SkinCare system
Enjoy the touch of satin.
Epilator with Skin Care System
Philips SatinSoft epilator with skin care system protects the skin against pulling
and maximizes hygiene. Cordless & rechargeable, for a comfortable use wherever
you want.
Beautiful skin
Vibrating massage bar stimulates your skin
Smooth skin
Gentle tweezing discs remove hair without pulling skin
Comfortable epilation
Choose the right speed according to your needs
Fully washable epilation head for optimal hygiene

Highlights Specifications
Massage attachment
Gently vibrating massage bar stimulates and
soothes the skin for a pleasant epilation
Gentle tweezing discs
This epilator has gentle tweezing discs to
remove hair without pulling the skin.
Up to 30 minutes wirefree epilation, quick 1-
hour recharge
Two speed settings
This epilator has two speed settings. Speed 1
for extra gentle epilation and speed 2 for extra
efficient epilation
Washable head
The head can be detached and cleaned under
running water for better hygiene.
2 speed set tings
Cleaning brush
Storage pouch
Comfortable epilation
Technical specifications
Number of catching points: 20
Number of discs: 21
Pulling actions/second speed 1: 666
Pulling actions/second speed 2: 733
Voltage: 3,6 V
Philips Green Logo
Phili ps Green Products can reduce costs,
energy consumption and CO2 emi ssions.
How? They offer a significant environmental
improvement in one or more of the Philips
Green Focal Areas – E nergy efficiency,
Packaging, Hazardous substances, Weight,
Recycling and disposal and Lifetime
© 20 19 Koninklijke Philips N.V.
All Right s reserved.
Specifications are subject to change
without notice. Trademarks are the
property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or
their respective owners.
Issue date 2019‑0 7‑05
Version: 1.1.1
www.phili ps.com