR5: Compare and Set/Reset outputs for Timer T2.
P4.6/CMT0 13 P4.6 to P4.7: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port lines;
CMT0 to CMT1: Compare and toggle outputs for Timer T2.
P4.7/CMT1 14
RST 15 Reset: Input to reset the P8x562; also generated when the Watchdog Timer overflows.
16 to 19 P1.0 to P1.3: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port lines;
CT0I to CT3I: Capture timer inputs for Timer 2.
P1.4/T2 20 P1.4: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port line;
T2: T2 event input (rising edge triggered).
P1.5/RT2 21 P1.5: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port line;
RT2: T2 timer reset input (rising edge triggered)
P1.6 to P1.7 22 to 23 P1.6 to P1.7: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port lines, open-drain.
P3.0/RXD 24 P3.0: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port line;
RXD: Serial input port.
P3.1/TXD 25 P3.1: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port line;
TXD: Serial output port.
INT0 26 P3.2: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port line;
INT0: External interrupt input 0.
INT1 27 P3.3: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port line;
INT1: External interrupt input 1.
P3.4/T0 28 P3.4: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port line;
T0: Timer 0 external input.
P3.5/T1 29 P3.5: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port line;
T1: Timer 1 external input.
WR 30 P3.6: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port line;
WR: External Data Memory Write strobe.
RD 31 P3.7: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port line;
RD: External Data Memory Read strobe.
n.c. 32, 33 Not connected.
XTAL2 34 Crystal Oscillator Output: output of the inverting amplifier that forms the oscillator.
Left open-circuit when an external oscillator clock is used.