Philips 27PS60S321 User Manual

Philips Consumer Electronics
Technical Service Data
Service and Quality Service Publications Dept. One Philips Drive P.O. Box 14810 Knoxville, TN 37914
1. PCB Locations
2. Power Supply (Diagram A1)
3. Line Deflection (Diagram A2)
4. Frame Deflection (Diagram A3)
5. Tuner IF (Diagram A4)
6. Video IF And Sound IF (Diagram A5)
7. Synchronization (Diagram A6)
8. Control (Diagram A7)
9. Audio Amplifier (Diagram A8)
10. BTSC (Stereo/SAP) Decoder (Diagram A9)
11. Audio/Video Source Switching (Diagram A10)
12. BTSC - NDBX Stereo Decoder (Diagram A11)
13. Front I/O + Control, Headphone (Diagram A12)
14. Rear I/O Cinch (Diagram A13)
15. PIP Interface (Diagram A16)
16. CRT Panel (Diagram B1)
Manual 7629
Model no.: 27PS60S321 First Publish: 12740 T8 Rev. Date: 2002-06-06 Print Date: 7/8/2004
17. Side AV and Headphone Panel (Diagram C)
18. PIP Panel (Diagram P)
19. Main Panel (component side)
20. Main Panel (copper side)
21. CRT Panel (component side)
22. CRT Panel (copper side)
23. Headphone Panel (component side)
24. Side AV Panel (component side)
25. PIP panel (component side)
26. PIP panel (copper side)
27. Top Control Panel (component side)
28. EPS Panel PCB (Top View only)
29. Card Interface Panel PCB (Top View)
30. Card Interface Panel PCB (Bottom View)
© Philips Electronics North America Corporation Visit our World Wide Web Site at
Philips Consumer Electronics
Technical Service Data
Service and Quality Service Publications Dept. One Philips Drive P.O. Box 14810 Knoxville, TN 37914
Manual 7629
Model no.: 27PS60S321 First Publish: 12740 T8 Rev. Date: 2002-06-06 Print Date: 7/8/2004
Mechanical Diagrams
© Philips Electronics North America Corporation Visit our World Wide Web Site at
Philips Consumer Electronics
Technical Service Data
Service and Quality Service Publications Dept. One Philips Drive P.O. Box 14810 Knoxville, TN 37914
Manual 7629
Model no.: 27PS60S321 First Publish: 12740 T8 Rev. Date: 2002-06-06 Print Date: 7/8/2004
Electrical Adjustments
© Philips Electronics North America Corporation Visit our World Wide Web Site at
Index of this chapter:
1. General Alignment Conditions
2. Commercial Mode ls SDAM Entry
3. Hardware Alignments
4. Software Alignments and Settings
Note: The Service Default Alignment Mode (SDAM) is described in the "Service Modes, Error Codes and Fault Finding" section. SDAM menu navigation is performed by using the MENU UP, MENU DOWN, MENU LEFT, and MENU RIGHT keys of the remote control transmitter.
General Alignment Conditions
Perform all electrical adjustments under the following conditions:
AC voltage and frequency: 110 V (± 10 %), 60 Hz (± 5 %). Connect the television set to the AC power via an isolation transformer. Allow the televisi on set to warm up for approximately20 minutes. Measure the voltages and waveforms in relation to chassi s ground (with the
exception of the voltages on the primary side of the power supply). Never use
heatsinks as ground. Test probe: Ri > 10 MO; Ci < 2.5pF. Use an isolated trimmer/screwdriver to perform the alignments.
Service Default Alignment Mode (SDAM) Entry for Commercial Models
Note: For comm erci al models, a master setup remote control is required in order to access the Service
Default Alignment Mode (S DAM ) .
1. Use the master setup remote control to identify the television’s operational mode (either “consumer” or “commercial”). Place the master setup r emote control in setup mode by pressing the TV SETUP key.
2. Pr ess the RECALL key. Information similar to t he following will be displayed.
Status Item Status Data Meaning
SYSTEM STAT US (L011TV-US4PV) Information title MODE COMMERCIAL/CONSUMER Operational mode CHANNEL CHANNEL, INPUT Currently tuned channel /i nput DCM OFF/ON Data Comm. Module online/offli ne CODES 209 222 1 33 Internal data for factory/service use SIGNAL TUNED/NOT TUNED Valid signal present/absent OP HRS 0031h Number of hours set has operated (hex) ERRORS 0 0 0 0 0 Internal data for factory/service use
VERSION 3.3 Microproce sso r sof t ware ve rsi o n
3. To change the television’s mode, ensure the master setup remote contr ol is in setup mode, then press the 0-2-4-9-9-5-MENU keys in order, without permitting the display to time out while entering the key sequence.
ote: If the operational mode is changed, the television must be turned off and then back on to
complete the mode change. When the television is in consumer mode, do not use the master setup remote control to activate commercial mode features.
4. W hen the t el evision is in commercial mode, the Instit ut ional Television Menu may be accessed by pressing the MENU button. Though the specific items in the menu will vary, information similar to the following will be displayed.
Menu Item Settings / Options
SAVE V-CHIP ON / OFF V-CHIP SETUP > SLEEPTIMER OFF / 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 180 / 240 EXIT >
5. Aft er making changes to the setti ngs, t he EXI T option may be used to l eave the Instit utional Television Menu.
Hardware Alignments
Figure: Mono Carrier (Top View) LS
Vg2 Adjustment
1. Enter SDAM:
2. Press the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter: 0-6-2-5-9-6-MENU Do not allow the display to time out between entries while keying the sequence.
3. Use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to highlight the WHITE TONE sub menu.
4. Press the MENU LEFT or MENU RIGHT key to enter the WHITE TONE sub menu.
5. In the WHITE TONE sub menu, press the MENU UP/DOW N keys to select NORMAL RED, NORMAL GREEN, or NORMAL BLUE.
6. Use the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to set the values of NORMAL RED, NORMAL GREEN and NORMAL BLUE to 40.
7. Press the MENU button twice to enter the normal user menu.
8. In the normal user menu, use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to highlight the PICTURE sub menu (if necessary).
9. Press the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to enter the PICTURE sub menu.
10.Use the MENU UP/DOW N keys to select PICTURE. Be sure to record the current value of PICTURE.
11.Use the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to set the value of PICTURE to zero.
12.Use the MENU UP/DOW N keys to select BRIGHTNESS. Be sure to record the current value of BRIGHTNESS.
13.Use the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to set the value of BRIGHTNESS to minimum (OSD just visible in a dark room).
14.Press the MENU button twice to return to the top level SDAM menu.
15.Press the STATUS/EXIT button to hide the SDAM onscreen display.
16.Connect the RF output of a video pattern generator to the antenna input.
17.Input a "black picture" test pattern to the television set.
18.Set the oscilloscope to 50 V/div and the time base to 0.2 milliseconds (external triggering on the vertical pulse).
19.Ground the scope at the CRT panel and connect a 10:1 probe to one of the cathodes of the picture tube socket (see schematic diagram B).
20.Measure the cut off pulse during first full l ine after the frame blanking (see Fig. 8-2). You will see two pulses, one being the cut off pulse and the other being the white drive pulse. Choose the one with the lowest value; this is the cut off pulse.
21.Select the cathode with the highest VDC value for the alignment. Adjust the V Cut-Off of this gun with the SCREEN potentiometer (see Fig. 8-1) on the LOT to the correct value (see table below).
22.Press the STATUS/EXIT button to display the SDAM onscreen display.
23.Press the MENU button to enter the normal user menu.
24.In the normal user menu, use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to highlight the PICTURE sub menu (if necessary).
25.Press the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to enter the PICTURE sub menu.
26.Use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to select PICTURE.
27.Use the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to reset the value of PICTURE to the original value.
28.Use the MENU UP/DOW N keys to select BRIGHTNESS.
29.Use the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to reset the value of BRIGHTNESS to the original value.
30.Press the MENU button twice to return to the top level SDAM menu.
31.Use the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the POWER button on the television set to turn off the television set. This will save the changes
made in SDAM.
Figure: V Cut-Off
Table: Cut-off Voltage, Large Screen
Screen Size
25/28Tesla, 25/28BLD +140V +/- 4V
Cut-off Voltage
20RF/21RF/25RF /29RF , 21RF Pi n-F r ee, 25"HF LA , 25V/27V/32V/35V/ 25"/33"/28BLS, 29",29SF E U,
21RF AP/CH, 25" AP/ CH, 25RF/29RFAP/CH, 29SF AP + 155V +/ - 4V 21RF Ph, 24/28/32WS BLD,29RF ( Eu) , 28/32WSRF +160V +/- 4V
+145V +/- 4V
1. Connect the RF output of a video pattern generator to the antenna input.
2. Input a circle or crosshatch test pattern to the television set.
3. Press the AUTO PICTURE button on the remote control transmitter repeatedly to choose PERSONAL or MOVIES picture mode.
4. Adjust the FOCUS potentiometer (see Fig. 8-1)until the vertical lines near the left and right sides of the screen, and near the horizontal center of the screen, are at minimum width without visible haze.
