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This Physician Guide explains how ECG signals are analyzed by the Philips 12Lead Algorithm.
NOTENo automated analysis is completely reliable. Computerized ECG analysis
should always be reviewed by a qualified physician.
Who Should Read This Guide?
This guide is intended for physicians who overread ECGs interpreted by the
Philips 12-Lead Algorithm. It also may be of interest to other health care
professionals who want to know more about ECG interpretation.
NOTEThis Physician Guide describes features that may not be available on all Philips
Medical Systems equipment. Refer to the documentation supplied with your
particular product to learn more about available features.
Appendix C. Interpretive Statements (Alphabetical)
Philips 12-Lead Algorithm Physician Guidev
Development of computer-assisted ECG analysis began in the 1960s. Initially used in research
facilities, computer interpretation has developed into an accepted tool for physicians.
Development of the adult ECG Criteria Program began in 1971 as a combined effort between
engineers and a worldwide panel of cardiologists. At the core of ECG analysis is the ECG
Criteria Language (ECL). ECL is a computer programming language that was developed
specifically for the definition of electrocardiographic criteria, and was first introduced in
1978. The primary objective of ECL is to provide a method for ECG criteria to be expressed in
a form meaningful to both a cardiologist and to computers. ECL describes ECG criteria using
consistent terminology selected from a broad base of cardiologists as well as
electrocardiography texts.
The Philips 12-Lead Algorithm provides an analysis of the amplitudes, durations, and
morphologies of the ECG waveforms and the associated rhythm. ECG waveform analysis is
based on standard criteria for interpretation of these parameters, calculations of the electrical
axis, and the relationship between leads.
The Philips 12-Lead Algorithm
The algorithm is highly age and gender specific. Patient age and gender are used throughout
the program to define normal limits for heart rate, axis deviation, time intervals, and voltage
values for interpretation accuracy in tachycardia, bradycardia, prolongation or shortening of
PR and QT intervals, hypertrophy, early repolarization, and myocardial infarct.
Adult criteria apply if the patient age entered is 16 years old or older, or if no age is specified.
Pediatric criteria apply if the patient age entered is younger than 16 years of age.
A computer-interpreted ECG report is not intended to be a substitute for interpretation by a
qualified physician. The interpreted ECG is a tool to assist the physician in making a clinical
diagnosis in conjunction with the physician’s knowledge of the patient, the results of the
physical examination, and other findings. The algorithm helps to identify problem areas for
the physician and saves time for the physician or editing technician who may only need to add,
delete, or modify a few statements.
The Philips 12-Lead AlgorithmThe Philips 12-Lead Algorithm Process
The Philips 12-Lead Algorithm Process
The Philips 12-Lead Algorithm produces precise and consistent ECG measurements that are
used to provide interpretive statements. The process begins with the simultaneous acquisition
of the twelve conventional leads and follows four steps to produce the interpreted ECG report.
1 Quality Monitor – examines the technical quality of each ECG lead
2Waveform Recognition – locates and identifies the various waveform components
3Measurement – measures each component of the waveform and performs basic rhythm
analysis, producing a comprehensive set of measurements
4 Interpretation – uses extended measurements and Patient ID information (age, gender) to
select interpretive statements from the program
Figure 1-1The Philips 12-Lead Algorithm Analysis Process
ECG Patient DataQuality MonitorFeedback to Operator
Extended MeasurementsCriteria
Philips 12-Lead Algorithm
Interpretive Report
1-2Philips 12-Lead Algorithm Physician Guide
Quality MonitorThe Philips 12-Lead Algorithm
Quality Monitor
Computer-assisted ECG analysis begins by obtaining accurate ECG waveforms through
simultaneously acquiring and analyzing 12 ECG leads.The analog ECG signal at the body
surface is digitized by the Patient Module. The ECG waveform data is captured at a sample
rate of 4 Mhz and reduced to 500 samples per second with 5
will accurately detect pacemaker pulses.
Philips Medical Systems equipment monitors ECG trace quality from the time of lead
attachment, to ECG acquisition, and throughout the analysis process. This ensures the highest
possible quality ECG trace. This also enables the correction of problems before the ECG trace
is printed.
During analysis, the trace quality is analyzed to ensure good ECG measurements. The ECG is
also analyzed for muscle artifact, AC noise, baseline wander, and leads-off. Any noise
problems not corrected by the operator are described in the interpretive statements on the ECG
If noise conditions are severe, a report may not be printed. If noise conditions are significant
enough to prevent ECG analysis, the ECG may be printed without interpretation. The operator
must then correct the noise problem and retake the ECG.
µV resolution. This sampling rate
Modifying lead placement and improving patient preparation helps to eliminate most noise
quality problems.
Reducing Artifact
Electrical interference, patient respiration, patient movement, and muscle tremors may add
noise and artifact to the ECG signal. Poor quality electrodes or inadequate patient preparation
may also degrade the ECG signal.
The two types of AC interference in the ECG signal are common mode and differential mode.
Common Mode
Some noise sources that interfere with the ECG signal affect all of the electrodes attached to
the patient. These common noise sources are removed from the ECG by input circuitry as the
signal is acquired and digitized. The amount by which these common mode signals are
reduced is referred to as the common mode rejection ratio. The common mode rejection ratio
for Philips Medical Systems input circuitry meets or exceeds current AAMI and IEC
Differential Mode
The magnetic fields associated with electrical power interact with the lead wires. These fields
induce electrical signals that appear as high frequency noise on the ECG. The amount of
distortion differs from lead to lead, depending on the size of any loop created by the lead wire
and on its orientation. A good way to prevent distortion is to align all the lead wires with the
patient’s body along the head-to-foot axis.
