Philips Econova 42PFL6805H, Econova 42PFL6805H/12 User Manual

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To begin 5
TV tour 5 Setting up 11 Power switch 17 Register your TV 18 Help and support 19
Use your TV 20
Remote control 20 Menus 23 Watch TV 27 Watch a connected device 31
More on ... 32
Text 32 Interactive TV 34 Multimedia 35 Locks and timers 36 Subtitles and languages 37 Universal access 38
Setup 39
Picture and Sound 39 Channels 41 Devices 43 Software 45
Connections 46
First connections 46 About cables 47 Connect devices 49 Connect more devices 57 Common Interface CAM 61
Troubleshooting 62
Contact information 62 TV and remote control 63 TV channels 64 Picture and sound 65 Devices 66 Multimedia 67
Specifications 68
Software 68 Environmental 69 Power and reception 70 Display and sound 71 Display resolutions 72 Multimedia 73 Connectivity 74 Dimensions and weights 75
Index 76
Contents 4
To begin
TV tour
With this Econova TV, you can enjoy best-in-class technology and minimise your environmental impact. This is a TV with the lowest energy consumption without compromising on picture and sound quality. Packed with environmental innovations for a better future.
Most important innovations are . . .
• a thin housing that uses less material
• housing in recycled aluminum
• a solar powered remote control
• a LED backlit display that uses up to 40% less energy than LCD displays
• a zero power switch
• fully recycable packaging
The remote control
To adjust the volume.
To switch TV channels.
To open or close the Home menu h.
In the Home menu, you can start or stop a TV activity. Like watching TV or watching a movie from a connected DVD player.
To begin / TV tour 5
To open or close the Browse menu e.
In the Browse menu, you can open Text, the Channel list or the TV programme guide.
To open or close the Options menu o.
In the Options menu, you can select settings related to what is shown on screen.
While you watch a channel, mark it as a favourite or stop the slideshow of your photos shown on screen.
To open or close the Adjust menu s.
In the Adjust menu, you can quickly adjust some picture and sound settings.
Back b.
With Back you go back to the previous TV channel or go one step back in a menu.
6 To begin / TV tour
With the red key, you select the red option or open digital
Interactive TV services or some TV demonstration clips.
With the green key, you select the green option or the Eco settings.
With the yellow key, you select the yellow option or the Help menu.
With the blue key, you select the blue option.
Read more about the remote control in Help > Use your TV > Remote control > Overview.
Or go to the ¬ Search page to look for any topic.
Press u to select the next TV tour.
The TV menus
To begin / TV tour 7
You can operate the TV with the 4 menus. Discover and learn their specific uses.
• the Home menu
• the Browse menu
• the Options menu
• the Adjust menu
To open or close the Home menu h.
Open the Home menu as a starting point to operate the TV.
In the Home menu, you can start or stop a TV activity. Like watching TV - Watch TV - or watching a movie from a connected DVD player.
To open or close the Browse menu e.
With an activity started in the Home menu, open the Browse menu to find the activity content.
While watching TV, you can find a channel in the Channel list or open Text.
To open or close the Options menu o
Open the Options menu to select a setting related to what is shown on screen.
While you watch a channel, mark it as a favourite but also open the DVD disc menu while watching a DVD movie.
8 To begin / TV tour
To open or close the Adjust menu s
Open the Adjust menu to quickly adjust the picture and sound settings.
You can set the Smart picture setting to Game, which is ideal for gaming, or change the Surround setting of the TV speakers.
Go to the ¬ Search page to look for any topic in Help.
Connecting devices
To connect a DVD, Blu-ray Disc player or game console, use the HDMI connection.
The HDMI connection offers the best picture and sound quality and, if your device has EasyLink (HDMI-CEC), the TV can add the device in the Home menu automatically.
When a device is added in the Home menu, you can select it to watch its programme. If the device has no EasyLink or you do not use the HDMI connection, you must add the connected device in the Home menu using Add your devices.
Read more about Add your devices in Help > Use your TV > Menus > Home menu.
Read more about EasyLink in Help > Setup > EasyLink HDMI-CEC.
In the chapter Help > Connections, drawings like these help you to connect most common devices.
To begin / TV tour 9
High Definition TV
This TV can display High Definition programmes, but to enjoy HD TV you need to get programmes in HD first. If you are not watching HD programmes, the picture quality will be that of a normal TV.
Watch HD TV programmes from . . .
• a Blu-ray Disc player
• a Digital HD receiver connected with HDMI and with a subscription to HD programmes
• Over-the-air HD broadcasts (DVB-T MPEG4)
• channels offering HD on a DVB-C network
• an HD game console connected with HDMI and playing an HD game
HD video clip
To experience the stunning sharpness and picture quality of HD TV, you can start the High Definition video clip from the Home menu. Press Home > Setup > Watch demos (on the second page of the Setup menu).
