Philips HDD-1420, HDD-1630, HDD-1620, HDD-1635 Service manual

Micro Audio Jukebox HDD1420/00HDD1620/00/05HDD1630/HDD1635/17
All version
Service Manual
©Copyright 2005 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The Netherlands
ll rights reserved. No part of this publication may by reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronics, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permission of Philips
Technical Specification and Service hints.…………………1 Safety Instructions………………………………………………2 Instructions for Use……………………………………………. 3 Mechanical Instructions………………………………………. 4 Exploded view and Service parts list…………………...….. 5 Troubleshooting flow.…………………………………………. 6 Overall Block diagram…………………………………………. 7 Overall Electrical diagram……………………………………. 8 Revision list……………………………………………………… 9
3141 785 30701
Version 1.1
Dimensions (WxHxD) : 53.7 X 86.0 X 16.3 mm Weight : 87 g
Output power : 2 x 5 mW (16 Ohm) Frequency response : 20 – 16 000 Hs Equalizer : 5-bands Hard disk : Capacity : 4GB – 6GB Display : 128 x 128 pixels, 65K color
Backlight : White Battery : 630 mAh Li-Ion
Battery life time: >16hrs File transfer rate using USB2.0 : Battery charging current 450mA
Maximum charging time : 4hr Battery cutoff voltage: 3.7V
Connections: Headphone Line Out Jack
(2.11 x 3.39 x 0.64 inch)
rechargeable battery
Power Connector
Battery level detection
Detection Level Typ. 4-step to 3-step voltage 3.6 – 3.7V 3-step to 2-step voltage 3.53 – 3.6V 2-step to 1-step voltage 3.48 – 3.53V Force Power Off voltage <3.5V
Current consumption
Battery Charging Current 450mA
BATT. SUPPLY (3.7V) Power Off 300uA Idle 30mA Playback without HDD reading 30mA Playback with HDD reading 345mA File transfer using USB2.0 350mA
Headphone out (headphone output load 2x16 ohm)
Maximum output power : Frequency response : 45Hz – 16kHz (16 load)
SNR (A -wght) : THD (1kHz) : Left-Right Channel Separation : Left-Right Channel Balance :
10 mW
20Hz – 16kHz (15k load) 85dB
0.1% 45dB typ. (1k Hz)
40dB typ. (20Hz – 16kHz) <1.0dB (1k Hz)
<2.0dB (20Hz – 16kHz)
Supported playback format
MP3 : WMA : Sample rates :
ID3-tag support : PC Connectivity : File Transfer
8 - 320 Kbps and VBR 32 - 192 Kbps 8, 11.025, 16, 22.050 32, 44.1, 48
via Windows Media Player 10 for music and picture playback or Windows Explorer for general data (music playback disabled)
Firmware and software upgrades
1. If you have not already installed the Device Manager download the latest version of the Device Manager from You may need to enter your language preference and the model number e.g.HDD1630, to access the Device/Firmware Manager upgrade file.
2. Download the zip file into a temp folder in your computer. Unzip the file and then double click the Setup.exe file to start the installation of the Device Manager.
3. Once the installation is complete, connect the GoGear to the power supply with the AC/DC adapter.
4. Make sure all other applications such as Philips Device plug-in, Windows Media Player or Windows Explorer that accessing the device are closed or else Device Manager will not recognize the device. Launch the
Philips Device Manager at Start->Programs­>Philips Device Manager->Philips Device Manager
on your PC.
5. Click Update in the dialogue box
the Philips Device Manager will detect the connection of your GoGear and the application will automatically check on the server to see if an update is available and prompt user to download the updated firmware. Click
YES to start the downloading.
9. The Device Manager will close automatically once the success message is displayed. Close all opened application and then unplug your GoGear.
10. Once the GoGear micro jukebox is disconnected from
the computer, the display will show “Firmware Upgrading” for a couple of seconds and then start up as usual. If the message does not disappear after 2
6. A status bar will show the downloading progress of the firmware. Once the downloading is complete the application will prompt you to install the update onto your GoGear. Click YES to confirm
7. The application will show the status of updating and at the end you need to click OK to complete the update.
minutes, do a soft reset by pressing and holding the Power on/off key and the volume + key for a couple of seconds.
Repair the firmware with Device Manager
1. If you have not already installed the Device Manager download the latest version of the Device Manager from You may need to enter your language preference and the model number e.g.HDD1630, to access the Device/Firmware Manager upgrade file.
2. Download the zip file into a temp folder in your computer. Unzip the file and then double click the Setup.exe file to start the installation of the Device Manager.
3. Once the installation is complete, connect the GoGear to the power supply with the AC/DC adapter.
4. Make sure all other applications such as Philips Device plug-in, Windows Media Player or Windows Explorer that accessing the device are closed or else Device Manager will not recognize the device. Launch the
Philips Device Manager at Start->Programs­>Philips Device Manager->Philips Device Manager
on your PC.
(Please do not disconnect the jukebox during the upgrading process as this interruption may damage the firmware!)
8. Follow all screen instructions to complete the firmware
Service Hints
Re Rebui ld database, firmware and Microsoft (Plays For Sure) copy protection key after replacement of hard disk or PCBA
IMPORTANT: All devices having the hard disk or PCBA replaced must have the firmware image, database and the Plays For Sure key rebuilt before returning to customers.
5. Click YES to start the downloading. A status bar will show the downloading progress of the firmware. Once the downloading is complete the application will prompt you to install the update onto your GoGear.
