Philips DP 6000, LBB 5800 User Manual

December 1997 Page 1 of 15
For a detailed description of DP 6000 paging calls refer to Installation Instruction No. 63 for the High Performance Control Desk (LBB 5800).
Philips Personal Security System PS 6000 combines paging functions with portable alarm facilities for people on the move in hazardous environments or are liable to incur some personal risk. The system is based upon Personal Security Transceivers (PST), a High Performance Desk and a Field Control Panel (FCP). The system incorporates security facilities such as manual alarm and automatic system scanning. In addition, a detector circuit is built into the transceiver which will initiate an alarm procedure when no movement of the transceiver is detected.
Communication between the PST and the FCP is always via the LBB 5800 Desk. Each FCP monitors the status of its own PSTs programmed into the system. An FCP can be programmed to monitor the PST’s fully automatically without any action by the operator or PST holder, and also by manual confirmation of the PST holder.
1.2 System size
Each Field Control Panel can cater for up to 16 PSTs and the PSTs are programmed to react to their dedicated call buttons and LEDs on that particular panel. Up to 31 FCPs can be interconnected via the desk.
A High Performance Desk LBB 5800 can supply enough power to support only one FCP. If more than one FCP is used in the system, they must be powered via an external supply unit.
The RS 422 communication bus can be used to connect all the FCPs together, in parallel, to the LBB 5800 Desk (see page 15 for system set up).
holder, whereas in the latter, the PST holder must, within a predetermined time, acknowledge that a call has been received by pressing the Alarm Reset Button on the PST. When the auto-scan facility is programmed and set for user enable/inhibit, the auto-scan facility will be activated by pressing the channel Auto-Scan key on the FCP, pressing Auto-Scan key again this will disable the auto-scan activity and so on.
1.4 Field Alarm Calls
The FCP can be programmed to react to an Alarm Call from the PST in several ways; When the Alarm LED lights, a Direct Call can be transmitted to establish contact with the PST holder. This call will be initiated by using the Direct Call Key for that channel. If no action is taken by the operator within a predetermined time, a preprogrammed alarm call can be automatically routed to another PST. A built in delay timer can activate one to three relay outputs in the FCP, which can be used to activate some other device e.g. telephone exchange. The relay function can be programmed for continuously ON or pulsed ON.
2.1 General
All programming of the FCP must be carried out via the LBB 5800 desk. The FCP must first be set “present” by the allocation of a dedicated address and all the various functions required by the customer must be done by further software programming. Only one uninitialised FCP may be connected to the RS 422 line at any given time.
When an uninitialised FCP is powered up, the top row of LEDs will all blink slowly. When initialised, the FCP address LED will be illuminated during power up. These are represented by the top two rows of LEDs (1 - 31) reading from top left to bottom right. The power LED in the top left corner will be illuminated. (Powering up the desk with an FCP connected takes max. 60 sec.)
2.2 Editor
The Editor function of the desk is the means by which the system variables are programmed into the FCP.
1.3 System Scanning
The FCP can be programmed to scan the PST’s in the system at preprogrammed intervals and check the status of each. An automatic or an additional manual response from the PST to this check call can be programmed, for each individual channel, into the FCP. In the former instance, the PST will automatically send the status information back to the FCP without disturbing the PST
Philips Communication & Security Systems
When the Editor is opened, the program variables can be entered via the keyboard and the desk bleeper gives an audible indication of correct or incorrect entries.
The normal sequence of programming the FCP is to first enter the required MENU followed by the menu COMMAND DIGIT, followed by the PROGRAM VARIABLE(S).
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During programming, the desk display will show the program information as it is entered.
Use the DIRECT CALL key of the desk to select the correct FCP number (if more than one connected ) the PROGRAM key to enter the selected data and scroll on to the next command.
If a call string is selected and the RESET key is pressed, this will allow you to edit the last digit entered, but if the RESET key is pressed again, the desk will return to the “Menu” mode and the changed selected data will NOT be accepted.