The Philips 12-Lead AlgorithmQuality Monitor
Using Filters
A variety of noise sources may degrade the reproduction of the ECG signal. A sophisticated
set of digital filters may be selected by the operator (or during system configuration) to
optimize the displayed or printed ECG waveform.
With the exception of the AC filter (which is highly selective) there is trade off between
fidelity and clarity of the ECG trace when a filter is applied. The more filtering applied, the
greater the possibility of removing ECG signal details.
In the lower right corner of the ECG report is a box that displays information about the
filtering options used on the ECG.
NOTEWhile all filters affect displayed and printed ECGs, the Philips 12-Lead Algorithm always receives and
analyzes unfiltered data.
Figure 1-2Example of the Filter Box on the ECG Report
Artifact Filter
The artifact filter removes skeletal muscle artifact. This noise source is the most difficult to
eliminate because it has the same frequencies as ECG signals. The artifact filter eliminates
skeletal muscle artifact, but also reduces all high frequency components of the ECG.
The filter removes up to 50
affect P waves and the entire QRS-T complex. Use the artifact filter only for ECGs that would
be unreadable due to significant levels of muscle artifact.
1-4Philips 12-Lead Algorithm Physician Guide
µV of signals in the 5 Hz to 150 Hz frequency range. This may
Filter Box
Quality MonitorThe Philips 12-Lead Algorithm
AC Filter
The AC filter removes interference created by the magnetic fields associated with electrical
power interacting with the lead wires. The frequency of the AC interference is stable at 60 or
50 Hz, so the AC filter removes the AC noise and leaves the ECG signal intact. The line
frequency of 60 or 50 Hz is selected during system configuration.
If the filter box does not contain the AC filter symbol, the AC filter was not used for the ECG.
Frequency Response Filters
These filters suppress frequencies at the high and low ends of the ECG signal spectrum. The
available low frequency response filter settings are 40, 100, and 150 Hz. In 1989, the
American Heart Association recommended that frequencies up to 125 Hz be recorded for adult
ECGs and that frequencies up to 150 Hz be recorded for pediatric ECGs.
Changing the low frequency filter to 40 or 100 Hz results in a smoother-looking ECG
waveform while eliminating some fine detail in the signal. Small deflections, notches, and
slurs may be distorted or may disappear if one of these filters is applied.
The high frequency response filter settings are 0.05, 0.15, and 0.5 Hz.
NOTEWith the baseline wander filter on, the high frequency response filter is automatically set to 0.5. It is
recommended that the 0.05 high frequency response filter setting be used for all other ECGs. See
“Baseline Wander Filter” below for more information.
The frequency response of the printed ECG is indicated in the ECG report filter box. The
algorithm uses 0.05 to 150 Hz bandwidth for maximum fidelity.
Baseline Wander Filter
Baseline wander is the slow (typically 0.1 - 0.2 Hz) drifting of the ECG baseline up or down
during ECG recording. Baseline wander may result from patient respiration or from other
sources. Severe baseline wander may make it difficult to determine the true wave shapes in the
Effective baseline wander suppression techniques do not distort the ST segment. While the
highest frequency response limit of 0.05 Hz (recommended for normal use) eliminates
baseline wander from most ECGs, additional suppression may be required. Turning on the
baseline wander filter suppresses all frequencies above 0.5.
1.Bailey JJ, Berson AS, Garson A, Horan LG, Macfarlane PW, Mortara DW, Zywietz C: Recommendations for
Standardization and Specifications in Automated Electrocardiography: Bandwidth and Digital Signal
Processing. Circulation, 81:730-739 (1990).
The Philips 12-Lead AlgorithmWaveform Recognition and Measurements
NOTEA 0.5 Hz baseline wander filter that may distort the ST segment is used during continuous ECG
recording in Rhythm mode. Do not attempt to interpret the contour aspects of Rhythm ECGs at this
setting. If contour analysis is important in Rhythm mode, use the 0.05 Hz Rhythm high-pass frequency
response setting that minimizes the ST segment distortion. Rhythm characteristics of the ECG are
accurately recorded regardless of the low-pass frequency setting in Rhythm mode.
Waveform Recognition and Measurements
The Philips 12-Lead Algorithm calculates measurements for all the waveforms on an ECG
report. Every beat in each lead is measured individually, allowing the natural variation among
beats to contribute to the representative measurements. In the algorithm, all of the
representative group, lead, and global measurements are calculated from the comprehensive
set of measurements for each beat. The algorithm can use any combination of these three types
of measurements (group, lead, global) thereby enhancing the flexibility and power of its
interpretive capabilities.
Figure 1-3ECG Morphology Measurements
Waveform Recognition
The first step of the measurement program involves waveform recognition and beat detection.
A pacing spike detector is run on all leads if the ECG pacemaker setting is
Pacer spikes are removed and the resulting waves are analyzed with a boundary indicator
derived from all leads over the ten-second analysis period. After the approximate QRS
complex and pacemaker spike locations are known, another boundary indicator waveform that
1-6Philips 12-Lead Algorithm Physician Guide
On or Unknown.
Waveform Recognition and MeasurementsThe Philips 12-Lead Algorithm
enhances P and T wave detection is derived. Approximate P wave, QRS complex, and T wave
regions are then determined for each beat in the ECG.
