Philips HB181 User Manual

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• Before connecting the face tanner to the mains socket, check if the voltage indicated on the rating plate corresponds with the mains voltage in your home.
• Water and electricity are a dangerous combination! Therefore, do not use the face tanner in wet surroundings (e.g. in the bathroom or shower, or near a swimming pool).
• If you have just been swimming or have just taken a shower, dry yourself thoroughly before using the face tanner.
• Remove the mains plug from the wall socket after use.
• Take care that children cannot play with the appliance.
• Let the face tanner cool down first (± 15 min.) before storing it away.
• Keep the ventilation openings at the back clear of obstruction when using the face tanner.
• Do not exceed the advised session times or the maximum amount of "tanning hours". (See section "UV sessions: How often? And how long?")
• Do not tan the face more often than once a day. Avoid intensive skin exposure to natural sunlight on the same day as a UV session.
• If you have any symptoms of illness, if you take any medicines and/or apply cosmetics which increase skin sensitivity, you should not have a UV-session. Special care is also necessary in cases of pronounced individual sensitivity to ultraviolet. When in doubt, please consult your doctor.
• A face tanner is not to be used by people who get sunburnt without tanning when exposed to the sun, by persons suffering from sunburn, by children, or by persons who suffer (or have previously suffered) from skin cancer or who are predisposed to skin cancer.
• Consult your doctor if ulcers, moles or persistent lumps develop on the skin.
• Always wear the protective eye goggles while tanning to protect your eyes against excessive doses of ultraviolet, visible light and infrared. (Also refer to section "UV and your health".)
• Remove creams, lipstick and other cosmetics well in advance of a UV session.
• Do not use sunscreen lotions or creams.
• Do not use suntan lotions or creams.
• If your skin should feel taut after the sun tanning session, you may apply a moisturizing cream.
• Never use the face tanner if the timer has become faulty.
• Colours may fade under the influence of the sun. The same effect may occur when using the appliance.
• Do not expect the face tanner to yield better results than the natural sun.
The Sun
The sun is the source of energy on which all life on earth depends. There are various kinds of solar energy: the sunlight enables us to see, we feel the warmth of the sunshine on our skin, and under the influence of the sun our skin is tanned. These three effects are due to three specific components of the sun radiance spectrum, each of the components having their own wave lengths.
The sun radiates electro-magnetic vibrations with widely different wave lengths. The wave lengths of heat rays or "infrared" (IR) are longer than the wave lengths of visible light. And the wave lengths of "ultraviolet" (UV), which tans our skin, are shorter than these. Science has managed to reproduce these three kinds of solar radiation: heat (e.g. Infraphil), light (lamps) and UV (solariums, sun couches etc.)
UV-A, UV-B and UV-C
Ultraviolet (UV) is subdivided into UV-A (longer wave lengths), UV-B and UV-C (shorter wave lengths). UV-C seldom reaches the earth as it is filtered out by the atmosphere. UV-A and UV-B cause the tanning effect of the skin.
In fact there are two processes which produce tanning, and they are simultaneously effective:
- "Indirect tanning". Primarily UV-B stimulates the production of a substance called "melanin", which is necessary for tanning. The effect does not show until a couple of days after the sunbath.
- "Direct tanning". The UV-A and also a part of the visible light cause quicker browning without reddening or "getting sunburnt".
The face tanner
This face tanner emits predominantly UV-A, and also a very small amount of UV-B.
UV and your health
After an excessive exposure to ultraviolet (from the natural sun or from your face tanner), the skin may develop sunburn. Beside numerous other factors, such as excessive exposure to the natural sun, improper and excessive use of your face tanner will increase the risk of skin and eye disease. The nature, intensity and duration of the radiation on one hand, and the sensitivity of the individual on the other, are decisive on the degree in which these affects can occur.
The more skin and eyes are exposed to UV, the more risk increases of diseases such as inflammation of the cornea and/or conjunctiva, damaging of the retina, cataract, premature aging of the skin and skin tumours. Certain medicines and cosmetics increase the sensitivity to UV.
