Title: Defibrillator – Philips XL Date: October 6, 2019
By: Philips Healthcare, Andover, MA
File = defib-Phil_XL.doc
1. General -- Service Guideline
Applies to Phillips Model HeartStart XL and Heartstream XL
defibrillators. The Heartstream version (M4735A) does not have
a Pacer section.
2. Reference Documents
M4735-91900 User Manual
M4735-90900 Service Manual
3. Tools / Fixtures / Labels
EKG Simulator -- Example: “QED-6”
Defibrillator Simulator
Optional – Test Load M3725A
Safety Analyzer ex: Fluke 232D
4. Basic PM Procedure
4.1. Physical Inspection – check case & cord integrity, and battery age. Plug in unit.
4.2. Turn on unit via the rotary switch. Unit will normally go thru a set of turn-on self-
diagnostics. Connect the three ECG leads to the EKG or defib simulator, matching
colors and or other designators.
Check that the BattCharge LED is lit.
Note: ECG Setup (only for simulator shown in photo) Simulator turns on via the 0/1 switch. After its short
self-test, press the key <Energy> so the display reads this.
4.3. ECG Results. An ECG waveform will appear on the Defibrillator. If not, use the <LEAD
SELECT> button; “Lead 1” corresponds with the 3-lead EKG cable. Next, check that the
volume and waveform size buttons work.
4.4. Strip Chart
With the waveform still on display, press <Strip> and verify the printer waveform. Note
the date and time in the margin of the paper.
4.5. Date and Time Check
If date or time is wrong, go to “Configuration Menu” in the “Extended Testing” below
for instructions on updating. See Fig 4-31 in the service manual if the small internal
lithium battery (maintains the internal config) requires replacement.
4.6. SP02 Check
If supplied, activate SP02 using oval button 6 (soft key). Using a finger of a healthy
person, results of 91 – 99 are normal.
4.7. Joule Test (Paddles).
Note: To lessen paper waste, slide the printer lid to the right and mechanism will temporarily disengage.
Set the defib rotary dial to 5. Set each paddle on one of the metallic contact disks on the
simulator. On one of the paddles is a bar graph that will indicate if contact to the
simulator is adequate. Press the yellow pad button to charge the unit. When charged
(typically after a few seconds) the unit’s tone will change and its display will indicate
some form of ready. To deliver the shock, press both orange buttons simultaneously.
The reading on the simulator should be within 4% +/- 1 joule of the setting on the difib
dial. Repeat for several other settings: 50, 100, 200. Charge time is ~10 secs at 200
4.8. Joule Test (Flexible Pads). Skip if this a new out-of-box unit. Replace the paddle cable
with the “pads” cable. Get a defib pad set and connect it to this cable. Stick each pad
over one of the simulator’s metallic contact disks. On the defib, set the power to 5, then
press <Charge>. When charged (typically after a few seconds) the unit’s tone will
change and its display will indicate some form of ready. To deliver the shock, press
<Shock>. When using pads, the reading on the simulator display low, usually 5% less
than the chosen dial setting.
4.9. Battery Quality Check and Low Battery
With unit on/stand-by, remove the power cord. The unit should run on battery this way
for approximately 1 hour. Alternatively, see service manual for an extended battery
capacity test.
The message “Low Battery” is displayed when the main battery is low and needs
recharging. Per manual: “This message indicates that the battery has a remaining
capacity to provide only about ten minutes of monitoring time and five shocks.”
Note: The main battery is a very common lead-acid type used in various other devices, and should not
exceed $40 normally.
Note: Without a battery installed, the defibrillator will take longer to charge when powered with AC. To
ensure optimal performance, always have a fully charged battery in the defibrillator, even when using AC
4.10. Printer and Labeling
Install the paper per the graphic underneath the printer lid.
4.11. Labeling
Add the PM due-date sticker. (Note: as of 2007 the PM interval is a function of the
department using the device.) Add the hospital inventory stickers if new.