Philips GC8721 User Manual [ru]

GC8700 series
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EN User manual
TR Kullanım kılavuzu
KK Пайдаланушы нұсқаулығы
Мәселе Ықтимал себеп Шешім
21 3
Türkçe 16 Русский 27
Үтіктің табанынан кір су мен қалдық қаттар шығады.
Қазақша 39
Табаннан су ағады. Қақ тазалау процесін кездейсоқ
6 75
Қақ тазалау процесі басталмайды.
Үтік киімде жылтыр із немесе белгі қалдырады.
Үтіктеу тақтасының жапқышы ылғал болады немесе еденде/киімде су тамшылары бар.
English 5
Буды бірінші рет пайдаланған кезде немесе оны ұзақ уақыт пайдаланбаған кезде, бу шлангісінде суға айналады.
Бу шығару тесіктерінде және/ немесе үтіктің табанында су құрамындағы қоспалар мен химикаттар жиналған болуы мүмкін.
іске қостыңыз («Тазалау және техникалық қызмет көрсету» тарауын қараңыз).
Құрал дыбыстық сигналды шығаруды бастағанша ҚАҚ ТАЗАЛАУ түймесін 2 секунд бойы баспағансыз.
Үтіктелетін бет тегіс емес, мысалы, қатты бумен үтіктеп жатқандықтан немесе киімде бүктелген жер болғандықтан.
Үтіктеу тақтасы қаптамасына жеткілікті бекітілмеді.
Ұзақ үтіктеу сеансынан кейін бу үтіктеу тақтасының жапқышында суға айналған.
Үтіктеу тақтасы құралдың буды тез шығару жылдамдығына арналмаған.
Бұл қалыпты жағдай. Үтікті киімнен алыс ұстап, бу шығарғышты басыңыз. Үтік табанынан су орнына бу шыққанша күтіңіз.
Қақ тазалау процесін үнемі орындап отырыңыз («Тазалау және техникалық қызмет көрсету» тарауын қараңыз.).
Құралды өшіріңіз. Одан кейін оны қайта қосыңыз. «Үтік дайын» шамы тұрақты жанғанша, үтікті қыздырып алыңыз.
«Тазалау және техникалық қызмет көрсету» тарауын қараңыз.
PerfectCare үтігін кез келген киімге қауіпсіз пайдалануға болады. Жылтыр із тұрақты қалмайды. Ол киім жуылғанда кетеді. Қатты бумен немесе бүктеп үтіктемеңіз, не болмаса белгілердің алдын алу үшін үтіктелетін аймаққа мақта мата қоюға болады.
Үтіктеу тақтасы қаптамасының астына киізден жасалған қосымша қабат қойыңыз.
Губка немесе киізден жасалған материал тозған болса, үтіктеу тақтасының жапқышын ауыстырыңыз. Сонымен қатар, үтіктеу тақтасында конденсаттың пайда болуын болдырмау үшін үтіктеу тақтасы қаптамасының астына киізден жасалған қосымша қабат қосуға болады.
Үтіктеу тақтасында конденсаттың пайда болуын болдырмау үшін үтіктеу тақтасы қаптамасының астына киізден жасалған қосымша қабат қойыңыз.
9 8
Бумен үтіктеу жүйесі Өндіруші: “Филипс Консьюмер Лайфстайл Б.В.”, Туссендиепен 4, 9206 АД, Драхтен, Нидерланды. Ресей және Кедендік Одақ территориясына импорттаушы: “ФИЛИПС” ЖШҚ, Ресей Федерациясы, 123022 Мәскеу қаласы, Сергей Макеев көшесі, 13-үй, тел. +7 495 961-1111.
11 1012
GC8750, GC8735, GC8733, GC8731, GC8723, GC8721, GC8715, GC8713, GC8712, GC8711, GC8703, GC8702: 2350-2800WВт, 220-240В, 50-60Гц Тұрмыстық қажеттіліктерге арналған Электр тогымен зақымданудан қорғау класы: Класс I Индонезияда жасалған Сақтау шарттары, пайдалану Температура: +0°C - +35°C Салыстырмалы ылғалдылық: 20% - 95% Атмосфералық қысым: 85 - 109kPa
Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips! To fully benet from the support that Philips oers, register your product at
Read this user manual, the important information leaet, and the quick start guide carefully before you use the appliance. Save them for future reference.
Exclusive technology from Philips
OptimalTEMP technology
The OptimalTEMP technology enables you to iron all types of ironable fabrics, in any order, without adjusting the iron temperature and without sorting your garments.