Therefore, it is of great importance
- that you follow the instructions in sections "Important" and "UV sessions: how often? And how long?";
- that you select the advised operational distance of 10 cm (approx. 4");
- that you do not exceed the maximum amount of tanning hours per year (i.e. 24 hours or 1440 minutes);
- that you always wear the provided goggles while tanning.
UV sessions: how often? And how long?
You may have one UV session per day, over a period of five to ten days Allow at least 48 hours between the first
two sessions.
After such a course, you may rest the skin for a while. Approximately one month after a course your skin will have lost much of the tan. You might then decide to start a new course.
On the other hand, it is also possible to have one or two
UV sessions per week after a course has elapsed in order to keep up the tan.
Whatever you may prefer, make sure that you do not exceed the maximum amount of tanning hours. For this face tanner the maximum is 24 hours (= 1440 minutes) per year.
Duration of the UV session in minutes
session session session session session session session session session session
- for persons with
very sensitive skin: 10 10-15 10-15 10-15 10-15 10-15 10-15 10-15 10-15 10-15
rest of min. 48 hours
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Imagine that you take a 10 day UV course, with a 10 minute session on the first day and 25 minutes' sessions on the
nine following days.
The entire course then includes (1 x 10 minutes) + (9 x 25 minutes) = 235 minutes. Over a year you may have 6 of these courses. (As 6 x 235 minutes = 1410 minutes.)
From the table it will be seen that the first session of a
course should have a duration of 10 minutes.
This is not dependent upon individual skin sensitivity.
- for persons with normal sensitive skin: 10 20-25 20-25 20-25 20-25 20-25 20-25 20-25 20-25 20-25
- for persons with
less sensitive skin: 10 30-40 30-40 30-40 30-40 30-40 30-40 30-40 30-40 30-40
• If you think that the sessions are too long for you (e.g. if the skin gets taut and tender after the session), we advise you to reduce the sessions by e.g. 5 minutes.
• For a beautiful all-over tan, turn your face slightly during the session so that the sides of the face are better exposed to the tanning rays.
General description (fig. 1)
A Tube lamps (type Philips Cleo 15 W)
with starters (type Philips S2)
B Reflectors C Timer D Ventilation openings E Mains cord F Memo knobs G Protective eye goggles (2x)
(Type noHB 071 / service no. 4822 690 80123 - illustrated - or type no. HB 072 / service no. 4822 690 80147 - not illustrated - )
How to use the face tanner
- Place the solarium on a flat surface. You can choose from two positions (fig. 2).
- Insert the plug into a wall socket (220-240 V).
- Refer to the table in these instructions for use and your personal memo (F) on the appliance or your own notes to determine the duration of the session.
- Put on the supplied protective goggles (G).
- Set the timer (C) to the session time.
- Position yourself in front of the face tanner. The distance between your face and the tube lamps should be about 10 cm (= 4").
- Once the set time has elapsed, the timer will switch off the appliance automatically.
- Remove the plug from the wall socket after use.
After the UV tanning session
- Remove the plug from the wall socket.
- On one of the session memos (F) you can note down how many sessions you have had. There are two such memos, for two users.
Always unplug the face tanner and let it cool down before cleaning.
• You can clean the outside of the face tanner with a damp cloth. Make sure that no water runs into the appliance.
• Do not use abrasives or scourers, or liquids such as petrol or acetone.
Replacing the tube lamps and/or starters
In the course of time (in normal family use after some years) the efficiency of the tube lamps will gradually decrease. If this happens, you may increase the tanning session time or have the tube lamps (and if required the starters) replaced.
Have the tube lamps and starters replaced only by authorized service personnel: only these have the required skill and dispose of the original replacement parts.
The lamps of solariums contain substances which may pollute the environment. When discarding lamps, please ensure that they are separated from the normal
household refuse and that they are disposed of at an officially assigned place.
• Avant de brancher votre appareil, vérifiez que la tension indiquée sur la plaque signalétique corresponde à la tension de votre réseau électrique.
• Attention, tout contact d'un appareil électrique avec de l'eau est dangereux ! Donc, n'utilisez pas le solarium dans un environnement humide (par ex. dans la salle de bain ou près d'une piscine).
• Si votre peau est mouillée (par ex. après avoir pris une douche ou un bain), séchez-vous parfaitement avant d'utiliser l'appareil.
