In 1992, Heartstream, Inc. was founded with the mission to develop a small, low-cost,
rugged, reliable, safe, easy-to-use, and mainte nance-free automated external defibr il lator
(AED) that could be successfully used by a layperson responding to sudden cardiac arrest.
Heartstream introduc ed its first AED, the Fo reRunner, in 1996. The Heartstream ForeRunner
AED marked the first widespread commercial use of a biphasic waveform in an external
Hewlett-Packard (HP) purchased Heartstream in 1997. Heartstream then added a relabeled
version of the ForeRun ner for Laerd al Medical Corporation called the Heartstart FR.
In 1999, Hewlett-Packard spun off the Medical Products Group, including the Heartstream
Operation, into Agilent Technologies. While part of Agilent, Heartstream introduced a new
AED, the Agilent Heartstream FR2. Laerdal Medical marketed this device as the Laerdal
Heartstart FR2.
Heartstream beca me part o f Ph ili ps Med ica l Sys t ems in 2001 when Philips purc hased the
entire Medical Group from Agilent Technologies. In 2002, Philips re-branded all of their
defibrillat ors as HeartStart Defibrillator s. In the same year, Philips introd uced a new family of
defibrillat ors, including the HeartStart Home and HeartStart OnSite AEDs.
This manual i s inten ded to p rovide technical and pr oduct infor mation t hat generally appli es to
the following AEDs:
Philips HeartStart OnSiteLaerdal HeartStart
Philips HeartStart Ho me
To help simplify the information presen ted, the Hea rtStart FR2 is us ed as a n example in ma ny
parts of this manual. W here the discussion involv es features r elated to a speci fic product, it is
so noted.
Philips Medical Systems
1 HeartStart Automated External Defibrillators
Design Philosophy for H eartStart A EDs .............................. 1-1
Design Features of HeartStart AEDs .................................... 1-2
Reliability and Safety ......................................................1-2
Ease of Use ......................................................................1-3
No Maintenance ..............................................................1-4
2Defibrillation and Elect ricity
The Heart’s Electrical System ................................................. 2-1
Via Telephone .................................................................. 11-8
Philips Medical Systems
Troubleshooting the HeartStart the ForeRunner and
FR2 Series AEDs ....................................................................... A-1
1HeartStart Automated External
Each year in the United States alone, approximately 250,000 people suffer
sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Fewer than 5% of them survive. SCA is most
often caused by an irregu lar hear t rhyth m called ventr icula r fibrill ation (VF), for
which the only eff ective t reatme nt is de fibr illati on, an electr ical shoc k . Of ten, a
victim of SCA does not survive because of the time it takes to deliver the
defibrillation shock; for every minute of VF, the chances of survival decrease
by about 10%.
T raditi onally , on ly trained medical personne l were allow ed to use a de fibrillat or
because of the high level of knowledge and training involved. Initially, this
meant that the victim of SCA would have to be transported to a medical
facility in order to be defi brillated. In 19 69, par ame di c pr ograms were
developed in several communities in the U.S. to act as an extension of the
hospital emergency room. Paramedics went through extensive training to
learn how to deliver emergency medical care outs id e the hos pi tal, including
training in defibrillation. In the early 1980s, some Emergency Medical
Technicians (EMTs) were also being trained to use defibrillators to treat
victims of SCA. However, even with these adva nces , in 1990 fewer than half
of the ambulances in the United States carried a defibrillator, so the chances
of surviving SCA outside the hospital or in communities without highly
developed Emergency Medical Systems were still very small.
The development of the automated external defibrillator (AED) made it
possible for a defibrillator to be used by the first people (typically lay persons)
responding to an emergency. People trained to perform CPR can now use a
defibrillator to defibrillate a victim of SCA. The result: victims of sudden
cardiac arrest can be defibrillated more r apidly than ever be fore , an d t hey
have a better chance of su rviving until more highly trained medical personnel
arrive who can treat the underlying causes .
Design Ph iloso phy for HeartStart AED s
The HeartStart AEDs are designed specifically to be used by the first people
responding to an emergency. It is reliable, easy to use, and virtual ly
maintenance free. The design allows HeartStart AEDs to be used by people
with no medical training in places where defibrillators have not traditionally
Philips Medical Systems
been used. In order to accomplish this, consideration was given to the fact
that an AED might not be used very often, may be subjected to harsh
environments, and probably would not have personnel available to perform
regular maintenance.
The HeartStart AED was not designed to replace the manual defibrillators
used by more highly trained individuals. Instead, it was intended to
complement the efforts of medical personnel by allowing the initial shock to
be delivered by the first person to arrive at the scene. Some models of
HeartStart AEDs can be configured for advanced mode use, to allow the
device to be used as a manual defibrill ator. This can be beneficia l for
transitioning the p atient care from a lay rescue r to more highly t rained medical
Design Features of HeartStart AEDs
Reliability and Safety
•Fail-Safe Design - The HeartStart AED is intended to detect a
shockable rhythm and deliver a shock if needed . It will not allow a shoc k if
one is no t required.