It is safe to just rest the hot soleplate directly on the ironing board without putting back to the iron platform. This will help reduce the stress on your wrist.
This iron has been approved by The Woolmark Company Pty Ltd for the ironing of wool-only products, provided that the garments are ironed according to the instructions on the garment label and those issued by the manufacturer of this iron. R1602. In the United Kingdom, Eire, Hong Kong and India, the Woolmark trademark is a certication trademark.
Compact ProVelocity Technology
This technology delivers continuous steam that penetrates deeply to remove creases easily. At the same time, it keeps the appliance more compact and lighter than traditional steam generators, for easier storage.
Product overview (Fig. 1)
1 Water supply hose 2 Steam trigger/Steam boost 3 'Iron ready' light 4 Soleplate 5 Iron platform 6 Carry lock release button 7 Detachable water tank 8 Water supply hose storage compartment 9 Mains cord with plug 10 CALC-CLEAN button with light
11 On/o button with power-on light and auto-o light 12 ECO button with light 13 Smart Calc-Clean container
Preparing for use
Type of water to use
This appliance has been designed to be used with tap water. However, if you live in an area with hard water, fast scale build-up may occur. Therefore, it is recommended to use distilled or demineralized water to prolong the lifetime of the appliance.
Warning: Do not use perfumed water, water from the tumble dryer, vinegar, starch, descaling agents, ironing aids, chemically descaled water or other chemicals, as they may cause water spitting, brown staining or damage to your appliance.
Filling the water tank
1 Fill the water tank before every use or when the water level in the water
tank drops below the minimum level. You can rell the water tank at any time during use.
2 Remove the water tank from the base.
3 Fill the water tank up to the MAX indication.
4 Put the water tank back into the appliance by tting the bottom part
into the appliance rst.
5 Push in the top part of the water tank until it locks into place ('click').
Using the appliance
Ironable fabrics
Do not iron non-ironable fabrics.
- Fabrics with these symbols are ironable, for example linen, cotton, polyester, silk, wool, viscose and rayon.
- Fabrics with this symbol are not ironable. These fabrics include synthetic fabrics such as Spandex or elastane, Spandex-mixed fabrics and polyolens (e.g. polypropylene). Prints on garments are not ironable either.
1 Place the steam generator on a stable and even surface.
Note: In order to ensure safe ironing we recommend to always place the base on a stable ironing board.
2 Make sure that there is enough water in the water tank. 3 Put the mains plug in an earthed wall socket and press the on/o
button to switch on the steam generator. Wait until the 'iron ready' light lights up continuously. This takes approx. 2 minutes.
4 Remove the water supply hose from the water supply hose storage
5 Press the carry lock release button to unlock the iron from the iron
6 Press and hold the steam trigger to start ironing.
Warning: Never direct steam at people.
7 For best ironing results, after ironing with steam, perform the last
strokes without steam.
Note: When you use the appliance for the rst time, it may take 30 seconds for steam to come out of the appliance.
Note: The pump is activated each time you press the steam trigger. It produces subtle rattling sound, which is normal. When there is no water in the water tank, the pump sound is louder. Fill up the water tank with water when the water level drops below the minimum level.
For more powerful steam, you can use the TURBO steam mode, which is safe on all ironable fabrics.
For fabrics such as cotton, jeans and linen, you are recommended to use the TURBO steam mode.
1 Press and hold the on/o button for 2 seconds until the light turns
2 To deactivate the TURBO mode, press and hold the on/o button for 2
seconds again until the light turns blue.
Steam boost function
Use the steam boost function to remove stubborn creases. 1 Press the steam trigger twice quickly.
Vertical ironing
Safe rest
Warning: Hot steam is emitted from the iron. Never attempt to remove wrinkles from a garment while someone is wearing it. Do not apply steam near your or someone else's hand.
You can use the steam iron in vertical position to remove wrinkles from hanging fabrics.
1 Hold the iron in vertical position, press the steam trigger and touch the
garment lightly with the soleplate and move the iron up and down.
Resting the iron while rearranging your garment
While rearranging your garment, you can rest the iron either on the iron platform or horizontally on the ironing board. The OptimalTEMP technology ensures the soleplate will not damage the ironing board cover.
Energy saving
Eco mode
By using the ECO mode (reduced amount of steam), you can save energy without compromising on the ironing result.
1 To activate the ECO mode, press the ECO button. The green ECO light
goes on.
2 To deactivate the ECO mode, press the ECO button again. The green
ECO light goes out.