Contact your dealer for more information. Go to to find FAQs featuring the list of HD channels or providers in your country.
10 To begin / TV tour
1.2 Setting up
Wall or stand mounting
The 2-in-1 stand that comes with the TV, can be used as a table-top stand or as a wall mount bracket. Instructions to mount the 2- in-1 stand are also included in the printed Start guide.
Read the instructions on the following pages.
Wall mounting the TV requires special skills and should only be performed by qualified personnel. The TV wall mounting should meet safety standards according to the TV's weight. Read also the safety precautions before positioning the TV.
Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. bears no responsibility for improper mounting or any mounting that results in accident or injury.
Unmount the TV from the stand if necessary.
To wall mount the TV, you need the 2 screws used to fix the TV onto the TV stand and the 2 mounting discs as shown.
To begin / Setting up 11
Position the stand bracket on the back of the TV as shown.
Fix the bracket with the 2 screws using the supplied hex key.
Position the bottom plate on the bracket as shown.
12 To begin / Setting up
Fix the bottom plate with one screw using the hex key.
The TV is mounted at the correct height if your eyes are level with the centre of the screen when you sit down.
Distance between the 2 fixing points is 260mm (42PFL6805).
Fix the 2 mounting discs. Use screws with a diameter of max 6mm.
To begin / Setting up 13
Slide the bottom plate of the stand onto the mounting discs.
To level the TV, pull the bottom of the TV towards you slightly and let it slide on the discs.
Position the stand bracket opposite to the wall mount position.
14 To begin / Setting up
VESA info
Your TV is prepared for a VESA- compliant wall mount bracket (not included).
VESA codes to purchase the bracket: VESA MIS-F 200,200,M6 (for 42PFL6805)
Use a screw length as shown in the drawing.
Positioning the TV
Carefully read the safety precautions before positioning the TV.
• Position the TV where light does not shine directly on the screen.
To begin / Setting up 15
Position the TV at the ideal viewing distance. Get more from HD TV picture or any picture without straining your eyes. Find the 'sweet spot', right in front of the TV, for the best possible TV experience and relaxed viewing.
The ideal distance to watch TV from is three times its diagonal screen size. When seated, your eyes should be level with the centre of the screen.
Safety and care
Make sure you have read and understood all instructions before using your TV. The warranty becomes invalid if any damage is caused by failure to follow instructions.
Risk of electric shock or fire!
• Never expose the TV or remote control to rain, water or excessive heat.
• Never place liquid containers, such as vases, near the TV. If liquids are spilt on or into the TV, disconnect the TV from the power outlet immediately. Contact Philips Consumer Care to have the TV checked before use.
• Never place the TV, remote control or batteries near naked flames or other heat sources, including direct sunlight.
• Keep candles and other naked flames away from this product at all times.
• Never insert objects into the ventilation slots or other openings on the TV.
• Ensure power plugs do not come under heavy force. Loose power plugs can cause arcing and are a fire hazard.
• Never place the TV or any objects on the power cord.
• When disconnecting the power cord, always pull the plug, never the cord.
Risk of injury or damage to the TV!
• Two people are required to lift and carry a TV that weighs more than 25 kg.
• If you mount the TV on a stand, only use the supplied stand. Secure the stand to the TV tightly. Place the TV on a flat, level surface that can support the weight of the TV.
• When mounting the TV on a wall, ensure that the wall mount can safely bear the weight of the TV set. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. bears no responsibility for improper wall mounting that results in accident, injury or damage.
Risk of injury to children!
Follow these precautions to prevent the TV from toppling over and causing injury to children:
• Never place the TV on a surface covered by a cloth or other material that can be pulled away.
• Ensure that no part of the TV hangs over the edge of the mounting surface.
• Never place the TV on tall furniture, such as a bookcase, without anchoring both the furniture and TV to the wall or a suitable support.
• Educate children about the dangers of climbing on furniture to reach the TV.
Risk of overheating!
Always leave a space of at least 10 cm around the TV for ventilation. Ensure curtains or other objects never cover the ventilation slots on the TV.
Lightning storms
Disconnect the TV from the power outlet and antenna before lightning storms. During lightning storms, never touch any part of the TV, power cord or antenna cable.
Risk of hearing damage!
Avoid using earphones or headphones at high volumes or for prolonged periods of time.
Low temperatures
If the TV is transported in temperatures below 5°C, unpack the TV and wait until the TV temperature reaches room temperature before connecting the TV to the mains.
• Risk of damage to the TV screen! Never touch, push, rub or strike the screen with any object.
