Philips HF3330/01 User manual

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Intended use
The goLITE BLU energy light is intended to make people feel more
energetic, to adjust circadian rhythms and to provide mood relief from
the winter blues. The medical intended use of the goLITE BLUE energy
light is to treat winter depression (seasonal affective disorder). This treatment should always take place under supervision of a specialist.
Light, health and circadian rhythms
The human body uses light cues, such as those provided by the sun, to time certain internal functions. Properly timed rhythms regulate mood, sleep, energy, appetite and digestion. These daily internal cycles, called circadian rhythms, sometimes fall out of sync, resulting in a dysregulated
body clock.
Unfortunately, modern living has dramatically altered nature’s cues. A
modern day no longer starts at the crack of dawn and ends at 8:00 p.m. Workdays are getting longer and many people face shift-work schedules.
Additionally, the advent of electric lighting allows social gatherings and personal activities to extend well into the night. These factors have diminished the body’s natural ability to regulate the body clock. Rapid travelling across time zones is another source of disharmony between the internal clock and the external time, which is referred to as jet lag. Proper timing of bright light exposure allows quick adjustment to the new time zone. Besides regulating the body clock, light has direct alerting and energising effects and improves our performance. Bright light therapy is also successfully used for mood relief, especially for seasonal mood swings. In countries with long winters, many people experience loss of energy
and low spirits due to lack of light. These symptoms are referred to as the
winter blues. They typically start in autumn and may last for several weeks. Exposure to bright light sources can help alleviate these symptoms and restore the summer mood and summer energy level.
Research shows that a special photo receptor in our eyes is responsible for regulating our energy and sleep/wake cycles. This receptor responds to the blue light of the summer sky. We do not get as much of this light in
the autumn and winter, and indoor light does not emit enough of this
essential colour. The goLITE BLU energy light helps to shift circadian
rhythms back to their normal pattern by delivering the wavelength, colour and intensity of light that our body responds most efciently to. The goLITE BLU energy light naturally improves your mood and energy levels by a relatively low light intensity compared to traditional white light therapy devices.
General description (Fig. 1)
A LED panel
B Socket for appliance plug
C Interactive touchscreen display 1 Alarm touchscreen button 2 Alarm chime indication 3 Alarm light indication
4 Timer-on indication 5 Clock time
6 Demo mode indication
7 Charge indication
8 Plus (+) touchscreen button
9 Timer touchscreen button
10 Timer countdown time/Alarm time
11 Intensity indication
12 Minus (-) touchscreen button D Small plug E Adapter
F Stand G Reset button
H Stand storage cavity I Cover of built-in rechargeable battery
J On/off button Not shown: Pouch
- Read this user manual carefully before you use the appliance and save
it for future reference.
- The adapter is double insulated according to Class II (Fig. 2).
- Keep the adapter dry.
- Never use the adapter if it is damaged in any way. Always have the adapter replaced with one of the original type in order to avoid a hazard.
- The adapter contains a transformer. Do not cut off the adapter to replace it with another plug, as this causes a hazardous situation.
- This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
- Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
- Keep the appliance away from water. Do not place or store it over or
near water contained in a bathtub, washbasin, sink etc. Do not immerse it in water or any other liquid. This might impair the safety of
the appliance.
- Use the goLITE BLU energy light in vertical position with the stand in
place. Do not use it in horizontal position without the stand, as this might cause the appliance to overheat.
- Do not use the appliance in a room that is not illuminated by any other lamp, as this may cause eyestrain. Use the light of this appliance as an addition to the normal light (sunlight, electric light) in your
- Do not look straight into the light too long, as this may be uncomfortable for your eyes.
- Do not use the goLITE BLU energy light where its light may
compromise your or other people’s ability to perform essential tasks such as driving or operating heavy equipment.
- Do not sit closer to the appliance than recommended to obtain a higher light intensity. Increased light intensity does not improve the
result and may increase the risk of headache or eyestrain.
- Do not use the appliance adjacent to or on top of other equipment,
nor put any equipment on top of the appliance. However, if this is unavoidable, observe the appliance to make sure that it operates
- When the goLITE BLU energy light is connected to the mains, do not
position it in a place where it is difcult to remove the adapter from
the wall socket.