Software Alignments and Settings
The following options are performed in the Service Default Alignment Mode (SDAM). SDAM is described in the "Service Modes, Error Codes and Fault Finding" section. The following alignments are explained:
Figure: Options Menu
Options are used to control the presence or absence of certain features and hardware.
How to change an Option Byte
An Option Byte represents a number of different options. Changing these bytes directly makes it possible to set all options very quickly. All options are controlled via seven option bytes.
To change Option Byte(s):
1. Enter SDAM: Press the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter: 0-6-2-5-9-6-MENU Do not allow the display to time out between entries while keying the sequence.
2. Use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to highlight the OPTIONS sub menu.
3. Press the MENU LEFT or MENU RIGHT key to enter the OPTIONS sub menu.
4. In the OPTIONS sub menu, press the MENU UP/DOWN keys to select OP 1 through OP 7.
5. Use the number keys on the remote control transmitter to enter a new value for the selected option byte. The value must be entered as a three-digit value (for example, "4" would be entered as "0-0-4").
6. The selected value must be between 0 and 255.
7. When all desired changes to the option bytes are made, press the MENU button to return to the top level SDAM menu. This will save changes to the option byte settings.
8. To ensure the option byte changes take effect: Turn the tele vision set OFF by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the local keyboard. Disconnect the television set from AC power for at least ten seconds. Reconnect the television set to AC power. Turn the television set ON by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the local keyboard.
T8 Option Byte Codes
20RF40 S321 * NOT AVAILABLE 20RF40 S325 * NOT AVAILABLE 20RF50 S321 0 23 129 162 252 152 0 20RF50 S325 0 23 129 162 252 152 0 21PT63 9A85 * NOT AVAI LABLE 21PT83 9B85 * NOT AVAI LABLE 25PS40 S321 0 23 1 1 144 153 0 25PS40 S325 0 23 1 1 144 153 0 25PS50 S321 0 23 1 162 252 152 0 26LL50 0131 16 23 1 1 144 153 0 26LW 50 2231 16 23 1 162 252 152 0 27PS50 B321 0 23 1 162 252 152 0 27PS55 S321 0 23 1 162 252 152 0 27PS60 S321 0 23 1 162 253 152 0 27RF50 S325 0 23 129 162 252 152 0 27RF72 S325 * NOT AVAILABLE 29LL60 0131 16 23 1 162 252 152 0 29LW 60 2231 16 23 1 162 252 152 0 29PV70 2235 16 23 129 162 252 152 0 32PS55 S321 0 23 129 162 252 152 0 32PS60 B321 0 23 129 162 253 152 0 32PS61 S321 0 23 129 162 253 152 0 33LL80 1131 0 23 129 162 253 152 0 CH0119 C322 133 16 2 132 0 - ­CH0127 C321 213 18 2 64 0 - ­MS2530 C321 0 5 0 10 192 9 0 HC0113 C321 1 16 148 148 0 - ­HC0119 C322 1 16 148 148 0 - ­MS2530 C325 0 5 0 10 192 9 0 MS2730 C321 0 5 0 1 192 9 0 MS3250 C321 0 215 129 162 164 88 0 MS3650 C329 0 215 129 162 164 88 0 PA0113 C321 221 218 35 36 128 - ­PA0132 C321 223 222 43 40 0 - ­PC0119 C322 133 16 2 132 0 - ­PC0125 C321 133 16 2 64 0 - ­PC0127 C321 213 18 2 64 0 - ­PCW 227 C321 213 222 3 33 0 - ­PCW 227 S321 213 222 3 33 0 - ­PL0119 C322 1 16 0 132 128 - ­PL0125 C321 1 16 0 128 128 - ­PL0127 C321 193 16 0 64 128 - ­PLW225 S321 213 254 3 35 128 - ­PPC132 C321 223 222 43 40 0 - ­PPC132 C331 223 222 43 40 0 - ­PPC136 C327 223 222 43 40 0 - ­PRF227 S325 215 254 3 35 128 - -
SC3127 N321 213 18 2 64 0 - ­SC3132 N321 223 222 43 40 0 - ­SC3132 N331 223 222 43 40 0 - -
* Option Byte Data for these m odels was not available at m anual release. Refer to f ut ur e updates to thi s m anual regardi ng t hese model s.
Note: Described alignments are only necessary when the NVM (part reference
number7602) is replaced.
Figure: Tuner Menu
This adjustment is auto-aligned. Therefore, no action is required.
AGC (AGC take over point)
1. Connect the RF output of a video pattern generator to the antenna input.
2. Input a color bar test pattern to the television set.
3. Set the amplitude of the video pattern generator to 10 mV and set the frequency to 61.25 MHz (channel 3).
4. Connect a DC multimeter to pin 1 of the tuner(item 1000 on the main chassis).
5. Enter SDAM: Press the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter: 0-6-2-5-9-6-MENU Do not allow the display to time out between entries while keying the sequence.
6. Use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to highlight the TUNER sub menu.
7. Press the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to enter the TUNER sub menu.
8. Use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to select AGC.
9. Use the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to adjust the AGC value (default value is 27) until the voltage at pin 1 of the tuner lies between 3.8V and 2.3V.
10.Press the MENU button to return to the top level SDAM menu.
11.To ensure the AGC change takes effect: Turn the television set OFF by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the local keyboard. Disconnect the television set from AC power for at least ten seconds. Reconnect the television set to AC power. Turn the television set ON by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the local keyboard.
SL (Slicing Level)
This adjustment sets the sync slicing level for non-standard signals. SL should be turned ON to help correct picture instability in premium decoded cable channels. OFF: slicing level dependent on noise detector ON: fixed slicing level of 70%
To adjust SL:
1. Enter SDAM: Press the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter: 0-6-2-5-9-6-MENU Do not allow the display to time out between entries while keying the sequence.
2. Use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to highlight the TUNER sub menu.
3. Press the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to enter the TUNER sub menu.
4. Use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to select SL.
5. Use the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to toggle SL "Off" and "On"
6. Press the MENU button to return to the top level SDAM menu.
7. To ensure the SL setting is saved: Turn the television set OFF by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the local keyboard. Disconnect the television set from AC power for at least ten seconds. Reconnect the television set to AC power. Turn the television set ON by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the local keyboard.
White Tone
Figure: White Tone Menu
The values of the black cut off le vel can be adjusted in the WHITE TONE sub menu. Normally, no alignment is needed for WHITETONE, and the given default values are used.
Default settings: NORMAL (color temperature = 9600 K):
1. Enter SDAM: Press the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter: 0-6-2-5-9-6-MENU Do not allow the display to time out between entries while keying the sequence.
2. Use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to highlight the WHITE TONE sub menu.
3. Press the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to enter the WHITE TONE sub menu.
5. Use the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to adjust the value of NORMAL RED, NORMAL GREEN, or NORMAL BLUE.
6. When all desired changes to the WHITE TONE submenu values are made, press the MENU button to return to the top level SDAM menu.
7. To ensure the WHITE TONE settings are saved: Turn the television set OFF by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the local keyboard. Disconnect the television set from AC power for at least ten seconds. Reconnect the television set to AC power. Turn the television set ON by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the local keyboard.
The geometry alignments menu contains several Items for correct picture geometry alignment.
1. Connect the RF output of a video pattern generator to the antenna input.
2. Input a crosshatch test pattern to the television set.
3. Set the amplitude of the video pattern generator to at least 1 mV and set the frequency to 61.25 MHz (channel 3).
4. Press the AUTO PICTURE button on the remote control transmitter repeatedly to choose PERSONAL or MOVIES picture mode.
5. Enter SDAM: Press the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter:
0-6-2-5-9-6-MENU Do not allow the display to time out between entries while keying the sequence.
6. Use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to highlight the GEOMETRY sub menu.
7. Press the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to enter the GEOMETRY sub menu.
8. Use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to highlight either the HORIZONTAL sub menu or the VERTICAL sub menu.
9. Press the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to enter either the HORIZONTAL sub menu or the VERTICAL sub menu.
10.Use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to select items in the HORIZONTAL sub menu or the VERTICAL sub menu.
11.Use the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to adjust the values of items in the HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL sub menus.
12.When all desi red changes to the HORIZ ONTAL and VERTICAL sub menu values are made, press the MENU button twice to return to the top level SDAM menu.