1. Connect the GoGear to the power supply and the computer with the combined charger and USB cable.
2. Reset the device by pressing and holding down the Volume + and the power on/off slider switch until the display turns off.
3. While the device restart, press and hold the volume – key until the Philips splash screen disappear and showing the connection icon to put the device in USB Mass Storage Device mode.
6. Once the repair is complete a dialogue box will pop up; click OK and unplug the GoGear from the computer.
IMPORTANT: All music & content of your micro jukebox will be erased once the factory setting is restored.
7. Follow all screen instructions to complete the repair.
8. The Device Manager will close automatically once the success message is displayed. Close all opened application and then unplug your micro jukebox.
9. Once the GoGear micro jukebox is disconnected from the computer, the display will show “Firmware Upgrading” for a couple of seconds and then start up as usual.
4. The device will be listed as a new drive named GOGEAR or MDJUKEBOX in Windows Explorer.
5. Launch Windows Explorer and then quick format the new drive to the file system FAT32.
IMPORTANT: All music & content of your micro jukebox will be erased once the device is formatted.
6. Unzip and copy all the content of the shipment ui files of the corresponding model version into the root directory of the device. (CD ROM with the
Shipment ui files will be provided to repair workshops.)
7. Disconnect the GoGear from the computer by clicking on the safely remove hardware icon
on the task tray.
8. Wait until the display shows “Burn success”.
9. Reset the device again by pressing and holding down the Volume + and the power on/off slider switch until the display turns off.
10. Upgrade the firmware of the device to the latest version by following the procedure as mentioned under “Firmware software upgrades”
All ICs and many other semi-conductors are susceptible to electrostatic discharges (ESD). Careless handling during repair can reduce life drastically. When repairing, make sure that you are connected with the same potential as the mass of the set via a wrist wrap with resistance. Keep components and tools also at this potential.
Tous les IC et beaucoup d’autres semi-conducteurs sont sensibles aux décharges statiques (ESD). Leur longévité pourrait être considérablement écourtée par le fait qu’aucune précaution n’est prise à leur manipulation. Lors de réparations, s’assurer de bien être relié au même potentiel que la masse de l’appareil et enfiler le bracelet serti d’une résistance de sécurité. Veiller à ce que les composants ainsi que les outils que l’on utilise soient également à ce potentiel.
Alle ICs und viele andere Halbleiter sind empfindlich gegenüber elektrostatischen Entladungen (ESD). Unsorgfältige Behandlung im Reparaturfall kan die Lebensdauer drastisch reduzieren. Veranlassen Sie, dass Sie im Reparaturfall über ein Pulsarmband mit Widerstand verbunden sind mit dem gleichen Potential wie die Masse des Gerätes. Bauteile und Hilfsmittel auch auf dieses gleiche Potential halten.
Alle IC’s en vele andere halfgeleiders zijn gevoelig voor electrostatische ontladingen (ESD). Onzorgvuldig behandelen tijdens reparatie kan de levensduur drastisch doen verminderen. Zorg ervoor dat u tijdens reparatie via een polsband met weerstand verbonden bent met hetzelfde potentiaal als de massa van het apparaat. Houd componenten en hulpmiddelen ook op ditzelfde potentiaal.
Tutti IC e parecchi semi-conduttori sono sensibili alle scariche statiche (ESD). La loro longevità potrebbe essere fortemente ridatta in caso di non osservazione della più grande cauzione alla loro manipolazione. Durante le riparazioni occorre quindi essere collegato allo stesso potenziale che quello della massa dell’apparecchio tramite un braccialetto a resistenza. Assicurarsi che i componenti e anche gli utensili con quali si lavora siano anche a questo potenziale.
Safety regulations require that the set be restored to its original condition and that parts which are identical with those specified, be used.
Veiligheidsbepalingen vereisen, dat het apparaat bij reparatie in zijn oorspronkelijke toestand wordt teruggebracht en dat onderdelen, identiek aan de gespecificeerde, worden toegepast.
Les normes de sécurité exigent que l’appareil soit remis à l’état d’origine et que soient utiliséés les piéces de rechange identiques à celles spécifiées.
Bei jeder Reparatur sind die geltenden Sicherheitsvorschriften zu beachten. Der Original zustand des Geräts darf nicht verändert werden; für Reparaturen sind Original-Ersatzteile zu verwenden.
Le norme di sicurezza esigono che l’apparecchio venga rimesso nelle condizioni originali e che siano utilizzati i pezzi di ricambio identici a quelli specificati.
“Pour votre sécurité, ces documents doivent être utilisés par des spécia­listes agréés, seuls habilités à réparer votre appareil en panne”.
Warning !
Invisible laser radiation when open. Avoid direct exposure to beam.
Varning !
Osynlig laserstrålning när apparaten är öppnad och spärren är urkopplad. Betrakta ej strålen.
Varoitus !
Avatussa laitteessa ja suojalukituksen ohitettaessa olet alttiina näkymättömälle laserisäteilylle. Älä katso säteeseen!
3122 110 03420
"After servicing and before returning set to customer perform a leakage current measurement test from all exposed metal parts to earth ground to assure no shock hazard exist. The leakage current must not exceed 0.5mA."
DK Advarse !
Usynlig laserstråling ved åbning når sikkerhedsafbrydere er ude af funktion. Undgå udsaettelse for stråling.
Power Connector
Set Disassembly
1. Remove the cosmetic screw on the back cover by Allen Key.
2. Finger inset the gap of the top cover assy and the housing, and then carefully lift up the top cover.
3. Generally remove the housing.
4. Remove the 4 screws on four corners. See pointed arrows.
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