- No modication of the goLITE BLU energy light is allowed.
- The appliance is not suitable for use in the presence of ammable
anaesthetic mixtures with air, oxygen or nitrous oxide.
- Always consult your doctor before you start using the goLITE BLU energy light if:
1 you suffer or have suffered from depression; 2 you have bipolar disorder; 3 you are hypersensitive to light (e.g. due to diabetes or epilepsy); 4 you have an eye complaint or have had eye surgery; 5 you are on photo-sensitising medications (e.g. certain antidepressants,
psychotropic drugs or malaria tablets).
- Use, charge and store the appliance at a temperature between 0°C and 35°C.
- Only use the adapter supplied (AC/DC adapter
KSAD0950120W1UV-1) to charge the appliance. If you use a different adapter than the adapter specied and provided by Philips,
this may result in increased electromagnetic emission or decreased immunity of the goLITE BLU energy light.
- The appliance has an integrated rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Do
not incinerate, disassemble or expose the rechargeable battery to temperatures above 60°C. The rechargeable battery may explode if overheated.
- Do not use the appliance outdoors or near heated surfaces or heat sources (Fig. 3).
- Stop using the appliance if it is damaged in any way. If repair is needed, consult chapter ‘Guarantee and service’ for information.
- Do not place heavy objects on the appliance, the adapter or the cord.
- Do not pull at the cord when you remove the adapter from the wall
socket. Always grasp the adapter.
- Use the appliance according to the guidelines for electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) provided in this user manual.
Safety and compliance
- This Philips appliance complies with all standards regarding
electromagnetic elds (EMF). If handled properly and according to the instructions in this user manual, the appliance is safe to use based on scientic evidence available today.
- This appliance meets the requirements of Medical Device Directive MDD 93/42/EEC and 2007/47/EC for medical appliances.
The adapter is equipped with an automatic voltage selector and is suitable for mains voltages ranging from 100 to 240 volts.
Symbol key
The following symbols may appear on the appliance:
Symbol Description
Consult the user manual supplied
DC Power
DC Jack Polarity
Serial Number
HF3330 Model Number
Symbol Description
European Declaration of Conformity
Compliant with the Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment/Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) recycling directives.
Philips Shield
Manufactured for: Philips Consumer
Lifestyle B.V, Tussendiepen 4, 9206 AD Drachten, The Netherlands. Fax: +31 (0)512594316
Date Code
Preparing for use
When to use the goLITE BLU energy light
Knowing what time to use the goLITE BLU energy light can mean the
difference between feeling better in just a few days instead of weeks, or
perhaps not responding at all. Follow these guidelines to understand how light affects your body clock and when to use the goLITE BLU energy light for the best results.
Duration and intensity
Most people get benecial results from 15 to 30 minutes of usage each
day. You can start using the goLITE BLU energy light at 50% intensity and increase the light intensity if you feel no response after a week.
Sleep and energy
Using the goLITE BLU energy light at any time of day directly affects your alertness. You can use the goLITE BLU energy light as light therapy for the winter blues throughout the day. The best time to use it is in the morning.
Do not use the goLITE BLU energy light late in the evening. If you use it within 2 hours of going to bed, it could disrupt your sleep.
- If you nd it difcult to get up each day without an alarm clock or if you often sleep in, you need morning light. Use the goLITE BLU energy light within the rst hour or two after waking up.
- If you nd it difcult to stay awake in the late evening and wake up too early in the morning, you need evening light. Use the goLITE BLU
energy light before you start to feel drowsy.
- If mornings or evenings do not seem to be the problem, but you feel
generally tired during the day, then the time at which you use the
goLITE BLU energy light is not as important. You can use the goLITE
BLU energy light in the morning or around midday. For example, when you wake up in the morning, use it for fteen to thirty minutes and then again at midday or in the evening for approximately the
same amount of time. Place the goLITE BLU energy light further away
from you during the evening treatment. This keeps your body clock from confusing the stronger morning signal with evening time. Do not
use the goLITE BLU energy light within two hours of your desired
bedtime. Blue light can suppress the nighttime hormones for a while,
and you may not be able to fall asleep.
