PHILIPS GC6034 User Manual

General description
A Cap of the steam tank B Steam tank C Iron stand D On/off switch with built-in pilot light E 'Steam tank heating up' pilot light.The pilot light goes out when the
appliance is ready for steam ironing
F Steam control.
q = moderate steam R = maximum steam
G Temperature pilot light H Steam activator button I Temperature dial J Supply hose K Soleplate L Mains cord
For optimal safety, read these instructions carefully and look at the illustrations before you start using the appliance.
- Do not put perfume, vinegar, descaling agents or other chemicals in the steam tank.
- Never use the appliance if it is damaged in any way. Regularly check if the mains cord and the supply hose are still undamaged and safe.
- If the mains cord of this appliance is damaged, it must always be replaced by Philips or a service centre authorised by Philips, as special tools and/or parts are required.
- Do not use any other cap on the steam tank than the cap that has been supplied with the appliance, as this cap also functions as a safety valve.
- Check if the voltage indicated on the bottom of the steam tank corresponds to the mains voltage in your home before you connect the appliance.
- Only connect the appliance to an earthed wall socket.
- Never immerse the iron or the steam tank in water.
- Never leave the iron unattended when it is connected to the mains.
- When you have finished ironing and even when you leave the iron for a short while, unplug the iron and put it on the iron stand.
- Always place the steam tank on a stable, level and horizontal surface. Do not put the steam tank on the soft part of the ironing board.
- Always place the iron on the iron stand or on its heel. Do not put the hot iron on the supply hose or the mains cord.
- The iron stand and the soleplate of the iron can become extremely hot and may cause burns if touched. If you want to move the steam tank, do not touch the stand.
- Do not allow the cord to come into contact with the hot soleplate.
- Infirm persons should not be allowed to use the appliance without supervision. Keep an eye on children to make sure that they do not play with the appliance.
- If steam escapes from under the steam tank cap when the appliance is heating up, switch the appliance off and contact a service centre authorised by Philips.
- Do not remove the cap from the steam tank when the steam tank is under pressure. Follow the instructions under 'Fast refill' before removing the cap.
Preparing the appliance for use
1 Check if the voltage indicated on the type plate corresponds to
the mains voltage in your home.
2 Remove any sticker or protective foil from the soleplate and
clean the soleplate with a soft cloth.
3 Fully unwind the mains cord (L) and supply hose (J).
4 Place the steam tank (B) on a stable, level surface.
5 Place the iron on the iron stand (C).
Filling the steam tank
Never immerse the steam tank in water.
1 Make sure the on/off switch (D) has been set to 'off' and
remove the plug from the wall socket.
2 Slowly unscrew the cap (A) of the steam tank.
You may hear a sound when you remove the cap.This sound is caused by the cold tank being under vacuum.This is perfectly normal.
3 Pour water into the steam tank (max. 1 litre).
Use cold tap water to fill the tank up to the maximum level.
If the tap water in your area is very hard, we advise you to mix tap water with an equal portion of distilled water, or to use distilled water only. Do not use perfume, vinegar, starch or chemically descaled water.
4 Screw the cap onto the filling aperture of the steam tank.
Fast refill
1 First set the on/off switch (D) to 'off'.
2 Press the steam activator button until you no longer hear any
steam escaping from the appliance.
3 Keep the steam activator button pressed in and slowly unscrew
the cap of the steam tank by turning it anti-clockwise.This will depressurise the steam tank.
4 Remove the mains plug from the wall socket.
5 Fill the steam tank as described in section 'Filling the steam
tank' and let the appliance heat up again.
Setting the temperature
Always place the steam tank on a stable, level and horizontal surface Do not put the steam tank on the soft part of the ironing board.
Always place the iron on the iron stand or on its heel. Do not put the hot iron on the supply hose or the mains cord. Make sure the cord does not come into contact with the hot soleplate.
1 Set the temperature dial to the required ironing temperature
by turning it to the appropriate temperature indication.
- Check the garment label for the required ironing temperature:
- 1 Synthetic fabrics (e.g. acrylic, viscose, polyamide, polyester)
- 1 Silk
- 2 Wool
- 3 Cotton, linen
- When you do not know what kind of fabric the article is made of, try to iron a spot which will be invisible when you wear it.
- Silk, woollen and synthetic materials: iron the reverse side of the fabric to prevent shiny patches.
Steam control
Temperature dial
Type of fabric
Synthetic fabrics, e.g. acetate, acrylic, viscose, polyamide, polyester, and silk
Wool Cotton, linen Please note that Z in the
table means that the article cannot be ironed.
Label with ironing instructions
- Start ironing the articles that require the lowest ironing temperature, such as those made of synthetic fibres.
2 Put the plug in the wall socket and let the appliance heat up by
setting the on/off switch (D) to 'on'.
3 Cold start: the water in the steam tank and the soleplate will
now be heated up.The soleplate takes approximately 2 minutes to heat up, the water in the steam tank takes approximately 8 minutes to heat up.