2.3 Opening The Editor
N.B. All programming must be done via a connected LBB 5800 desk. To open the editor: a) Press and hold PROGRAM key:
The display shows “PROGRAM”
b) Press keys A, B, C and D in sequence:
The diplay shows “PROGRAM” and “A,B.C,D” as they are entered. After the D is entered the display
shows “Menu:” c) Release the PROGRAM key: The editor is open, the display shows “PS Menu “ and the Editor
open tone will sound. Remark: Always enter the Edit mode from the Stand-By mode of
the LBB 5800 Desk
2.4 Closing The Editor
The Editor can be closed by pressing the RESET key when the display shows MENU. If the RESET key is pressed whilst entering data, then the last digit entered can be changed
If RESET is pressed whilst a Menu is open, the desk will revert to the menu selection mode. If pressed a second time, then the Editor mode will close.
2.5 Bleep Tones
The following bleep tones can be heard during programming :
0.2 seconds
(a) Key confirmation
(b) Editior open
(c) Menu open
(d) Command open
(e) Input accepted
(f) Error
5 pulses
2.6 Setting The Desk Work Mode
The desk work mode must be set before programming can be carried out. Open the Editor (see para. 2.3), press MENU key “E” followed by Command key 7 then selecting key “3” for the PS 6000 mode (the desk layout is shown at Fig.3).
“0” selects the LBB 5800 mode. “1” selects the LBB 5801 mode. “2” selects the LBB 5802 mode “3” selects the PS 6000 mode.
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3.1 PS 6000 menu selection
To enter the PS 6000 menu, OPEN THE DESK EDITOR, SELECT and PRESS key “A”as shown in para. 2.3 and observe the correct
display indication.
“PS menu”
When the PS 6000 menu is opened, the following sub menus can be selected to program the FCP.
C Communications/Initialisation DIRECT CALL KEY Direct Call info MONITOR KEY Call FCP setting A Auto scan info. ALARM KEY Relay settings E FCP memory edit (USED ONLY FOR “SERVICE”)
3.2 Entering The Program Variables
As long as the PS menu is open, the text “PS menu” will be displayed and a bleep will sound every second. When a PS 6000 sub menu is
selected, the bleep will stop and the desk display will show the text associated with the sub menu selected.
When a sub menu has more than one step, the next step to be programmed can be selected by pressing the PROGRAM key.
At the end of some sub menus the display will show “update?”. To enter the programmed data into the memory, press the PROGRAM key
again. By pressing the RESET key, instead of the PROGRAM key, the new entered data is lost. The desk will revert to PS menu selection.
The following text describes the menus and commands to be programmed into the FCP:
4 MENU KEY “C” Communication/initialisation
Key in the address of the FCP (if more than one FCPs are connected) to be set to default values (01 - 31). Only connected FCPs may be
The memory of the FCP will be initialised
The FCP will restart its program by a soft reset
The address allocated in the desk will be deleted
The top row of LEDs of the FCP will start to blink
If when powered up, the top row of LEDs are blinking, the FCP is in the default mode (see TABLE 1 .)
Remark: only one FCP initialised.
Keystroke “1” - Will reset ALL FCPs and restart the program execution as from power-up
Keystroke “0” - NO restart execution
Keystroke “1” - All FCPs will show their addresses by illuminating the appropriate LED
Keystroke “0” - Stops Show Address Mode and returns FCP to current status
NOTE: “Stop Show Address” mode must always be selected after “Show Addres” mode to restart communication.
After either keystoke the desk will return to the “Comm Service” menu
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COMMMAND “3” - ALLOCATE ADDRESS DISPLAY SHOWS “GIVADR (1/0)” Keystroke “1” - Will give the connected uninitialised FCP the lowest free (unallocated) address
Keystroke :0” - Return to “Communication menu”. COMMAND “4” - FCP STATUS CONTROL DISPLAY SHOWS “STA. FCP. NR” Enter the FCP address (01 - 31) which is to display its status (only if more than one FCPs are connected)
The display of the Desk now shows the selected FCP address followed by the status:
The FCP is working normally Display shows “xx Present” The FCP address has not been allocated Display shows “xx Unallocated” The address has been allocated but the FCP is not connected Display shows “xx Allocated” This mode is for future applications Display shows “xx Reply Maybe”
Keystroke “0” - Used to reset a parameter Display shows “Parameter.?” Keystroke “1” - Used to set a parameter Display shows “Parameter.?”