Rugged Mechanical Design - The HeartStart AED is built with
high-impact plastics, has few openings, and incorporates a rugged
defibrillation pads connector and bat tery inter f ace. Using the carry case
provides additional protection as well as storage for extra sets of pads
and a spare batt e r y.
Daily Automatic Self-Test- The HeartStart AED performs a daily
self-test to help ensure it is ready to use when needed. An active status
indicator demonstrates at a glance that the unit is working and ready to
Environmental Parameters - Ex tensive environmental tests were
conducted to prove the HeartStart AED’s reliability and ability to operate
in conditions relevant to expected use.
Non-Rechargeable Lith ium Batte ry - The HeartStart AED
battery pack was design ed for us e in an emer gen cy environment and is
therefore small, lightweight, and safe to use. Each battery pack contains
multiple 2/3A size, standard lithium camera batteries. These same
batteries can be purc has ed at lo cal drug st ores for use in other consumer
products. These batteries have been proven to be reliable and safe over
many years of operation. The HeartStart AED battery pack uses lithium
manganese diox id e (L i/MnO
) technology and does not contain
pressurized sulfur dio xid e. T he battery pac k meets the U.S. Environme ntal
Protection Agency's Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure and may
be disposed of with normal waste.
Philips Medical Systems
Ease of Use
•Small and Light - The b ip has ic waveform technology used in the
HeartStart AEDs have allowed them to be small and light. They can easily
be carried and operated by one person.
Self-Contained - The carr y case ha s room for ex tra defibrilla tion pa ds
and an extra battery. When stored in the carrying case, the AED has
everything necessary for a person to respond to an event of SCA.
Voice Prompts- The HeartStart AED provides audible prompts that
guide the user through the process of using the device. The prompts
reinforce the messages that appear on the AED screen (F R 2 series
models) and allow the user to attend to the patient while receiving
detailed instructions for each step of the rescue.
•Pads Connector Light and Flashing Shock Button - The
indicator light next to the pads connector port on the FR2 series AED
draws the user's attention to where the pads connector should be
plugged in. The HS1 famil y of AEDs uses a pads c art ri dge t hat is
connected as soon as it is installed in the AED. The illuminated Shock
button identifies the button to be pushed to deliver a shock; the Shock
button only flashes w hen the unit has char g ed for a s hock and directs the
user to press the orange shock button.
Clear Labeling and
- The HeartStart AED
is designed to enable fast response
by the user. The 1-2-3 operation
guides the user to: 1) turn the unit
on, 2) follow the prompts, and 3)
deliver a shock if instructed. The
Quick Reference Card mounted
inside the carrying case reinforces
these instructions. The pad
placement icon on the FR2 series
AED indicates clearly where pads
should be placed, an d t h e pads
themselves are labele d to specify
where each one should be placed. T he polarity of the pads does not
affect the operation of the HeartStart AED, but user testing has shown
that people apply the pads more quickly and accurately if a specific
Philips Medical Systems
position is shown on each pad.
LCD Screen (on the FR2+) - The text screen displays message
prompts to remind the user what steps to follow during an incident. On
some HeartStart AED models, the screen also displays the vict im’s ECG
signal. The ECG helps ALS providers when they arrive on the scene, by
Introduction to the HeartStart D efibrillators
enabling them to rapidly assess the patient's heart rhythm to prioritize
their initial care of the patient.
Proven Analysis System - The rhythm analysis system is the
decision-maker insi de the AED that analyzes the patient’s ECG rhythm
and determines whether or not a shock sh ould be administered. The
algorithm’s decision criteria allow the user to be confident that the AED
will only advise a shock when it is appropriate treatment for the patient.
Artifact Detection System - The AED’s artifact detection system
indicates if the ECG has been corrupted by some forms of art ifa ct fr om
electrical “noise” in the surrounding environment, patient handling, or the
activity of an implanted pacemaker. Because such artifact might inhibit or
delay the AED from making a shock decision, the AED compensates by
filtering out the noise from the ECG, prompting the user to stop patient
handling, or det er mining that the level of artifact does not pose a p r obl em
for the algorithm.
Pads Detection System - The HeartStart AED’s pads detection
system helps ensure good defibrillation pad contact by providing a voice
prompt to the user if the pads are not making proper contact with the
patient's skin.
No Maintenance
Unlike manual defibr illators (used in a hospi tal or by ALS providers)
automated external defib r illators may be used infreque ntly, possibly less than
once a year. However, they must be ready to use when needed.
Automatic Daily/Weekly/Monthly Self-tests - There is no
need for calibration, energy verification, or manual testing with the
HeartStart AED. Calibration and energy ver if ication are automatically performed once a month as part of the AED’s self-test routine.