13.To ensure the GEOMETRY settings are saved: Turn the television set OFF by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the local keyboard. Disconnect the television set from AC power for at least ten seconds. Reconnect the television set to AC power. Turn the television set ON by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the local keyboard.
The following alignments can be performed in the GEOMETRY submenu:
Figure: Horizontal Menu
Horizontal Parallelogram (HP) Aligns straight vertical lines at the top and the
bottom of the screen; vertical rotation round the center.
Horizontal Bow(HB) Aligns straight horizontal lines at the top and the bottom of the
screen; horizontal rotati on around the center.
Horizontal Shift(HSH) Aligns the horizontal center of the picture to the horizontal
center of the CRT.
East West Width(EWW) Aligns the width of the picture. East Wes t Parabola(EWP) Aligns strai ght vertical lines at the sides of the screen. Uppe r Corner Parabola (UCP) Aligns straight vertical lines in the upper corners of
the screen.
Lower Corner Parabola (LCP) Aligns straight vertical lines in the lower corners of
the screen.
East West Trapezium(EWT) Align straight vertical lines at the middle of the screen.
Figure: Vertical Menu
Vertical slope (VSL) Aligns the picture so the proportions are the same at the top
and bottom of the screen. This alignment must be performed first, before all other vertical alignments. Turning SBL ON will assist in performing this alignment.
Vertical Am plitude(VAM) Aligns the height of the picture (other vertical alignments
are NOT compensated).
Vertical S-Correction (VSC) Aligns the vertical linearity, so that the vertical intervals
of the grid-patterns are the same over the entire height of the screen.
Vertical Shift(VSH) Aligns the vertical center of the picture to the vertical center of
the CRT. After performing this alignment, it may be necessary to perform the VAM alignment again.
Vertical Zoom(VX ) Adjusts picture height. Service blanking(SBL) Turns the blanking of the lower half of the screen ON or
OFF (to be used in combination with the vertical slope alignment).
The table below lists the default GEOMETRY values for the different television sets.
Table: Default Geometry Values
HP Hor. Paralle logram 31 33 33 31 33
HB Hor. Bow 30 30 30 30 30
HSH Hor. S hift 35 39 39 35 39
EWW Ea st West Widt h 34 35 35 34 35
EWP Ea st West Parabola 33 22 22 33 22
Description 20RFL260/37R
UCP Upper Corner
LCP Lower C orner
EWT East West
VSL Vert. Slope 33 31 31 33 31
VAM Vert. Amplitude 33 25 25 33 25
VSC Vert. S -correction 32 35 35 32 35
VSH Vert. S hift 35 21 21 35 21
VX Vert. Zoom 33 25 25 33 25
35 41 41 35 41
35 41 41 35 41
43 31 31 43 31
Figure: Audio Menu
No alignments are necessary for the AUDIO sub menu. Use the default values.
Default value is 300.
TV A2 Threshold Default value is 250.
To adjust AF-M:
1. Enter SDAM: Press the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter: 0-6-2-5-9-6-MENU Do not allow the display to time out between entries while keying the sequence.
2. Use the MENU UP/DOW N keys to highlight the AUDIO sub menu.
3. Press the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to enter the AUDIO sub menu.
4. Use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to select AF-M.
5. Use the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to adjust the value of AF-M to 300.
6. Press the MENU button to return to the top level SDAM menu.
7. To ensure the AF-M setting is saved: Turn the television set OFF by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the local keyboard. Disconnect the television set from AC power for at least ten seconds. Reconnect the television set to AC power. Turn the television set ON by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the local keyboard.
To adjust A2T:
1. Enter SDAM: Press the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter: 0-6-2-5-9-6-MENU Do not allow the display to time out between entries while keying the sequence.
2. Use the MENU UP/DOW N keys to highlight the AUDIO sub menu.
3. Press the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to enter the AUDIO sub menu.
4. Use the MENU UP/DOWN keys to select A2T.
5. Use the MENU LEFT/RIGHT keys to adjust the value of A2T to 250.
6. Press the MENU button to return to the top level SDAM menu.
7. To ensure the A2T setting is saved: Turn the television set OFF by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the local keyboard. Disconnect the television set from AC power for at least ten seconds. Reconnect the television set to AC power. Turn the television set ON by using the POWER button on the remote control transmitter or the local keyboard.
Philips Consumer Electronics
Technical Service Data
Service and Quality Service Publications Dept. One Philips Drive P.O. Box 14810 Knoxville, TN 37914
Manual 7629
Model no.: 27PS60S321 First Publish: 12740 T8 Rev. Date: 2002-06-06 Print Date: 7/8/2004
Parts List
© Philips Electronics North America Corporation Visit our World Wide Web Site at
27PS60S321 - Manual no. 7629 Page: 1
Cabinet & Accessory Parts
Cabinet & Accessory Parts
S AC01 AC Cord. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3135 010 03831
AC03 Battery, 1.5V, 2-PACK. . . . . . . . 9299 000 65263
AC04 Cabinet Back Assembly. . . . . . . . 3121 237 52451
AC09 Clip, Anode Lead . . . . . . . . . . 3135 014 04471
S AC10 CRT, A68AJB82X11 . . . . . . . . . . 9301 891 90631
AC11 Customer Control Buttons . . . . . . 3139 137 83131
S AC12 Degaussing Coil. . . . . . . . . . . 2422 549 43967
AC13 Holder, Degaussing Coil (4 Used) . . 3135 013 01641
AC16 Owner's Manual . . . . . . . . . . . 3121 235 20111
AC16b Quick Use Guide. . . . . . . . . . . 3121 233 40911
REMOTE Remote Transmitter, RC19041001/01. . 3139 228 86501 AC20 Cabinet Front Assembly f/27PS60S321. 3121 237 51791
AC20a Cabinet Front. . . . . . . . . . . . 3139 137 83171
AC20b Chassis Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . 3139 124 31381
AC20d Light Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3139 124 35111
AC20f Power Button . . . . . . . . . . . . 3139 137 83141
AC20j Speaker, Full Range, 16ohm, 5W (2 Use
d). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2422 264 00411
S AC21 Deflection Yoke. . . . . . . . . . . 3313 203 01242
Main Chassis Assembly Parts
Main Chassis Assembly Parts
0127 Socket Fuse. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2422 088 00271
S 0211 Connector, 2 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 16269
S 0212 Connector, 2 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 16375
0217 Connector, 5 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 12481
0219 Connector, 6 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 12482
0220 Connector, 5 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 04853
S 0221 Connector, 4 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 15503
S 0222 Connector, 2 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 10646
0223 Socket, Cinch, 9 Pin . . . . . . . . 2422 026 05236
0225 Socket, MDIN, 10 Pin . . . . . . . . 2422 026 04926
0226 Connector, 4 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 12479
0229 Connector, 7 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 11244
0240 Connector, 4 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 12479
0242 Connector, 5 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 12481
0243 Connector, 6 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 04854
0246 Connector, 5 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 12481
0267 Connector, 3 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2412 020 00725
0269 Socket, Cinch, 3 Pin . . . . . . . . 2422 026 05182
0284 Connector, 4 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 12479
1000 Tuner, V+U PLL . . . . . . . . . . . 2422 542 90108
1002 SAW Filter, 45MHZ75, OFWM1971M L . 2422 549 44518
1200 Filter, Ceramic, 4MHz5 . . . . . . . 2422 549 40807
S 1500 Fuse, 4A, 250V, IEC. . . . . . . . . 2422 086 10914
S 1515 Relay, 1P, 12V . . . . . . . . . . . 2422 132 07444
1600 Tact Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2422 128 02742
1601 Tact Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2422 128 02742
1602 Tact Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2422 128 02742
1603 Tact Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2422 128 02742
1606 Tact Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2422 128 02742
1660 Crystal Resonator, 12 MHz, 20P, HC49/
U A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2422 543 01203
1831 Crystal Resonator, 18MHZ432 12P HC49
/U A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2422 543 00842
2004 Cap, 47n, 10%, 16v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 34730
2005 Cap, 10u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 51090 2006 Cap, 470u, 20%, 16v, Electrolytic. . 3198 025 24710 2007 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 41040 2008 Cap, 100u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic. . 3198 025 31010
2009 Cap, 22n, 10%, 25v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 32230
2101 Cap, 470n, +80/-20%, 16v, Ceramic. . 3198 017 24740
2102 Cap, 22p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 02290
2103 Cap, 330p, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . 3198 017 33310
2104 Cap, 330p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 33310
2105 Cap, 10u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 51090 2106 Cap, 10u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 51090
2111 Cap, 22p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 02290
2112 Cap, 22p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 02290
2113 Cap, 22p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 02290
2121 Cap, 22p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 02290
2122 Cap, 330p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 33310
2123 Cap, 2u2, +80/-20%, 10v, Ceramic . . 3198 017 22250
2124 Cap, 330p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 33310
2125 Cap, 2u2, +80/-20%, 10v, Ceramic . . 3198 017 22250
2131 Cap, 330p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 33310
2132 Cap, 2u2, +80/-20%, 10v, Ceramic . . 3198 017 22250
2133 Cap, 330p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 33310
2134 Cap, 2u2, +80/-20%, 10v, Ceramic . . 3198 017 22250
2135 Cap, 22p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 02290
2136 Cap, 22p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 02290
2141 Cap, 330p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 33310
2143 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 41040
2150 Cap, 150n, 10%, 16v, Ceramic . . . . 2238 780 15652
2171 Cap, 2n2, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 019 12220
2181 Cap, 22p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 02290
2184 Cap, 2u2, +80/-20%, 10v, Ceramic . . 3198 017 22250 2201 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 21040 2202 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 21040 2203 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 41040
S = Safety Part Be sure to use exact replacement part.