Safety auto-o mode (specic types only)
- To save energy, the appliance switches o automatically when it has not been used for 5 minutes. The auto-o light in the on/o button starts to ash.
- To activate the appliance again, press the on/o button. The appliance then starts to heat up again.
Warning: Never leave the appliance unattended when it is connected to the mains. Always unplug the appliance after use.
Cleaning and maintenance
Smart Calc-Clean System
Your appliance has been designed with a Smart Calc-Clean system to ensure that descaling and cleaning is done regularly. This helps to maintain a strong steam performance and prevents dirt and stains coming out of the soleplate over time. To ensure that the cleaning process is performed, the steam generator gives regular reminders.
Sound and light Calc-Clean reminder
After 1 to 3 months of use, the Calc-Clean light starts ashing and the appliance starts beeping to indicate that you have to perform the Calc­Clean process.
Besides that, a second defense step to protect the steam generator from scale is integrated: the steam function gets disabled if descaling is not done. After descaling is done, the steam function will be restored. This takes place regardless of the type of water used.
Note: The Calc-Clean process can be performed at any time, even when the sound and light reminder is not activated yet.
Performing the Calc-Clean process with the Calc-Clean container
Warning: Do not leave the appliance unattended during the Calc­Clean process.
Caution: Always perform the Calc-Clean process with the Calc-Clean container. Do not interrupt the process by lifting the iron up from the Calc-Clean container, as hot water and steam will come out of the soleplate.
1 Fill up the water tank halfway.
Note: Make sure that the appliance is plugged in and switched ON during the Calc-Clean process.
2 Place the Calc-Clean container on the ironing board or any other even,
stable surface.
2 sec.
3 Place the iron stably on the Calc-Clean container.
4 Press and hold the CALC-CLEAN button for 2 seconds until you hear
short beeps.
Note: The Calc-Clean container has been designed to collect scale particles and hot water during the Calc-Clean process. It is perfectly safe to rest the iron on this container during the entire process.
2 min.
5 During the Calc-Clean process, you hear short beeps and a pumping
6 Wait approximately 2 minutes for the appliance to complete the
process. When the Calc-Clean process is completed, the iron stops beeping and the CALC-CLEAN light stops ashing.
7 Wipe the iron with a piece of cloth and put it back on the base station.
Caution: The iron is hot.
8 As the Calc-Clean container becomes hot during the Calc-Clean
process, wait approx. 5 minutes before you touch it. Then carry the Calc-Clean container to the sink, empty it and store it for future use.
9 If necessary, you can repeat steps 1 to 8. Make sure that you empty the
Calc-Clean container before you start the Calc-Clean process.
Note: During the Calc-Clean process, clean water may come out of the soleplate if no scale has accumulated inside the iron. This is normal.
For more information on how to carry out the Calc-Clean process, refer to the videos in this link:
Cleaning the soleplate
To properly maintain your appliance, clean it regularly.
1 Clean the appliance with a moist cloth. 2 To easily and eectively remove stains, let the soleplate heat up and
move the iron over a moist cloth.
Tip: Clean the soleplate regularly to ensure smooth gliding.
1 Switch o the steam generator and unplug it. 2 Pour the water out of the water tank into the sink.
3 Fold the water supply hose. Wind the water supply hose inside the
water supply hose storage compartment and secure it inside the storage hook.
4 Fold the mains cord and fasten it with the Velcro strip.
5 Push the carry lock release button to lock the iron onto the iron
6 You can carry the appliance with one hand by the handle of the iron
when the iron is locked on the iron platform.
This chapter summarizes the most common problems you could encounter with the appliance. If you are unable to solve the problem with the information below, visit for a list of frequently asked questions or contact the Consumer Care Center in your country.
Problem Possible cause Solution
The iron does not produce any steam.
There is not enough water in the water tank.
Fill the water tank beyond the MIN indication. Press and hold the steam trigger until steam comes out. It may take up to 30 seconds until steam comes out.
The light of the CALC­CLEAN button ashes and the appliance beeps.
No steam comes out of the soleplate, the light of the CALC-CLEAN button ashes and the appliance beeps.
The appliance has switched o.
The appliance produces a loud pumping sound.
Water droplets come out of the soleplate.
You did not press the steam trigger.
The steam function has been disabled until you have performed the Calc­Clean process.
The water tank is not placed in the appliance properly.
At the start of your ironing session, the steam trigger has not been pressed long enough.
This is the Calc-Clean reminder.
You have not done or have not completed the Calc­Clean process.
The safety auto-o function is activated automatically when the appliance has not been used for more than 5 minutes.