Comprehensive Measurements
After the approximate waveform locations are known, they are further refined to determine
precise onsets and offsets for each waveform. Once the onsets and offsets are determined, the
amplitude, duration, area, and shape are calculated for every P wave, QRS complex, ST
segment, and T wave in each lead. Waveform irregularities such as notches, slurs, delta waves,
and pacemaker spikes are also noted for every beat.
Group Measurements
Each beat in the ECG is classified into one of five rhythm groups based on rate and
morphology parameters. Each group has beats with similar R-R intervals, durations, and
shapes. All ventricular paced beats are grouped together, regardless of other parameters.
Group 1 measurements represent the type of beat that is predominant.
Groups 2 through 5 represent other beat types whose measurements are averaged together.
The group into which each beat is classified is noted under the heading
in the Rhythm Analysis section of the Extended Measurements report. See
“Extended Measurements Report” on page 5-26.
Lead Measurements
Measurements for each of the 12 leads are calculated from the Group 1 beats. Only if all beats
in the ECG are ventricular paced will the measurements be for paced beats. If an ECG
contains both paced and non-paced beats, only the non-paced beats will be measured.
The lead measurements are averaged representatives of the dominant waveform present in
each lead and are reported in the Morphology Analysis section of the Extended Measurements
Atrial Rhythm Analysis
Atrial rhythm is determined by examining leads V1, aVF, II, and III in succession until the
algorithm can determine the number of P waves per QRS complex. If the determination fails,
no atrial rhythm parameters are calculated.
Global Measurements
The global measurements for the ECG (including the frontal and horizontal plane axis
measurements) are reported to the right of the lead measurements in the Morphology Analysis
section of the Extended Measurements Report. See “Extended Measurements Report” on
page 5-26 for more information.
These interval, duration, and segment measurements are the measurements of the
representative beat in each lead from Group 1. The global rate reported is the mean ventricular
rate over the entire ECG unless the algorithm determines that one of the group mean
ventricular rates is more representative of the underlying rhythm.
The Philips 12-Lead AlgorithmInterpretation
Axis Measurements
Although it is convenient to use waveform amplitudes when making axis measurements
manually, using the areas of the waveforms yields more accurate results. Philips Medical
Systems equipment uses the waveform areas from the lead measurements in calculating the P,
QRS, and T axes. The sum of the ST onset, and middle and end amplitudes are used in
calculating the ST axis.
The frontal plane axis measurements use the limb leads and nine lead pairs (all at least 60
apart) to estimate the axes. The horizontal plane axis measurements are calculated from leads
V1-V6 in a similar manner.
The resulting estimates are examined to ensure that they converge to a single result. They are
averaged to form the representative axis measurement.
Within a diagnostic category, the criteria for interpretive statements become more and more
restrictive from beginning to end. Criteria met for any given interpretive statement in a
diagnostic category automatically suppresses any previous statement (in that category) that
had been selected.
Each category may only be represented on the final report by one statement. This statement is
the last one encountered whose medical criteria were true based on the measurements, earlier
decisions, and Patient ID information (age, gender).
Overall Severity
Each interpretive statement selected for the ECG report has an associated severity. Severities
that are more abnormal override lesser severities. The severities of all selected interpretive
statements are combined to determine the overall severity of the ECG. This severity is printed
on each page of the ECG report.
Table 1-1 Overall ECG Severity
No SeverityNS
Normal ECGNO
Otherwise Normal ECGON
Borderline ECGBO
Abnormal ECGAB
Defective ECGDE
1-8Philips 12-Lead Algorithm Physician Guide
Adult and Pediatric Rhythm Analysis
The interpretive statements generated by the Philips 12-Lead Algorithm are based on the full
range of ECG wavelet measurements and include wavelet durations,
other parameters.
All of the interpretive statements are grouped into diagnostic categories. In each diagnostic
category, more clinically significant findings override more benign ones. For instance, in the
category of Ventricular Conduction Delays, the statement Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB)
overrides Borderline Intraventricular Conduction Delay and Incomplete Left Bundle Branch
Block. In addition, the presence of LBBB also suppresses a statement from a previous
category such as Left Axis Deviation and bypasses tests for ventricular hypertrophy, most
infarcts, ST deviations, and abnormal T waves. These suppression and bypass conditions
generally are not addressed in the descriptions of the diagnostic categories.
The diagnostic categories are divided into two sections: cardiac rhythm and morphology. Each
diagnostic category includes a set of interpretive statements with variations in severity and
probability. Detailed cardiac rhythm criteria are described in the following section. Detailed
morphology detection criteria are described in Chapter 3, “Adult Morphology Analysis” and
Chapter 4, “Pediatric Morphology Analysis.”
amplitudes, areas, and
ECG analysis begins with rhythm analysis with the first interpretive statement describing the
basic rhythm of the ECG, or the paced rhythm of the ECG.
A second interpretive statement may be appended to describe additional rhythm
abnormalities, including premature complexes, pauses, atrioventricular conduction
abnormalities, and miscellaneous arrhythmias.
Adult and Pediatric Rhythm AnalysisCardiac Rhythm Categories
Paced Rhythm
Paced rhythm interpretation concentrates on the apparent rhythm, not on the underlying
pacemaker mode (which may not be apparent from the observed rhythm). Atrial, ventricular,
dual AV sequential, and atrial-sensed ventricular-paced pacing rhythms may be described.