2204 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 41040 2205 Cap, 220n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 22240 2208 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 41040 2209 Cap, 4u7, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 54780 2210 Cap, 1u, +80/-20%, 16v, Ceramic. . . 3198 017 21050 2211 Cap, 470n, +80/-20%, 10v, Ceramic. . 3198 017 44740
2213 Cap, 22n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 02230
2214 Cap, 22n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 02230
2215 Cap, 22n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 02230
2216 Cap, 1000u, 20%, 16v, Electrolytic . 3198 026 21020
2217 Cap, 22n, 10%, 25v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 32230
2219 Cap, 220n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 22240 2220 Cap, 470n, 10%, 50v, Polyester . . . 3198 014 04740
2221 Cap, 22n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 02230
2241 Cap, 1n5, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 31520
2242 Cap, 1u, +80/-20%, 10v, Ceramic. . . 3198 017 41050
2243 Cap, 2n2, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 02220
2244 Cap, 100n, 5%, 63v, Metallized Polyes
ter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2222 370 76104
2245 Cap, 220n, +80/-20%, 16v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 22240 2247 Cap, 1000u, 20%, 16v, Electrolytic . 3198 026 21020
2248 Cap, 22n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 02230
2249 Cap, 22n, 10%, 25v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 32230
2250 Cap, 2u2, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 52280
2252 Cap, 1n, 5%, 25v, Ceramic. . . . . . 3198 016 31020
2253 Cap, 1n, 5%, 25v, Ceramic. . . . . . 3198 016 31020
2254 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
2405 Cap, 220u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic. . 3198 025 32210 2441 Cap, 1u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic. . . 3198 025 51080 2443 Cap, 47n, +80/-20%, 50v, Ceramic . . 3198 017 24730 2444 Cap, 1u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic. . . 3198 025 51080 2450 Cap, 47u, 20%, 160v, Electrolytic. . 2020 021 91139
2451 Cap, 15n, 10%, 50v, Polyester. . . . 3198 014 01530
2452 Cap, 180p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 01810
2455 Cap, 47u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 34790 2457 Cap, 470n, 5%, 250v, Polypropylene . 2222 479 90023 2458 Cap, 2u2, 20%, 100v, Electrolytic. . 2020 021 91331
2459 Cap, 680p, 10%, 500v, Ceramic. . . . 3198 019 46810
2460 Cap, 100p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 01010
2462 Cap, 330n, 10%, 250v, Polypropylene 2022 333 00084
2463 Cap, 680p, 10%, 2kV, Ceramic . . . . 2020 558 90485
2463 Cap, 1.2nF, 10%, 2kV, Ceramic. . . . 2020 558 90488
2465 Cap, 11n, 5%, 1600v, Polypropylene . 2222 375 90155 2471 Cap, 100n, 10%, 50v, Polyester . . . 3198 014 01040 2472 Cap, 150n, 10%, 63v, Metallized Polye
ster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2222 365 75154
2473 Cap, 100n, 10%, 63v, Metallized Polye
ster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2222 365 75104
2474 Cap, 2n2, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 02220
2475 Cap, 2n2, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 02220
2476 Cap, 4n7, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 04720
2480 Cap, 47u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic . . 2020 021 90586
2481 Cap, 470p, 10%, 500v, Ceramic. . . . 3198 019 44710
2482 Cap, 68n, 10%, 250v, Polyester . . . 2222 347 90234 2485 Cap, 4u7, 20%, 250v, Electrolytic. . 2020 021 90856 2486 Cap, 470u, 20%, 16v, Electrolytic. . 2020 021 91577 2487 Cap, 47u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 2020 021 90854 2488 Cap, 1000u, 20%, 16v, Electrolytic . 2020 021 91049 2489 Cap, 470u, 20%, 16v, Electrolytic. . 2020 021 91577
2491 Cap, 1n, 10%, 500v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 019 41020
S 2500 Cap, 470n, 20%, 275v, Metallized Poly
propylene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2222 336 29148
2501 Cap, 2n2, 10%, 1000v, Ceramic. . . . 3198 019 52220
2502 Cap, 2n2, 10%, 1000v, Ceramic. . . . 3198 019 52220
2503 Cap, 470u, 20%, 200v, Electrolytic . 2020 024 90626
2505 Cap, 2n2, 10%, 1000v, Ceramic. . . . 3198 019 52220
2507 Cap, 470p, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . 3198 017 04710
2508 Cap, 470p, 10%, 1000v, Ceramic . . . 3198 019 64710
S 2515 Cap, 1n5, 20%, v, Ceramic. . . . . . 2020 554 90128
2520 Cap, 100n, 10%, 16v, Ceramic . . . . 3198 017 01040
2521 Cap, 22u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 52290
2522 Cap, 100n, 10%, 16v, Ceramic . . . . 3198 017 01040
2523 Cap, 1n5, 10%, 2000v, Ceramic. . . . 2020 558 90489
2525 Cap, 470p, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . 3198 017 04710
2527 Cap, 2n2, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 02220
2528 Cap, 1n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 017 01020
2540 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 01030
2541 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 01030
2560 Cap, 680p, 10%, 1000v, Ceramic . . . 2020 558 90472 2561 Cap, 100u, 20%, 160v, Electrolytic . 2020 021 91654
2562 Cap, 1n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 019 11020
2563 Cap, 100n, 10%, 50v, Polyester . . . 3198 014 01040 2564 Cap, 2u2, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic . . 2020 021 91353 2566 Cap, 470u, 20%, 6.3v, Electrolytic . 3198 025 04710 2567 Cap, 47u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 34790 2568 Cap, 1u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic. . . 3198 025 51080 2580 Cap, 47u, 20%, 16v, Electrolytic . . 3198 028 24790 2581 Cap, 22u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 52290 2601 Cap, 220n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 22240
2602 Cap, 100p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 01010
2606 Cap, 1n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 017 01020
2607 Cap, 33p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 33390
27PS60S321 (continued) Page: 2
2608 Cap, 1u, +80/-20%, 10v, Ceramic. . . 3198 017 41050
2609 Cap, 33p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 33390
2611 Cap, 1u, +80/-20%, 10v, Ceramic. . . 3198 017 41050
2612 Cap, 68p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 06890
2613 Cap, 68p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 06890
2615 Cap, 1n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 017 01020
2618 Cap, 1u, +80/-20%, 10v, Ceramic. . . 3198 017 41050 2619 Cap, 1u, +80/-20%, 16v, Ceramic. . . 3198 017 21050 2691 Cap, 10u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 51090 2801 Cap, 22u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 52290 2802 Cap, 220n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 22240 2804 Cap, 2u2, +80/-20%, 10v, Ceramic . . 3198 017 22250
2805 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
2806 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
2831 Cap, 1p, 25%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 31080
2832 Cap, 1p, 25%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 31080
2833 Cap, 47p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 34790
2834 Cap, 470p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 34710
2835 Cap, 220p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 32210
2836 Cap, 1n5, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 31520
2837 Cap, 4u7, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 54780 2840 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 41040 2841 Cap, 10u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 51090 2842 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 41040 2843 Cap, 10u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 51090 2844 Cap, 10u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 51090 2845 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 41040 2846 Cap, 100u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic. . 3198 025 31010
2849 Cap, 1n, 5%, 25v, Ceramic. . . . . . 3198 016 31020
2850 Cap, 1n, 5%, 25v, Ceramic. . . . . . 3198 016 31020
2851 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
2852 Cap, 1n, 5%, 25v, Ceramic. . . . . . 3198 016 31020
2853 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
2854 Cap, 1n, 5%, 25v, Ceramic. . . . . . 3198 016 31020
2855 Cap, 33p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 33390
2856 Cap, 47p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 34790
2857 Cap, 150p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 31510
2860 Cap, 180p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 31810
2894 Cap, 220p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 32210
2895 Cap, 560p, 5%, 25v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 35610
2897 Cap, 390p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 33910
2898 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 31030
2902 Cap, 1000u, 20%, 16v, Electrolytic . 3198 026 21020 2903 Cap, 1u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic. . . 3198 025 51080 2904 Cap, 470n, +80/-20%, 16v, Ceramic. . 3198 017 24740
2905 Cap, 1n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 017 01020
2906 Cap, 470n, +80/-20%, 16v, Ceramic. . 3198 017 24740
2907 Cap, 1n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 017 01020
2908 Cap, 10u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 51090
2910 Cap, 3n3, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 03320
2911 Cap, 3n3, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 03320
2950 Cap, 330p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 33310
3000 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3001 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010
3002 Res, Zero ohm, 'Chip' Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90030
3003 Res, 1K5, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 31520 3004 Res, 8K2, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 38220 3005 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3101 Res, 68 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . 3198 011 06890 3102 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 31020 3103 Res, 150 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01510 3104 Res, 220K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glas 3198 021 32240 3105 Res, 150 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01510 3106 Res, 220K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glas 3198 021 32240 3111 Res, 75 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . 3198 011 07590 3112 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3113 Res, 75 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . 3198 011 07590 3114 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3115 Res, 75 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . 3198 011 07590 3116 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010
3122 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
3123 Res, 150 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01510 3124 Res, 47K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 34730 3125 Res, 150 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01510 3126 Res, 47K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 34730 3131 Res, 150 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01510 3132 Res, 47K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 34730 3133 Res, 150 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01510 3134 Res, 47K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 34730 3135 Res, 75 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . 3198 011 07590 3136 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010
3138 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
3141 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . . . 3198 011 01020 3149 Res, 100K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glas 3198 021 31040 3150 Res, 150K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glas 3198 021 31540 3154 Res, 5K6, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 05620 3156 Res, 10K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 01030 3157 Res, 1K5, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 31520 3158 Res, 10K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 31030 3159 Res, 1K2, 1%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 2120 108 92616 3170 Res, 4K7, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 04720 3172 Res, 68K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 06830
S = Safety Part Be sure to use exact replacement part.