The water tank is empty. Fill the water tank with water and press
After the Calc-Clean process remaining water may drip out of the soleplate.
Press and hold the steam trigger until steam comes out.
Perform the Calc-Clean process to restore the steam function. (see chapter ' Cleaning and maintenance')
Fit the water tank back into the appliance rmly ('click').
Press and hold the steam trigger until steam comes out. It may take up to 30 seconds until steam comes out.
Perform the Calc-Clean after the Calc­Clean reminder is given (see chapter 'Cleaning and maintenance').
Perform the Calc-Clean process to enable the steam function again (see chapter 'Cleaning and maintenance').
To activate the appliance again, press the on/o button. The appliance then starts to heat up again.
the steam trigger until the pumping sound becomes softer and steam comes out of the soleplate.
Wipe the soleplate dry with a piece of cloth. If the Calc-Clean light still ashes and the appliance still beeps, perform the Calc­Clean process (see chapter 'Cleaning and maintenance').
Problem Possible cause Solution
Dirty water and impurities come out of the soleplate.
Water ushes out of the soleplate.
The Calc-Clean process does not start.
The iron leaves a shine or an imprint on the garment.
The ironing board cover becomes wet, or there are water droplets on the oor/garment.
The Calc-Clean process has not been completed.
Steam condenses into water in the hose when you use steam for the rst time or have not used it for a long time.
Impurities or chemicals present in the water have deposited in the steam vents and/or soleplate.
You have accidentally started the Calc­Clean process (see chapter 'Cleaning and maintenance').
You have not pressed the CALC-CLEAN button for 2 seconds until the appliance started beeping.
The surface to be ironed was uneven, for instance because you were ironing over a seam or a fold in the garment.
There was not enough felt in the ironing board cover.
Steam has condensed on the ironing board cover after a long ironing session.
You have an ironing board that is not designed to cope with the high steam rate of the appliance.
You have to perform the Calc-Clean process again (see chapter 'Cleaning and maintenance').
This is normal. Hold the iron away from the garment and press the steam trigger.Wait until steam instead of water comes out of the soleplate.
Perform the Calc-Clean process regularly (see chapter 'Cleaning and maintenance').
Switch o the appliance. Then switch it back on again. Let the iron heat up until the 'iron ready' light lights up steadily.
See chapter 'Cleaning and maintenance'.
PerfectCare is safe on all garments. The shine or imprint is not permanent and will come o if you wash the garment.Avoid ironing over seams or folds or you can place a cotton cloth over the area to be ironed to avoid imprints.
Put an extra layer of felt material under the ironing board cover.
Replace the ironing board cover if the foam or felt material has worn out. You can also add an extra layer of felt material under the ironing board cover to prevent condensation on the ironing board.
Put an extra layer of felt material under the ironing board cover to prevent condensation on the ironing board.
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Philips'ten benzersiz teknoloji
Akıllı Çip teknolojisi
Akıllı Çip teknolojisi, ütü sıcaklığını ayarlamaya veya giysilerinizi ayırmaya gerek kalmadan, ütülenebilir her tür kumaşı istediğiniz sırayla ütüleyebilmenizi sağlar.
Ütü platformunu tekrar takmadan sıcak tabanı doğrudan ütü masası üzerinde bırakmak güvenlidir. Bu, bileğinizdeki gerginliğin azalmasına yardımcı olacaktır.
Giysilerin, etiketlerinde belirtilen ve bu ütünün üreticisi tarafından verilen talimatlara uygun şekilde ütülenmesi şartıyla, bu ütünün tamamen yünlü ürünlerde kullanılabileceği The Woolmark Company Pty Ltd tarafından onaylanmıştır. R1602. Woolmark ticari markası İngiltere, İrlanda, Hong Kong ve Hindistan'da bir sertika markasıdır.
Kompakt ProVelocity Teknolojisi
Bu teknoloji kırışıklıkları ortadan kaldırmak için diplere işleyen sürekli buhar üretir. Aynı zamanda, daha kolay depolama için cihazı, geleneksel buhar üreticilerine kıyasla daha kompakt ve haf tutar.
Ürüne genel bakış (Şekil 1)
1 Su besleme hortumu 2 Buhar tetiği/Buhar püskürtücü 3 'Ütü hazır' ışığı 4 Taban 5 Ütü platformu 6 Taşıma kilidi açma düğmesi 7 Sökülebilir su deposu 8 Su besleme hortumu saklama bölmesi 9 Fişli elektrik kablosu 10 Işıklı Kireç Temizleme düğmesi
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