• Faites attention que les enfants ne jouent pas avec le solarium. Pour plus de précaution, débranchez-le après utilisation.
• Laissez le solarium refroidir (environ 15 min.) avant de le ranger.
• Pendant le fonctionnement, ne bouchez pas les ouïes de ventilation.
• Ne dépassez pas les temps d'exposition recommandés ou le nombre maximum "d'heures de bronzage". (Voir le chapitre "Séances de bronzage : durée et fréquence").
• N'exposez pas le visage plus d'une fois par jour. Ne vous exposez pas au soleil le jour même d'une séance de bronzage.
• Vous ne devez pas faire de séance d'UV si vous présentez des symptômes de maladie, si vous prenez des médicaments et/ou utilisez des cosmétiques qui renforcent la sensibilité de la peau.
• Il faut également être très prudent en cas de sensibilité prononcée aux ultraviolets. En cas de doute, consultez votre médecin.
• Les personnes qui ont des coups de soleil sans bronzer lorsqu'elles s'exposent au soleil, les personnes qui souffrent de coups de soleil, les enfants ou les personnes qui souffrent (ou ont déjà souffer) d'un cancer de la peau ou qui sont prédisposées au cancer de la peau ne peuvent pas utiliser l'appareil.
• Consultez votre médecin également si vous avez des ulcères, des grains de beauté ou tumeurs de la peau.
• L'usage de parfums et des produits activateurs de bronzage contenant notamment des psoralènes est fortement déconseillé car l'association avec les UV peut provoquer des brûlures graves.
• Les rayonnements Ultra-Violet peuvent affecter les yeux et la peau. Pendant la séance de bronzage, portez toujours les lunettes fournies, pour protéger vos yeux des doses importantes d'ultraviolet, de lumière visible et d'infrarouge. (Voir aussi le chapitre "Les UV et votre santé").
• Retirez toute trace de crème, de rouge à lèvres ou tout autre produit cosmétique avant le bronzage. N'utilisez jamais de lotions ou de crèmes bronzantes.
• Si votre peau est sèche après les séances de bronzage, il est recommandé d'appliquer une crème nourrissante et hydratante.
• N'utilisez jamais le solarium si le minuteur est défectueux.
• Certaines couleurs peuvent se décolorer sous les rayons du soleil. Le même phénomène peut se produire lors de l'utilisation du solarium.
• N'attendez pas du solarium qu'il donne de meilleurs résultats de bronzage qu'au soleil.
Le Soleil
Le soleil est la source d’énergie dont dépend toute vie sur terre. Il existe plusieurs types d’énergie solaire : la lumière du soleil nous permet de voir, nous sentons la chaleur du soleil sur notre peau et notre peau bronze sous l’effet du soleil. Ces trois effets sont dus aux trois composants spécifiques du spectre solaire, chaque composant ayant sa propre longueur d’ondes.
Le soleil émet des vibrations électromagnétiques de longueurs d’ondes très différentes. Les longueurs d’ondes des rayons de chaleur, ou “infrarouges” (IR), sont plus longues que les longueurs d’ondes de la lumière visible. Et les longueurs d’ondes des “ultraviolets” (UV), qui font bronzer notre peau, sont plus courtes que ces dernières. La science a réussi à reproduire ces trois types de rayons solaires : la chaleur (Infraphil, p. ex.), la lumière (lampes) et les UV (solariums, bancs solaires, etc.).
UV-A, UV-B et UV-C
Les ultraviolets (UV) se subdivisent en UV-A (longueurs d’ondes plus longues), en UV-B et UV-C (longueurs d’ondes plus courtes). Les UV-C atteignent rarement la terre, car ils sont filtrés par l’atmosphère. Ce sont les UV-A et les UV-B qui font bronzer la peau.
En fait, il y a deux processus qui entraînent le bronzage, et ils agissent simultanément :
• le “bronzage indirect”. Les UV-B stimulent principalement la production d’une substance appelée “mélanine”, qui est nécessaire au bronzage. Son effet n’est visible que deux jours environ après le bain de soleil.
• le “bronzage direct”. Les UV-A, ainsi qu’une partie de la lumière visible, entraînent un bronzage plus rapide sans rougir ou avoir des coups de soleil.
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