The term
PACED RHYTHM is used when all beats fit a characteristic paced pattern.
Paced complexes are described when pacing is intermittent and non-paced complexes are also
detected. Such complexes may include ectopic atrial or ventricular premature complexes, or
episodes of sinus rhythm. Intermittently paced rhythms are not further analyzed for rhythm
patterns during the non-paced periods.
Demand behavior with pulse inhibition in one or both chambers may be detected.
Noise spikes in technically poor tracings may mimic pacer spikes. If these are suspected, a
statement of pacemaker-like artifact is generated.
When the ECG record is obtained with a magnet in place, the pacemaker spikes occur at a
fixed rate and may be asynchronous with the underlying rhythm. This phenomenon is declared
as a failure to sense and/or capture and the presence of a magnet is questioned.
An attempt is made to diagnose atrial fibrillation in the presence of ventricular pacing. No
other atrial rhythm diagnosis is performed.
QRS complexes that are not ventricular paced (non-paced or atrial paced complexes) and that
are not classified as ventricular ectopic beats will be measured and used for further
morphology interpretation. No further interpretation is considered for ECGs with continuous
ventricular or AV dual pacing.
Basic Cardiac Rhythm
When no pacing spikes are found, one interpretive statement describes the basic cardiac
rhythm and is based on the interrelationship of the atrial rate, ventricular rate, P wave axis,
QRS duration, and other measurements. Possible statements include those related to:
Sinus, atrial, supraventricular, junctional, and ventricular rhythms
Tachycardia, bradycardia, and varying rate
Complete AV block
AV dissociation
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial flutter
A normal P axis measurement (-30
º to 120º in the frontal plane) is assumed to indicate a sinus
origin of the P wave. An abnormal P axis signifies an atrial or a junctional origin.
Tachycardia is generally defined as a rate of 100 bpm or higher in adults; bradycardia is
slower than 50 bpm. This is different from the value of 60 cited by many ECG texts
. The
operator may reset the default criteria from 50 bpm to 60 bpm (if available). Consult the
Philips Medical Systems product documentation for more information.
1.Surawicz B, Uhley H, Borun R, Laks, M, et al. Task Force 1: Standardization of Terminology and
Interpretation. Amer J Cardio 41:130-145 (1978).
2-2Philips 12-Lead Algorithm Physician Guide
Cardiac Rhythm CategoriesAdult and Pediatric Rhythm Analysis
Heart rates slower than the normal range are considered bradycardia and those higher are
considered tachycardia as shown in Appendix A (pediatric values only).
An interpretive statement of complete AV block is generated when the ventricular rate is low
(< 45 bpm) and the atrial rhythm is asynchronous with the ventricular rhythm. Additional
categories of complete AV block include wide QRS complexes and atrial fibrillation.
AV dissociation is detected by looking for a normal ventricular rate with considerable
variation of the apparent PR intervals. While describing the ECG rhythm strip, the algorithm
does not define the underlying rhythm (which may be complete heart block or a junctional
rhythm). An attempt is made to diagnose the underlying rhythm, complete heart block or
junctional rhythm, rather than AV dissociation.
The criteria for atrial fibrillation are rather complex. Fine fibrillation is diagnosed with
missing P waves in most leads and marked variation in the ventricular rate. Coarse fibrillation
is diagnosed from multiple shapes of P waves with a rapid apparent atrial rate and variation in
the ventricular rate.
An interpretive statement of atrial flutter is generated when the atrial rate falls between 220-
340. An attempt is made to describe the degree of block with flutter.
Ventricular Preexcitation
Ventricular preexcitation is recognized based on the occurrence of delta waves in multiple
leads and a mean QRS duration greater than 100 ms.
A short PR (PR segment <55 ms or PR interval <120 ms) reduces the number the leads with
delta waves required to detect this condition.
Leftward or rightward initial QRS axis deviation criteria are added to determine whether a left
or right accessory pathway is present. The rest of the algorithm program is bypassed if
ventricular preexcitation criteria are met.
Premature Complexes
Premature complexes are recognized when the preceding R-R interval is shorter than the
average R-R interval of a background ventricular rate that is basically regular. A reduction in
R-R interval of 15% (typical) or greater is considered significant.
Premature complexes with normal QRS duration (QRSd) are considered to be atrial or
junctional in origin, depending on the presence or absence of a P wave. Those with longer than
normal QRSd are considered to be either ventricular in origin or to be aberrant
supraventricular in origin.
Atrial premature complexes (APC, multiple APC) are generally recognized by their early
appearance, normal QRS duration, and atypical P-wave morphology. More than one APC is
diagnosed as multiple APCs.
Ventricular premature complexes (VPC, multiple VPC) are generally recognized by an early
appearance, wider than normal QRS duration, a compensatory pause, and a different polarity
than normal beats. Interpolated VPCs have ventricular morphologic characteristics without
compensatory pauses. Multiple VPCs are diagnosed when more than one VPC is detected.
Adult and Pediatric Rhythm AnalysisCardiac Rhythm Categories
Junctional premature contractions (JPC) have the same characteristics as APCs, but without a
P-wave being detected. No attempt is made to detect retrograde P waves with JPCs.
Ventricular or supraventricular bigeminy is diagnosed when ventricular (V) or
supraventricular (A) premature beats alternate with normal (N) beats.There must be at least
two consecutive occurrences of the pattern (NV or NA) to generate an interpretive statement
of bigeminy.