• Unplug the TV before cleaning.
• Clean the TV and frame with a soft damp cloth. Never use substances such as alcohol, chemicals or household cleaners on the TV.
• To avoid deformations and colour fading, wipe off water drops as soon as possible.
• Avoid stationary images as much as possible. Stationary images are images that remain onscreen for extended periods of time. Stationary images include onscreen menus, black bars, time displays, etc. If you must use stationary images, reduce screen contrast and brightness to avoid screen damage.
16 To begin / Setting up
1.3 Power switch
Switch the TV on or off with the power switch at the bottom of the TV. When switched off, the TV does not consume any energy. (Zero power.)
To begin / Power switch 17
1.4 Register your TV
Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips.
Register your TV and enjoy a range of benefits including full support (including downloads), privileged access to information about new products, exclusive offers and discounts, the chance to win prizes and even participate in special surveys about new releases.
Go to
18 To begin / Register your TV
1.5 Help and support
Using Help and Search
You can open Help from the Home menu. In most cases, you can also press the Yellow key on your remote control to open or close Help directly. For some activities, like Text, the colour keys have specific functions and cannot open Help.
Before you follow the Help instructions, close Help. Press the Yellow key or press h to close Help. When you press the Yellow key again, Help will open on the page where you closed it.
¬ Search
In Help, use ¬ Search to find a topic you need. Select a topic from the list with the navigation keys and press OK. The topic you are looking for might not be present on the first page but a few pages further on. Press x to go to the next page.
Online support
To solve any Philips TV related problem, you can consult our online support. You can select your language and enter your product model number.
Go to
On the support site you can find your country's telephone number to contact us as well as answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). You can download new TV software or the manual to read on your PC. You can email a specific question or, in some countries, chat online with one of our collaborators.
Contact Philips
For support, you can call the Philips Consumer Care hotline in your country. Find the telephone number on the printed documentation that came with the TV. Or consult our website
TV model number and serial number
You might be asked to provide the TV product model number and serial number. Find these numbers on the packaging label or on the type label on the back or bottom of the TV.
To begin / Help and support 19
Use your TV
Remote control
1 Standby O
To switch the TV on or back to standby.
2 Home h
To open or close the Home menu.
3 Navigation key
To navigate up, down, left or right.
4 OK key
To activate a selection.
5 Browse e
To open or close the Browse menu.
6 Next W
To switch to the next channel, page or chapter.
7 Previous X
To switch to the previous channel, page or chapter.
8 Options o
To open or close the Options menu.
9 Back b
To go back to the previous channel. To exit a menu without changing a setting. To go back to the previous Text or Net TV page.
10 Adjust s
To open or close the most used settings like picture or sound.
11 Volume V
To adjust the volume level.
12 Mute m
To mute the sound or to restore it.
20 Use your TV / Remote control
13 Red colour key
To open interactive TV or to select a Text page.
14 Green colour key
To open the Eco settings or to select a Text page.
15 Yellow colour key
To open and close Help or to select a Text page.
16 Blue colour key
To select a Text page.
17 Number keys and text keypad
To select a TV channel directly or to enter text.
18 Subtitle
To switch Subtitles on or off.
19 Teletext
To open text.
To learn how to use the remote control, read Help > To begin >
TV tour > Remote control.
EasyLink Remote Control
The remote control of the TV can also operate a connected device. The device must have EasyLink (HDMI-CEC) and have it switched on. The device must also be connected with an HDMI cable.
Operate an EasyLink device
To operate such a device with the TV remote control, select the device -or its activity- in the h Home menu and press OK. The commands of all keys, except the h key, is forwarded to the device.
If the key you need is not on the TV remote control, you can show extra keys on screen with Show remote control.
Show remote control keys
To show the device keys on screen, press o (Options) and select Show remote control. Select the key you need and press OK.
To hide the remote control keys of the device, press b (Back).
In general, these keys open the following device menus:
1 Home menu 2 Setup menu 3 Disc menu (disc content) 4 Pop-up menu 5 Options menu 6 Programme guide 7 Media selection
Read more about EasyLink in Help > Setup > Devices > EasyLink HDMI-CEC.
IR sensor
Always make sure you point the remote control at the remote control infrared sensor on the front of the TV.
Solar charger
The battery of the remote control is rechargeable. You can charge the battery with the solar cells located on the back of the remote control housing.
Use your TV / Remote control 21
Charge the remote control battery
To charge the battery, lay the remote control on a table with the solar cells facing up. Put away the remote control on a location with a reasonable amount of daylight. If you do this every day, the battery will hardly need additional charging.
