Philips AZ6808-17 User Manual [en, es, fr, it]


i I
@ CD-player
d5 Lecteur de CD
<D> CD-Spieíer 20'
<D Lector de CD 3©
® Lettore CD 44
<X> CD-spelare
<|f) CD-soitin
® CD-speler 28!
52‘ 60


Typeskiltet findes pà undersiden af apparaten
Dette produkt overholder kravene
til radio-interferens af Europasisk
Advarsel: Usynlig laserudstràling
ved àbning nar sikkerhets­afbrydere er ude af funktion.
Undgà udsaettelse for stràling.
Garanti og service
sider 68-74


Typeskilt finnes pa apparatens
Garanti og service..........sider 68-74

(@ México HOM

Es necesario que lea cuidadosa
mente su instructivo de manejo.
(0) English page 4
Guarantee and service pages 68-74
CE> Français page 12 ^
Garantie et service pages 68-74
(d) Deutsch Seite 20
Garantie und Service Seiten 68-74
(D IMederlands pagina 28
Garantie en service pagina's 68-74
CD Español página 36 ^
Garantía y servicio páginas 68-74
CD Italiano pagina 44
Garanzia e servizio pagine 68-74
CD Svenska
Garantí och service sidoma 68-74
(|f) Suomi
Takuu ja huolto
sida 52
sivu 60
sivut 68-74

CONTROLS - fig. 1

to open the CD compartment
socket for the supplied remote control unit SBC 6203
in position the CD-buttons are inoperative (except for
the remote control buttons)
volume buttons - / +
DBB to boost the bass response
press again to cancel
AMBIENCE to obtain a surround sound effect
press again to cancel
MUTE to suppress the volume temporarily
press again to cancel tone buttons press either JAZZ or POP or CLASSIC
TRACK the total number of tracks
and during PLAY the number of the track being played
TIME the total playing time of the CD
and during PLAY the elapsed time of that track
MATRIX shows all tracks present on the CD
in the event of more than 20 tracks, + will appear during PLAY the actual track number will flash after being played, the track number disappears I
JAZZ Of POP or CLASSIC activated
DBB activated AMBIENCE activated
SCAN activated
PAUSE activated SHUFFLE activated
REPEAT 1 activated (repeat 1 title)
REPEAT ALL activated (repeat the CD)
MEMORY the programmed selection (memory) is played
ВАТТ the battery becomes exhausted: connect the mams
HOLD activated, the CD player buttons are inoperative (ex
cept for the remote control buttons
play only the beginning of each track

CONTROLS - fig. 1

C> PLAY/iD PAUSE play and pause button
PHONES i) socket for stereo headphones or mini loudspeakers
press repeatedly until the required function appears in the dis play REPEAT 1 continuously repeat 1 title (the displayed track) REPEAT ALL (MEMORY) continuously repeat the CD (or the stored selection - MEMORY) SHUFFLE play all tracks in a random order SHUFFLE REPEAT continuously repeat the CD in the SHUF FLE mode NORMAL (no display indication) to cancel the SHUFFLE and REPEAT modes
press to enter the MEMORY mode press again to store the displayed track number press for longer than 1 second to display all stored track num bers
socket for the supplied mains adapter
socket for CD-reproduction throOgh your stereo system
during PLAY:
keep pressed to play fast km backward or wt forward
• press briefly to play a km PREVIOUS or NEXT »t track
during programming in STOP-mode:
• press briefly to display a PREVIOUS Ma or NEXT k>i track
stop button in STOP mode, press STOP □ again to clear the memory
This product complies with the radio interference requirements of the European
The type plate is located on the base of the set.