Ventricular trigeminy is diagnosed when two consecutive occurrences of the pattern NNV are
Two adjacent VPCs are diagnosed as a pair. The characteristics are primarily morphological
since compensatory pauses are not usually seen.
A run of VPCs is diagnosed when three or more adjacent VPCs are seen.
Long R-R intervals are significant if they are more than 140% (typical) of the average R-R in a
background ventricular rate that is basically regular. They are considered to indicate either a
sinus arrest or an intermittent AV block.
The presence or absence of a P wave, as well as the duration of the QRS, indicate the origin of
an escape beat. Atrial and supraventricular escapes show a P wave and a normal QRS duration
(QRSd). Junctional escapes show no P wave, but a normal QRSd. A prolonged QRSd
indicates a ventricular origin of the escape beat, although aberration cannot be excluded.
Different grades of second degree AV block are indicated on the basis of more P waves than
QRS complexes.
A statement indicating Mobitz I (Wenckebach) AV block depends on progressively longer PR
intervals preceding the long R-R interval.
Miscellaneous Arrhythmias
This category includes arrhythmias that are not covered in the preceding sections.
Statements relating to interpolated beats depend on recognizing that consecutive R-R intervals
are approximately one-half the average R-R of a background ventricular rate that is basically
Aberrant complexes are recognized when the R-R interval is only slightly decreased but the
QRSd is prolonged, as if it were of ventricular origin.
Atrioventricular Conduction
Statements in this category are based on the measurement of a prolonged PR interval.
2-4Philips 12-Lead Algorithm Physician Guide
Cardiac Rhythm CategoriesAdult and Pediatric Rhythm Analysis
The PR interval varies slightly according to age and heart rate, as shown in the following table.
Table 2-2 Borderline and Abnormally Prolonged PR Intervals (ms)
Heart Rate (bpm)
Left Value = PR Interval Upper Limit (Borderline)
Right Value = PR Interval Upper Limit (1st degree AV Block)
Age (years)
less than 5051-9091-120over 120
over 60200-230210-220205-215200-210
Adult Morphology Analysis
The morphology interpretation starts by testing for dextrocardia. Morphology abnormalities
are examined in anatomical order from right to left and from atria to ventricles. The
interpretive criteria are described (by diagnostic category) in the following section.
Dextrocardia is suggested if the P wave and the QRS axes are abnormal in the frontal plane
(deviated rightward), if the horizontal plane QRS is directed rightward, and if small QRS
complexes are present in V5 and V6. The rest of the morphology interpretation is bypassed if
dextrocardia criteria are met.
Right Atrial Abnormality
Large P waves are considered suggestive of right atrial abnormality (RAA). The minimum
duration considered significant is 60 ms, the minimum voltage considered significant is 0.24
mV (typical).
Greater than normal P wave duration and amplitude in limb leads produce a statement of
consider right atrial abnormality. Additional conditions such as a biphasic P wave in Lead V1
indicate probable RAA. Larger P waves lead to more definitive interpretive statements
regarding the likelihood of RAA.
Left Atrial Abnormality
Left atrial abnormalities (LAA) are detected from large P waves on limb leads and a biphasic
P in Lead V1, and the durations and the amplitudes of the initial and terminal portions of a
biphasic P wave.
A duration greater than 110 ms combined with amplitudes over 0.10 mV in limb leads is
considered significant, though not necessarily abnormal unless present in multiple leads. A
notched P wave adds to the significance of the other values. Lead V1 is specifically examined
for duration, amplitude, and area of the negative component of the P wave. Although duration
of over 30 ms and amplitudes over 0.09 mV can be considered significant, the area of this
negative component must be greater than 0.60 Ashman units to be considered LAA. An
Ashman unit is the area of 1 square millimeter at normal speed (25 mm/sec) and normal
sensitivity (10 mm/mV). An Ashman unit equals 40 ms x 0.1 mV.
Biatrial Abnormality
Biatrial abnormality (BAA) combines right and left atrial abnormalities. Associated LAA is
diagnosed when a P amplitude greater than 0.1 mV in V1 co-exists with RAA. Associated
RAA is considered when LAA statements are combined with a significant P wave greater than
10 ms in duration and greater than 0.07 mV in amplitude, and an R wave greater than 1.0 mV
in Lead V6. BAA is considered if RAA and LAA statements with high severity were
previously generated.
QRS Axis Deviation
Interpretive statements based on frontal QRS axis measurements describe left and right
deviation as well as superior, horizontal, and vertical directions.
The mean QRS axis (mean vector of the electric force) is calculated in the frontal and
horizontal planes. The normal frontal axis range varies with age and gender. The frontal QRS
axis in young male patients tends to the right. The frontal QRS axis in older patients tends to
the left.
A frontal QRS axis between -30º and 90º is considered normal, subject to modification by age
and gender. Frontal QRS axis measurements counterclockwise from -30
deviated to the left, and those clockwise from 90
º are considered to be deviated to the right.
º are considered to be
Ventricular Conduction Delays
A QRS duration (QRSd) greater than 100 ms is common to all of the interpretive statements in
this category except for isolated left anterior fascicular block (LAFB) and left posterior
fascicular block (LPFB), which do not cause a prolonged QRS.