Winter depression
If your seasonal mood swings are more severe and you are suffering from depression, you should consult a therapist and only use light therapy under supervision. Your therapist may prescribe 45 minutes of treatment per day at level 1 or 2 over several weeks. The timing of light exposure can be determined as described above, but should be aligned with your
Jet lag
Rapidly travelling across several time zones creates disharmony between your internal body clock and the new external time. This not only causes sleeping problems, but inuences your mood and energy level as well. If
you stay for more than a few days, you may also want to shift your body clock to the new time zone. This will help you sleep better and be more
alert and energetic when you need to. Because special blue light is
effective for shifting circadian rhythms, your goLITE BLU energy light can quickly adjust your rhythm to the new time zone. One of the best strategies to combat jet lag is to shift your body clock a day or two before you leave. Travelling east: When you travel east , start using the goLITE BLU energy light in the morning two to three days before you leave. The number of time zones you travel corresponds to the hours your body clock has to shift. If you are only travelling a few time zones, one day’s preparation is sufcient. Add a day of light therapy for each additional 2 time zones. For example, for a trip from the US to Europe, use the following schedule: On the rst day, wake up an hour early and use the goLITE BLU energy light for 30–45 minutes. On the next day or days, you
should wake up a couple of hours earlier and repeat this process. You
should advance your bedtime accordingly. Once you arrive at your destination, avoid light before 10 a.m. local time (wear sunglasses) and use the goLITE BLU energy light in the midmorning to fully adjust to the local time. When returning, use your goLITE BLU energy light in the late evening for a couple of nights before the return ight. On the last night of the trip, try to stay up and use your goLITE BLU energy light as late as reasonably possible past midnight. On the day of the ight, avoid any bright light until after 2:00 p.m. (see below under ‘Travelling west’) Travelling west: Since most people’s body clocks adjust more easily to later time zones, you should not have to use the goLITE BLU energy light when you travel 3 time zones or less. You should only need to use your goLITE BLU energy light for one day before travelling 4 time zones, and add an additional preparation day for each 3 time zones. You should not have to use the goLITE BLU energy light for more than 3 days, even on the longer westbound trips. For example, when travelling from London to Los Angeles, use your goLITE BLU energy light for 30–40 minutes in the late evening (and again a couple of hours later, if you can) each night, starting 2-3 days before you leave. Use the goLITE BLU energy light 2-3 hours later each successive night. When you arrive at your destination, try to stay awake until bedtime and avoid bright evening light (wear sunglasses) for the rst few days. Before you travel home, avoid any bright
afternoon and evening light and use your goLITE BLU energy light in the morning for a few days (see above under ‘Travelling east’). For more instructions on how to avoid jet lag, visit
Note: You can also use the appliance while it is charging.
The goLITE BLU energy light comes with a 9.5V AC/DC adapter that operates on voltages ranging from 100 to 240 volts to allow worldwide use. The adapter comes with a set of exchangeable adapter plugs that t most common worldwide wall sockets.
1 Put the adapter in the wall socket.
2 Insert the appliance plug into socket on the appliance (Fig. 4).
, Only the outline of the charge indication is visible. ,  As the battery charges, the four bars of the charge indication ash 
one by one and ll as the charge increases.
, When the battery is fully charged, the charge indication stops
Note: Charge the goLITE BLU energy light at least 8 hours before you use it
for the rst time. Charging normally takes 3 to 4 hours. Note: When the battery is fully charged, it contains enough energy for 3 to 5
1 Remove the stand from the stand storage cavity (Fig. 5).
2 Insert the bevelled end of the stand into the hole on the back of
the appliance. Magnets hold the stand in place (Fig. 6).
3 Place the goLITE BLU energy light approximately 50-75cm from
your eyes in such a way that the light bathes your face from the side (Fig. 7).
- You can read, eat, work at the computer, watch TV or exercise while you use your goLITE BLU energy light.
- For the best results, place the goLITE BLU energy light at the same level as your midriff (stomach area), e.g. place it on the table at which
you are sitting.
Note: Do not stare into the light of the LED panel. It is sufcient that the blue light reaches your eyes indirectly from the side.