3173 Res, 10K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 01030 3174 Res, 8K2, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 08220 3175 Res, 8K2, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 08220 3176 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3177 Res, 8K2, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 08220 3178 Res, 3K9, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 03920 3179 Res, 2K2, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 02220 3200 Res, 390 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 03910 3201 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3202 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3203 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3204 Res, 22K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 02230 3206 Res, 33K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 33330 3207 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . . . 3198 011 01020 3208 Res, 220 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 32210
3209 Res, 68 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 36890
3212 Res, 470 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 34710
3213 Res, 560 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 05610 3214 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51010
3215 Res, 560 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 35610
3216 Res, 68 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . 3198 011 06890 3217 Res, 330K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glas 3198 021 33340 3218 Res, 82K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 38230 3219 Res, 2K2, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 32220 3220 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3221 Res, 560 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 05610 3222 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3223 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51010
3226 Res, 560 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 35610
3235 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3241 Res, 22K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 32230 3242 Res, 12K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 51230 3244 Res, 820 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 08210 3245 Res, 39K, 1%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 2120 108 92633
3246 Res, 10k, 5%, Carbon . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51030
3247 Res, 680K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glas 3198 021 56840 3248 Res, 33K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 53330 3249 Res, 820 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 08210 3250 Res, 8K2, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 08220 3251 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010
3256 Res, 1k, 5%, Carbon. . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51020
3257 Res, 10M, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 51060 3258 Res, 100K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glas 3198 021 51040 3259 Res, 470K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glas 3198 021 54740 3441 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51010
3442 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
3443 Res, 1M, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 51050 3445 Res, 15K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 01530 3446 Res, 5K6, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 05620 3447 Res, 56 ohm, 5%, 1/4W, Carbon Film . 2120 101 74569 3448 Res, 470 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 04710 3449 Res, 68 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . 3198 011 06890 3450 Res, 33 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . 3198 011 03390 S 3451 Res, 10 ohm, 5%, 1/3W, Metal Film. . 2306 204 03109 3452 Res, 10K, 1%, 3/5W, Metal Film . . . 2312 915 11003 3453 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . . . 3198 011 01020 3454 Res, 3K9, 1%, 3/5W, Metal Film . . . 2312 915 13902 3455 Res, 6R8, 5%, 1 1/3W, Metal Film . . 3198 012 26880
3456 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
3457 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
3458 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . . . 3198 011 01020 3459 Res, 15K, 5%, 1 1/3W, Metal Film . . 3198 012 21530 3460 Res, 3K9, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 03920 3463 Res, 33 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . 3198 011 03390 3465 Res, 27K, 1%, 3/5W, Metal Film . . . 2312 915 12703 3468 Res, 220 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 02210 3469 Res, 3K3, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 03320 3470 Res, 330K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glas 3198 021 53340 3471 Res, 3R3, 1%, 3/5W, Metal Film . . . 2312 915 13308 3472 Res, 3R3, 1%, 3/5W, Metal Film . . . 2312 915 13308 3473 Res, 3R3, 1%, 3/5W, Metal Film . . . 2312 915 13308 3474 Res, 2K2, 1%, 3/5W, Metal Film . . . 2312 915 12202 3475 Res, 2K2, 1%, 3/5W, Metal Film . . . 2312 915 12202 3477 Res, 150 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01510 3478 Res, 150 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01510 3479 Res, 2K7, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 52720 3480 Res, 1R5, 5%, 1/4W, Carbon Film. . . 2120 101 74158
3481 Res, 12k, 1%, Metal Film . . . . . . 2312 915 11203
3482 Res, 12k, 1%, Metal Film . . . . . . 2312 915 11203
3484 Res, 3K9, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 03920 3486 Res, 33 ohm, 5%, 2 1/2W, Metal Film. 3198 012 33390 3488 Res, 4R7, 5%, 1/2W, Metal Film . . . 2306 207 03478 3490 Res, 8K2, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 08220
3492 Res, 1k, 5%, Carbon. . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51020
27PS60S321 (continued) Page: 3
3493 Res, 6R8, 5%, 1/3W, Metal Film . . . 2306 204 03688 3494 Res, 4R7, 5%, 1/2W, Metal Film . . . 2306 207 03478
3495 Res, 22k, 5%, Carbon . . . . . . . . 3198 021 52230
3496 Res, 100K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glas 3198 021 51040 3497 Res, 100K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glas 3198 021 51040 3498 Res, 12K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 51230
3499 Res, 10k, 5%, Carbon . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51030
S 3500 Res, 3M3, 5%, 1/2W, Metallized Glass 2322 242 13335 S 3501 Res, 3M3, 5%, 1/2W, Metallized Glass 2322 242 13335 3504 Res, 3 ohm, +30%/-20%, 144v, PTC, Car
bon Film . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2122 663 00019
S 3506 Res, 1M5, 5%, 1/2W, Metallized Glass 2322 242 13155 S 3507 Surge Protector, DSP-301N-A21F A. . 2422 549 43073 S 3508 Res, 220 ohm, 20%, 1/2W, Carbon Film 3198 013 02210 3510 Res, 4.7 ohm, 20%, 3W1, NTC, Carbon F
ilm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2122 612 00056
3519 Res, 270 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 02710 3520 Res, 1K2, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 51220 3521 Res, 4R7, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 04780 3522 Res, 330K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glas 3198 021 53340 S 3523 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/3W, Metal Film . 2306 204 03101 3524 Res, 56K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 55630
3525 Res, 1k, 5%, Carbon. . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51020
3526 Res, 0R1, 5%, 3/5W, Metal Film . . . 3198 012 11070 3527 Res, 0R33, 5%, 3/5W, Metal Film. . . 3198 012 13370
3528 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
3529 Res, 47K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 54730
3530 Res, 10k, 5%, Carbon . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51030
3531 Res, 4K7, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 54720 S 3532 Res, 2K2, 5%, 1/3W, Metal Film . . . 2306 204 03222 3541 Res, 470 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 54710
3542 Res, 1K5, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 51520 3543 Res, 82K, 1%, 3/5W, Metal Film . . . 2312 915 18203 3544 Res, 4K7, 1%, 1/8W, Metallized Glass 2322 734 64702 3545 Res, 270K, 5%, 1/8W, Metallized Glass 2322 730 61274 3548 Res, 15K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 51530 3552 Res, 4K7, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 54720
3557 Res, 1k, 5%, Carbon. . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51020
3560 Res, 47 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . 3198 011 04790 3561 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3562 Res, 12K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 51230 3563 Res, 5K6, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 55620 3564 Res, 0R1, 5%, 1 1/3W, Metal Film . . 3198 012 21070 3565 Res, 330 ohm, 5%, 1W, Metal Film . . 3198 012 13310 3566 Res, 2K2, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 52220 3567 Res, 1K8, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 31820 3568 Res, 8K2, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 58220 3569 Res, 5K6, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 55620 3580 Res, 47K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 54730 3594 Res, 330 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 53310
3595 Res, 220K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glas 3198 021 52240 3596 Res, 220K, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized Glas 3198 021 52240 3601 Res, 8K2, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 08220 3603 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3604 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3605 Res, 4K7, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 34720 3606 Res, 2K2, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 02220 3607 Res, 2K2, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 02220 3608 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3609 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . . . 3198 011 01020 3610 Res, 8K2, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 08220 3611 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 31010
3618 Res, 6K8, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 06820 3622 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51010
3623 Res, 4K7, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 34720 3624 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3625 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3626 Res, 4K7, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 34720 3627 Res, 4K7, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 34720 3628 Res, 10K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 31030 3630 Res, 2K2, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 32220
3632 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
3634 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3635 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3636 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51010
3638 Res, 75 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 37590
3639 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
3681 Res, 390 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 33910
3682 Res, 3K3, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 33320 3683 Res, 390 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 33910
3684 Res, 560 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 35610
3685 Res, 560 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 35610
S = Safety Part Be sure to use exact replacement part.
