Es necesario que lea cuidadosamente su instructivo de
Descripción:Radiograbadora AM/FM con
reproductor de CD (MP3)
y video CD
Modelo :AZ5130/01
Alimentación:110–127 / 220–240V; ~50–60 Hz
Consumo:15 W
Importador:Philips Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.
Domicilio:Av. La Palma No.6
Col. San Fernando La Herradura
Localidad y Tel: Edo. de México C.P. 52784
Tel.52 69 90 00
Exportador:Philips Electronics HK, Ltd.
País de Origen: China
Nº de Serie:______________________________
No abrir, riesgo de choque eléctrico
Verifique que el voltaje de alimentación
sea el requerido para su aparato
Para evitar el riesgo de choque eléctrico, no quite la tapa.
En caso de requerir servicio, dirijase al personal calificado.
Philips Mexicana, S.A. de C.V. no se hace
responsable por daños o desperfectos causados por:
– Maltrato, descuido o mal uso, presencia de
insectos o roedores (cucarachas, ratones etc.).
– Cuando el aparato no haya sido operarado
– Por fenómenos naturales tales como:
de acuerdo con el instructivo del uso, fuera
de los valores nominales y tolerancias de las
tensiones (voltaje), frecuencia (ciclaje) de
alimentación eléctrica y las características
que deben reunir las instalaciones auxiliares.
temblores, in
eléctricas, rayos etc. o delitos causados por
terceros (choques asaltos, riñas
Philips components and modules for the
various CD applications have always enjoyed
an excellent reputation in the market place
for super disc playability - the ability to play
discs which may be scratched, soiled or not
fully according to the standard specification.
This position has been underlined by tests
showing the superior performance of the
various Philips players, as well as by the
positive experiences of millions of individual
consumers around the world.
Constantly improving performance
As the penetration of the CD system has
increased, and new applications like CDROM and Video CD have become
commonplace, Philips Components - as the
CD technology inventor and as one of the
major suppliers of CD player modules in the
industry - has constantly improved the
performance of its products.
One of the ways in which this benefits users
is by optimum disc playability.This is an
important parameter for CD players other
than CD Audio, and especially for the Video
CD applications, because any loss of data
from the disc will at best cause disturbances
in the reproduced picture, and at worst can
cause the player to lose track so that disc
playing fails.
Presenting Super Error Correction
To ensure consistently good results when
playing Video CD discs of all quality grades
and conditions, Philips has introduced fur ther
improvements in the system's playability.
These developments together are called
Super Error Correction, a proprietary Philips
technology optimizing the system's ability to
handle less than perfect discs with the
minimum disturbance to normal playing.
By effectively eliminating virtually all errors
arising under normal playing conditions,
Super Error Correction ensures that the
picture quality as seen by the user is
independent of disc play. The video encoding
and processing during mastering of the disc,
and the MPEG-1 decoding and video
encoding in the signal processing stages, are
now the only limiting factors for picture
MP3 General Information
Dear Customer,
Thank you for buying the Philips MP3-CD Soundmachine. Your great new acquisition will allow you to
listen to up to 10 hours of CD-like quality music, using the revolutionary new music compression
technology MP3.
MP3 technology
MP3 is short for MPEG1 Layer-3 encoding and decoding technology, a very powerful encoding
algorithm with which you can shrink down the orginal digital audio sound data with a factor of up to
10 without losing significant sound quality.
Recording and Playback
It is recommended to set your recording bit rate to 128kbps, sampling frequency at 44.1kHz
to achieve CD-like music playback quality.
Since downloading MP3 files from the Internet, ripping songs from your own legal CD’s and burning
MP3 songs onto a CD-R, are a delicate process, the quality of a MP3 song may vary by these process.
Subsequently, making a MP3-CD may not be entirely perfect.
As a result of the above imperfection, you may experience an occasional “skip” while
listening, or an occasional delay in accessing “previous/next” title to MP3-CD’s. This is
considered to be normal.
A comparison chart is enclosed as below:
Sound Bit RateApproximate Approximate totalComment
QualityReduction Ratio MP3-CD time