Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care
Vacuum cleaner
HR 8323
HR 8345
MSH CODING 8838 323 00000
8838 345 00000
HR 8323 is for service purposes identical to HR 8310, however use for following items the spare codes:
1 4822 442 01211 Dustcover orange
7 4822 410 11605 Push button + cap orange
9 4822 498 10685 Carrying handle orange
10 4822 442 01212 Back panel orange
11 4822 410 11603 Cordwinder knob orange
58 4822 479 70072 Wheel nozzle con.
HR 8345 is for service purposes identical to HR 8331, however use for following items the spare codes:
1 4822 442 01213 Dustcover blue
7 4822 410 11606 Push button + cap blue
9 4822 498 10686 Carrying handle blue
10 4822 442 01214 Back panel blue
11 4822 410 11604 Cordwinder knob blue
58 4822 479 70072 Wheel nozzle con.
Use Service Manual 4822 729 21837 and Service Information 4822 729 21888 to identify the spares.
PublishedbyPhilipsDomesticAppliancesandPersonalCare PrintedintheNetherlands
Copyrightreserved Subjecttomodification
4822 729 21889
PCS 89 885