Active Status Indicator - The HeartStart AED’s status indicator
shows whether or not the AED has passed its last self-test. The FR2+ is
ready to use when the indi cator is a flashing bla ck hourglass. If the status
indicator displ ays a flashing red X accompanied by an audible beep, this
means the AED needs attention. A soli d red X means tha t the AED cannot
be used. For the HS1, a flashing green lig ht ind ica tes that it is ready to
batteries store more energy in the same size package , have a longer shelf
life than recha rgea b le ba tteries, and eliminate the need to manage and
maintain a recharging process. The HeartStart AED prompts the user via
the Status Indicator and an audibl e alarm when the battery needs to be
Philips Medical Systems
2Defibrillation and Electricity
The Heart’s Electrical System
The heart muscle, or myocardium, is a mass of muscle cells. Some of these
cells (“working” cells) are specialized for contracting, which causes the
pumping action of the heart. Other cells (“electrical system” cells) are
specialized for conduction. They conduct the electrical impulses throughout
the heart and allow it to pump in an organized and productive manner. All of
the electrical activity in the heart is initiated in specialized muscle cells called
“pacemaker” cells, which spontaneously initiate electrical impulses that are
conducted through pathways in the heart made up of electrical system cells.
Although autonomic nerves surround the heart and can influence the rate or
strength of the heart’s contractions, it is the pacemaker cells, and not the
autonomic nerves, that initiate the electrical impulses that cause the heart to
Sinus Node
(primary pacemaker cells
are located here)
A-V Node
Right Bundle Branch
Relation of an ECG to the
Anatomy of the Cardiac Conduction System
Left Bundle Branch
The heart is made up of four chambers, two smaller, upper chambers called
the atria, and two larger, lower chambers called the ventricles. The right atrium
collects blood returning from the body and pumps it into the right ventricle.
The right ventricle then pumps that blood into the lungs to be oxygenated. The
Philips Medical Systems
left atrium collects the blood coming back from the lungs and pumps it into
the left ventricle. Finally, the left ventricle pumps the oxygenated blood to the
body, and the cycle starts over again.
The electrocardiogram (ECG) measures the heart's electrical activity by
monitoring the small signals from the heart that are conducted to the surface
of the patient’s chest. The ECG indicates whether or not the heart is
conducting the electrical impulses properly, which results in pumping blood
throughout the body. In a healthy heart, the electrical impulse begins at the
sinus node, travels down (propagates) to the A-V node, causing the atria to
contract, and then travels down the left and right bundle branches before
spreading out across the ventricles, causing them to contract in unison.
The “normal sinus rhythm” or NSR (so called because the impulse starts at
the sinus node and follows the normal conduction path) shown below is an
example of what the ECG for a healthy heart looks like.
Normal Sinus Rhythm
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4
Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) occurs when the heart stops beating in an
organized manner and is unable to pump blood throughout the body. A
person stricken with SCA will lose consciousness and stop breathing within a
matter of seconds. SCA is a disorder of the heart’s electrical conduction
pathway that prevents the heart from contracting in a manner that will
effectively pump the blood.
Although the terms “heart attack” and “sudden cardiac arrest” are sometimes
used interchangeably, they are actually two distinct and different conditions. A
heart attack, or myocardial infarction (MI), refers to a physical disorder where
blood flow is restricted to a certain area of the heart. This can be caused by a
coronary artery that is obstructed with plaque and results in an area of tissue
that doesn't receive any oxygen. This will eventually cause those cells to die if
nothing is done. A heart attack is typically accompanied by pain, shortness of
breath, and other symptoms, and is usually treated with drugs or angioplasty.
Although sudden death is possible, it does not always occur. Many times, a
heart attack will lead to SCA, which does lead to sudden death if no action is
Philips Medical Systems
The most common heart rhythm in SCA is ventricular fibrillation (VF). VF refers
to a condition that can develop when the working cells stop responding to the
electrical system in the heart and start contracting randomly on their own.
When this occurs, the heart becomes a quivering mass of muscle and loses
its ability to pump blood through the body. The heart “stops beating”, and the
person will lose consciousness and stop breathing within seconds. If
defibrillation is not successfully performed to return the heart to a productive
rhythm, the person will die within minutes. The ECG below depicts ventricular
Ventricular Fibrillation
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2. 4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, allows some oxygen to be delivered
to the various body organs (including the heart), but at a much-reduced rate.
CPR will not stop fibrillation. However, because it allows some oxygen to be
supplied to the heart tissue, CPR extends the length of time during which
defibrillation is still possible. Even with CPR, a fibrillating heart rhythm will
eventually degenerate into asystole, or “flatline,” which is the absence of any
electrical activity. If this happens, the patient has almost no chance of survival.
Defibrillation is the use of an electrical shock to stop fibrillation and allow the
heart to return to a regular, productive rhythm that leads to pumping action.
The shock is intended to cause the majority of the working cells to contract
(or “depolarize”) simultaneously. This allows them to start responding to the
natural electrical system in the heart and begin beating in an organized
manner again. The chance of survival decreases by about 10% for every
minute the heart remains in fibrillation, so defibrillating someone as quickly as
possible is vital to survival.
An electrical shock is delivered by a defibrillator, and involves placing two
electrodes on a person's chest in such a way that an electrical current travels
from one pad to the other, passing through the heart muscle along the way.
Since the electrodes typically are placed on the patient's chest, the current
must pass through the skin, chest muscles, ribs, and organs in the area of the
Philips Medical Systems
chest cavity, in addition to the heart. A person will sometimes “jump” when a
shock is delivered, because the same current that causes all the working cells
in the heart to contract can also cause the muscles in the chest to contract.