LAFB interpretations are associated with leftward deviation of the mean frontal QRS axis
between -40
deviation of the mean frontal QRS axis between 120
Other than the fascicular blocks, a definitive block interpretation requires that the QRSd
exceed 120 ms. A QRSd between 110 and 120 ms is non-specific intraventricular conduction
delay, and between 100 and 110ms is considered borderline intraventricular conduction delay.
Right bundle branch block (RBBB) interpretations are always associated with the terminal
portion of the QRS being directed to the right (dominant negative Q, S forces in Leads I, aVL,
and V6, and positive forces in Lead V1). A QRSd between 110-120 ms is considered
incomplete RBBB.
º and 240º counterclockwise. LPFB interpretations are associated with rightward
º and 210º clockwise.
Left bundle branch block (LBBB) interpretations are always associated with the terminal
portion of the QRS being directed to the left dominant positive (R, R') forces in Leads I, aVL,
and V6, and negative forces (Q, S) in Lead V1. A QRSd between 110-120 ms is considered
incomplete LBBB.
Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is detected on the basis of several findings:
Presence of a prominent R or R' in Lead V1
Presence of a prominent Q, S, or S' in either Lead I or V6
Right atrial abnormality
Right axis deviation in the frontal plane
Repolarization abnormalities typical of RVH
An R in V1 that is more than 75% the size of the Q or S is significant, and is considered to be
prominent. An R' larger than 20 ms and 0.30 mV in V1 is significant. A QRS in V1 with a
positive component larger than the negative component is highly significant.
Repolarization abnormalities typical of RVH are determined by an examination of Leads II,
aVF, V1, V2, and V3 for the presence of depressed ST segments and inverted T waves as
typical of the right ventricular strain pattern.
The statements to be printed regarding RVH are determined by combinations of the above
findings. One voltage criterion generates a consider RVH statement. Two voltage criteria or
one voltage plus repolarization abnormality generates a probable RVH statement. Definitive
RVH statements result when multiple findings are present.
A Q, S, or S' larger than 40 ms and 0.20 mV in either Lead I or V6 is significant and is
considered to be prominent. A QRS with a negative component larger than the positive
component is highly significant.
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is detected on the basis of several findings:
Prominent R or R' in V5 or V6
R in Lead I plus S in Lead III
Sokolow-Lyon Voltage (R in V5/V6 plus S in V1)
Cornell Voltage (R in aVL plus S in V3)
Cornell Product (R in aVL plus S in V3) multiplied by QRSd
Left axis deviation in the frontal plane
Left atrial abnormality
Prolonged QRS duration or ventricular activation time (VAT)
Repolarization abnormality typical of LVH
Voltage values for the QRS complexes that are considered excessively high vary with patient
age and gender. Because higher voltages are normal for young patients, age is considered
when evaluating LVH. The younger the patient, the more stringent are the requirements for an
LVH statement. Females have lower voltage values than males
. Voltage limits also vary with
the leads involved and whether the deflection is positive or negative.
In frontal leads the minimum value considered excessive is a positive deflection of more than
1.20 mV in Lead aVL. Precordial Leads V1 and V2 are examined for negative deflections (Q
or S) and V5 and V6 are examined for positive deflections (R or R'). These values are
considered individually; any value greater than 2.50 mV is considered significant.
The negative values in V1, V2 and the positive values in V5, V6 are added together. Any total
for Q or S in V1 plus R or R' in V5 or V6 that exceeds 3.50 mV is significant. A total of Q or S
in V2 plus R or R' in V5 or V6 must exceed 4.0 mV to be significant.
Higher voltages contribute to qualifying statements regarding LVH. Cornell Voltage criteria
are used for LVH detection. This limit is an R amplitude in Lead aVL plus S amplitude in
Lead V3 greater than or equal to 2.8 mV in males and 2.0 mV in females. LVH voltage criteria
combine with additional features determined in previous categories such as left axis deviation,
presence of LAA, QRS duration greater than 95 ms, and ventricular activation time (VAT)
greater than 55 ms.
LVH with secondary repolarization abnormalities is determined separately and results in more
definite statements regarding the likelihood of LVH. Secondary repolarization abnormalities
are determined by examining Leads I, aVL, V4, V5, and V6 for the presence of ST depression
and inverted T wave as a typical left ventricular strain pattern.
Low Voltage and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Pattern
All leads are examined for QRS peak-to-peak voltage.
Frontal leads: if no lead has a value exceeding 0.60 mV, the ECG is considered borderline low
voltage. If no value exceeds 0.50 mV, the ECG is considered definite low voltage, an
abnormal finding.
Precordial leads: if no lead has a value exceeding 1.00 mV, the ECG is considered definite low
voltage, an abnormal finding.
Combinations of low voltage statements, rightward deviation of the frontal P and QRS axes,
and right atrial enlargement may generate statements suggesting the likelihood of chronic
pulmonary disease.
Inferior Myocardial Infarction
Leads II, III, and aVF are examined for Q wave presence and size, the ratio of Q to R, the
presence of T wave changes (flattened or inverted), and the presence of an elevated or
depressed ST segment.
As the Q waves become larger or appear in more leads and the R waves become less
prominent, the interpretive statements are more significant. For inferior Q waves to be
considered significant, at least one of them must be longer than 25 ms in duration and greater
than one-sixth the amplitude of the associated R. For any infarct statement to qualify, at least
one Q wave must be longer than 35 ms and greater than one-fifth the amplitude of the R wave.
A leftward direction of the axis of the initial portion of the QRS adds to the likelihood of an
inferior infarct statement. T wave and ST changes are used to estimate the age of the infarct.