- Use your goLITE BLU energy light in a well-lit room to minimise eye strain.
Setting the clock
1  Press the on/off button briey to switch on the appliance (Fig. 8).
, The touchscreen display goes on.
2 Press the alarm button and the timer button simultaneously for 2
seconds (Fig. 9).
, The clock time starts to ash on the display (Fig. 10).
3 Set the clock time with the plus or minus button. If you keep the
button pressed, the time moves forward or backward quickly (Fig. 11).
4 To switch between the 12-hour (a.m./p.m.) and 24-hour time
indication, press the timer button and minus button simultaneously for 2 seconds.
5 Press either the alarm button or the timer button or wait 10
seconds to exit the time-setting mode.
Setting the timer
You can use the timer function to set the treatment time.
1  Press the on/off button briey to switch on the appliance (Fig. 8).
, The touchscreen display goes on.
2 Press the timer button (Fig. 12).
, The timer on-indication and the timer countdown time start to
ash (Fig. 13).
3 Press the plus or minus button to set the treatment time. If you
keep the button pressed, the time moves forward or backward quickly (Fig. 11).
You can set a time from 1 to 60 minutes.
, The set session time is stored in the memory. , The timer-on indication and the timer countdown time stop
Note: When you switch on the appliance, the timer counts down the set time. When the countdown is nished, the LED panel switches off automatically.
Demo mode
The demo mode is used to demonstrate the goLITE BLU energy light in
shops. When the appliance is switched on in demo mode, customers of
the shop can:
- adjust the light intensity
- switch the appliance on and off
- set the alarm
- set the treatment time
If the appliance is not operated for 3 minutes, it reverts to its demo
mode default settings.
To activate the demo mode:
1 Make sure the appliance is switched off.
Note: If you want to switch off the appliance, press and hold the on/off button for 2 seconds.
2 Put the adapter in the wall socket and insert the appliance plug into
socket on the appliance.
3 Press and hold the on/off button for 10 seconds (Fig. 8).
, The appliance switches on and the word ‘DEMO’ appears on the
, The LED panel goes on at a light intensity of 25%. , The display shows a timer countdown time of 15 minutes, but the
timer does not count down. It only starts to count down when the timer time is adjusted.
, The display shows an alarm time of 12:00 a.m. and shows the
normal clock time, but the alarm mode is off.
Note: The appliance remains switched on in demo mode until it is switched
To deactivate the demo mode, press and hold the on/off button for 10
Using the appliance
1  Press the on/off button briey to switch on the appliance (Fig. 8).
, The touchscreen display goes on.
Note: If you do not touch the display or press any button for 5 minutes when
the display is switched on and the appliance operates on battery power, the
appliance switches off automatically to save battery power.
Note: If you want to switch off the appliance, press and hold the on/off button for 2 seconds.
2  Briey press the on/off button again to switch on the LED panel.
, The timer counts down the set time.
Note: The default treatment time is 15 minutes. Use the timer to change the treatment time (see section ‘Setting the timer’ in chapter ‘Preparing for use’).
, When the countdown is nished, the LED panel switches off 
Note: If you want to switch off the LED panel before the countdown is
nished, press the on/off button briey.
3 Press the plus or the minus button to change the light
intensity (Fig. 11).
You can increase or decrease the intensity in increments of 25%.
Pausing a session
1 Press the on/off button or press the minus button to reduce the
intensity to 0%.
, The remaining minutes of the session are still shown on the display.
2 Press the on/off button to continue the session or press any of the
touchscreen buttons to end the session.
Note: If you pause a session while the appliance operates on battery power
and do not continue the session within 5 minutes, the appliance switches off automatically.
Setting the alarm
The alarm has three modes: chime only, light only or both chime and light.
1  Press the on/off button briey to switch on the appliance (Fig. 8).
, The touchscreen display goes on.
2 Press the alarm button (Fig. 14).
, The alarm indications start to ash (Fig. 15).
3 Press the plus or minus button to switch between the three alarm
modes: chime only, light only or both chime and light (Fig. 11).
4 Press the alarm button twice or wait 10 seconds to store the
selected mode.
5 To set the alarm time, press the alarm button twice.
, The alarm time starts to ash.