Direct sunlight
You can leave the remote control in direct sunlight to charge the battery but avoid extreme temperatures. As long as you can hold the remote control in your bare hands, charging is safe.
Charger cable
If solar charging is unsufficient, the TV warns you when the remote control is running low on power. Charge the battery with the charger cable and connect it to a USB connection on a device - a PC - that is switched on. The green light next to the connection on the remote control indicates that the battery is fully charged.
Your remote control is treated with a scratch-resistant coating.
To clean the remote control, use a soft damp cloth. Never use substances such as alcohol, chemicals or household cleaners on the TV or remote control.
22 Use your TV / Remote control
2.2 Menus
h Home
With the Home menu, you can start watching TV or a movie disc or start any other activity. You can add an activity when you connect a device to the TV.
Press h to open the Home menu. To start an activity, select it with the navigation keys and press OK. To close the Home menu, press h again.
Operate a selected device
The TV remote control can operate a device if the device is connected with HDMI and has EasyLink (HDMI-CEC).
Read more about EasyLink Remote control in Help > Use your TV > Remote control > EasyLink Remote control.
Add a device
Devices connected with EasyLink (HDMI-CEC) automatically show their activity in the Home menu. A single device can add several activities. The device must be connected with an HDMI cable. If your connected device does not show itself in the Home menu, EasyLink on the device may be switched off.
If your connected device does not have EasyLink (HDMI-CEC) or is not connected with an HDMI cable, you need to manually add your device with Add your devices in the Home menu.
Add your devices
In the Home menu, select Add your devices and press OK. Follow the instructions on screen. The TV asks you to select the device and the connection to which the device is connected. The device or its activities are now added to the Home menu.
Rename a device
To rename an added device or activity, press o (Options) and select Rename. Use the keypad on the remote control as you do for SMS/text messaging to enter the new name.
Delete a device
To delete a device or activity from the Home menu, select the item and press o (Options) and then select Remove this device. If a device or activity keeps appearing in the Home menu after you deleted it, switch off the EasyLink setting on the device to prevent this automatic pop-up appearing again.
Read more about EasyLink in Help > Setup > EasyLink HDMI-CEC.
Options for a device
To view the available options for a device or activity in the Home menu, select it and press o (Options). You can Rename or Remove devices and activities, Reorder the sequence of them or Restore activities if you deleted one of several activities of a device.
To reorder a device or an activity in the Home menu, select it and press o (Options).
1 Select Reorder. 2 With the navigation keys, reposition the device or activity where
you want it. You can only reorder the sequence of the added devices and activities.
3 Press OK to confirm the position. All devices and activities shift to the right. You can highlight another device or activity and reposition it.
To stop Reorder, press o (Options) and select Exit reorder.
Restore activities
To recall a deleted activity from a device with several activities, select the device or one of its activities and press o (Options). Select Restore activities and press OK. All deleted activities of this device appear again.
e Browse
With the Browse menu, you find the channel you want to watch from the Channel list, a future programme from the onscreen Programme guide or a Text page.
Press e to open the Browse menu. Select your choice with the navigation keys and press OK. To close the Browse menu, press e again.
Use your TV / Menus 23
Find your content
While watching TV, open the Browse menu to open the Channel list, the Programme guide or Text. When other activities are selected in the Home menu, like Browse PC or Browse USB, use the Browse menu to find a picture, music or video stored on your computer or USB.
Channel list
The Channel list shows the TV channels and radio stations installed on your TV.
While watching TV, press e to open the Browse menu and select Channel list. Navigate to a channel or station and press OK to watch or listen to the selected channel or station. Press b (Back) to leave the channel list without changing the channel.
Channel list options
With the Channel list on screen, you can press o (Options) to select the following options :
• Select list
• Mark as favourite
• Reorder
• Rename
• Hide channel
• Show hidden channels
Select list
Use this option to select which channels are shown in the Channel list. The list you select here determines which channels you look through with W and X while watching TV.
Mark as favourite
When a channel is highlighted in the Channel list, you can set it as a favourite channel. Read Use your TV > Watch TV > Favourite channels.
You can reposition channels within the list. 1 Press o (Options) and select Reorder to start reordering channels.
2 Highlight a channel and press OK. 3 Reposition the channel where you want it with the navigation keys.
Alternatively, enter the new position directly with the number keys.
4 Press OK to confirm the position. You can insert the channel or swap it. You can highlight another channel and do the same.
To stop Reorder, press o (Options) and select Exit reorder.
You can rename a channel in the Channel list.
1 In the channel list, highlight the channel you want to rename. 2 Press o (Options) and select Rename to start renaming. You can
enter text directly with the remote control keypad or open a full keyboard on top of the text entry menu.
24 Use your TV / Menus
+ 54 hidden pages