3686 Res, 1K5, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 31520 3691 Res, 330 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 33310
3693 Res, 220 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized G
lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 32210
3694 Res, 4K7, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 34720 3801 Res, 220 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 02210 3802 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . . . 3198 011 01020 3809 Res, 75 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 37590
3810 Res, 75 ohm, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 37590
3831 Res, 47K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 34730 3832 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3833 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3836 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 31020 3837 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3838 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 31020 3839 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3843 Res, 2K2, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 32220 3901 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 31020 3902 Res, 3K3, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 33320 3903 Res, 3K3, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 33320 3904 Res, 10K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 31030 3905 Res, 3K3, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 33320 3906 Res, 10K, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 31030 3907 Res, 8K2, 5%, 1/16W, Metallized Glass 3198 021 38220
4001 Res, Zero ohm, 'Chip' Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90030
4002 Res, Zero ohm, 'Chip' Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90030
4170 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4181 Res, Zero ohm, 'Chip' Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90030
4209 Res, Zero ohm, 'Chip' Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90030
4216 Res, Zero ohm, 'Chip' Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90030
4217 Res, Zero ohm, 'Chip' Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90030
4401 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4402 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4430 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4500 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4601 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4613 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4614 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4615 Res, Zero ohm, 'Chip' Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90030
4617 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4618 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4619 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4622 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4623 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4691 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4692 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4693 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4696 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4801 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4831 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4833 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4835 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4901 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4903 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
4982 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
5001 Coil, 27u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 22790
5002 Coil, 820n . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 18270
5201 Coil, 6u8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 16880
5202 Coil, 10u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 21090
5204 Fixed, Inductor, 100MHz, 80 ohm. . . 3198 018 90020 5205 Fixed, Inductor, 100MHz, 80 ohm. . . 3198 018 90020
5206 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
5241 Coil, 10u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 21090
5242 Coil, 10u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 11090
S 5445 Transformer, LOT, USLOT+U AT2078 . . 3128 138 21401
5451 Coil, 33u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 73390
5452 Fixed, Inductor, 100MHz, 80 ohm. . . 3198 018 90020
5457 Coil, Linear Correction, 42u . . . . 2422 535 94865
5461 Transformer, Signal Driver, SC10015-0
0 B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2422 531 02465
5471 Coil, 3u3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 73380
5472 Coil, 3u3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 23380
5480 Fixed Inductor, 39u, 10%, LAL04. . . 2422 535 97336
S 5501 Filter, Mains, 5mH, 2A . . . . . . . 2422 549 43432
S 5520 Transformer, SMT Layer, SS39009-04 B 2422 531 02459
5521 Fixed, Inductor, 100MHz, 50R. . . . 3198 018 90010
5560 Fixed, Inductor, 100MHz, 50R. . . . 3198 018 90010
5561 Coil, 27u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 22790
5562 Fixed, Inductor, 100MHz, 50R. . . . 3198 018 90010
5564 Fixed, Inductor, 100MHz, 50R. . . . 3198 018 90010
5602 Coil, 5u6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 15680
5603 Coil, 5u6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 15680
5604 Coil, 5u6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 15680
5831 Coil, 6u8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 16880
5832 Coil, 6u8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 16880
5833 Coil, 6u8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 16880
5835 Coil, 12u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 31290
6001 Zener Diode, 33 volt . . . . . . . . 3198 010 23390
6006 Diode, Signal, 1N4148. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10010
27PS60S321 (continued) Page: 4
6007 Diode, Signal, 1N4148. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10010
6150 Diode, Signal, BAS316. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10630
6201 Diode, Signal, BAS316. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10630
6202 Diode, Signal, BAS316. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10630
6206 Zener Diode, 6.8 volt. . . . . . . . 3198 020 56880
6445 Zener Diode, 10 volt . . . . . . . . 3198 020 51090
6447 Diode, Signal, 1N4148. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10010
6448 Zener Diode, 6.2 volt. . . . . . . . 9331 668 30133
6449 Diode, Signal, BAV99 . . . . . . . . 3198 010 10620
6453 Zener Diode, 6.8 volt. . . . . . . . 3198 020 56880
6460 Diode, Rect, BY228/24. . . . . . . . 9340 559 50112
6461 Diode, Rect, RGP30J-L7004. . . . . . 9338 617 60682
6462 Zener Diode, 9.1 volt. . . . . . . . 9331 177 80133
6465 Diode, Signal, BAV21 . . . . . . . . 3198 010 10070
6466 Diode, Signal, BAV21 . . . . . . . . 3198 010 10070
6467 Diode, Signal, BAS316. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10630
6468 Diode, Signal, BAS316. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10630
6469 Diode, Rect, BYD33J . . . . . . . . 9337 234 20133
6470 Diode, Signal, BAV99 . . . . . . . . 3198 010 10620
6476 Zener Diode, 15 volt . . . . . . . . 3198 010 21590
6481 Zener Diode, 5.6 volt. . . . . . . . 3198 010 25680
6482 Zener Diode, 9.1 volt. . . . . . . . 9331 177 80133
6483 Zener Diode, 33 volt . . . . . . . . 3198 010 23390
6485 Diode, Rect, BYD33J . . . . . . . . 9337 234 20133
6486 Diode, Rect, EGP20DL-5100. . . . . . 9322 164 42682
6487 Diode, Rect, BYD33D . . . . . . . . 9337 234 00133
6488 Diode, Rect, EGP20DL-5100. . . . . . 9322 164 42682
6500 Diode, Bridge Rect, GBU4JL-7002. . . 9322 132 55667
6520 Diode, Rect, BYD33D . . . . . . . . 9337 234 00133
6523 Diode, Signal, 1N4148. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10010
6524 Diode, Rect, 1N5062 . . . . . . . . 3198 010 10120
6525 Diode, Rect, 1N5062 . . . . . . . . 3198 010 10120
6526 Zener Diode, 22 volt . . . . . . . . 3198 020 52290
6540 Zener Diode, 6.2 volt. . . . . . . . 9331 668 30133
6541 Zener Diode, 9.1 volt. . . . . . . . 9322 150 08685
6560 Diode, Rect, BYV29X-500. . . . . . . 9340 555 59127
6562 Diode, Rect, EGP20DL-5100. . . . . . 9322 164 42682
6563 Diode, Signal, BAS316. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10630
6565 Diode, Signal, BAV70 . . . . . . . . 9331 849 10215
6566 Diode, Signal, 1N4148. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10010
6569 Diode, Signal, BAS316. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10630
6570 Zener Diode, 6.8 volt. . . . . . . . 3198 020 56880
6580 Diode, Signal, BAS316. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10630
6681 Diode Signal, IG BAT85 . . . . . . . 9336 247 60133
6691 LED, VS LTL-10224WHCR. . . . . . . . 9322 050 99682
6692 IR, Receiver, TSOP1836UH3V . . . . . 9322 127 54667
6831 Diode, Signal, 1N4148. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10010
6901 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
7101 Transistor, NPN, BC847B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42030
7102 Transistor, PNP, BC857B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42150
7103 Transistor, NPN, BC847B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42030
7172 Transistor, PNP, BC857B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42150
7173 Transistor, NPN, BC847B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42030
7174 Transistor, PNP, BC857B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42150
7200 IC, SM TDA9587H/N1/3 . . . . . . . . 9352 716 32557
7201 Transistor, NPN, BC847B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42030
7204 Transistor, PNP, BC857B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42150
7205 Transistor, PNP, BC857B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42150
7208 Transistor, PNP, BC857B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42150
7441 Transistor, PNP, BC857B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42150
7443 Transistor, PNP, BC557B. . . . . . . 3198 020 40110
7450 Transistor, PNP, PDTA114ET . . . . . 3198 010 44010
7460 Transistor, NPN, BU4508DX. . . . . . 9340 550 92127
7461 Transistor, NPN, BC337-25. . . . . . 3198 020 43530
7462 Transistor, NPN, PDTC143ZT . . . . . 9340 547 00215
7463 Transistor, PNP, BC327-25. . . . . . 3198 020 43430
7471 IC, TDA8359J/N2. . . . . . . . . . . 9352 701 64112
7480 Transistor, NPN, BD135 . . . . . . . 3198 020 41010
7482 Transistor, NPN, BD135 . . . . . . . 3198 020 41010
S 7515 Optical Coupler, TCET1104(G) . . . . 9322 175 72667
7520 IC, TEA1507P/N1. . . . . . . . . . . 9352 673 56112
7521 FET Power STP8NC50FP . . . . . . . . 9322 160 72687
7522 Transistor, NPN, BC847B(COL) . . . . 3198 010 42030
7540 Transistor, NPN, BC547B(COL) . . . . 3198 020 40030
7541 Transistor, NPN, PDTC114ET . . . . . 9340 310 10215
7542 Transistor, PNP, BC857B(COL) . . . . 3198 010 42150
7560 IC, L78L33ACZ. . . . . . . . . . . . 9322 134 92676
7561 Transistor, NPN, PDTC143ZT . . . . . 9340 547 00215
7562 Transistor, PNP, BC857B(COL) . . . . 3198 010 42150
7564 Transistor, PNP, BC857B(COL) . . . . 3198 010 42150
7580 Transistor, PNP, BC857B(COL) . . . . 3198 010 42150
7602 IC, M24C08-WBN6. . . . . . . . . . . 9322 154 38682
7801 IC, SM HEF4052BT . . . . . . . . . . 9333 729 50653
7802 IC, SM HEF4052BT . . . . . . . . . . 9333 729 60653
7831 IC, MSP3445G-PO-B8 . . . . . . . . . 9322 160 81682
7901 IC, AN7522N. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9322 158 65667
9001 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9171 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9172 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9173 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9175 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9176 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
S = Safety Part Be sure to use exact replacement part.
