Philips FT17N, FT17P Datasheet

FT17N / FT17P 2/3 inch dual aspect ratio image sensor
Sensor image
The FT17N is a NTSC/EIA-compatible image sensor which is provided with a 12-phase vertical transport clock structure in the image section.
The FT17P image sensor is a PAL/CCIR vesion of Philips Semiconductors’ dual aspect ratio image sensor, which is provided with a 12-phase vertical transport clock structure in the image section.
By selecting the appropriate phase type of the vertical image clock pulses it is possible to put the image sensor in the required aspect ratio mode. In the 4:3 aspect ratio mode a virtual 4­phase mode is applied and in the 16:9 mode a virtual 3-phase mode is applied.
Offering the advantage of optimizing the performance of a switchable camera in both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio modes, the frame transfer technology supports the same number of active lines and active pixels in both modes. The image diagonals of these formats are within the tolerances of the required optical devices, making it is possible to use the same camera lenses for both aspect ratio modes. Now the camera manufacturer can construct a switchable camera in which the selected aspect ratio mode is purely determined by the electronic circuitry's.
NTSC/EIA-compliant image sensor (FT17N)
PAL-compliant image sensor (FT17P)
Effective number of elements: 1000 horizontal x 594 vertical for both aspect ratios
Dark reference:
Per field: 4 lines for black clamping
Per line: 22 pixels at the leftside and rightside of each line
Handles 10,000 times overexposure without blooming
No reflective bonding wires in the vicinity of the image section
High sensitivity, high dynamic range, low noise
Free from lag, burn-in, geometrical distortion and microphonics
Regular or reversal horizontal scan output function (Mirror vision)
Common optical center when switched from 4:3 to 16:9
Simple and low-cost dual aspect ratio mode applications
Surveillance and observation cameras. The switchable aspect ratio can be advantageous
for different viewing fields
Upgrade for 2/3 inch camera tubes
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