Philips INCA 320 User Manual

Industrial Vision
Intelligent Camera
12 NC: 8122 410 5693.0
Philips Applied Technologies
Inca 320
Inca 320 Hardware Manual
Version 1.0
A publication of:
Philips Applied Technologies
© 2005 Philips Electronics N.V.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
All rights are reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner.
The information in this publication is furnished for guidance, and with no guarantee as to its accuracy or
Philips Applied Technologies does not assume liability for any consequences to its use;
specifications and availability of goods mentioned in it are subject to change without notice
Printed in the Netherlands, 2005-12-12
Industrial Vision
8122 410 5699.0
Inca 320 Hardware Manual...............................................................................................................................2
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................3
1.1 ABOUT THIS MANUAL...............................................................................................................3
1.2 SUPPLIED PARTS......................................................................................................................3
1.3 ABOUT THE INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................3
2 HARDWARE ..............................................................................................................................................4
2.1 TRIMEDIA PROCESSOR ........................................................................................................... 4
2.2 CMOS SENSOR .........................................................................................................................5
2.3 CAMERA CONNECTIONS ......................................................................................................... 5
2.4 POWERING UP ........................................................................................................................12
3 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION.................................................................................................................. 14
4 CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................................15
4.1 TCP/IP.......................................................................................................................................15
4.2 Configuring TCP/IP ...................................................................................................................15
4.3 Port Number..............................................................................................................................15
4.4 Special configurations ...............................................................................................................15
4.5 Firewall......................................................................................................................................17
4.6 Default Configuration................................................................................................................. 17
5 MECHANICAL INTERFACE....................................................................................................................18
6 TROUBLE SHOOTING............................................................................................................................ 19
6.1 KNOWN PROBLEMS USING THE INCA.................................................................................. 19
6.2 SERVICE AND SUPPORT........................................................................................................20
7 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION.................................................................................................................21
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Congratulations on buying the Inca vision system! An Inca is a high quality intelligent camera for image
acquisition and processing. Inca offers a complete vision system that is ACCURATE, FAST, COMPACT and COST­EFFECTIVE. The high-resolution, high dynamic range sensor provides the best basis for the development of a very accurate vision system. Having all the processing power close to the sensor and the capability of region of interest processing reduces processing time and th us faster systems can be realised. Because of this integrated processor, display capabilities and industrial I/O, the Inca offers a very compact total vision solution, without any need for additional hardware like e.g. a PC. This makes an Inca solution besides very cost-effective also transparent and easy to work with. Finally the industrial housing provides optimal possibilities for incorporating the Inca in almost every (industrial) environment.
The supplied equipment comprises the following:
One Inca 320 camera.
One hardware manual (this document).
If any of these items is not included notify your supplier immediately.


The installation consists only of making the right connections to the Inca. Start-up and running an application is completely done under software control. Software is not provided with the Inca, but is a separate product that can be purchased from Industrial Vision. Refer to chapter 3 for available software.


This manual explains how to install your Inca camera and how to check that it is working correctly.
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The Inca hardware consists of the following modules:

TriMedia processor

CMOS sensor
Ethernet 10BaseT/100BaseT interface
RS232 serial interface
Video outputs VGA and CVBS
Digital inputs and outputs
Trigger input and flashlight output
Reset input and watchdog output
Four general purpose LEDs
One system LED
8 MByte on-board flash memory
32 MByte SDRAM
The core of the Inca is the TriMedia 1300 processor. This Very Long Instruction Word CPU (max. 5 parallel instructions) with image co-process or run s on 18 0 M H z. Among others, this processor handles:
Image and control data flows Storage of acquired images. The images are stored in the 32 MByte on-board SDRAM. Processing of the image stored in on-board SDRAM Interaction with its environment for product information and measurement results
Programming this TriMedia processor can be done using the Rhapsody C/C++ software package or a graphic al development environment called Clicks. The TriMedia part of this software is based on the real time operating system pSos™. Especially for high-end vision applications this is very important, because in this way the timing of the application is deterministic, this in contrast to programs running in Windows™. Clicks allows application engineers to graphically compose the tasks to perform. Without the need of programming expertise this tool is easily accessible for most engineers and offers a very natural and interactive way to realize your application.
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Digital input 6 bits optically isolated
2.2.1 Inca 320
In the Inca 320 a monochrome sensor IBIS5A-1300 from FillFactory is implemented. This sensor is dedicated to industrial machine vision solutions and has both a rolling and a synchronous shutter. High dynamical range scenes can be captured using the double or multiples slope functionality. The following main features, supported by the Inca 320, are available:
1280 x 1024 Pixels
10 bit 40 Msample ADC resolution
2/3” sens or housing
One region of interest
Programmable exposure time
10, 20 or 40 MHz pixelclock
Full framerate 27 frames per second
Optical dynamic range 64 dB in single slope,
up to 100 dB in multi slope.
Synthetic test image
Decimation factor 2 for higher frame rates of sub-
sampled images
Digital output 6 bits optically isolated
Camera reset
VGA and CVBS for display purposes
Figure 2-1 Inca 320 back side connectors


The rear side of the camera gives the user a great number of possibilities for interfacing the camera.
10BaseT/100BaseT Ethernet
One trigger input and one output for flash control
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2.3.1 10BaseT/100BaseT
For the interconnection of the Inca camera to the host PC a so-called 10BaseT (for 10Mbs) or 100BaseT (for 100Mbs) connection is used, which is a twisted pair connection for Ethernet. For this link the PC must be equipped with an Ethernet Controller. In order to be able to control multiple Inca 320 cameras a
immediate when the trigger input is signaled. A rising or a falling edge on the input can indicate the trigger. The flash output can control the external flash unit if required. The active sta te (high or low) can be programmed, see the note for side effect.
decent knowledge of how an Ethernet network has to be configured is required. This manual assumes the reader has this knowledge.
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Figure 2-2 Inca 320 Ethernet Co nnector
The Ethernet connector has two LEDs. LED A is the activity LED and will blink when there is activity. LED B will be lit when the connection is using 100MBs. To connect a single Inca camera directly to a PC, a crossed twisted pair cable is required.

2.3.2 Trigger and Flash

The Inca has an optically isolated trigger input and flash output. The trigger input enables the feature to prepare the capture of an image. If the trigger is enabled by an
Flash (p)
Flash (n) Trigger (p)
3 4
Trigger (n)
Figure 2-3 Trigger/Flash connector
Note: The start-up sequence for the Inca has consequences for the flash output. In case the flash ou tput
application program the capture process will start
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