Defibrillation and Electricity
Simplifying Electricity
Energy is defined as the capacity to do work, and electrical energy can be
used for many purposes. It can drive motors used in many common household
appliances, it can heat a home, or it can restart a heart. The electrical energy
used in any of these situations depends on the level of the voltage applied,
how much current is flowing, and for what period of time that current flows.
The voltage level and the amount of current that flows are related by
impedance, which is basically defined as the resistance to the flow of current.
If you think of voltage as water pressure and current as the flow of water out
of a hose, then impedance is determined by the size of the hose. If you have a
small garden hose, the impedance would be relatively large and would not
allow much water to flow through the hose. If, on the other hand, you have a
fire hose, the impedance would be lower, and much more water could flow
through the hose given the same pressure. The volume of water that comes
out of the hose depends on the pressure, the size of the hose, and the amount
of time the water flows. A garden hose at a certain pressure for a short period
of time works well for watering your garden, but if you used a fire hose with
the same pressure and time, you could easily wash your garden away.
Electrical energy is similar. The amount of energy delivered depends on the
voltage, the current, and the duration of its application. If a certain voltage is
present across the defibrillator pads attached to a patient's chest, the amount
of current that will flow through the patient's chest is determined by the
impedance of the body tissue. The amount of energy delivered to the patient
is determined by how long that current flows at that level of voltage.
In the case of the biphasic waveforms shown in the following pages, energy
E) is the power (P) delivered over a specified time (t), or E = P x t.
Electrical power is defined as the voltage (V) times the current
(volts= joules/coulomb, amps = coulombs/sec):
From Ohm's law, voltage and current are related by resistance (R)
Power is therefore related to voltage and resistance by:
Substituting this back into the equation for energy means that the
energy delivered by the biphasic waveform is represented by:
*Voltage is measured in volts, current is measured in amperes (amps), and impedance is measured in
ohms. Large amounts of electrical energy are measured in kilowatt-hours, as seen on your electric bill.
Small amounts can be measured in joules (J), which are watt-seconds.
P = V x I
V = I x R or
I = V/R
P = V2/R or
E = V2/R x t or
P = I
E = I
R x t
Philips Medical Systems
In determining how effective the energy is at converting a heart in fibrillation,
how the energy is delivered -- or the shape of the waveform (the value of the
voltage over time) -- is actually more important than the amount of energy
For the SMART Biphasic waveform, the design strategy involved starting with
a set peak voltage stored on the capacitor that will decay exponentially as
current is delivered to the patient. The SMART Biphasic waveform shown
here is displayed with the voltage plotted versus time, for a patient with an
impedance of 75 ohms. By changing the time duration of the positive and
negative pulses, the energy delivered to the patient can be controlled.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1 6 18 20 22
Although the relationship of voltage and energy is of interest in designing the
defibrillator, it is actually the current that is responsible for defibrillating the
heart. The three graphs shown here demonstrate how the shape of
the current waveform changes with different patient impedances. Once again,
the SMART Biphasic waveform delivers the same amount of energy
(150 J) to every patient, but the shape of the waveform changes to provide
the highest level of effectiveness for defibrillating the patient at each
impedance value.
Philips Medical Systems
Defibrillation and Electricity
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
50 ohm patient
80 ohm patient
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
125 ohm patient
With the SMART Biphasic waveform, the shape of the waveform is optimized
for each patient. The initial voltage remains the same, but the peak current will
depend on the patient’s impedance. The tilt (slope) and the time duration are
adjusted for different patient impedances to maintain 150 J for each shock.
The phase ratio, or the relative amount of time the waveform spends in the
Philips Medical Systems
positive pulse versus the negative pulse, is also adjusted depending upon the
patient impedance to insure the waveform remains effective for all patients.
Adjusting these parameters makes it easier to control the accuracy of the
energy delivered since they are proportionally related to energy, whereas
voltage is exponentially related to energy.
The HeartStart Defibrillator measures the patient's impedance during each
shock. The delivered energy is controlled by using the impedance value to
determine what tilt and time period are required to deliver 150 J.
The average impedance in adults is 75 ohms, but it can vary from 25 to 180
ohms. Because a HeartStart Defibrillator measures the impedance and
adjusts the shape of the waveform accordingly, it delivers 150 J of energy to
the patient every time the shock button is pressed. Controlling the amount of
energy delivered allows the defibrillator to deliver enough energy to defibrillate
the heart, but not more. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the
waveform used by HeartStart Defibrillator is more effective in defibrillating
out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients than the waveforms used by
conventional defibrillators. Moreover, the lower energy delivered results in less
post-shock dysfunction of the heart, resulting in better outcomes for survivors.
Philips Medical Systems
Defibrillation and Electricity
Philips Medical Systems
3SMART Biphasic Waveform
Defibrillation is the only effective treatment for ventricular fibrillation, the most
common cause of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). The defibrillation waveform
used by a defibrillator determines how energy is delivered to a patient and
defines the relationship between the voltage, current, and patient impedance
over time. The defibrillator waveform used is critical for defibrillation efficacy
and patient outcome.