9178 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9179 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9181 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9182 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9183 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9192 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9193 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9406 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9407 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9408 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9409 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9410 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9411 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9412 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9413 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9415 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9416 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9417 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9418 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9419 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9421 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9422 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9423 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9425 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9427 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9453 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9460 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9500 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9501 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9503 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
S 9506 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
S 9507 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9510 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9512 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9513 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9514 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9515 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9516 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9518 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9520 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9521 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9522 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9524 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9525 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9528 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9610 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9611 Coil, 27u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 22790
9612 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9613 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9614 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9615 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9616 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9617 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9618 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9619 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9620 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9621 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9622 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9623 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9624 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9625 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9626 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9627 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9628 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9629 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9630 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9631 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9632 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9633 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9634 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9637 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9638 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9639 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9640 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9641 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9642 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9643 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9644 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9645 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9646 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9648 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9650 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9654 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9655 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9656 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9657 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9658 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9659 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9660 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9661 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9662 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9663 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
27PS60S321 (continued) Page: 5
9664 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9665 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9666 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9668 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9669 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9670 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9672 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9674 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9675 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9676 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9678 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9679 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9680 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9683 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9685 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9686 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9687 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9688 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9689 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9690 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9691 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9694 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9695 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9697 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9698 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9699 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9821 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9822 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9824 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9825 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9827 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9828 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9829 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9830 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9831 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9832 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9834 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9835 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9836 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9837 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9838 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9839 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9840 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9841 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9842 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9843 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9844 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9845 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9846 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9847 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9848 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9849 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9851 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9901 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9902 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9903 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9904 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9905 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9911 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9912 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9913 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9914 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9915 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9916 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9918 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9919 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9920 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9921 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9922 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9991 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9994 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9996 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9998 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
CBA Main Chassis Assembly. . . . . . . . 3139 177 27041
CRT Panel Parts (Part of Main Chassis)
CRT Panel Parts (Part of Main Chassis
0244 Connector, 5 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 04853
0245 Connector, 6 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 04854
S 0254 CRT Socket, 9 Pin. . . . . . . . . . 2422 500 80076
2330 Cap, 100n, 10%, 250v, Metallized Poly
ester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2222 368 90177
2340 Cap, 10u, 20%, 250v, Electrolytic. . 2020 012 93495
2341 Cap, 3n3, 10%, 500v, Ceramic . . . . 3198 019 43320
2342 Cap, 560p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 05610
2343 Cap, 3n3, 10%, 2000v, Ceramic. . . . 2020 558 90529
2344 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 21040
2345 Cap, 1n, 10%, 500v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 019 41020
3331 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3332 Res, 1K, 20%, 1/2W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 013 01020 3333 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3334 Res, 1K, 20%, 1/2W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 013 01020
S = Safety Part Be sure to use exact replacement part.
3335 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3336 Res, 1K, 20%, 1/2W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 013 01020 S 3340 Res, 10 ohm, 5%, 1/2W, Metal Film. . 2306 207 03109 S 3341 Res, 1 ohm, 5%, 1/3W, Metal Film . . 2306 204 03108 S 3342 Res, 1 ohm, 5%, 1/3W, Metal Film . . 2306 204 03108 3343 Res, 1K5, 20%, 1/2W, Carbon Film . . 3198 013 01520 3344 Res, 22 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . 3198 011 02290 3345 VDR DC 1MA/ 50V S MAX 115V A . . . 2322 593 13507 3346 Res, 22 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . 3198 011 02290
3347 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
3350 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
3353 Res, Zero ohm, Chip Jumper . . . . . 3198 021 90020
5342 Coil, 22u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2422 535 97333
6331 Diode, Signal, BAV21 . . . . . . . . 3198 010 10070
6332 Diode, Signal, BAS316. . . . . . . . 3198 010 10630
6333 Diode, Signal, BAV21 . . . . . . . . 3198 010 10070
6335 Diode, Signal, BAV21 . . . . . . . . 3198 010 10070
7330 IC, TDA6107Q/N2. . . . . . . . . . . 9352 576 50112
9311 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9341 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9342 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9343 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
Side AV+HP Panel Parts - 313912723881
Side AV+HP Panel Parts - 313912723881
CBA Side AV+HP Panel Assembly. . . . . . 3139 127 23881
0232 1 Pin Headphone Socket . . . . . . . 2422 026 04747
0250 3 Pin Cinch Socket . . . . . . . . . 2422 026 04815
0251 6 Pin Connector. . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 12482
0254 5 Pin Connector. . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 12481
0255 4 Pin Connector. . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 12479
2171 Cap, 470p, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . 3198 019 14710
2172 Cap, 470p, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . 3198 019 14710
2173 Cap, 470p, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . 3198 019 14710
2174 Cap, 470p, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . 3198 019 14710
2176 Cap, 470p, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . 3198 019 14710
2177 Cap, 10u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 51090
2178 Cap, 470p, 10%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . 3198 019 14710
2179 Cap, 10u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 51090 3150 Res, 47K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 04730 3151 Res, 150 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01510 3152 Res, 47K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 04730 3153 Res, 150 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01510 3156 Res, 120 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01210 3157 Res, 120 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01210
6161 Zener Diode, 6.8 volt. . . . . . . . 3198 010 26880
9153 Jumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9170 Jumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9171 Jumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
PIP Panel Parts - 313917721831