The CD player is delivered with a mains adapter and a rechargeable battery. Whenever convenient, use the supplied mains adapter if you want to conserve battery life.
Mains adapter, type SBC 6608 or SBC 6619
Use only the enclosed mains adapter that supplies 6 V DC with the plus pole <$> to the centre pin €>-G- <$>. Serious damage may occur if another adapter is used.
• First check that the mains voltage of the mains adapter corresponds to your lo cal mains supply. If not, consult your dealer or service organisation. If the adapter IS equipped with a voltage selector, set this selector to the local mains voltage.
At home: connect the mains adapter to the 6 V DC socket. The battery supply is
then switched off. After use, always disconnect the adapter from the wall socket
In your car, you can use the voltage converter from the optional car accessory kit SBC 3557 for power supply from the cigar lighter socket on your dashboard.
Rechargeable batteiy, type SBC 6408
Charge the battery prior to use for the first time and also if the battery has not been used for a long time.
• Insert the battery in the CD player (fig. 2).
• Connect the mains adapter to the 6 V DC socket.
• After approx. 4 hours, the battery is fully charged. Charging for a longer time (with a maximum of 1 week) will not damage the battery.
• During charging, the CD player may be operated normally.
- If ВАТТ appears in the display, the battery is exhausted and must be re charged.
- Prevent the battery from being discharged completely; this would affect its charging capacity and lifetime.
- If the CD player will not be used for a long time, store the battery fully charged outside the CD player. Each battery, even when not in use, discharges slowly, so recharge the battery every 6 months to prevent it from being dis charged completely.
- If the fully charged battery becomes exhausted relatively quickly, it may be worn out and be due for replacement. A new or additional battery is available from your dealer under type number SBC 6408. Do not throw batteries in the bin.
ACCESSORIES available from your dealer SBC 3557 car accessory kit contains:
SBC 6209 infrared remote control set
SBC 1085 signal lead with 3.5 mm stereo plugs at both ends
1. Supply cable for power supply from the cigarette lighter socket on
your dashboard, with voltage converter from 12 V to 6 V
2. CD cassette adapter for CD reproduction through your car radio cas sette player, with lead and 3.5 mm stereo plug


CONNECTIONS Headphone socket PHONES 0
• For stereo headphones (or mini loudspeakers) with 3.5 mm plug.
CD OUT socket
• For CD reproduction;
- at home: through your stereo system (amplifier, receiver, recorder, etc.). Con
nect the supplied signal.lead SBC 1059 to the socket CD OUT and the input sockets LINE IN, AUX or CD IN of the other unit.
- in your car: through your car radio;
- a car radio with LINE IN socket; use the signal lead SBC 1085, available from your dealer.
- a car radio/cassette player without LINE IN socket; use the cassette adapter from the car accessory kit SBC 3557.
• Adjust the sound with the controls of the stereo system or the car radio.
REMOTE socket
• For the supplied remote control SBC 6203 with the functions VOLUME, PLAYt>, STOP □ and KM PREVIOUS/NEXT pm, or for the infrared remote control set SBC 6209, available from your dealer.
- Do not expose the set, batteries or CD's to rain or moisture, or. for any great
length of time, to excessive heat from heating equipment or direct sunshine, e.g. in cars parked in the sun.
- Keep the set and the CD's away from sand.
- The mechanism of the CD player is fitted with self-lubricating bearings and
therefore must not be oiled or greased.
- Fingerprints, dust and dirt on the apparatus can be removed using a soft, clean and slightly damp leather cloth. Do not use any cleaning agents which contain abrasives or solvents such as benzine thinner, alcohol, refined petrol or ammonia, since they may affect and damage the cabinet.
CD player AND DISC MAINTENANCE_______________________________________
- The lens ® (fig. 4) should never be cleaned.
- The lens may steam up when the set is taken from a cold into a warm environ ment. Playing a CD is not possible then. Do not clean the lens, but let the set ac climatize for a while.
- Always pick up the CD by the edge and put it back in its box immediately after
- To remove dirt from a CD, first breathe on the CD and wipe it off in a straight line from centre to edge (fig. 5) using a soft, lint-free cloth. The use of cleaning agents may damage the CD.
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