Deeper T wave inversion and larger ST segment deviations generate statements indicating
more recent infarction. Gender and age influence the detection of inferior infarct. Males and
younger patients are more likely to have normal Q waves in the inferior leads.
Lateral Myocardial Infarction
Leads I, aVL, V5, and V6 are examined for Q wave presence and size, the ratio of Q to R, the
presence of T wave changes (flattened or inverted), and the presence of an elevated or
depressed ST segment.
For lateral Q waves to be considered significant, at least one must be longer than 35 ms and
greater than 0.10 mV in amplitude. It must also have an amplitude that is at least 20% as large
as that of the R wave. As the Q waves become larger or show in more leads and the R waves
become less prominent, the interpretive statements become more significant.
T wave and ST changes are used to estimate the age of the infarct. Deeper T wave inversion
and larger ST segment deviations generate statements indicating more recent infarction.
Gender and age influence the detection of lateral infarct. Males and younger patients are more
likely to have normal Q waves in the lateral leads.
Leads V1, V2, V3, and V4 are examined for the presence of Q wave, Q wave area, the relative
and absolute sizes of the R and S waves, whether the QRS area is negative or positive, the
presence of T wave changes (flattened or inverted), and the presence of elevated or depressed
ST segments. Positive findings in V1 and V2 tend to be reported as anteroseptal infarcts, while
abnormalities in V2, V3, and V4 tend to be reported as anterior infarcts.
For any anteroseptal or anterior Q wave to be considered significant, it must be longer than
30 ms in duration and over 0.07 mV in amplitude. As the Q waves become larger or show in
more leads and the QRS progression from negative to positive becomes shifted more laterally,
the interpretive statements become more definitive for infarction in the anterior region.
T wave and ST changes are used to estimate the age of the infarct. Deeper T wave inversion
and greater ST elevations generate statements indicating more recent infarction.
Anterolateral and Extensive Anterior Myocardial Infarct
Leads V2, V3, V4, V5, and V6 are examined for Q wave presence and size, the relative and
absolute sizes of the R and S, whether the QRS area in V3 is negative or positive, the presence
of T wave changes (flattened or inverted), and the presence of elevated or depressed ST
For any anterolateral Q wave to be considered significant, it must be longer than 30 ms
(typical) in duration and over 0.07 mV in amplitude. As the Q waves become larger or show in
more leads, the interpretive statements become more definitive for infarction.
Positive findings in all six precordial leads generate statements describing extensive anterior
Gender and age influence the detection of anterolateral infarct. Males and younger patients are
more likely to have normal Q waves in the anterolateral leads.
Q, ST changes, and T wave are used to estimate the age of the infarct. Deeper T wave
inversion and greater ST elevations generate statements indicating more recent infarction.
Posterior Myocardial Infarction
Leads V1, V2, and V3 are examined for the relative and absolute sizes of the R and S waves,
an absent or insignificant Q wave, ST depression, and a positive T wave.
A prominent R, in the presence of an insignificant Q, and an upright T may generate a
statement suggesting the likelihood of a posterior infarct (PMI). ST depression in V1-V3, and
upward T or T' are detected for acute posterior infarct. Combined inferior and posterior MI is
called inferoposterior MI, and combined acute inferior MI and acute posterior MI is called
acute inferoposterior MI.
Indications of LVH or RVH decrease the likelihood of a PMI statement. Gender and age
influence the detection of a posterior infarct. Males and younger patients are more likely to
have prominent R waves in V1 and V2.
All leads are examined for negative values in the ST segment. The values examined include
the following points in the ST segment:
The onset of the ST segment (the J point)
The point midway between the onset and the end of the ST segment
80 ms past the J point
The end of the ST segment (the beginning of the T wave)
Besides negative values in the ST segment, other features are examined:
The slope of the ST segment in degrees
The shape of the ST segment (straight, concave up, or concave down).
The smallest negative ST deflection that is considered significant is 0.03 mV
As the negativity of the ST segment increases, more severe statements are generated. Minor
depression of the segment produces statements with a severity code of
(ON) or NORMAL (NO). Increasing depression produces statements progressing through from
Whenever possible, the location of ST abnormalities is indicated as part of the interpretive
statement. The localization generally fits the description that follows.
Table 3-1 Location of Infarcts and Lead Group of ST-T Abnormalities
Lead Groups
(Location)I IIIIIaVRaVLaVFV1V2V3V4V5V6
AnterolateralXX XXXXXX
ST depression is associated with rapid heart rate. A statement is generated indicating ST
depression, probably rate related, if the mean heart rate is greater than 190 minus (age in
years) bpm.
A concurrent statement regarding RVH, LVH, LBBB, RBBB, any new infarct, or any
statement associated with drug therapy or electrolyte imbalance impacts this category by
tending to suppress ST depression statements. This is more likely for the less severe ST
depression statements than for the more severe ones.
T Wave Abnormalities and Myocardial Ischemia
All leads are examined for T wave amplitude, the relative amplitude of the T and the QRS, and
whether the T is negative or positive. The frontal axis of the T wave and its relation to the
frontal QRS axis is also measured.
Reduced T wave amplitude (both absolute and relative to the QRS), and negative T waves are
considered to be abnormal findings. Minimal changes in one or a few leads produce less
severe statements. As the changes become more prominent in magnitude and the number of
affected leads increases, the statements become more severe.
