Philips HQ 642, HQ 686, HQ 386, HQ 384, HQ 382 Comparison Chart

HQ 686 HQ 664 HQ 662 HQ 642
Shaving system
Dual shaving heads (slots & holes) ●●●● Easy clean waterproof shaver ●●●● 3D Contour following shaving system ●●●● Lift & cut ●●●● Individually floating heads ●●●● Silent power ●●●● Vibration free, rotating system ●●●● Long, omnidirectional slots ●●●● Hair collecting chamber ●●●●
Power system
Rechargeable/mains ––– Rechargeable only
Mains ––– Charging time 1hr. 8hr. 8hr. – Cordless shaving time up to 30’ 30’ 30’ – NiCad cells 1 1 1 – Automatic voltage selection ●●●– Monovoltage (220V) –––
12 Volts charging ●●●●
Luxury level
Charging indication ●●●– Battery low indication
Battery full indication ●●●– 5 Segment charge cap. indication –––– Minutes left indication –––– Cleaning advice –––– Soft rubber grip panel –––– Metallic lacquer
Dual metallic lacquer –––– Trimmer
Electronic on/off switch ●●●● Deluxe storage cassette ––– Deluxe pouch –– Regular pouch ––
Stand/wall holder ––––
Dimensions fancy box 134x76x190 134x76x190 134x68x190 134x68x190 Weight fancy box 560 gr. 560 gr. 500 gr. 510 gr. Dimensions master carton 236x199x282 236x199x282 231x199x282 213x199x282 Weight master carton 3300 gr. 3540 gr. 3240 gr. 1050 gr. Master carton contains 6 pcs. 6 pcs. 6 pcs. 6 pcs.
International range (note: not all models will be available in all countries)
2 headers range 2002
HQ 386 HQ 384 HQ 382 HQ 380 HQ 362 HQ 360 HQ 342 HQ 322 HQ 320 HQ 304 HQ 302 HQ 300 HQ 36 HQ 32 HQ 30 HS 190
Shaving system
Dual shaving heads (slots & holes) ––––––––––––––– – Easy clean waterproof shaver ––––––––––––––– – 3D contour following shaving ––––––––––––––– – Lift & cut
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●
Individual floating heads ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ● Silent power ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ● Vibration free, rotating system ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ● Long, omnidirectional slots ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ● Hair collecting chamber ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ● Micro groove –––––––––––––––
Power system
Rechargeable/mains ●●●–––––––––––– – Rechargeable only –––
●●●––––––● –– –
Rechargeable slide pin ––––●●––––––● –– – AC ––––––
–––––––– –
DC –––––––––●●●––●● AC/DC –––––––●●––––● –– Charging time 1hr 1hr 8hr 8hr 1hr 8hr ––––– 8hr –– – Cordless shaving time 30’ 30’ 30’ 30’ 30’ 30’ 60’ 60’ 60’ 60’ 60’ 30’ 60’ 60’ 60’ NiMh “Green Energy” cell ––––––––––––––– – Automatic voltage selection
●●●– –––––––––– –
Mono voltage (220-240V) ––– ●● –––* –– – 12 Volts charging ––––––––––– ––– – Number of batteries required –––––––33333– 22 2
Luxury level
Charging indication ●●●●●●––––––● –– – Battery full indication
––––––––––––– –
Battery low indication –––––––––––––– – 5 segment charge indication ––––––––––––––– – Minutes left indication ––––––––––––––– – Cleaning advice ––––––––––––––– – Soft grip panels ––––––––––––––– – Metallic lacquer
●●–––––––● ––––– ●
Dual metallic lacquer ––––––––––––––– – Trimmer
●●●– ●●– ●●–––– –
Switch lock ●●●●●●– ●●●●●●●● ● Electronic on/off switch ––––––––––––––– – Deluxe storage cassette –––––––––––––– ● Deluxe pouch ––––––– ––––– – Regular pouch –– ●● –– –––– – Stand/wall holder ––––––––––––––– –
Dimensions fancy box 135x78x190 115x70x165 115x70x165 110x64x138 110x64x138 110x64x138 110x64x138 110x64x138 110x64x138 110x64x138 110x64x138 110x64x138 65x53x108 65x53x108 65x53x108 132x77x52 Weight fancy box 440 gr. 300 gr. 292 gr. 280 gr. 235 gr. 205 gr. 258 gr. 205 gr. 173 gr. 205 gr. 205 gr. 173 gr. 206 gr. 145 gr. 143 gr. 28 gr. Dimensions master carton 240x198x278 240x174x225 240x174x225 280x150x206 230x150x206 230x150x206 230x150x206 230x150x206 230x150x206 230x150x206 230x150x206 230x150x206 340x234x146 340x234x146 340x234x146 480x285x130 Weight master carton 2800 gr. 1995 gr. 1947 gr. 1840 gr. 1570 gr. 1390 gr. 1708 gr. 1390 gr. 1200 gr. 1390 gr. 1390 gr. 1200 gr. 5412 gr. 3948 gr. 3900 gr. 352 gr. Master carton contains 6 pcs. 6 pcs. 6 pcs. 6 pcs. 6 pcs. 6 pcs. 6 pcs. 6 pcs. 6 pcs. 6 pcs. 6 pcs. 6 pcs. 24 pcs. 24 pcs. 24 pcs. 24 pcs.
* 220 - 240 V + 100 - 120 V