6 Press either the plus or the minus button to set the desired time. If
you keep the button pressed, the time moves forward or backward quickly.
7 Press the alarm button or wait 10 seconds to store the set alarm
Note: The set alarm mode and time remain stored in the memory as long as
there is energy in the battery.
Switching off the alarm sound
1 Press any of the touchscreen buttons or the on/off button to
switch off the alarm sound when the alarm goes off.
Disabling the alarm
1 To disable the alarm, press and hold the alarm button until the
alarm chime and the alarm light indications as well as the alarm time disappear from the display.
Never immerse the appliance in water or any other liquid, nor rinse it under the tap.
Never use scouring pads, abrasive cleaning agents or aggressive liquids such as petrol or acetone to clean the appliance.
1 Clean the appliance with a dry cloth.
- Do not throw away the appliance with the normal household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an ofcial collection point for recycling. By doing this, you help to preserve the environment (Fig. 16).
- The built-in rechargeable battery contains substances that may
pollute the environment. Always remove the rechargeable battery before you discard and hand in the appliance at an ofcial collection point. Dispose of the rechargeable battery at an ofcial collection point for batteries. If you have trouble removing the rechargeable battery, you can also take the appliance to a Philips service centre. The staff of this centre will remove the rechargeable battery for you and will dispose of it in an environmentally safe way. (Fig. 17)
Removing the rechargeable battery
Only remove the rechargeable battery when you discard the appliance. Make sure the battery is completely empty when you remove it.
1 Disconnect the appliance from the mains and remove the appliance
2 Switch on the LED panel and leave it on until it goes out
3 Undo the 2 screws with a screwdriver (Fig. 18).
4 Remove the cover of the built-in rechargeable battery. (Fig. 19)
5 Lift the blue rectangular rechargeable battery out of the appliance.
The battery is connected to the appliance through a red wire and a black wire to a socket inside the appliance (Fig. 20).
6 Grab the wires and pull the socket out of the appliance. (Fig. 21)
, The rechargeable battery has now been removed.
Guarantee and service
If you need service or information or if you have a problem, please visit
the Philips website at or contact the Philips Consumer
Care Centre in your country (you nd its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaet). If there is no Consumer Care Centre in your country, go to your local Philips dealer.
Frequently asked questions
This chapter lists the questions most frequently asked about the appliance. If you cannot nd the answer to your question, contact the
Consumer Care Centre in your country.
Question Answer
Do I have to
take off my glasses when I use the goLITE BLU energy light?
No, you can use the goLITE BLU energy light with your glasses on. Do not wear tinted glasses or
sunglasses when you use the goLITE BLU energy
light, as these glasses reduce its effectiveness.
Question Answer
Does the appliance have
any side effects?
Can I get sunburn from using the goLITE BLU energy light?
I have heard
that light can be dangerous. Can the goLITE BLU energy light damage my eyes?
The goLITE BLU energy light is safe if used according to the instructions. Temporary headaches or nausea
have been reported. These effects are usually solved
by sitting further away from the appliance.
No, the technology used in the goLITE BLU energy light eliminates all UV light.
The goLITE BLU energy light emits safe levels of blue light, according to current standards. However, if you suffer from an eye disease or have a history of eye disease in your family, consult your ophthalmologist
before you use the goLITE BLU energy light. If you
have a temporary eye problem, wait until it is resolved before you use the goLITE BLU energy
The goLITE BLU energy light is safe if used according to the instructions. The appliance is free from any
ultraviolet light risk to the eye and it produces a safe, diffused eld of light. The appliance has been tested
for ocular safety.
As with any bright light source, do not look into the light too long. The benecial reaction happens when
the photoreceptors in the eye are stimulated. Since
these photoreceptors lie in the periphery of the eye,
you get a better result if you place the goLITE BLU energy light at a slight angle to your face.
Question Answer
Should I use the goLITE BLU energy light
every day?
Can the light cause harm to children or pets?
Can I use the goLITE BLU energy light more than once a day?
How long do
the LEDs last?
What if one or
more LEDs
stop working prematurely?
You can use the goLITE BLU energy light daily,
especially during the winter months. Many people
nd that they do not need the light in summer.