A Brief History of Defibrillation
The concept of electrical
defibrillation was introduced
over a century ago. Early
experimental defibrillators
used 60 cycle alternating
current (AC) household
power with step-up
transformers to increase the
voltage. The shock was
delivered directly to the heart
muscle. Transthoracic
(through the chest wall)
defibrillation was first used in
the 1950s.
Alternating Current (AC) Waveform
The desire for portability led to the development of battery-powered direct
current (DC) defibrillators in the 1950s. At that time it was also discovered
that DC shocks were more effective than AC shocks. The first “portable”
defibrillator was developed at Johns Hopkins University. It used a biphasic
waveform to deliver 100 joules (J) over 14 milliseconds. The unit weighed 50
pounds with accessories (at a time when standard defibrillators typically
weighed more than 250 pounds) and was briefly commercialized for use in
the electric utility industry.
Defibrillation therapy gradually gained acceptance over the next two decades.
An automated external defibrillator (AED) was introduced in the mid-1970s,
shortly before the first automatic internal cardioverterdefibrillator (AICD) was implanted in a human.
Philips Medical Systems
During the last 30 years, defibrillators used one of two types of monophasic
waveforms: monophasic damped sine (MDS) or monophasic truncated
exponential (MTE). With monophasic waveforms, the heart receives a single
burst of electrical current that travels from one pad or paddle to the other.
The MDS waveform requires
high energy levels, up to 360 J,
to defibrillate effectively. MDS
waveforms are not designed to
compensate for differences in
impedance -- the resistance of
the body to the flow of current
-- encountered in different
Biphasic Damped Sine (MDS) Waveform
patients. As a result, the
effectiveness of the shock can
vary greatly with the patient
Traditional MDS waveform defibrillators assume a patient impedance of 50
ohms, but the average impedance of adult humans is between 70 and 80
ohms. As a result, the actual energy delivered by MDS waveforms is usually
higher than the selected energy.
The monophasic truncated
exponential (MTE) waveform
also uses energy settings of
up to 360 J. Because it uses
a lower voltage than the MDS
waveform, the MTE waveform
requires a longer duration to
deliver the full energy to
patients with higher
impedances. This form of
impedance compensation
Monophasic Truncated Exponential (MTE) Waveform
does not improve the efficacy
of defibrillation, but simply
allows extra time to deliver the selected energy. Long-duration shocks (> 20
msec) have been associated with refibrillation.
Despite the phenomenal advances in the medical and electronics fields
during the last half of the 20th century, the waveform technology used for
external defibrillation remained the same until just recently. In 1992, research
scientists and engineers at Heartstream (now part of Philips Medical
Systems) began work on what was to become a significant advancement in
Philips Medical Systems
external defibrillation waveform technology. Extensive studies for implantable
defibrillators had shown biphasic waveforms to be superior to monophasic
In fact, a biphasic waveform has been the standard waveform
for implantable defibrillators for over a decade. Studies have demonstrated
that biphasic waveforms defibrillate at lower energies and thus require smaller
components that result in smaller and lighter devices.
Heartstream pursued the use
of the biphasic waveform in
AEDs for similar reasons; use
of the biphasic waveform
allows for smaller and lighter
AEDs. The SMART Biphasic
waveform has been proven
effective at an energy level of
150 joules and has been used
in HeartStart AEDs since they
were introduced in 1996.
Biphasic Truncated Exponential (BTE) Waveform
The basic difference between
monophasic and biphasic
waveforms is the direction of
current flow between the
defibrillation pads. With a
monophasic waveform, the
current flows in only one
direction. With a biphasic
Monophasic WaveformBiphasic Waveform
waveform, the current flows in
one direction and then
Defibrillation Current Flow
reverses and flows in the
opposite direction. Looking at
the waveforms, a monophasic waveform has one positive pulse, whereas a
biphasic starts with a positive pulse that is followed by a negative one.
In the process of developing the biphasic truncated exponential waveform for
use in AEDs, valuable lessons have been learned:
1. Not all waveforms are equally effective. How the energy is delivered (the
waveform used) is actually more important than how much energy is delivered.
Philips Medical Systems
2. Compensation is needed in the waveform to adjust for differing patient
impedances because the effectiveness of the waveform may be affected
by patient impedance. The patient impedance can vary due to the energy
delivered, electrode size, quality of contact between the electrodes and
SMART Biphasic Waveform
the skin, number and time interval between previous shocks, phase of ventilation, and the size of the chest.
3. Lower energy is better for the patient because it reduces post-shock dysfunction. While this is not a new idea, it has become increasingly clear as
more studies have been published.
The characteristics for the monophasic damped sine and monophasic
truncated exponential waveforms are specified in the AAMI standard
DF2-1989; the result is that these waveforms are very similar from one
manufacturer to the next.
There is no standard for biphasic waveforms, each manufacturer has
designed their own. This has resulted in various wave-shapes depending
on the design approach used. While it is generally agreed that biphasic
waveforms are better than the traditional monophasic waveforms, it is also
true that different levels of energy are required by different biphasic
waveforms in order to be effective.