PIP Panel Parts - 313917721831
CBA PIP Panel Assembly . . . . . . . . . 3139 177 21831
0134 Bracket, PIP . . . . . . . . . . . . 3139 124 33161
0192 Cable, 4 Pin, 280mm. . . . . . . . . 3139 110 38681
0193 Cable, 7 Pin, 280mm. . . . . . . . . 3139 131 01731
0194 Cable, 5 Pin, 280mm. . . . . . . . . 3139 110 38811
0195 Cable, 5 Pin, 280mm. . . . . . . . . 3139 131 01741
0197 Cable, 4 Pin, 280mm. . . . . . . . . 3139 110 38681
0198 Cable, 4 Pin, 280mm. . . . . . . . . 3139 110 38681
0216 Connector, 3 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2412 020 00725
0226 Connector, 4 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 12479
0229 Connector, 2 Pin,. . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 16343
0235 Connector, 2 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2412 020 00724
0240 Connector, 4 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 12479
0242 Connector, 5 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 12481
0243 Connector, 2 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2412 020 00724
0266 Connector, 3 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2412 020 00725
0284 Connector, 4 Pin . . . . . . . . . . 2422 025 12479
1802 Resinator Crystal, 14M31818, 20P . . 2422 543 00904 2800 Cap, 470n, +80/-20%, 16v, Ceramic. . 3198 017 24740 2801 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 21040 2802 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 21040 2803 Cap, 47u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 34790 2804 Cap, 10u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 51090 2805 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 21040 2806 Cap, 100u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic. . 3198 025 31010
2807 Cap, 47p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 04790
2808 Cap, 10u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 51090
2809 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 01030
2810 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 01030
2811 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 01030
2812 Cap, 47u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 34790 2813 Cap, 10u, 20%, 50v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 51090
2814 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 01030
2815 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 01030
2816 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 01030
2819 Cap, 12p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic . . . . . 3198 016 01290
2820 Cap, 220n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 22240 2821 Cap, 220n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 22240
2822 Cap, 33n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 03330
2823 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 01030
27PS60S321 (continued) Page: 6
2824 Cap, 47u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 34790
2825 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 01030
2826 Cap, 560p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 05610
2827 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 01030
2828 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 21040 2829 Cap, 47u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 34790 2830 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 21040 2831 Cap, 47u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 34790 2832 Cap, 100n, +80/-20%, 25v, Ceramic. . 3198 023 21040 2833 Cap, 47u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 34790
2834 Cap, 100n, 10%, 16v, Ceramic . . . . 3198 017 01040
2837 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 01030
2858 Cap, 47u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 34790 2859 Cap, 470n, +80/-20%, 16v, Ceramic. . 3198 017 24740
2862 Cap, 390p, 5%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 016 03910
2890 Cap, 100u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic. . 3198 025 31010
2891 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 01030
2892 Cap, 47u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 34790 2893 Cap, 47u, 20%, 25v, Electrolytic . . 3198 025 34790
2894 Cap, 10n, 10%, 50v, Ceramic. . . . . 3198 017 01030
3801 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51010
3802 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51010
3803 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . . . 3198 011 01020 3804 Res, 1K5, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 01520 3805 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51010
3806 Res, 2K7, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 52720 3807 Res, 8K2, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 58220 3808 Res, 8K2, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 58220 3809 Res, 8K2, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 58220 3810 Res, 10K, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 51030 3812 Res, 10K, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 51030 3813 Res, 15K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. . . 3198 011 01530 3814 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass. 3198 021 51020 3815 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass. 3198 021 51020 3816 Res, 820 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 58210
3817 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass. 3198 021 51020 3818 Res, 15K, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 51530 3819 Res, 10K, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 51030 3820 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . . . 3198 011 01020 3821 Res, 390 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 53910
3822 Res, 390 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 53910
3823 Res, 390 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 53910
3824 Res, 15K, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 51530 3827 Res, 330 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 53310
3828 Res, 4M7, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 54750 3829 Res, 15K, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 51530 3830 Res, 2K2, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 52220 3831 Res, 1M, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass. 3198 021 51050 3832 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01010 3833 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51010
3834 Res, 100 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 51010
3836 Res, 1K, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass. 3198 021 51020 3838 Res, 220 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 52210
3839 Res, 390 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 53910
3840 Res, Zero ohm, "Chip" Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90020
3843 Res, 220 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 52210
3844 Res, 390 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 53910
3845 Res, Zero ohm, "Chip" Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90020
3848 Res, 220 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 52210
3849 Res, 390 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 53910
3850 Res, Zero ohm, "Chip" Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90020
3852 Res, 12K, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 51230 3853 Res, 12K, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 51230 3854 Res, 15K, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 51530 3856 Res, 820 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gl
ass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 58210
3857 Res, Zero ohm, "Chip" Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90020
3858 Res, 1K2, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 51220 3859 Res, 47K, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 54730 3860 Res, 1K8, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Glass 3198 021 51820 3862 Res, 33 ohm, 5%, 1/10W, Metalized Gla
ss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 021 53390
3865 Res, 150 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film. 3198 011 01510 3890 Res, 68 ohm, 5%, 1/6W, Carbon Film . 3198 011 06890
4800 Res, Zero ohm, "Chip" Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90020
4870 Res, Zero ohm, "Chip" Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90020
4871 Res, Zero ohm, "Chip" Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90020
4872 Res, Zero ohm, "Chip" Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90020
4909 Res, Zero ohm, "Chip" Jumper . . . . 3198 021 90020
5890 Coil, 10u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 21090
5891 Coil, 10u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 21090
5892 Coil, 10u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3198 018 21090
6800 Diode, Signal, BAT85 . . . . . . . . 9336 247 60133
6801 Diode, Signal, BAT85 . . . . . . . . 9336 247 60133
6802 Diode, Signal, BAT85 . . . . . . . . 9336 247 60133
6890 Zener Diode, 3.9 volt. . . . . . . . 3198 020 53980
7801 IC, HEF4053BT. . . . . . . . . . . . 9333 729 60653
7802 IC, N74F06N. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9339 990 90602
7803 IC, M65669SP . . . . . . . . . . . . 9322 146 60682
7804 Transistor, NPN, BC847B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42030
7805 Transistor, NPN, BC847B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42030
7806 Transistor, NPN, BC847B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42030
7807 Transistor, NPN, BC847B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42030
7810 Transistor, NPN, BC847B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42030
7813 Transistor, NPN, BC847B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42030
7816 Transistor, NPN, BC847B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42030
7818 IC, HEF4053BT. . . . . . . . . . . . 9333 729 60653
7820 Transistor, NPN, BC847B. . . . . . . 3198 010 42030
7890 IC, MC78M05CT. . . . . . . . . . . . 9334 703 90687
7891 Transistor, NPN, BC337 . . . . . . . 9331 796 00126
9800 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9810 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9912 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9913 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9914 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9915 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9917 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9919 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9920 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9921 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9922 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9924 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9925 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9927 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9928 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
9929 Wire Jumper, 0.58MM. . . . . . . . . 3198 036 90010
S = Safety Part Be sure to use exact replacement part.
Index of this chapter:
1. Introduction
2. Audio signal processing
3. Video signal processing
4. Synchronization
5. Deflection
6. Power supply
7. Control
8. Abbreviations
Note : For complete block diagrams a reference is made to Block diagram .
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The S8/T8 chassis is a global TV chassisfor the model year 2001 and is used for TV sets with screen sizesfrom 25” - 36” (large screen), in Super Flat,Real Flat and Wide Screen executions.
The standard architecture consists of a Main panel, aPicture Tube panel, a Side I/O panel and a Top Controlpanel. In some executions, a Picture In Picture (PIP) panel is used. The Main panel consists primarily of conventional components withhardly any surface mounted devices.
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The functions for video processing, microprocessor (μP)and teletext (TXT) decoder are combined in one IC (TDA958xH), theso-called Ultimate One Chip (UOC). This chip is (surface) mountedon the copper side of the LSP.
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The S8/T8 is divided into 2 basic systems, i.e.mono and stereo sound. While the audio processing for the mono soundis done in the audio block of the UOC, an external audio processingIC is used for stereo sets.
The tuning system features 181 channels with on-screen display.The main tuning system uses a tuner, a microcomputer, and a memoryIC mounted on the main panel. The microcomputer communicates with the memory IC, the customerkeyboard, remote
receiver, tuner, signal processor IC and the audiooutput IC via the I 2 Cbus. The memory IC retains the settings for favorite stations, customer-preferredsettings, and service / factory data. The on-screen graphics and closed caption decoding aredone within the microprocessor, and then sent to the signal processorIC to be added to the main signal.
The chassis utilizes a Switching Mode Power Supply (SMPS) forthe main voltage source. The chassis has a ‘hot’ ground referenceon the primary side and a cold ground reference on the secondaryside of the power supply and the rest of the chassis.
Audio Signal Processing
Block diagram Audio
In stereo sets, the signal goes via the SAWfilter (position 1002), to the audio demodulator part of the UOCIC 7200. The audio output on pin 48 goes to the stereo decoder 7831or 7861. The switch inside this IC selects either the internal decoderor an external source. There are two stereo decoders used:
1. a BTSC DBXstereo/SAP decoder (MSP34X5 at position 7831) for the highestspecified sets and
2. a BTSC non-DBX stereo decoder (TDA 9853 at position 7861)for BTSC Economic.
The output is fed to the to the audio amplifier (AN7522at position 7901). The volume level is controlled at this IC (pin9) by a control line (VolumeMute) from the microprocessor. The audiosignal from 7901 is then sent to the speaker / headphone outputpanel.
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