Others use it year-round because they spend most of their time indoors and do not get the right kind of light signals to regulate their circadian rhythm properly.
No. The light is safe to be used around children and
pets. However, do not let children play with the
For most people, it is sufcient to use the goLITE
BLU energy light once a day. Keep in mind that you
may have trouble falling asleep if you use the goLITE BLU energy light too late in the evening.
If you use the appliance 30 minutes a day throughout
the year, the LEDs have a lifetime of over 50 years. In the unlikely event that one or two LEDs fail
prematurely, you can continue to use your goLITE BLU energy light normally because its effectiveness is not affected. However, if several LEDs stop functioning, have the goLITE BLU energy light
repaired to ensure that you get the right amount of
light. See chapter ‘Guarantee and service’.
Question Answer
What does
‘DEMO’ mean
on the display?
How do I use the reset button?
Model HF3330
Rated voltage appliance (VAC) 100-240 Rated voltage adapter (V DC) 9.5 Rated frequency (Hz) 50/60 Rated input power adapter (A) 1.2
Power consumption appliance
(A) Power consumption adapter (A) 0.4
IEC 60601-1 classication
- Insulation class II
- Ingress of water IPX0
When ‘DEMO’ is on the display, the appliance is in
demo mode. This mode is used to demonstrate the goLITE BLU energy light in shops. To switch off this
mode, press and hold the on/off button for 10
seconds when the goLITE BLU energy light is switched off. The goLITE BLU energy light switches
on and the word ‘DEMO’ disappears from
the display.
The reset button is located in the stand storage
cavity on the back of the appliance. If the goLITE
BLU energy light locks up or does not work
correctly, reset the appliance by inserting the end of
a paperclip into the reset button hole. This resets the goLITE BLU energy light and clears its memor y.
Model HF3330
- Mode of operation Continuous
Rechargeable battery type
2-cell lithium-ion pack 7.4V, 850mAh
IEC 62133 and UL 2054 compliant
Operating conditions
Temperature from 0°C to +35°C
Relative humidity from 15% to 90% (no condensation)
Storage conditions
Temperature from -20°C to +50°C
Relative humidity from 15% to 90% (no condensation)
Physical characteristics
Dimensions 14 x 14 x 2.5cm Weight 0.4kg (less than 14 ounces) Peak wavelength 468nm +/- 8nm
Half-peak bandwidth 20nm
Typical irradiance (100% intensity) 300μW/cm² +/- 10% at 50cm
Circuit diagrams, component part lists and other technical descriptions are available on request. As user of this appliance, you should take measures to prevent the
occurrence of electromagnetic interference or other types of interference between this appliance and other appliances.


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Beregnet anvendelse
Energilyset goLITE BLU har til formål at få mennesker til at føle sig mere energiske, at justere døgnrytmen og lindre vintertræthed. Det medicinske formål med energilyset goLITE BLUE er at behandle vinterdepression. Behandlingen bør altid foregå under en specialists kontrol.