SMART Biphasic
SMART Biphasic is the patented waveform used by all HeartStart AEDs. It is
an impedance-compensating, low energy (<200 J), low capacitance (100
µF), biphasic truncated exponential (BTE) waveform that delivers a fixed
energy of 150 J for defibrillation. HeartStart was the first company to develop
a biphasic waveform for use in AEDs.
Safety Check impedance measurement
Voltage (v)
SMART Biphasic Waveform
Waveform adjustment to impedance measurement
Phase I
Phase II
Time (msec)
+ Polarity
- Polarity
Philips Medical Systems
The SMART Biphasic waveform developed by Heartstream compensates for
different impedances by measuring the patient impedance during the
discharge and using that value to adjust the duration of the waveform to
deliver the desired 150 joules. Since the starting voltage is sufficiently large,
the delivered energy of 150 joules can be accomplished without the duration
ever exceeding 20 milliseconds. The distribution of the energy between the
positive and negative pulses was fine tuned in animal studies to optimize
defibrillation efficacy and validated in studies conducted in and out of the
hospital environment.
Different waveforms have different dosage requirements, similar to a dosage
associated with a medication. “If energy and current are too low, the shock
will not terminate the arrhythmia; if energy and current are too high,
myocardial damage may result.” (I-63)
The impedance compensation used in
the SMART Biphasic waveform results in an effective waveform for all
patients. The SMART Biphasic waveform has been demonstrated to be just
as effective or superior for defibrillating VF when compared to other
waveforms and escalating higher energy protocols.
Understanding Fixed Energy
The BTE waveform has an advantage over the monophasic waveforms related
to the shape of the defibrillation response curve. The following graph, based
on Snyder et al., demonstrates the difference between the defibrillation
response curves for the BTE and the MDS waveform.
Isolated Rabbit Heart
Fixed-energy dose
Probability of Defibrillation
Philips Medical Systems
Based on data from Snyder et al., Resuscitation 2002; 55:93 [abstract]
SMART Biphasic
Edmark MDS
Current (amperes)
SMART Biphasic Waveform
With the gradual slope of the MDS waveform, it is apparent that as current
increases, the defibrillation efficacy also increases. This characteristic of the
MDS response curve explains why escalating energy is needed with the MDS
waveform; the probability of defibrillation increases with an increase in peak
current, which is directly related to increasing the energy.
For a given amount of energy the resulting current level can vary greatly
depending on the impedance of the patient. A higher-impedance patient
receives less current, so escalating the energy is required to increase the
probability of defibrillation.
The steeper slope of the BTE waveform, however, results in a response curve
where the efficacy changes very little with an increase in current, past a
certain current level. This means that if the energy (current) level is chosen
appropriately, escalating energy is not required to increase the efficacy. This
fact, combined with the lower energy requirements of BTE waveforms,
means that it is possible to choose one fixed energy that allows any patient to
be effectively and safely defibrillated.
Evidence-Based Support for the SMART Biphasic
Using a process outlined by the American Heart Association (AHA) in 1997,6
the Heartstream team put the SMART Biphasic waveform through a rigorous
sequence of validation studies. First, animal studies were used to test and
fine-tune the waveform parameters to achieve optimal efficacy. Electrophysiology laboratory studies were then used to validate the waveform on
humans in a controlled hospital setting. Finally, after receiving FDA clearance
for the HeartStart AED, post-market studies were used to prove the efficacy
of the SMART Biphasic waveform in the out-of-hospital,
emergency-resuscitation environment.
Even when comparing different energies delivered with a single monophasic
waveform, it has been demonstrated that lower-energy shocks result in fewer
post shock arrhythmias.
waveform has several clinical advantages. It has equivalent efficacy to higher
energy monophasic waveforms but shows no significant ST segment change
from the baseline.
when the biphasic waveform is used.
biphasic waveform has improved performance when anti-arrhythmic drugs are
and with long duration VF.
demonstrated improved neurological outcomes for survivors defibrillated with
SMART Biphasic when compared to patients defibrillated with monophasic
Other studies have demonstrated that the biphasic
There is also evidence of less post shock dysfunction
There is evidence that the
A more recent study has also
Philips Medical Systems
The bottom line is that the SMART Biphasic waveform has been
demonstrated to be just as effective or superior to monophasic waveforms at
defibrillating patients in VF. In addition, there are indications that patients
defibrillated with the SMART Biphasic waveform suffer less dysfunction than
those defibrillated with conventional escalating-energy monophasic
waveforms. SMART Biphasic has been used in AEDs for over five years, and
there are numerous studies to support the benefits of this waveform, including
out-of-hospital data with long-down-time VF.
SMART Biphasic Superior to Monophasic
Researchers have produced over 18 peer-reviewed manuscripts to prove the
efficacy and safety of the SMART Biphasic waveform. Ten of these are
out-of-hospital studies that demonstrated high efficacy of the SMART
Biphasic waveform on long-down-time patients in emergency environments.
No other waveform is supported by this level of research.