The parameters can be selected using the following 3 keys: Keystroke “1” - “Present”
Keystroke “2” - “Allocation” Keystroke “3” - “Reply MB”
automatically.(see also Command 4) After the keystroke the desk will return to the communication menu Eronneous keystokes will generate the error bleep and return to the “Comm. menu”
4.1 Address Allocation
It is possible that an address (01 - 31) could be set (reserved) by either of the three parameters mentioned above before a new FCP is introduced to the desk. To check the status of each of the 31communication addresses, scroll the addresses using the PROGRAM key. The status of each will be shown on the desk display.
If an address number has already been allocated to an existing active FCP, the display should show “Present” when that address is selected. Only “Unalloc” addresses can be directly assigned to an uninitialised FCP.
4.2 Addressing an FCP
An uninitialised FCP can be given an address in two ways:
1) As at Command 3, where the FCP will be given the first “Unalloc” address available automatically and the LEDs will stop blinking
2) If a particular address number has to be assigned to an FCP, this can be done by scrolling the available addresses with the
PROGRAM key until the selected address is shown in the desk display. By changing the status of this address from “Unalloc” to “Present” will allocate the address to the FCP and the FCP LEDs will stop blinking immediately and the FCP can communicate with the desk. If when scrolling the addresses, the chosen address happens to show “Allocated”or “Reply MB”, then it is not possible to go directly to “Present” to install the address in the FCP. In this case change from “Allocated” or “Reply MB” to “Unallocated” then go to “Present” and the FCP will accept the address within a scan time of 1 Min. approx. The FCP has now accepted the address and communication with the desk is established.
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4.3 Address Status Changing within Command “4” (STA FCP NR.) Submenu:
The following gives the correct key selections necessary to move from one status to another:
“Present” “Allocate” 0 - 1 “Unalloc” “Present” 1 - 1
“Present” “Unalloc” 0 - 2 “Unalloc” “Allocate” 1 - 1 - 0 - 1
“Present” “Reply MB” 1 - 3 “Unalloc” “Reply MB” 1 - 1 - 1 - 3
“Allocate” “Present” 1 - 1 “Reply MB” “Present” 0 - 3 - 1 - 1
“Allocate” “Unalloc” 0 - 2 “Reply MB” “Allocate” 0 - 3 - 0 - 1
“Allocate” “Reply MB” 1 - 3 “Reply MB” “Unalloc” 0 - 2
5 MENU - DIRECT CALL KEY Edit Direct Call
This menu is used to program a) Enable/inhibit the call string
When editing the following Direct Call data, pressing the PROGRAM key will go to the next program step.
When the display shows “update?” the PROGRAM key must be used to store data .
After PROGRAM key action, the Desk continues with the next channel number. Pressing RESET during sub menu programming, the display shows “update” . Pressing RESET whilst desk display shows “PS menu” the desk steps out of the Editor mode. When the edit Direct Call menu is opened, the display info will differ depending whether one or more FCPs are connected.
1. More than one FCP connected: Display shows “sel.FCP nr “ and the lowest allocated address, of which
Scroll the FCP addresses with the PROGRAM key and input the desired address with the DIRECT CALL KEY. The display will now show “sel. Chan. nr”. Select the channel to be edited (01 - 16) and the display will show the channel Nr. followed by
“DC inhibit” or “DC enable” :
2. One FCP connected: The sequence is as previous paragraph but starts from “sel. Chan. nr.”
b) Edit the direct call address,codinf and info digits c) Edit the Alarm Call String d) Edit the PST acknowledge address e) Enable/inhibit speech after direct call e) Manual/automatic acknowledge mode f) Alarm Call repeat time g) Manual acknowledge time
the status is “Present”, is displayed.
Keystroke “0” - Will set or leave the status in inhibit Keystroke “1” - Will set or leave the status in enable The display will now show the selected status Press the PROGRAM key to edit the next step. RESET key to move to “Update?” .
The display will show “FCP Nr., Channel Nr. , “d” and the call string (e.g. 0105d - - - - - - - - - - ). The new call string can be entered using the desk hex. key pad (Address - 4 digits / Codinf -1 digit / Info - 5 digits). This call will be transmitted when the FCP channel DIRECT CALL key is pressed. Press PROGRAM key to go to next program step. RESET key to move to “Update?”.
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