Lys, sundhed og cirkadiske rytmer
Den menneskelige krop bruger lysændringer, for eksempel fra solen, til at styre forskellige indre funktioner. Stemninger, søvn, appetit og fordøjelse styres således af tidsmæssige rytmer. Disse daglige indre cyklusser, som kaldes cirkadiske rytmer, kommer nogle gange ud af takt, så det indre ur kommer til at gå forkert. Desværre har moderne levevis ændret naturens signaler på dramatisk vis. En moderne dag begynder ikke ved daggry, og den slutter ikke kl. 20. Arbejdsdagene bliver længere, og mange mennesker har skiftende arbejdstider. Desuden gør elektrisk lys det muligt at samles eller udøve egne personlige aktiviteter til langt ud på natten. Disse faktorer har reduceret kroppens naturlige evne til at regulere kroppens indre ur. Hurtige rejser gennem ere tidszoner er en anden årsag til uoverensstemmelser mellem det indre ur og omgivelsernes tid, også kaldet jetlag. Hvis man udsættes for kraftigt lys med den rigtige tidsfaktor, hjælper det med tilpasningen til den nye tidszone. Ud over at regulere det indre ur øger lyset også energien og præstationsevnen. Lysterapi med kraftigt lys anvendes også med held til at løsne op for årstidsbestemte humørsvingninger. I lande med lange vintre oplever mange mennesker manglende energi og nedtrykthed på grund af mangel på lys. Disse symptomer kaldes vintertræthed. De starter typisk om efteråret og kan vare i ere uger. Udsættelse for kraftigt lys kan hjælpe med at lindre disse symptomer og genetablere sommerens stemnings- og energiniveau. Forskning har vist, at en særlig fotoreceptor i vores øjne regulerer vores energi og vores søvncyklus. Denne receptor reagerer på sommerhimlens
blå lys. Det får vi ikke så meget af om efteråret og vinteren, og indendørs lys udsender ikke tilstrækkeligt af denne vigtige farve. Energilyset goLITE BLU hjælper med at bringe de cirkadiske rytmer tilbage til deres normalmønster ved at levere lys i den bølgelængde, farve og intensitet, som vores krop reagerer mest effektivt på. Energilyset goLITE BLU forbedrer naturligt vores energiniveau ved en forholdsvis lav lysintensitet sammenlignet med traditionelle terapiapparater med hvidt lys.
Generel beskrivelse (g. 1)
A LED-panel
B Tilslutningsstik
C Interaktivt touch screen-display 1 Alarmknap på touch screen-display 2 Indikator for ringning ved alarm 3 Indikator for lys ved alarm 4 Indikator for aktiv timer 5 Klokkeslæt
6 Indikator for demofunktion 7 Opladeindikator
8 Plusknap (+) på touch screen-display 9 Timer-knap på touch screen-display 10 Nedtællingstid for timer/vækketidspunkt
11 Indikator for intensitet
12 Minusknap (-) på touch screen-display D Lille stik E Adapter
F Stander
G Reset-knap (nulstilling)
H Fordybning til fod
I Dæksel til indbygget genopladeligt batteri
J On/off-knap
Ikke vist: Etui
- Læs denne brugsvejledning omhyggeligt igennem, inden apparatet tages i brug, og gem den til eventuelt senere brug.
- Adapteren er dobbeltisoleret i henhold til Klasse II (g. 2).
- Hold adapteren tør.
- Adapteren må ikke bruges, hvis den på nogen måde er beskadiget. Udskift altid adapteren med en original type for at undgå enhver
- Adapteren indeholder en transformer. Adapteren må ikke klippes af
og udskiftes med et andet stik, da dette vil forårsage en farlig situation.
- Dette apparat er ikke beregnet til at blive brugt af personer (herunder børn) med nedsatte fysiske og mentale evner, nedsat følesans eller manglende erfaring og viden, medmindre de er blevet vejledt eller instrueret i apparatets anvendelse af en person, der er ansvarlig for deres sikkerhed.
- Apparatet bør holdes uden for børns rækkevidde for at sikre, at de ikke kan komme til at lege med det.
- Hold apparatet væk fra vand. Undlad at anbringe eller opbevare det
over eller i nærheden af vand i badekar, håndvask el. lign. Apparatet må aldrig kommes ned i vand eller andre væsker.
- Brug energilyset goLITE BLU i lodret position med foden placeret
korrekt. Må ikke bruges i vandret position uden foden, da det kan forårsage overophedning af apparatet.
- Brug ikke apparatet i et rum, der ikke er oplyst af andre lamper, da dette kan genere øjnene. Brug lyset fra apparatet som et supplement til det normale lys i dit hjem (sollys og elektrisk lys).
- Kig ikke direkte på lyset for lang tid ad gangen, da det kan medføre ubehag for øjnene.
- Brug ikke energilyset goLITE BLU, hvis lyset fra det kan indvirke negativt på din egen eller andres evne til at udføre vigtige opgaver som f.eks. kørsel eller betjening af tungt udstyr.
- Sid ikke tættere på apparatet end anbefalet for at opnå højere lysintensitet. Forøget lysintensitet forbedrer ikke resultatet og kan
forøge risikoen for hovedpine eller øjentræthed.