Using criteria established by the AHA in its 1997 Scientific Statement,
data from the ORCA study
demonstrate that the 150J SMART Biphasic
waveform is superior to the 200J - 360J escalating energy monophasic
waveform in the treatment of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. This is true for
one-shock, two-shock, and three-shock efficacy and return of spontaneous
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SMART Biphasic Waveform
Key Studies
waveforms studiedresults
1995171 patients (electrophysiology laboratory). First-shock efficacy of biphasic
low-energy vs. high-energy
damped sine monophasic
biphasic vs. damped sine
low-energy truncated
biphasic vs. high-energy
damped sine monophasic
115 J and 139 J truncated
biphasic vs. 200 J and 360
J damped sine
249 patients (emergency resuscitation). Low-energy and high-energy damped
sine monophasic are equally effective. Higher energy is associated with
increased incidence of A-V block with repeated shocks.
19 swine. Biphasic shocks defibrillate at lower energies, and with less
post-shock arrhythmia, than monophasic shocks.
damped sine is superior to high-energy monophasic damped sine.
30 patients (electrophysiology laboratory). Low-energy truncated biphasic and
high-energy damped sine monophasic equally effectiveness.
294 patients (electrophysiology laboratory). Low-energy truncated biphasic and
high-energy damped sine monophasic are equally effective. High-energy
monophasic is associated with significantly more post-shock ST-segment
changes on ECG.
18 patients (10 VF, emergency resuscitation). SMART Biphasic terminated VF at
higher rates than reported damped sine or truncated exponential monophasic.
significantly greater post-shock ECG ST-segment changes than SMART
SMART Biphasic vs.
1999286 patients (100 VF, emergency resuscitation). First-shock efficacy of SMART
standard high-energy
Biphasic was 86% (compared to pooled reported 63% for damped sine
monophasic); three or fewer shocks, 97%; 65% of patients had organized rhythm
at hand-off to ALS or emergency personnel.
low-energy (150 J) vs.
high-energy (200 J)
low-capacitance biphasic
vs. high-capacitance
SMART Biphasic vs.
escalating high-energy
116 patients (emergency resuscitation). At all post-shock assessment times (3 -
60 seconds) SMART Biphasic patients had lower rates of VF. Refibrillation rates
were independent of waveform.
20 swine. Low-energy biphasic shocks increased likelihood of successful
defibrillation and minimized post-shock myocardial dysfunction after prolonged
10 swine. Five of five low-capacitance shock animals were resuscitated,
compared to two of five high-capacitance at 200 J. More cumulative energy and
longer CPR were required for high-capacitance shock animals that survived.
10 swine. Stroke volume and ejection fraction progressively and significantly
reduced at 2, 3, and 4 hours post-shock for monophasic animals but improved for
biphasic animals.
338 patients (115 VF, emergency resuscitation). Demonstrated superior
defibrillation performance in comparison with escalating, high-energy
monophasic shocks in out-of hospital cardiac arrest. SMART Biphasic
defibrillated at higher rates than MTE and MDS, with more patients achieving
ROSC. Survivors of SMART Biphasic resuscitation were more likely to have
good cerebral performance at discharge, and none had coma (vs. 21% for
monophasic survivors).
Philips Medical Systems
Frequently Asked Questions
Are all biphasic waveforms alike?
No. Different waveforms perform differently, depending on their shape,
duration, capacitance, voltage, current, and response to impedance.
Different biphasic waveforms are designed to work at different energies.
Consequently, an appropriate energy dose for one biphasic waveform
may be inappropriate for a different waveform.
There is evidence to suggest that a biphasic waveform designed for
low-energy defibrillation may result in overdose if applied at high energies
(the Tang AHA abstract from 1999 showed good resuscitation
performance for the SMART Biphasic waveform, but more shocks were
required at 200 J than at 150 J
designed for high-energy defibrillation may not defibrillate effectively at
lower energies. (The Tang AHA abstract from 1999 showed poor
resuscitation performance for the 200 µF capacitance biphasic waveform
at 200 J compared to the 100 µF capacitance biphasic waveform
[SMART Biphasic] at 200 J.
that the 200 µF capacitance biphasic waveform performed better at 200
J than at 130 J.
). Conversely, a biphasic waveform
Higgins manuscript from 2000 showed
It is consequently necessary to refer to the manufacturer's
recommendations and the clinical literature to determine the proper
dosing for a given biphasic waveform. The recommendations for one
biphasic waveform should not be arbitrarily applied to a different biphasic
waveform. “It is likely that the optimal energy level for biphasic
defibrillators will vary with the units' waveform characteristics. An
appropriate energy dose for one biphasic waveform may be inappropriate
for another.”
SMART Biphasic was designed for low energy defibrillation, while some
other biphasic waveforms were not. It would be irresponsible to use a
waveform designed for high energy with a low-energy protocol just to
satisfy the current AHA recommendation.
How can the SMART Biphasic waveform be
more effective at lower energy?
The way the energy is delivered makes a significant difference in the
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efficacy of the waveform. Electric current has been demonstrated to be
the variable most highly correlated with defibrillation efficacy. The SMART
Biphasic waveform uses a 100 µF capacitor to store the energy inside the
SMART Biphasic Waveform
AED; other biphasic waveforms use a 200 µF capacitor to store the energy.