A frontal T axis that is not between -10
may result in a statement indicating nonspecific T wave abnormalities. Whenever possible, the
lead group of T wave abnormalities is indicated as part of the interpretive statement.
A concurrent statement regarding RVH, LVH, LBBB, RBBB, any infarct, or any statement
associated with drug therapy or electrolyte imbalance impacts this category by tending to
suppress T wave statements. This is more likely for the less severe T wave statements than for
the more severe ones.
º and 100º or a QRS-T angle that is greater than 90º
Repolarization Abnormalities and Myocardial Ischemia
This category includes statements indicating the presence of both ST segment and T wave
abnormalities. None of these statements involve any new examination of measurements.
All statements in this category are determined by the combination of statements in the
T Wave Abnormalities and ST Depression categories. The severity of the statements in this
category depends on the severity of the qualifying ST and T wave abnormalities.
ST Elevation, Myocardial Injury, Pericarditis, and Early Repolarization
ST segment elevation is based on examination of all lead groups for positive values of the ST
onset (J point), the deflection at 80 msec after onset, and the slope of the ST segment (in
The smallest positive ST displacement considered significant is 0.05 mV (0.5 mm). When ST
elevation is small (0.05 mV to approximately 0.10 mV, that is, less than 1 mm), the statements
are considered to be of
elevation greater than 1 mm is generally classified as
A specific lead group always follows a statement of borderline or abnormal ST elevation.
Abnormal ST elevation in a specific lead group is described as consider, probable, or definite
myocardial injury. If ST elevation is widespread on all anterior, lateral, and inferior lead
groups, either pericarditis or probable early repolarization is suggested.
Tall T Waves
All leads are examined for the presence of positive T waves with amplitudes that exceed
1.20 mV, or for positive T waves that exceed 0.50 mV and are also more than half the size of
the peak-to-peak QRS voltage.
The presence of such T waves generates statements alerting to the possibility of metabolic,
electrolyte, or ischemic abnormalities.
QT Abnormalities, Electrolyte Disturbance, and Drug Effects
Measurements of QT interval, as corrected for heart rate, and measurements associated with
ST segment depression and T wave changes are examined for values characteristic of the
effects of digitalis and abnormal calcium and potassium levels.
A QT interval corrected for heart rate (QTc) that is shorter than 340 ms is considered to be a
short QT interval with a severity code as
QTc greater than 465 ms is considered as borderline prolonged QTc. An additional 20 ms
qualifies the condition as prolonged QTc. Presence of RVH, LVH, and VCD suppresses
statements of a prolonged QTc.
If the QTc is shorter than 310 ms, a statement of short QTc suggesting hypercalcemia is
A significantly prolonged QTc interval greater than 520 ms is considered to be due to
A significantly prolonged QTc interval ( > 520 ms), combined with ST segment depression
and a positive T wave in multiple leads, is considered to be due to hypokalemia.
The presence of an Rx code indicating use of digitalis favors interpretive statements that the
findings are compatible with the effects of this drug. A combination of a short QTc and
repolarization abnormality is considered to be due to digitalis effect.
Pediatric Morphology Analysis
The pediatric Philips 12-Lead Algorithm is intended for use on ECGs of patients from birth up
to 16 years of age. Age is an important factor in the pediatric algorithm since normal limits in
heart rate, axis deviation, and waveform amplitudes are highly age dependent. Specification of
age is highly recommended to improve overall ECG interpretation quality. If an age is not
entered or is invalid, the interpretation is based on a default adult age, and a special statement
noting this assumption is printed on the report.
Specific age limits of ECG features are adopted in the pediatric algorithm.
information, see Appendix A, “Normal Measurement Values.”
The interpretive statements are described (by diagnostic category) in the following section.
The P wave amplitude in Lead III is greater than in Lead II
The remainder of the algorithm is bypassed if dextrocardia criteria are met.
Right Atrial Abnormality
Large P waves are considered suggestive of right atrial abnormality (RAA). The minimum
duration considered significant is 60 ms, the minimum voltage considered significant is
0.20 mV (typical).
Greater than normal P wave duration and amplitude in limb leads produce a statement of
consider right atrial abnormality. Additional conditions such as a biphasic P wave in Lead V1
indicate probable RAA. Larger P waves lead to more definitive interpretive statements
regarding the likelihood of RAA.
Left Atrial Abnormality
Left atrial abnormalities (LAA) are detected from large P waves on limb leads, a biphasic P in
Lead V1, and the durations and the amplitudes of the initial and terminal portions of a biphasic
P wave.
A duration greater than 110 ms combined with amplitudes over 0.10 mV in limb leads is
considered significant, though not necessarily abnormal unless present in multiple leads. A
notched P wave adds to the significance of the other values. Lead V1 is specifically examined
for duration, amplitude, and area of the negative component of the P wave. Although duration
of over 30 ms and amplitudes over 0.09 mV can be considered significant, the area of this
negative component must be greater than 0.60 Ashman units to be considered LAA. An
Ashman unit is the area of 1 square millimeter at normal speed (25 mm/sec) and normal
sensitivity (10 mm/mV). An Ashman unit equals 40 ms x 0.1 mV.
Biatrial Abnormality
Biatrial abnormality (BAA) combines right and left atrial abnormalities. Associated LAA is
considered when a P amplitude greater than 0.1 mV in V1 co-exists with RAA. Associated
RAA is considered when LAA statements are combined with a high amplitude P wave. If
4-2Philips 12-Lead Algorithm Physician Guide
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