- Brug ikke apparatet i nærheden af eller oven på andet udstyr, og anbring ikke noget oven på apparatet. Hvis dette ikke kan undgås, skal du holde øje med apparatet for at sikre, at det fungerer normalt.
- Når energilyset goLITE BLU er tilsluttet lysnettet, må det ikke anbringes på et sted, hvor det er vanskeligt at fjerne adapteren fra
- Det er ikke tilladt at foretage ændringer af energilyset goLITE BLU.
- Apparatet er ikke egnet til brug i nærheden af brandbare
bedøvelsesmidler med luft, ilt eller kvælstolter.
- Tal altid med din læge, før du starter med at bruge energilyset goLITE BLU, hvis:
1 du lider af eller har lidt af depression, 2 du har en bipolar affektiv sindslidelse, 3 du er overfølsom overfor lys (f.eks. på grund af diabetes eller epilepsi), 4 du har en øjenlidelse eller har fået foretaget øjenkirurgi 5 du indtager medicin, der øger lysfølsomheden (f.eks. visse
antidepressionsmidler, psykotroper eller malariapiller),
- Brug, oplad og opbevar altid apparatet ved en temperatur mellem 0°C og 35°C.
- Brug kun den medfølgende adapter (AC/DC-adapter
KSAD0950120W1UV-1) til opladning af apparatet. Hvis du bruger en anden adapter end den adapter, som er speciceret og leveret af Philips, kan dette resultere i forøget elektromagnetisk emission eller sænket immunitet over for energilyset goLITE BLU.
- Apparatet har et indbygget, genopladeligt litiumionbatteri. Du må ikke brænde det genopladelige batteri, skille det ad eller udsætte det for temperaturer over 60°C. Det genopladelige batteri kan eksplodere, hvis det overophedes.
- Apparatet må ikke bruges udendørs eller tæt på varme ader (g. 3).
- Hold op med at bruge apparatet, hvis det beskadiges på nogen måde.
Se afsnittet “Reklamationsret og service”, hvis reparation skulle være nødvendig.
- Der må ikke anbringes tunge genstande på apparatet, adapteren eller ledningen.
- Træk ikke i ledningen, når du fjerner adapteren fra stikkontakten. Tag altid fat i adapteren.
- Brug apparatet i overensstemmelse med retningslinjerne for
elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet (EMC), som ndes i denne brugervejledning.
Sikkerhed og overensstemmelse
- Dette Philips-apparat overholder alle standarder for elektromagnetiske felter (EMF). Ved korrekt anvendelse i overensstemmelse med instruktionerne i denne brugervejledning er apparatet sikkert at anvende ifølge den videnskabelige viden, der er tilgængelig i dag.
- Dette apparat opfylder kravene i bestemmelsen MDD 93/42/EEC og 2007/47/EC for medicinsk udstyr.
Adapteren er udstyret med automatisk spændingstilpasning til netspændinger mellem 100 og 240 volt.
Følgende symboler kan forekomme på apparatet:
Symbol Beskrivelse
Se den medfølgende brugervejledning
Polaritet for DC-stik
HF3330 Modelnummer
Symbol Beskrivelse
Europæisk overensstemmelseserklæring
Overholder WEEE-direktivet vedrørende
genbrug af affald fra elektronisk og
elektrisk udstyr og direktiv om restriktion
af brugen af bestemte farlige stoffer i elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr.
Produceret for: Philips Consumer Lifestyle
B.V, Tussendiepen 4, 9206 AD Drachten, Holland. Fax: +31 (0)512594316
Hvornår skal energilyset goLITE BLU bruges
At vide, hvornår energilyset goLITE BLU skal bruges, kan udgøre forskellen mellem at være bedre tilpas nogle få dage i stedet for nogle uger, eller måske slet ikke at opnå nogen virkning. Følg disse anvisninger for at forstå, hvordan lys påvirker kroppens indre ur, og hvornår man skal bruge energilyset goLITE BLU for at opnå det bedste resultat.
Varighed og intensitet
De este mennesker opnår gode resultater ved 15 til 30 minutters brug hver dag. Du kan starte med at bruge energilyset goLITE BLU ved 50 % intensitet og derefter forøge lysintensiteten, hvis du ikke mærker ændringer efter en uge.
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