4 Quick reheat: if you refill the steam tank during the ironing
process, the water in the steam tank will take approximately 6 minutes to heat up.
5 Types GC6024/6026 only: as soon as the water in the steam
tank is hot enough for steam ironing, the pilot light (E) will go out.You can now start ironing.
If the fabric consists of various kinds of fibres, always select the
temperature required by the most delicate fibre, i.e. the lowest temperature. For example: if an article consists of 60% polyester and 40% cotton, it should be ironed at the temperature indicated for polyester (1) and without steam.
When steam ironing woollen fabrics, shiny patches may occur.You
can prevent this by using a dry pressing cloth or by turning the article inside out and ironing the reverse side.
Velvet and other fabrics that tend to acquire shiny patches should
be ironed in one direction only (along with the nap) while applying very little pressure.
Do not use steam when you are ironing coloured silk.This could
cause stains.
Steam ironing
Make sure that there is enough water in the steam tank.
Steam ironing is only possible at higher ironing temperatures:
1 Set the temperature dial to the recommended position.
See 'Setting the temperature'.
2 Wait until the 'steam tank heating up' pilot light has gone out.
3 Keep the steam activator button (H) pressed in while you are
steam ironing.
Types GC6024/6026 only: During steam ironing, the temperature pilot light (G) will go on from time to time to indicate that the iron and the water in the steam tank are being heated up to the right temperature and pressure.You can simply continue ironing while this happens.
If you have not used the steam function for some time, the steam that was still present in the supply hose will have condensed into water. When you start steam ironing again, this may cause some spluttering in the appliance and a few droplets of water may escape from the soleplate.
To prevent droplets from falling onto your garments, hold the iron over an old cloth and press the steam activator button (H) until the steam production has normalised before you start steam ironing again.
Ironing without steam
1 Set the temperature dial to the recommended position.
See 'Setting the temperature'.
2 Do not press the steam activator button (H).
Some steam will escape if you press the steam activator button by
accident while you are ironing.If the steam tank is empty or has not heated up yet, you will hear a clicking sound inside the tank. This phenomenon is caused by the opening of the steam valve and is perfectly harmless.
If you have been ironing at a high temperature and subsequently
set the temperature dial (I) to a lower setting, wait until the temperature pilot light (G) goes on again before you continue ironing.This will prevent damage to your fabrics.
Other features
Steaming in vertical position.
1 Hanging curtains and clothes (jackets, suits, coats) can be steam
ironed by holding the iron in vertical position.
Never direct the steam at people.
Variable steam control
Steam control (F): set the steam control to q for moderate steam or to R for maximum steam.
After ironing
1 Switch the appliance off by setting the on/off switch (D) to 'off'.
2 Depressurise the steam tank by pressing the steam activator
button until you no longer hear any steam escaping from the appliance.
3 Remove the mains plug from the wall socket.
4 Put the iron on its heel or on the iron stand (C), set the steam
dial to O and let the iron cool down.
Cleaning and maintenance
1 Make sure the iron has cooled down sufficiently before you
start cleaning it. If you want to clean the steam tank, follow the first four steps under 'Fast refill'.
1 Clean the iron with a damp cloth.
2 Wipe scale and any other deposits off the soleplate with a
damp cloth and a non-abrasive (liquid) cleaner.
Never immerse the iron in water nor rinse it under the tap.
Steam tank
Clean the steam tank after having used it 10 times.
1 Remove the cap carefully.
2 Rinse the steam tank with only 500 ml of fresh water. Pour out
the water by holding the steam tank upside down over the sink.
3 Screw the cap back onto the steam tank.
1 Make sure the appliance has cooled down sufficiently before
you put it away.
2 Empty the steam tank.
3 There are handgrips on either side of the steam tank for easy
4 Regularly check if the mains cord and the supply hose are still
undamaged and safe.
Information & service
If you need information or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips Web site at or contact the Philips Customer Care Centre in your country (you will find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet). If there is no Customer Care Centre in your country, turn to your local Philips dealer or contact the Service Department of Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care BV.
This chapter summarises the most common problems you could encounter with your iron. Please read the different sections for more details. If you are unable to solve the problem, please contact the Philips Customer Care Centre in your country. If there is no Customer Care Centre in your country, turn to your local Philips dealer or the nearest Philips service centre.
This phenomenon will cease after a short while.
Select the required ironing temperature as indicated in these instructions and the table.
Put the steam tank on a stable and even surface.
This is normal. Hold the iron over an old cloth and press the steam activator button (H).The cloth will absorb the drops.After a few seconds the steam production will have normalised.
Set the on/off switch (D) to 'on'.
Wait until the pilot light has gone out.
To check if the iron is actually producing steam, hold a (cold) mirror in front of the soleplate vents.
Clean the soleplate with a damp cloth and, if necessary, with some washing­up liquid.
Clean the soleplate with a damp cloth and, if necessary, with some washing­up liquid. Select the recommended ironing temperature.
Possible cause(s)
This is normal. Some parts of the iron have been greased lightly in the factory.