The energy (E) stored on the capacitor is given by the equation:
E = ½ C V
The voltage (V) and the current (I) involved with defibrillating a patient are
related to the patient impedance (R) by the equation:
V = I R
Peak Current Levels
Low Impedance (50 ohms)
Current (amps)
360 J
MPC 200 J
MPC 300 J
MPC 360 J
For the 200 µF capacitance biphasic waveform to attain similar levels of
current to the SMART Biphasic (100 µF) waveform, it must apply the same
voltage across the patient's chest. This means that to attain similar current
levels, the 200 µF biphasic waveform must store twice as much energy on the
capacitor and deliver much more energy to the patient; the graph at right
demonstrates this relationship. This is the main reason why some biphasic
waveforms require higher energy doses than the SMART Biphasic waveform
to attain similar efficacy.
Philips Medical Systems
Patient Current (amps)
Patient Current (amps)
SMART Biphasic
(C =100 µF)
Time (seconds)
Other biphasic
(C=200 µF)
Time (seconds)
The illustrations to the left
show the SMART Biphasic
waveform and another
biphasic waveform with a
higher capacitance, similar to
that used by another AED
manufacturer. The low
capacitance used by the
patented SMART Biphasic
waveform delivers energy
more efficiently. In an animal
study using these two
waveforms, the SMART
Biphasic waveform
successfully resuscitated all
animals and required less
cumulative energy and shorter
CPR time than the other
biphasic waveform, which
resuscitated only 40% of the
The amount of energy needed depends on the waveform that is used. SMART
Biphasic has been demonstrated to effectively defibrillate at 150 J in
out-of-hospital studies.
Biphasic waveform would not be more effective at higher energies
Animal studies have indicated that the SMART
and this
seems to be supported with observed out-of-hospital defibrillation efficacy of
96% at 150 J.
Is escalating energy required?
Not with SMART Biphasic technology. In the “Guidelines 2000,”5 the AHA
states, “Energy levels vary with the type of device and type of waveform used.”
(I-90) The SMART Biphasic waveform has been optimized for ventricular
defibrillation efficacy at 150 J. Referring to studies involving the SMART
Biphasic waveform, it states, “This research indicates that repetitive
lower-energy biphasic waveform shocks (repeated shocks at < 200 J) have
equivalent or higher success for eventual termination of VF than defibrillators
that increase the current (200, 300, 360 J) with successive shocks
(escalating).” (I-90)
Philips Medical Systems
All HeartStart AEDs use the 150 J SMART Biphasic waveform. Two products,
the HeartStart XL and XLT, provide an AED mode as well as manual
defibrillation, synchronized cardioversion, electrocardiogram monitoring,
SMART Biphasic Waveform
SpO2 monitoring, and non-invasive pacing. Selectable energy settings (from
5 to 200 J for the XLT or 2 to 200 J for the XL) are available in the XL and XLT
only in the manual mode. A wider range of energy settings is appropriate in a
device designed for use by advanced life support (ALS) responders who may
perform manual pediatric defibrillation or synchronized cardioversion, as
energy requirements may vary depending on the type of cardioversion
For treating VF in patients over eight years of age in the AED
mode, however, the energy is preset to 150 J.
Some have suggested that a patient may need more than 150 J with a BTE
waveform when conditions like heart attacks, high-impedance, delays before
the first shock, and inaccurate electrode pad placement are present. This is
not true for the SMART Biphasic waveform, as the evidence presented in the
following sections clearly indicates. On the other hand, the evidence indicates
that other BTE waveforms may require more than 150 J for defibrillating
patients in VF.
Heart Attacks
One manufacturer references only animal studies using their waveform to
support their claim that a patient may require more than 200 J for cardiac
arrests caused by heart attacks (myocardial infarction) when using their
waveform. The SMART Biphasic waveform has been tested in the real world
with real heart attack victims and has proven its effectiveness at terminating
ventricular fibrillation (VF). In a prospective, randomized, out-of-hospital study,
the SMART Biphasic waveform demonstrated a first shock efficacy of 96%
versus 59% for monophasic waveforms, and 98% efficacy with 3 shocks as
opposed to 69% for monophasic waveforms.
Fifty-one percent of the
victims treated with the SMART Biphasic waveform were diagnosed with
acute myocardial infarction. The published evidence clearly indicates that the
SMART Biphasic waveform does not require more than 150 J for heart attack
High-Impedance Patients
High impedance patients do not pose a problem with the low energy SMART
Biphasic waveform. Using a patented method, SMART Biphasic technology
automatically measures the patient's impedance and adjusts the waveform
dynamically during each shock to optimize the waveform for each shock on
each patient. As demonstrated in published, peer-reviewed clinical literature,
the SMART Biphasic waveform is as effective at defibrillating patients with
high impedance (greater than 100 ohms) as it is with low-impedance
The bottom line is that the SMART Biphasic waveform does not
require more than 150 J for high-impedance patients.
Philips Medical Systems
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