The temperature dial (I) has been set to a temperature that is too low for steam ironing.
The steam tank has been placed on an unstable and/or uneven surface.
When you start steam ironing, the hose is cold. Steam condenses in the hose, causing droplets of water to escape from the soleplate.
The steam tank has not been switched on.
The 'steam tank heating up' pilot light is still on.
Superheated (i.e. high-quality) steam is hardly visible, especially when the temperature dial has been set to maximum position and even less so when the ambient temperature is relatively high.
Impurities or chemicals present in the water have deposited on the soleplate.
You have been ironing at too high temperatures.
Some smoke comes out of the appliance after you have switched the appliance on for the first time.
Droplets of water escape from the soleplate
The appliance does not produce steam.
I don't see any steam coming out of the soleplate.
The soleplate is dirty.
Description générale
A Bouchon de chaudière A Chaudière à vapeur A Support du fer A Bouton marche/arrêt avec témoin lumineux incorporé A Témoin "chauffage chaudière". Le témoin s'éteint lorsque l'appareil
est prêt pour le repassage à la vapeur.
A Commande de vapeur
q = débit vapeur modérée R = débit vapeur maximum
A Indicateur température A Bouton vapeur A Thermostat A Cordon secteur A Semelle A Cordon d'alimentation
Avant d'utiliser l'appareil, lisez soigneusement ces instructions et regardez les images pour une sécurité optimale.
- Ne mettez pas de parfum, de vinaigre, détartrants ou d'autres agents chimiques dans la chaudière.
- N'utilisez jamais le fer à repasser s'il est endommagé d'une façon quelconque.Vérifiez toujours le cordon d'alimentation et le cordon secteur pour vous assurer qu'ils ne sont pas endommagés.
- Si le cordon d'alimentation est endommagé, il doit être remplacé par Philips ou un Centre Service Agréé car des outils et/ou composants spéciaux sont nécessaires.
- N'utilisez pas d'autre bouchon pour la chaudière que celui fourni avec l'appareil, car ce bouchon fonctionne également comme soupape de sûreté.
- Vérifiez que la tension indiquée sur le fond de la chaudière correspond bien à la tension de votre secteur avant de brancher l'appareil.
- Branchez la fiche dans la prise de courant.
- Ne plongez jamais le fer ou la chaudière dans l'eau.
- Ne laissez jamais le fer à repasser sans surveillance pendant qu'il est branché.
- Lorsque vous avez fini de repasser ou même si vous laissez le fer pour un bref instant, débranchez-le et placez-le sur son support.
- Placez toujours la chaudière sur une surface stable et horizontale. Ne placez pas la chaudière à vapeur sur une planche à repasser.
- Placez toujours le fer sur son support ou sur le talon. Ne placez jamais le fer chaud sur le cordon d'alimentation ou sur le cordon secteur.
- Le support du fer et la semelle peuvent devenir très chauds et donc peuvent causer des brûlures si vous les touchez. Si vous voulez déplacer la chaudière, ne touchez pas le support.
- Evitez le contact du cordon d'alimentation avec la semelle lorsqu'elle est chaude.
- Cet appareil ne doit pas être manipulé sans surveillance par des personnes handicapées.Tenez l'appareil hors de la portée des enfants.Assurez-vous qu'ils ne puissent pas jouer avec l'appareil.
- Si de la vapeur s'échappe par le bouchon de chaudière lorsque l'appareil chauffe, arrêtez l'appareil et contactez un Centre Service Agréé Philips.
- Ne dévissez pas le bouchon de la chaudière quand celle-ci est sous pression.Avant de retirer le bouchon, suivez les instructions du chapitre "Remplissage rapide".
Préparation à l'emploi
1 Vérifiez que la tension indiquée sous l'appareil correspond bien
à la tension de votre secteur.
2 Retirez toute étiquette ou feuille de protection et nettoyez la
semelle avec un chiffon doux.
3 Déroulez complètement le cordon d'alimentation (L) et le
cordon secteur (J).
4 Placez la chaudière (B) sur une surface stable et horizontale.
5 Placez le fer sur son support (C).
Remplissage de la chaudière
Ne plongez jamais la chaudière dans l'eau.
1 Assurez-vous que le bouton marche/arrêt (D) est positionné
sur "arrêt" et débranchez la fiche de la prise de courant.
2 Dévissez lentement le bouchon (A) de la chaudière.
Vous pouvez entendre un léger bruit lorsque vous dévissez le bouchon. Ceci est tout à fait normal.
3 Versez de l'eau dans la chaudière (max. 1 litre).
Utilisez de l'eau du robinet pour remplir le réservoir jusqu'au niveau maximum.
Si l'eau du robinet de votre région est très calcaire, il est conseillé de la mélanger avec de l'eau déminéralisée ou d'utiliser seulement de l'eau déminéralisée. N'utilisez jamais de parfum, de vinaigre, d'amidon ou d'eau détartrée chimiquement.
4 Vissez le bouchon sur l'orifice de remplissage de la chaudière.
+ 32 hidden pages